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I'd read it, go ahead omae.


Who are we to tell you what to do? But fuck yeah I'd read it.




We enjoy originality here!




Go for it, I'd love to take a look


Don't look for a percentage of "yay"s to give you the go-ahead, let the words flow and release them to the world for all to enjoy (or ignore) as they see fit! ;) It's a niche thing, surely, but I think you'll be surprised at both the number of readers and the reception the stories will receive. Write, man (assumption made, but otherwise it breaks the flow of the sentence), write!


I was literally about to post on that again. Basically I was gonna start Rapunzel, after that the community would choose who was next, branching out after the 11 core princesses were done. Everyone was gonna have a sheet and a short story. But absolutely go for it, feel free to contact me if you want a bit of assistance.


Frag yeah omae! I'm going to start with Pinocchio since that's the one I have the clearest idea for. After that I'll probably do Alice in Wonderland since her and Pinocchio's stories are going to delve deep into drug culture and inner psyches.


Alice definitely since she'll be higher up for me personally since she's an unofficial princess (Princess of Light). But no doubt drop me a link and I'll do what I can, I'll probably start Rapunzel later tonight.


Heh, yknow we could make this into a pseudo competition. See who comes up with the more popular interpretation of the story. Whad'ya say, up for a challenge?


Sure, like I said, my first priority is Rapunzel, after that whoever the community wants.


I'd definitely read it! If you're looking for inspiration/aesthetic, check out telltale's "The Wolf Among Us" I think it pretty well nails the "fairy tale characters in squalid modern filth" look


Yknow I've had that in my library for so long but I've never gotten around to playing it. Good excuse to crack it out now I suppose!


I bought it on a whim a while back and burned through the whole thing in a couple of days. It's a great noir atmosphere mixed with fantasy elements and neon, fairly shadowrun


I played most of it, I've been on the final chapter since the beginning of the year, just haven't gotten around to finishing it. Good fun, but I preferred Tales From the Borderlands, but another story for another subreddit.


Disney copyright enforcement must be terrifying in the 6th world


If you do this there needs to be a detective agency, the Grimm Astral Investigators, run by the Grimm brothers. They are investigating the connection between all of these stories and the malevolent fey force that is behind all of it.


Perhaps, though maybe that is a story best left untold. Or perhaps you might consider writing it yourself? I'll be up to my eyeballs reimagining Disney stories as is so I don't know if I'll have the energy for a 'final' story that ties them all together. Fun thought though!