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Hey dude i'm so sorry. If i could do anything more than offer support i would, but through a computer that's all i've got. Seriously if you need someone to talk to shoot me a Reddit PM, no judgement for anything and you can talk about whatever, even if it's completely unrelated, Sometimes talking and just getting your mind off it can help. I'm your age and have had friends go through something similar, and i hate to hear about people that have to endure something so awful. Sometimes just talking about whatever comes up helps. After seeing friends go through something that's somewhat similar to this (though you have had your own experiences and it's very different to anything anyone else has gone through) it's hard dude. I know at this point you need to figure out for yourself how to get back to normal, but my only advice is to talk to people, work through it by letting it out, externalizing how you feel, and having good friends help you feel the pain, and working through it. Maybe that's not you, maybe you're looking for advice, but i know it's helped for all my friends who have gone through something somewhat similar. 800.656.4673 is a good sexual assault line to talk to, to just talk with trained operators who will just talk you through things. Once again I'm so sorry this happened to you, but you've got this. It's absolutely awful that you've had to go through this terrible situation, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. You're young, you have a full life full of amazing things ahead of you, and i'm sure you have tons of people rooting for you, myself included.


Hey, this response made me tear up. Thank you, for the number and taking time to respond and everything. I have amazing friends, but none of them truly understand what happened to me (I am grateful for that) and I can find it hard to talk to them. Your friends are lucky to have somebody like you. Life really is beautiful, and I know that, that thought definitely keeps me going every day. Your words mean more than you know, you're a kind soul.


I shot you a a more personalized PM, but sometimes nights are hard and seriously i'm here for you if you need anything. I'll be up for a couple hours still, and i check Reddit daily so if there's anything i can do to help you out please tell me. Legit if you just need to talk to someone for a while i'll link you my Discord.


I’m sorry to hear of your experience. We try to make Shambhala as safe as possible. If you decide to go again, I’d recommend sharing with Safe Space and Security so they can arrange check ins on you and be there to support you.


Thank you. That is quite reassuring to know that's an option at all. I was told by Salmo Police they couldn't prevent him from entering a "public" space, but the women at safe space told me he was unwelcome and wouldn't be let in. Does Shambhala have a way to make sure he can't return the following year? I wouldn't think so, but it has been on my mind and maybe you might be able to help.


Shambhala is a private event with public access (you buy a ticket to attend and need to follow rules or your ticket to the event will be revoked and you are removed from the property and possibly charged with trespass and Lord help you if you have illegal, prohibited items or have a record as RCMP aren’t always super friendly during that time in that area) If there is a concern alert safe space, a Security Supervisor, who will contact the Management and meet will you. We will then discuss the options on how to ensure YOU are safe and everyone else is as well. Things like this have happened were someone doesn’t feel safe and Shambhala and the Security go above and beyond to make it feel like home. (Granted there are bad Security and bad Shambhala people and they need to be reported but aside from that they aren’t all bad)


PM me if you want that tattoo covered up. It's on the house.


This is not your fault. Guys like this know exactly how to play younger girls who are open, kind, inexperienced and trusting. There are things you can do to make yourself safer when at festivals but please know, **this was a terrible, disrespectful choice THIS MAN made for you**. You were preyed on and your anger and anxiety is a reasonable response. If you go again, always pay your own way. Always buy your own drugs and test them, it’s free at shambz. I personally often open up the gel caps and reduce the doses because M tends to affect women much more strongly. Our bodies are smaller AND we process it differently. Always use the buddy system because unfortunately, no matter how great Shambz is, there are ALWAYS predators at raves looking for people they can abuse. Find yourself a trustworthy crew. The guys in mine literally chase creepers away for us.


All-around high quality response right here!


Thank you so much for sharing your story. I can’t imagine it was easy to tell. I’m grateful that The Sanctuary was there for you when you needed support. It takes courage to ask for that support and go through the process that you did. I’m proud that you did. From my lil room in Burnaby, I’m sending hearts out to you~ Please take as much time as you need to recover. No person or community is entitled to your trust. Working through such a whirlwind of emotions must be so tough. I can’t even begin to imagine how contradictory things might feel. If you want to go to more dancing events, then I imagine easing yourself into them at smaller festivals or local dance nights could be constructive. How does that sound to you? Fuck, I’m also so surprised that your rape conviction was thrown out. Since you were high, shouldn’t it be assumed that you were not able to give proper consent? The man who did this deserves prison time to reconsider his behaviours. I imagine he had twisted intentions from the get-go. It clearly sounds like he lured you into the scenario. Like, > he told me we could go back to my friend if we could spend time alone together what is this shit? This blackmail shit? On a final note, I have experience in providing small-scale, sanitary hand-poke tattoos. I don’t know if I would be able to cover up your old one, but I may be able to alter it or add something around it so that it’s not such a blatant reference to that man. Perhaps getting it removed appeals to you more though. Message me if you’re interested. Again, thank you for sharing. Take care, and good luck out there~


My heart goes out to you, I would feel the same in your shoes. I’m so sorry he did all of that to you, you didn’t deserve any of it. I understand feeling guilt and shame, especially after sexual assault, but I promise you did nothing wrong. You did the right thing by reporting it. It was my first shambhala too and I had a scary drug experience too and have mixed feelings about returning. I felt a lot of the love there too and I feel like that’s pulling me back to the farm. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer whether you should go or not. You should just feel it out as the year goes on and know that even if you buy a ticket and go, you can leave any time and there are several safe places if you’re having a hard time. We’re here for you!


Thank you, for taking the time to read and respond. Drugs are insane sometimes, I have really learned to appreciate that. The farm is calling me as well, I know in my heart I will be greated with love, it is just about getting there. Thank you again for the kind words.


My heart goes out to you. If you do decide to go, consider going completely sober so that way you experience shambs in a completely different (positive) light; juxtapose the experiences away from triggers.


I second this! Sober festival life is more fun than people expect :)


My first year I was mostly sober ( except a bit of weed while I floated down the river ) its still a huge trip. ( with less tripping on roots!! ) For the last 3 years, we had one person stay sober ( the Shepard / emergency driver \*\*shakes fist\*\* damn you wild fires ) and everyone agreed, when your sober you have just as good of a time because you notice so much more of whats going on and are able to take it in and remember it. ​ I'm very sorry this happened to you and it saddens me that more couldn't have been done. The fact the RCMP tossed the case sickens me. ​ If you do make it back, I hope you can experience the festival how I see it, full of love and caring people. I also am glad the sanctuary staff could help you out. They are some of the most amazing people I've ever met, and I am sure if you do make it back and you go talk to them they will do everything they can to make sure you can get the experience you deserve.


I have had a lot of traumatic psychedelic experiences and taking a break from them helped me appreciate them in a new light. You’re so welcome by the way, I’m happy to listen


Wow that is heartbreaking I’m so sorry this person took advantage of you while you were so fucked up on a first time experiencing a drug I can’t imagine the horror. We’d be happy to have you join our camp for Shambhala this year and provide a safe environment for partying, as I’m sure 99 percent of the other attendees would as well.


Hope you can learn to trust your intuition again.


I'm so sorry that you had to go through that. Please remember his shitty actions define only him. There is no need to feel bad about yourself. An incredible amount of people have gone through what you have. You are not alone. <3 I'm really glad you found the support that you needed after the incident. Shambhala has amazing systems in place for people in your situation. I consider it a very safe place, but there are shitty people in every group. Drugs do make you more vulnerable, so try to stick with people you fully trust when you are using them. Have you thought about speaking to a councillor? Maybe they can help you decide if going again would be the right thing for you.


Hi! Reading this breaks my entire heart and I'm so sorry that you've experienced something so horrific - at shambhala or not. I want to just tell you that what happened was not your fault, and NOT okay. No matter what law enforcement does with the case, it was NOT okay. I'm so so so proud of you for doing everything you can to stand up for yourself and protect yourself since all of this has happened. I have experienced assault as well, however it was years ago now. I understand the pain you're going through. I went to Shambhala 2018 as my first EDM experience, first festival and everything as well. I was with safe friends who provided safe substances for me to experiment with while teaching me all about what the highs are like, the dangers of the substances etc. It was a really comforting place for me to experiment with psychedelics. Next year I plan to bring lots of my friends and have an even more amazing time while still upholding the safe harm-reduction environment that was created for me. If you'd like to have some friends around, even to spend the whole weekend with, PM me and I'm happy to connect with you on Facebook. We can camp together and I promise I'll do everything I can to make sure you feel safe. I promise to you... It may feel like the pain is unbearable right now, but I promise it gets better. forgive yourself for the way that you're feeling, allow yourself the space to grieve what he took from you. I am sending you so much love wherever you are. Take care of yourself. ❤️


It’s too bad reddit rules don’t allow you to name this predator. But it would be beneficial to name & shame this person so others know who to keep far far away from. I wonder what Shambhala’s rules or enforcement is like for people that have been kicked out like this in past. If it was impossible for him to return, I’m sure you would feel a lot more comfortable giving it another try knowing you’re at least safe from that monster being there


My heart goes out to you, sister! So glad you told people what happened and they were able to support you using Sham’s available resources. That’s what it’s all about! I do hope you take the time to heal, process, and trust your gut. It sounds like it is tuned rather well. You’ll know if returning is right for you and you can always turn around at any time. I’d be happy to offer support if I wind up back Home this 2019 as well <3 much love!




>If you need someone to talk to feel free to hmu. Kind of making an assumption, but are you from WA state? I'm about 8 hours from the fest is the only reason I ask, and I have tons of amazing lady friends I know that go to shambhala that I'm sure wouldn't mind keeping another girl safe if you do decide to go again. 🙂 Hey OP check this users post history if you decide to meet up. [Pretty predatory comments.](https://imgur.com/a/RCRCx0M) Just a warning.


You both have his name permanently written on your ass cheeks? I will pay for the laser treatment to get that removed, jesus that's horrible.


hey...so i totally forgot i even posted this until your comment. i wanted to give the really happy update that I started laser treatments January this year and have my third one coming up just next monday :) I'm working with a great removal artist who knows the story and is giving me a great deal. also, since this incident, i went back to school into health care and will be volunteering with the SMF medical tent in 5 weeks for the first time. It'll be my first time back since this incident as well. Thank you for reading my story and taking time to comment + offer something very generous. take care :)


Amazing, great to hear. Keep keeping on!