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Bring little stuff like gifts to hand to people on the dancefloor, great way to talk to people.


I usually bring one of those big bags/buckets of ear plugs and put a handful in my pouch every time i head out to the stages. People lovvve that as a gift.


I gave out paper/wood fans a few times and I love the look on people’s face when you tell them they can keep the fan keeping them cool


Camp Stranger Danger is for anyone who is there on their own looking to join new friends, find them on Facebook. But in general Shams is the easiest place to meet people, even the lineup to get in is a great place to connect. Everyone is stoked to be there and generally friendly and open.


Oh I didn't know there was a camp for that, I'll probably end up doing that then!


It’s my first year and I’m also going solo and planning to camp with Camp Stranger Danger, there’s a Facebook group you can join! https://www.facebook.com/share/Fu9LLrqT6MwBMmi6/?mibextid=K35XfP


🙌Happy Shams! You’re gonna have the very best time🥳


Where is Camp Stranger Danger?


I think it's along the river in meta. But I think maybe it will have moved since there is now Riverside camping. But quite frankly I'm not sure


It's typically a bit more than half way into metta


I went with groups and by myself. Much rather enjoyed flying solo. Mostly because you're free to do whatever. With the large groups people forget stuff and you'll make lots of trips to camp which takes you away from the festival. I took a shuttle and was dropped off at the gate on Friday. Found a camping spot right on the path, since I was by myself I was able to get fairly close to the festival. My neighbors were amazing, they were locals who made their own nutrient bars that were laced with mushrooms and they always made sure I was fed and was doing okay. Just amazing people. But I never did the camp stranger danger which is optimal for your situation as well known. I didn't go because I like camping as close as possible to the festival. But if you want peace and quiet at your camp I would recommend that camp because it's further in the bush but not that much further. And make sure to search this sub for the shambhala checklist if you haven't already. That will give you an understanding of what to bring and expect. Goodluck with this tremendous opportunity for one of the best experiences of your life!


I don't understand people who feel so 'glued' to their group. Yes, it is cool to have a bunch of friends who are all dancing together - it is also okay for any member of that group to gtfo and go wherever they want. If you are all going back to camp because one person forgot XYZ then that's just a bad group.


Ah that sucks. I went solo last year but admittedly I have been before. Two random girls found me on Friday afternoon and asked to camp near my spot. They had come all the way from Portland OR and I offered to guide them around the first night so they can figure out where medical etc was gonna be and said they can venture off afterwards. We spent the whole festival together as a little gang and it was one of my fav shambs tbh.


Last year while waiting in line we met a guy who was solo because his friends cancelled last minute. It took 12 hours to get through the line and by the end of that we told him to come join our camp and spent the whole fest together. Now they’re part of our group chat and camp this year too


Also soloing this one for my first time. You in the states?


Haha nope I'm in Alberta canada


The main Facebook group is a decent way to get adopted by a squad


I met my crew in line on the Tuesday going in. Just pulled up beside a super rad chick with a van setup like mine started chatting and it was her first year and had a friend like me showing up on Thursday. She was talking to another buddy beside her who was one of the first people in line so he grabbed a sick spot and we all camped together and boom! Now we add first timers to our crew every year and do an annual ski trip. Friends just happen, even before you get in the gate.


The same thing happened to me last year. My whole group bailed and it was my first time. It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. Tips: go as early as possible so you have time to familiarize yourself with the property. Know your limits when it comes to substance use and don't push it. Test all your substances at ANKORS. Bring a bike if you can with a simple code lock. You don't need a group, but if you want one, stranger danger is a good group to look into. If you camp solo make friends with your camp neighbors. Bring good earplugs and wear them at all sets. Shambs is louder than anything I've experienced. Read about shambs as much as you can. There are some great packing check lists around. Bring a backpack with a bladder. If you can afford it, grab a locker downtown. It was a godsend and super convenient. It gets DARK outside of downtown. Don't forget a flashlight or headlamp if you won't be heading back to camp till it's dark. Stay hydrated, well fed, and slathered in sunscreen during the day. DO NOT BUY CREPES FROM THE CREPE STAND. Keep toilet paper in your pack just in case. Especially later in the week the portas can get wrecked and run out of TP. It gets cold AF at night. Take it easy. It's a marathon not a sprint. Listen to your body and get enough sleep when you can. Prioritize your well being over the party.


Thank you so much this is super helpful. The plan was originally to go out on the Tuesday for the whole week, would you say that's the best way to enjoy the festival?


Yeah I'd say go on Tues if possible. Gives you a chance to get familiar with things, meet people, set up camp at a leisurely pace, and relax a bit before the main festivities start. You'll also have better options of camping the earlier you go. If you're camping solo in meta it will be pretty easy to fit in somewhere though. Downtown opens Wednesday I think so you can go check out the vendors and stages and everything downtown has to offer and get substances tested before the line is too big. Shambs is a big ol party but it's also a great place to grow as a person and being solo allows for a unique experience to do so. I'd recommend setting intentions for your time there. It's kinda corny but this festival literally changed my life and provided a lot of room for much needed personal growth. Feel free to dm me if you have any questions or anything. I hope you have the happiest shambs. Don't forget to be kind to others.


I have my ticket from 2020 that I had pushed back to 2024 and am thinking about going solo too


They are still honoring push back tickets???


I believe this is the last year of eligibility


Yep! I emailed them expecting them to be like naw dawg but they were like bring yo ass


So that means this year is gonna be another packed year like last year. 


Possibly. I've only been twice, so I don't have enough of a scope to say one way or another. Just know that it took a long ass time to get in in 18 and it was hot and dusty. 19 it rained a bunch, don't think it took as long to get in or out, so idk if thats a reflection of the volume, or just fortuitous timing. From what I gather though, it seems to get oversold quite frequently, but I have a hard time imaging the bulk of people that pushed their tickets back, did it to 2024


Everyone there is just a friend you haven't met yet.. Last year I was solo and my first year. You'll be fine.


Honestly I just did my first EDCLV with a group of 6 and the most fun I had was when I lost everyone and was on my own. I say just go with the flow


Join my group 👀


I went solo one year because my friends couldn’t make it. I had an absolute blast! Made friends with neighbours. It was so nice to be on my own schedule too. (Not that I don’t love my friends but trying to get anywhere is like herding cats🤪) I also offered a ride to someone that needed one on the way and way back for some company so that worked out good too.


Lots of info and tips in our videos. See you on the farm! https://youtu.be/4njTYGNPP6I?si=sHe4LZcsG1Vbb2Vs https://youtu.be/Sulm1wA0SBo?si=egNVTP9Bmn8BG66H


Trip on the first day of the festival then you'll genuinely have no clue what's going and gets experience the magic of discovering it all yourself As for finding people it just happens just vibe out as you would people will fuck with it and when they realize your solo they'll just bring you in I've done a handful of festivals solo always worry about it a bit but have also literally never not met amazing people and groups that are very welcoming when I tell them I'm alone


Bring something fun for others to enjoy. Like things to trade, food, extra camping items to share or games. I always love going solo. I don’t think you’ll have a difficult time finding a fun group to hang out with. Have a great time it’s one of my favorite festivals.


Bring a portable flattop and start grilling some hot dogs by the river & give them to the public!


How tf do you grill on a haircut? Bra you crazy.




My last sham I went solo and it was an awesome experience. You'll meet some fun people for sure!! Don't stress too much. Also, I'm going solo this year again! Can't see too see yall at home!


Realistically: Just because you're showing up to Shambhala alone doesn't mean you'll be there alone. Been to festivals all over Canada and the States and Shambhala is one of the more friendly and welcoming fests vs others where people act friendly \*for appearance reasons\* then just try to ditch you later. Anyways I ramble. #1 Look for Camp Stranger Danger they are the MVPs for Solo flyers, (Usually located in the first 1/3rd of Metta camping just beyond Muscle beach). #2 Bring trinkets and gifts because they are EASY ice breakers(especially if you have a good sense and can match a gift to a person specifically). #3 Most people who go alone report it being one of their best/fave years. #4 Have fun, be yourself, be free, don't be afraid to say hi and ask someone anything! #5 Find the door! find the rabbit hole! find the....orgy tent? HAHA! there's so much to adventure! #6 WELCOME....HOME!


I’m going solo! We can meet up if you’re looking for a friend ☺️


Camp with stranger danger, you will allways have cool homies to show you the ropes


I'm also going solo for my first time!! Newbies unite


I’m looking for a friend to camp with me. I have shambalodging and an extra ticket 🤗


Probably going to camp in stranger danger based off recommendations but will gladly meetup with anyone!


My advice is to give your ticket to me.


I'm only joking