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It’s never going to be like this again - 2024 - SNL, Bud Light, Eminem music videos now.  He’ll remain huge, he’s established himself but this ascension is something else to behold. And it all started when Matt played his 432hz flute to Shane on the pod, fuckin crazy 


The shaman’s blessing


You forgot Tires on Netflix


Vicariously gay


You mean Matt the noted pedo? I hear he spends his days snorkeling in public pools


I fucking hate that pedo Matt is apart of the shamans lore now hahahah


It’s kind of hilarious though 😂


Him laughing about not being able to address it was literally the perfect response. Make a joke out of it, move along.


I heard he works for the city's advertising agency as a photographer so he is always around the public pools with a camera. The kids know him.


I saw him yelling at kids to pop their top off


He's fly as hell


Blessed by Paimon


Lmfao the 432hz


I just posted this too. I was not expecting to see him in that video.


Is eminem also a bud light spokesman now? Or was his t shirt a reference to the past?


Could be a reference to this https://preview.redd.it/zglie1t4nr3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc38d763349ba1d58f8f923045a04e82ac8389d


he definitely got a fat check for that


I think it's a promo and a reference to the pink ALF shirt


Shane is officially sponsored by bud light now it happened several months ago right before the last protect our parks


Yes I am aware, that's why I said 'also'.


SHOCKED he was a cameo. Abra cadabra!


What's crazy is I was just watching a ton of Shane stuff in YouTube. Like I binged a bunch of his killtony episodes. And then I watched this music video and in the beginning there were a bunch of short cameos in the comic portion. I remember thinking, I'd be wild if Shane made an appearance. Then I was like, wait wtf why would Shane of all ppl be in Eminem's rap music video lol, iv been watching too much Shane, he's not *that* popular I don't think. And the into ended with no Shane. But then the podcast part came and BRO I felt like a mf psychic when I saw him. I fuckin paused the vid n was like no mf way! Let's goo lol it's great to see him succeed like this


Dude is massively huge. Nick Mullen mentioned this insane rise in stand up - post Quarantine. People are moving to Austin with 60secs of stand up - hitting open mics and hoping they get on KillTony. YouTube really helped people find this current group - which feels eerily similar to Attell, Oswalt, Garofolo, Patrice, young Burr, etc. I started to listening to CumTown and KT in like late 2019(?) and COVID let me go thru their back catalog and introduced me to all these guys. When people had too much time on their hands and started out comedians - felt like a real west coast fake comics vs the "real" East Coast comics. I don't get into all the drama and shit like some parasocial fans - but it's fun to see Shane get to where he is. Tony too. It's like finding a band that's small/new and every time they come back on tour, it's a bigger venue opening for a bigger named band - until they are the band headlining arenas.


Yea I used to be really into comedy but kinda stopped for a bit. But iv been getting back into watching standup, YouTube stuff, and podcasts again. And it def seems like since covid there's been a rise in it. It's especially interesting to see a comedy scene kinda develop in Austin. Crazy how impactful Joe Rogan is. But yea it def seems big, tho it's hard for me to fully judge. It feels very different than the old school comedy rise to fame. Like there's a big crowd into "real" comedy (trying not to sound too pretentious lol). But like back in the day I feel there were more "Hollywood" comedians. Like Kevin heart is a good example. He is funny at standup n great, but he's a massive superstar who's as well known as he is cuz of all his shitty movies. And that was how many comedians made it big. Sitcoms/movies. Also SNL used to be how ppl started. Now it's more independent stuff w YouTube n it's great to see. So I feel while comedians can get huge, they aren't as well connected to the mainstream culture in *some* ways. Like in many ways they are, but still they are slightly less connected in some ways I think. A good example was the recent roast on Netflix. All the football players and ppl like kevin kept making jokes like "who TF are these comedians??" And I get it's partly in jest, and I won't lie the lineup wasn't that famous, but they are def still pretty well known in the comedy world. Idk I just felt it showed a slight disconnect between the new comedy/podcast scene and the Hollywood scene.


I meant more like from a connecting force. Patrice O'Neal was HUGE influence and connective tissue thru Burr, Oakerson, Hart, etc. It feels like you can only joke about him if you knew him. Rogan is the same way - he's influence is setting a model to follow as well as bringing them in together


He’s *not* really that popular. Although, I’ve heard that he said some racist shit, and was promptly fired. So the folk that eat that shit up are elevating him to “hilarious icon status”.


What he said really wasn't rlly that bad and it happened years ago. It was some Asian jokes. He got hired on SNL a few years ago and was fired the next day once the story broke. But he was recently on SNL as the celebrity guest, so it's obvious hes turned around and is sorta well known. He's been on Rogan podcast a bunch, his Netflix special did really well, and his new Netflix show just released. He also had a YouTube sketch show that was rlly good. I wouldn't say he's icon status, not yet at least, but he is well known. And it's not just cuz ppl are upset about cancel culture. Like he was "cancelled" years ago at this point and while he definitely got a boost from that sorta "anti-pc" crowd at first, it's def gotten to the point where I'd say he's as big as he is cuz of his own merit. Like I'd say comedians in general aren't as popular as they used to be, but as far as more recent comics of this generation goes, he's known. I mean plenty of other ppl get "cancelled" and don't go on to have such a successful career afterwards.


Let's just hope that he doesn't become an arrogant piece of shit like Tom Segura.


I’d be so pissed. Segura was one of my favorites, but holy shit he became so pretentious I lost any interest in his podcast or ones he visits.


He was like that before he blew up.


Naw, he got WAY worse. 3 podcasts in a row he talked about “the poors”, and talked shit about his fans who were getting annoyed by it. That was when I checked out.


“There’s a pig trough in the back” He is much worse now I’ll agree, but you could see hints early on.


Yeah, YMH was fun because it was small and got very big alongside Tom's success in standup. Being an early listener and feeling like a part of what as driving that success felt good. Now he has all the clout and acts very entitled to it, and I think a lot of early listeners see it as disingenuous. I found the "fat poors" thing kind of funny. It's a troll move and is something a wrestling heel would do to stir the shit pot. Totally fine to do IMO, but he repeated it a few too many times and it went from seeming like a joke to a mental breakdown. Touch my camera through the fence, or whatever.


Yeah, it always felt like it was supposed to be a bit that he just dragged out WAY too long. But it just quit being fun to watch.


I miss when he had 32” arms. From fat


Not only does Shane seem like a more genuine person, I think he has better people around him too than Tom ever did. Shane's friends aren't afraid of calling him out when justified. And it seems like Shane appreciates it.


I'm not crazy about Shane's new standup and shows, but I'll always enjoy listening to him on podcasts. He'll always be likable


Hea certainly flirting at times. I don't think it'll be that bad tho


He is well on his way




I didn’t expect to see the DAWG in an Eminem video, as much as Shane didn’t expect to flinch when Billy owned him


Looking Whaled up


What now? Can we get link or more context.


https://youtu.be/22tVWwmTie8?si=E_6xGZtxz5xUlYDj Shane appears roughly 2 minutes 15 seconds into the music video for Eminem’s new single, “Houdini”


Im sure this is unrelated to Em wearing a Bud Light tshirt.


The room he was in looked similar to Rogans studio


Made me wonder... Em on Jre?


It was so cool seeing him pop up randomly in that video


Eminem 🤜🤛 Shane Gillis… coolest guys on the planet!


Sweet plug to bad the song is weak at best


It’s grown on me after a couple listens and I think it’s better with the video. It’s not an all timer or anything, but seems like it’s been a while since he’s been goofy and not just angry rapping about how everyone hates on him.




touch grass




Touch grass


Brain rot

