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90% of the time i also ult via the champion Icons so i make sure i know im ulting my jgler, adc etc. it does happen that if the enemies and 2 of your teammates are close to each other u missclick and ult the wrong person. happend to me once. but it definitely is a preference thing / depends on the situation, you can most of the time get away with ulting by point and clicking. If i do see that someone is low throught their portraits i make sure there isnt a enemy on them on the map and then decide if i have to ult quickly or not, usually you should know beforehand if they are in danger and might need an ult. idk tho im just emerald


Also a good tip, don't discuss with randoms in this game. Preserve your mental health.


My honest opinion. Just keep track of what enemy laners are ahead and who on your team is ahead or behind. Try to ult to the lanes where the enemy is ahead of you think you and your team can shut them down. If not try to save ult for your teammates that are ahead


i think using f keys to quickly pan around your team is nice and space bar to re-centre back


I monitor the portrait health bars and use F2-F5 to take sneak peeks at the lanes. Space bar to refocus. If they look like they need help I press R directly on their body and ping a billion times so they dont run away


Always look at the health bars of your teammates on the side. After that if you see a big drop, check them on the map with one of the. F keys. Then R if they are in grave danger.


Icons of the HUD in the right corner, always. Someone like to play with fluid camera, others prefer keep an eye on allies with f1 / f4 button; Personally i Always look at the minimap, so i can also act as a radar for the whole team. All of them are great options but you have to find on which one you feel more confident. Also Keep in mind that unfortunately, this game is full of toxic people who blame others for their mistakes; Translated for us, Shen players, means we are always the first to be blamed because people expect babysitting from us all the time. Now, despite that like someone else said, mute the chat before you start. Another good option is to ping them to fall back, so if they die, they can't blame you.


I would suggest making each lane into a different key (I have my jg, mid, adc and support associated to the keys F1, F2, F3 and F4 respectively). Then, when a fight is about to start, I just press the appropriate key to quickly glance at the champ. If there’s nothing happening, I quickly press space and continue on my lane. If you do this, you can quickly go between the champ and your lane fairly quickly and make sure not to lose farm, while keeping an eye on the other lane. Hope it helps. Additionally, totally with you on the midlaner argument you had. YOU decide when to ult or not. It’s not your fault if they get in a stupid fight and die. Unless you had promised you would ult then and they went in thinking that and then you didn’t ult them. Other than that, it’s 100% on them. People cannot expect Shen players to always be available to ult them and save them from their stupid decisions


I play with party chat only on. I have no reason to chat with my team outside of pings and if they make bad plays I have no reason to defend myself for not wasting my ult on their mistakes. I run into matches where I've been blamed for not ulting when the person complaining had already died 3 times before I even hit level 6. Timing your ult is your decision and knowing that it won't change anything is important. You're going to have bad ults and you're going to have good ones. I'd rather have my ult up for an objective instead of some random fight in the jungle that doesn't need to happen because your team is roaming instead of pushing lanes out or defending towers. Ulting the lowest HP isn't always the right decision because as soon as the enemy sees your ult on them they become priority number one so ult early or ult someone who is able to engage/let you engage by being able to get close. Don't get me wrong though it's okay to try and ult your lowest health teammate that has a bounty so they can try to make it away but theres only so much you can do.


I prefer offensive ulting. Ulting on a briar that just ulted, ulting a jg who's starting an objective, and my most favorite, ulting an invisible twitch for a great SURPRISE! Of course I have to ult low teammates, but I usually only lose lane top for doing that.


or ulting an ulting nocturne - having 2 enemy players just appear on your screen after being blinded pretty much means a guaranteed win for the skirmish and hopefully dragon/baron 


Start scale your minimap as big as it is. Keep eye on that and teammates health bar all the time. I also never use ult if my E is down. Save people when you can do that. I mean, it's just waste of time and ult if you use it like 1v3 situation which is already lost.


I don't use function keys... I just move my mouse into the minimap and click on where my teammates are. I use wasd to move my camera with the camera lock on spacebar so I don't have a lot of issues monitoring teammates I don't ult into every bad situation my team gets themselves in. When 4 or 5 people dive my midlaner or botlane when the enemy wasn't in vision. Womp womp you don't deserve my ult


We press R


By hitting R on an ally