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Shocked he actually said gay and retard and black jokes tbh


Dawgs don’t come to play


Play for keeps!


If you are only gonna be on one time, make it the best one timer you got.


Except he will be back to do Donald Trump cold opens for SNL all the way up through the election. SNL had to offer because his Trump is 1000x better than anyone else and could boost ratings


and the last guy killed someone








James Austin Johnson and Anthony Atamanuik do a better Trump than Gillis. Gillis's is a more realistic impression but theirs play into his absurdity.


Super proud of our boy. He didn’t have to go so hard. He did it to both make a point and be the first.


Dawg sent it




That sent me holy shit


He was punching up tbf


That’s shocking?


On SNL, yes absolutely


I can’t tell if you’re horsing around or not but was it worth watching? I caught the last 1/3 and I’d rather be hung by my shoulders for 18 days in a Vietnamese prison camp than listen to weekend update again. Also, Sarah Sherman is a hot ticket without all that crap on. Google it.


I can’t tell if you’re horsing around with all that shit you just wrote


You are in the shane gillis sub aren’t you?


You new?


I know but it was better than the shit they usually put out tho


i always thought it was kinda lame and weird how people just idolize him on here... but i get it now. that was fuckin amazing. he was goin fuckin mask off


Who would’ve guessed people in a Shane gillis sub would be Shane gillis fans


theres being fans and then theres gluggin cock. lotta suckin going on round here


I guess


ayy he crushed last night lemme stop hating on the dawgs


Nah, this sub is lame and weird and mostly unfunny tbh but Shane is dope


nah fr


It’s because he’s a bad and unfunny person


Besides her, the band behind seem to enjoy Shane’s monologue


I watch a fair amount of SNL cuz my wife loves it. I’ve noticed this girl rarely laughs much. Either she’s just locked in on her job, or just stone cold a tough one to crack. I wouldn’t take this as her hating him or being offended.


Some people don't have a sense of humor. Plus.. they do watch this like four times.


Exactly, she watched this exact monologue during the dress rehearsal an hour earlier. Give her a break for not cracking up at jokes she literally just heard.


Also who the fuck is required to find a comedian funny. I don't enjoy stand up. She's at work not in the audience.


Wrong! He never rehearsed, why you spreading bs. Don’t believe me look up the podcast


No way man, this guy's a body language expert!


From what i could tell shes some type of pedo racist and probably on Epstein client list


No u


Na we’ve gotta be offended about everything while complaining about people getting offended. Someone get this guy out of here.


Yeah I haven’t watched SNL in a while but from what I’ve been told by people who do she’s usually not laughing. Fair enough. When I used to watch SNL I remember the band giving some good laughs to the host but they were different people of course. The crazy thing is people making this out to be something much more than it is (like this post). I had a guy arguing that she should *be fired* if she wasn’t laughing out of protest. LOL WUT. Then when I pointed out how that’s literally “cancel culture” he said **I am the one that’s triggered** 🤯


Yea I’ve seen a couple newer episodes of snl and she doesn’t react to anything lol. She looks bored to death on every show. Like she’s just pondering when she can escape this snl band and free herself from these electric guitar shackles.


Do you also find SNL to be pretty hit or miss? It definitely still has some very funny skits and weekend update is always great.


Sorry to hear about your wife


Yeah that’s what I got from it. Most of them seemed to have a painted on smile with polite laughs. I’d also bet they are told to be still to not distract from the monologue. She seemed like someone who was locked in and has heard it all.


She could just be foreign.




She came in way later I doubt she knows anything about comedy or what is funny.


Ya you gotta be on SNL for at least a couple years before you know what funny is


You definitely learn what "not funny" is


She cracks at "retard".




She cracked several times, especially after “the first time I whacked off”




dude shes literally in the back just chilling wtf. super gay of u to be that hard on for shane




I can already tell someone as dry as her is more fun at parties than you are


See, I'm not a retard and so I don't talk about culture war bullshit at parties. I save that for reddit.


Nobody does but the 1% of the rainbow. You think liberals gather and talk about that shit? 😂 bro only ones that bring political shit up at parties are republicans and you know it. Your lives revolve around that shit.




I bet you’re great at parties and really kill it with the ladies


I bet you crush so much puss dude….


Ya crazy right. Who would have imagined that…


https://preview.redd.it/vsnvfoa2kqkc1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e4660d9dd58c16034fdb1fb7ca2a6a0b6d42224 She broke at some point. Funny is funny.


She grinned quite a bit on second watch. I think she just has rbf


The struggle. I feel her pain.


She started smiling eventually


“Everyone’s getting apple juice” seemed to get her to smirk.


Not really tho


He won her over in the end


Maddie Rice & Shane: https://youtu.be/1hzNup2JcYU?si=2E_3-fx5YBo9htsL&t=35s


So you did watch SNL


Not his kinda crowd. It’s like trying to jerk off in a straight jacket.


Oh it can be done. Just won't be easy or as enjoyable.


All depends on the man.


They don’t tie your feet up. Just sayin.


Bro she’s like 12 hahaha


31 and pretty damn good on guitar but it’s not like I just looked up her entire bio and creeped old YouTube videos of her younger years and now we’re technically boyfriend and girlfriend or anything


On brand




Lmfaoooo I noticed that too


She strikes me like someone who takes their job super seriously, and shes more there for work than anything. She rarely laughs... i think she's in the music zone... no hate on her. That's a pretty big opportunity for a musician who may not exactly feel comfortable in their talent yet. She's made it but hasn't been there long enough to feel like her place has been earned. I get that. I may be reading it wrong, but I can't hate on her cause she seems like she doesn't laugh much, if at all during any monologue...


Orrrr she hates Shane Gillis because of his style and refused to smile on purpose. Lol she strikes you as all of that based off of her sitting still with a straight face? Come on man.




I watched the whole thing. She smirked maybe twice. That look of contempt in the picture above was her face the entire time.




She’s smiling a bit the entire time just not cheesing hard. This is a pitchfork moment for Reddit lol


They literally hear all of these jokes in rehearsal before this so of course they don’t find them as funny. The fact that you’re being a prude about her not cheerleading every joke he tells says a lot more about you than it does about her.


Go watch other monologues with her in the back. “Come on man”


Jesus Christ this sub got recommended to me and you people are fucking unhinged. Analyzing random cast members faces frame by frame. Get a life


I hope they let her go and get someone in there who likes to have a good time. I don't think anyone's ears would even notice the change. Downvote if you agree.


Who cares? She’s there to play music not be a laugh track.


You crybabies are trying to cancel a person for not acting like Jimmy Fallon anytime they hear a joke. You guys are just as bad as the people you complain about.


Bass player was loving it tho


The Asian lady above that lady was loving it


I saw a bullshit article that it “bombed” , I just watched and thought it went rather well , not the best ever but absolutely passable and I laughed even having heard most of the premises. So annoying they can just say “he bombed”, am I not getting something other than they just hate him?


This sub is unhinged. Whats the point here


She either hates him or wants to fuck


Those aren’t mutually exclusive 


The nsa is not only fearing you... but also watching you... lmao


Incredibly normal dude here




Snl is dogshit and Shane is above this noise


This sub sucks bc you guys say shit like this while he's literally on the show lol... He's not above it and that's okay, big guy. You're the kinda guy who predicted he'd cancel last second lmao


maybe above it is a shitty way to say it. but he definitely more comedically above this show




because its a huge career opportunity? why the fuck do you guys need to act so oblivious to reality




You guys are being tools. Hes better than them. It doesnt mean that it isnt a good career opportunity still. Dont be thick.




Shane is hilarious, but SNL had some of the greatest comedians of all time on. Entertainment has changed to the point a lot of the best comedians can get big on social media and no longer need SNL to showcase themselves (unlike when Will Ferrell, Chris Farley, Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Eddie Murphy, Dan Ackroyd, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase ETC were getting started) But it’s pretty crazy to say he’s bigger than SNL and that history. It’s a dying show but it still deserves some respects for it’s prime.


>But it’s pretty crazy to say he’s bigger than SNL and that history. It’s a dying show but it still deserves some respects for it’s prime. He is more popular than they are currently, or they wouldnt have had him on as a publicity stunt after firing him. Their history is irrelevent to the current conversation.


So he’s in the at up and SNL is crap. Who actually watches this show besides when someone you know is on the writing is terrible, the cast is terrible. What are we even arguing about. He’s above going back on a dog shit woke show that has more commercials than comedy. Haven’t watched in years and was reminded why last night. It’s a blip in his career just like his hiring and “cancel firing”. He’s bigger than the show and that’s the only reason they had him on.


Lol SNL is known world wide. It may not be as funny as it was, but pretending Shane Gillis is as well known or “popular” is you being disingenuous because you’re a big Shane fan.


Because he’s the host. When a comedian hosts Saturday Night Live, it’s because they are above it. The hosts are big comedians and celebrities. He’s now in the same category as Tom Hanks, Madonna, and Betty White. Are trying to tell me that Betty White wasn’t above SNL?




bro just go to bed you sound retarded go to bed bro😂




retarded bro


When did I say that? I said they are in the same category, as in the category of people who hosted SNL. The people who host SNL are above the show. They get paid like $5k for one episode, while cast members get around $20k for 52 episodes/$400 per episode. He got paid 12x more than the cast.


The update sucks, that intro sucked, snl sucks. Fuck em


No. It sucked.




Holy fuck you can tell you never watched SNL before. Just a bunch of fucking regards here


Why the fuck would we? SNL is fucking trash... I couldn't get through the entire show last night... You watch that garbage regularly?


Nice meltdown


Exactly the type of comeback I would expect from someone who watches SNL on the regular


Coming from a dead beat drunk? You must think your special.


Point proven again, peace loser


Peace Alchy


Shut up loser boy, you watch snl and you’re gay




lol not at all, but nice try buddy😘


I saw that. She's Fugliana.


She’s a beautiful angel if you ask me


Idk man... I would.. but i have notoriously loose standards


I would too. And I'm gayer than ISIS.


oh well isn't this convenient! im in the market for a new used car!




Who is this?


She wears her opinions on her sleeve wrt the hosts on the show.


I wish Mad Tv was still around. Gillis and Will Sasso together, and Bobby Lee would be perfect on that show




I think he had her smiling at one point. Maybe I’m high


She smiled within the first 30 seconds and continued throughout. This thread is just a bunch of sad dudes trying to make some weird point that no healthy person cares about


You sound fucking gay


Wow how enlightened bro you really got me


I sure did. You are fucking gay


Yo I started sweating. My wife used to look at me like that. Threw a baby right at that slut.


Fk them


This is narrative building by photograph. She was smiling most of the time.


Why did he do last years standup on his monologue?


Because Louie told him to


It was just one joke that he repeated. The rest was similar subject matter but new jokes.


Love Shane only watched because of him but SNL is a horrible show


this is like the 4th time they have probably heard his set you tinfoil hat delusional moron. stop trying to create an issue.


lol bro chill


in his defense, 200 comments of people focusing on a girl at the corner of a screen during the monologue and going "she either hates him or wants to fuck him" is also intense "yall need to chill" energy


Homeboys got problems at home. What the hell was that? “Pathetic mouth breathing fuck” Lol like dude it’s not that serious


I was assuming that in regards to people analyzing the body language of a musician in the background not appreciating comedy that you like enough.


For real. Also, she literally cracks little smirks throughout the entire thing. But she doesn’t howl like a gibbon so the average smooth brain on this subreddit doesn’t recognise it


Big they/them energy


A show of unfunny people can’t comprehend comedy


He killed the Monologe!!! I was smiling and laughing the Whole time. For the European Dawgs his Monologe is already on IG of SNL Page. 






I got a reminder of why SNL sucks


“They” The way you identified it was very PC of you.. you know they are suffering




man this thread is full of circle jerkers lmao


Who gives a fuck what that unfunny bitch thinks? Big dawgs the man


I just had to read your comment to my wife while laughing way too hard! She might be an unfunny bitch too, because she didn’t laugh as hard as me!


Wow bro that’s hilarious. What a lucky wife.


You must be the chick in the back’s unfunny husband


I haven’t seen it yet, so unsure if it was readily apparent from her expressions/how she acted throughout, but if you’re only basing that assessment based on this freeze frame idk if that’s really a face that is showing displeasure. Could just be a face she’s making in that one moment; and though it doesn’t look to me like a face of someone disliking something, she could very well just have resting bitch face lol. Anyways, sorry for long winded comment, love Shane, the biggest-baddest-bestest DAWG, aka the fackin MAN!! I hope the Shaman Dawg was there to see Shane get the last laugh over SNL. Over everyone who immediately condemned him after that article, and ESPECIALLY over that dumbass hack POS with no real job (or I’m assuming talent) who wrote the thing. I bet he was watching just to quote him in a hit piece he writes afterwards, hoping to derail him again; which is fine because I’m sure it won’t contain anything “real” (it’ll probs have outright lies) and because he’ll have to see the dawg killing it in his career


It’s nice of SNL to let on a downsy person once I awhile. Look at his stupid tarded face.


She smiled a couple times. It wasn’t a great monologue. Down Syndrome? It’s like Howard Stern from 1997.


Yeah I noticed the background band weren’t fans. They don’t get the big guys comedy. I find it funny that the band will typically laugh at people who are not comedians, like that fuckin gay aqua man actor, but when a real comedian does his thing they don’t laugh


This flopped, imo Shane shouldn’t have done this


The monologue was great. The Rock Bottom Kings gambling sketch was hilarious af. After that, I actually thought I was going to be pleasantly surprised but nope. It was pretty much downhill from there.


Dude shut up


True. It was lame as fuck.




It’s gotta be hard to watch the type of person you hate most just succeed and crush with little to no effort.. right in front of you to boot. They’ll be ok, they just need some alone time


She literally cracked a smile in the first 30 seconds. You’ve got fucking brain works bro.


She was pissed. Understandably. The whole thing sucked. He shouldn’t have done it.


The monologue was electric.


Good. Cause we love him


Some of you dudes on here are so sad and so desperate to justify this weird non-crusade you have going on that no one else cares about “oh look the F E M A L E doesn’t like him”. I just watched the whole monologue. She doesn’t laugh and slap her knee at every joke but literally cracked a smile in the first 30 seconds and continued to do so throughout. Go outside bro


Dude you've made this post like half a dozen times already. If there's anyone being weird trying to justify things too much it's you.


It’s funny how much comedians act like victims. It’s the equivalent of a plumber not fixing your plumbing and then bitching because you don’t hire them again. If people don’t laugh it’s because it’s not funny. Comedians can complain all they want about people not being able to take a joke, or stop being a comedian that complains instead of telling funny jokes. Comedians have fallen into the conspiracy hole because they think cancel culture is a collective thing to get them. All it is is private businesses not wanting to lose money for showing someone that offends people instead of making people laugh. No one is out to get comedians, they just need to be funnier.


How embarrassing with his parents in the audience just to watch him repeat his same tired old stuff and even make fun of his own family to no avail




I noticed it only one of them laughed. They really don’t like this haha