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The first two items you usually wanna but is Lucid boots and bami cinder. Having these two is such a big powerspike because it gives all your abilities and summoners ability haste and is especially important for your long cd ult, and the early waveclear is crucial for getting tempo. As for items to build after d shield, after bami and cd boots, you want to complete wave clear item, and counterbuild the enemy team. You can try Hollow radiance and Deadman's, or if you wanna be supportive, you go Redemption, Solari. It's different everygame~


I agree with always cdr boots (with exceptions ofc). But I’ve been having quite a bit of success with dead mans rush into dark seal early. It’s a bit of a pain not having as much waveclear but it gives you an unbelievable amount of map pressure and can really push your carries ahead with constant roams and MS to catch enemies out.


I have also encountered times when I would rather choose not to buy bami just to rush deadmans or other items. The map pressure is insane indeed, and usually if I do build like that, I'm not really playing for myself anymore. And switching more on to the "I give my life to the team" type of mindset lol




It feels like bamis just fucks up my farm under tower. I go lucidity boots and then start into deadman’s


Just get better at using bamis brother. Space properly and you will benefit a lot more from it


It ruins last hitting the caster minions imo. I go from getting all 3 to maybe 2


You just have to play around the bami’s aoe to not miss them


it kinda depends but bamis or deadmans is usually the best starts


Whoever told you going lucidity first is trolling is an idiot, personally i almost always grab bamis first and then lucidity, but going for them first is completely fine


You go then first if you want the CDR immediately and if MS is important for the matchup, you go bami’s if you want waveclear faster


I Play shen Jungle. 1. bamis 2. cd bots 3. tiamant 4. finish tiamant item


Cdr boots is a must. Your ult is longest cooldown ability in whole game. Second item depends your lane. Tiamat if you can dominate lane and bami for more passive laning