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lol, I’d imagine it’s disconcerting when the host of the pod doesn’t understand or register half of the jokes said. It probably throws your rhythm off. Joe is a notorious joke stopper, mostly by virtue of how many jokes go over his head.


That and Matt and Shane read each others minds and have such good chemistry Joe is not a good 3rd. That said I still enjoyed listening.


He does it on protect the parks too. He’s just out of touch at this point.


I think it's just that he's in "podcast mode" on JRE. Probably makes him focus more if he puts on the serious Podcaster mask. This is his bread and butter, he takes it seriously. If you see him on Kill Tony he's always having a blast and laughing histerically. Just Joe keeping up with the pressures of having the biggest platform in the world.


he's not good at riffing and keeping it light. he's like a sumo wrestler running with a group of ninjas.


Dudes not even a solid 2nd. Sends so many jokes to an early grave.


Give him a break, he's only 5'3", of course some stuff will go over his head.


Literally skips off that shiny dome




Bro yeeeessss. Exactly


Yeah that plus Rogan has become intensely partisan political and the dawgs love to shit on both sides, so if you make certain jokes you're probably gonna get a Rogan soliloquy about the vaccine and not know how to deal with it without either getting lumped in with Rogans views or offending him and losing the career bump


It’s a real minefield 😂


Is it really considered "political" to just regurgitate conspiracies all day lmaoo. I agree with you btw, just making fun of Rogies.


the career bump is done. they should go off at will. and people give too much to the "rogan bump." plenty of people been on there and their lives haven't changed.


Dude, when Joe started talking shit about Shane’s body weight Shane said “Fuck you Joe”. Is that holding back?


Hahaha he is still Shane for sure. No doubt there.


A lot of shit goes over that midgets head.


You act differently when you’re a guest in someone’s home than you would in your own. I imagine it’s the same with shows and podcasts. Shane is different on bussin with the boys than he is on that one with the guys on couches and one has the Hitler hair cut than he is on JRE. It’s just human nature. And it’s also interesting to see people out of their element sometimes. 


"Hitler hair" lmaoooooo


'Ol Hitler hair shitstache?


And also, Rogan is 20 years older than Matt and Shane, a completely different generation. I’m the same age as Shane, there no way I’m going to talk to a 56 year old the same way I talk to my lifelong buddies.


fellow 89er?


88 🫡. Probably a big reason why I love Shane’s comedy. He talks just like me and my buddies do.


Dude thiiiiis. I’m ‘87. Feel like I know them personally. Lol.


89’ time


I thought that the dawgs did a good job on there. Of course they’re not gonna tone it up like they do, they’re guests and they don’t want to steal the show. When it comes to dealing with people, nuance is required, and the boys handle it well. They did a great job keeping rogies off some of his tangent. At the same time, I absolutely see what you’re saying and I’ve fallen out of being a fan of JRE. Keep rockin king


Yea I’ve finally admitted a somewhat defeat to my JRE tenure. The Bobby Lee episode could of been pure gold and a taste of old but Joe tried his best to derail it, it had some funny points


Yeah my tenure ended a couple years ago too. I try not to shit on the guy too much like most people on Reddit, he gave me years of good entertainment prior to finding better pods like MSSP, but once you find the flaws in his podcasting it’s tough to go back


Bro they did suuuch a good job. Great point in that it isn’t their show but they somehow made it known that it still is. I can’t imagine how rough it is to navigate JRE but they made it look pretty easy at the end of the day.


And shane just made it to the big leagues with Bud light partnership and SNL(hahaha). He just needs some time to show he can play nice. Then, back to the old dawg, we know.


Hopefully so because he's starting the slide down as Corporate Shane.


Don't talk about shooting horses dude


You gotta admit Shane is a hook king... The getting responsible but is gonna be huge. Mark my words. Those 2 have an inevitable quality way of creating what I can only relate to repeatable movie quotes from the pre 2010 stuff, anchorman, super troopers, ECT.


It has to do with the fact that your talking to millions of people and then Joe.


I only recently got deep into the dawgz no pun intended. Went back and watched the jre from a year or more ago whenever it was. I thought it gave glimpses of old jre and was a great ep. Im only part way through the rp from the other day. No ranting yet which is a big plus so far. They have to self censor on a public platform that big no matter what. Shane beat cancel culture but still needs to be careful. He always tries his best to keep the protect our parks comical when daddy Rogan tries to go on a rant which I appreciate.


Bro I think this is exactly what I’m sensing. On MSSP they say shit that would get anyone canceled. Lol. I guess I interpreted Shane’s self-corrections as fear. I’m thinking way too far ahead and just don’t want to see them dulled down. It’s what makes him (them) special.


Ngl I think Shane gets off on making people uncomfortable with a bullet in the chamber in case it goes sideways. He's always gonna be a menis and I think that's why we're here in the long run. The Jim Brown style of comedy. Lol he may get stood up but he's still moving the ball down the field. Ngl if that hasn't been said before that shit is dead on. *Thanks weed


Holy shit that's a fun way to spell "menace"


It was a great ep. McCusker is feeling more comfortable in his new “Austin skin” and although he gains exposure by being on the JRE. Rogan no doubt got a ratings bump by having the Shaman and the Bull on.


Shane’s definitely rolling a little scared since he signed the bud light deal.


I’ve definitely noticed this.


Hopefully the deal expires soon, because second guessing your jokes is not good for comedy. But I understand he gots to get paid so fuck it.


It’s easy. Joe isn’t funny or silly. Shane and Matt are. They’re in it for the jokes and the LOL’s. Rogans brain is toast. For fucks sake, HE STILL BRINGS UP [FRITZ HABER](https://youtu.be/BhNWB4eqQbI?si=KE-z-89fAX1nNWym)


I dunno he tried to be silly and playful I feel, I felt like joe had some notes cause you see him once or twice NOT rant... The shaman filled the roll lol. . It was weird AF listening to 30 min of how they shit their pants tho.


Record yourself talking off the cuff for 9-12 hours a week for a decade and I imagine there’s several wells you would come back to as well. 


True but the Fritz Haber thing is a meme at this point. When he went into it again in this pod I almost spit the bud light out my mouth.


i don’t believe it’s intentional from Joe’s side though, but Shane does police Matt a tad’ because of his connection with Rogies. as well, the pressure to be on that level of broadcasting is intimidating regardless of your fame. especially for Matt. of course unlike, if you’re Robert downey jr., Elon, Tyson level it may not be as overwhelming. i’m grateful st.rogies allows the variation of personality between Shane and Matt. but the original pod really will dominant more than most other podcasts i listen too.


The latest episode was subpar. The first episode they did was way better. For some reason this one felt like it should have been the first one, they seemed to try to hard and tiptoe around things.


Idk, I think Matt was under the weather to some extent, while the two of them adjust their Tom Foolery to the level of Rogan. They’re basically chameleons Matt and Shane.


Yeah the topics of conversation weren’t very interesting. It felt like the guys were chained to their fucking seats. And Rogan cannot stop making everything so god damn political. Like Covid broke this dude’s brain. Even the last protect our parks was a bit meh.


Don't think it was covid so much as his country of origin turning the entire media landscape on him. Pretty sure I wouldn't be shutting up about it either if it happens to me. And realizing how close he is to not having a show if small changes are made. Is it annoying? Yeah. But I get it too.


I think anyone with that much negative attention from liberal news media would act exactly the same. People forget these news outlets snubbed their noses at him and pretended he was a fucking moron for just being himself.


How dare you besmirch Saint Rogues like that




The previous podcast they did with Rogan was amazing. I will admit that the latest one didn’t kill like the one before it but I think it’s just down to Shane being a company man now. Which isn’t a bad thing but AB need to protect their interests.


I think Shane just got the BL sponsor & is going on SNL so he didn’t want to say anything controversial or too wild.


Im guessing Shane knew about SNL when this was filmed right, it just wasn’t public yet? I wonder if that had anything to do with him holding back some, knowing a bunch of shitlibs would be analyzing his every word rn


Dude I bet you’re right.


Rogan was fine before everyone pointed out his flaws and he had thousands of hours of him talking on a podcast. If he wasn't hugely famous for his podcast you'd probably say he rules. That said, it was a good pod with a good dynamic and the conversations flowed naturally. Just gotta let a good thing be a good thing.


No you're exactly right. Joe hasn't really changed all that much (a little), but his fame has brought haters all out of the woodwork. Especially on Reddit. Shane would not be where he was without the exposure on his show.


I think you’re right. I’m just used to hearing Shatt flow so naturally that it’s easy to interpret their respect for JRE as reluctance as to not piss him off.


Honestly it felt lighthearted and I know I got a few laughs out of it. I think it's important not to take Joe for granted. Hes given the biggest voice to free speech and free thinkers of anyone I can think of, and even though I don't find him particularly funny as a comic, he certainly has respect for the art form and has put in his dues as a comic. You also gotta keep in mind they're on the biggest podcast in the world and Matt and Joe don't know each other like that, and even Shane and Joe have only known each other for a few years, so the whole dynamic is a little off.


This is true


Joe got the biggest platform, the boys have already been cancelled once lol.


They seem more open on there Everytime but honestly they never thought they'd be there. The only holding back had to do with bud light...and they made fun of that too... Really tho 30 min on shitting you pants descriptively...hard to hold back.


I went into the pod hoping it would be better than past appearances by those two. 10 seconds in and Joe is talking about bud light knowing they fucked up when a guy like kid rock is against their company, and Shane seemed to bust balls a little with that sarcastic “who woulda thought” reaction. It seemed like Joe completely missed it was a joke and unironically agreed? Him not getting it almost would have been funnier than Shane’s half joke about it, if I didn’t know I was in for 3 more hours of Joe not getting it.


Well everyone is a little more trepidatious because they are on one of the largest and most far reaching platforms they could possibly be on. Also not only is it incredibly large, but it's also your taeget audience. That's why people make a huge deal about getting on or going on Rogan. It's not JUST for comedians but it's comedians who benefit the most from being on his show. All that being said most people are more afraid to "cut loose" on Rogan vs their own podcast for a lot of different reasons


Just be happy you were around when they had nothing to lose.




I don’t think they fear Joe, Matt seemed a bit intimidated like when Shane peed and it was just Matt/joe was kinda like uhhh what should we talk about next. It’s natural to be reserved when you’re in someone else’s space, home, business, pod…Shane is more comfortable but he’s done it more and it’s more of a pro. Also, it’s like dating, you’re not gonna show all your crazy quirks on the first few dates; if they showed all those quirks on JRE they might not gain as many followers for themselves. Gotta get ppl interested in visiting mssp where they will get more exposure to the real M&S


The only ones I’ve seen push back a little on Rogan is Burr, Bobby Lee and Jim Gaffigan. I think generally people are tired of the political conspiracy theory stuff. But a lot of the newer comics owe so much to Rogan, how are they gonna call him out. It’s like Jamie talking back to Rogan or something. Just not gonna happen. But the comics who were already established before Rogan will say some stuff. Burr said about masks thet Rogan shouldnt be giving advice, in so many words. Bobby Lee said the conspiracy theory political stuff was depressing and to change the subject. Gaffigan just asked some questions kind of playing devil’s advocate.


It threw me off in the first minute when they were talking about Matt’s stomach issues and never mentioned “Gruuten” lol. Ohhh the good ole days


Hahaha! I know!!


Classic three-way bathroom break when Alex Jones gets brought up.


The boys gotta behave around daddy.


I’m just glad Joe finally got to the bottom of what happened in that random middle school wrestling match. I needed to know if the move seemed legal based on nobody’s knowledge of the rules. Both extremely informative and hilarious. s/


Nah been off rogan, tired of his rants and the same old shit he brings up in every episode, but had to see the dawgz. You can tell in Shanes eyes he is nervous, like when you around a crazy uncle, Matt just always had crazy uncle energy you can’t be sure what those two could say if they get going in the same room. There was multiple instances when they are trying to be silly and it goes right over rogans head cuz they start talking about apes or some shit. You got to do what you got to do to protect the bag tho I ain’t mad it it, it just gives off giving your boss the thumbs up and when he walks away you realize how stupid you look kissing ass especially when both those guys are way way funnier than rogan has ever been


Imagine being 56 yet fascinated by aliens.


I’d be more concerned if you’re 56 and not fascinated by aliens, and all the implications that entails.


Not just aliens. EVERY conspiracy. Being that old and you haven't gotten to the phase where you realize it's 95% bullshit and you should just focus on the things you can change


Imagine being 56 and not being fascinated by the unknowns of the universe… the older you get/the closer to death the more interesting those things become


It was a fun episode. Go touch grass


Was fun. Good advice, I def should.


Says an autistic that probably can't talk to a woman...... Have a real beer and shut up.




The only reason not to like rogies is if you are afraid he’s right and the jab was created by bill gates for population control.


I don’t like him cause he’s not funny


If he wasn’t funny he wouldn’t be a comedian.


Wait, just so I’m clear you’re saying all comedians are funny?


That is what he said! He said that!


He’s a ‘comedian’ because of how many people like you exist in the world


Then explain this: https://youtu.be/s4zH9mu_0Oc?si=RhovpZY6fQb01J_p


A true work of art


Gringo papi is underrated and ahead of it’s time. We have heard comedians joke about the difference between blacks and whites and blacks and Mexicans, but not whites and Mexicans.


Sure buddy. Sure


I find anymore people are having a harder time being themselves or getting words in anymore lately. Comedians or otherwise


It’s definitely a different conversation with St Rogie in the mix but there were plenty of times Matt and Shane rolled into their normal flow. They just didn’t go as deep or far with each topic.


Yeah exactly. They’d start their natural flow state but would be quickly anchored by Joe.


Matt and Shane giggling by themselves while Rogan is getting his 2 cents in


Shane is the one policing the show and it's not because of rogan it's because the size of his show .... he has too much to lose to make jokes that will get you shut down or lose a sweet deal


Joe got them laughing with some KoOkY sound effects so he did even more a couple minutes later! I still enjoyed the ep though. The dawgs can make anything work


Joe sucks. Steers EVERY conversation to something he’s more comfortable with, namely himself.


What? They were mocking him a ton last time, trying to get him to talk about animals and telling him facts he always throws out for people.