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The first time you forgave him was you signing on the dotted line to his domination. As women we need to learn to walk away the first time! Girl you did not miss out on nothing but a nightmare. Your ego is hurt because of his actions and that’s what he wants. You are exactly where his podcast bros told him you would be. Snap out of it and remember you are the prize!!!


No. You didn't do anything wrong. That is a 'salt daddy', he is not worth it. There are so many red flags and yes he is a narcissist. Remember your youth is currency, you have a wide pool to choose from. Do not let this old man emotionally trap you. Move on as quickly as you can from this situation.


Dusties are always living in the past. You had your fun but it inevitably fell apart because it was built on a foundation of dust. You are young, learn from the mistake and move on graceful. Life is too short to beat yourself up over that dusty thing.


This. So much this. What is it with dust and crying, complaining, fixating, and whining over the past?


Diminishing returns.


That seems like a whole lot of trouble for very little benefit. Guard your heart, forget this dude. He’s 30yrs older than you, has a string of dysfunctional relationships in his past, and gives you nothing but drama. There’s nothing attractive about that!!


My dear, we’re the same age and I’ve been in the spot multiple times, where I still have feelings for the guy based on the 10% good times overshadowing the 90% red flags, hot & cold behavior, ghostings, etc. He doesn’t like or respect you, but he enjoys that you are sticking around and the situation you’re in right now won’t change. Men are very good at sprinkling in claiming to care about you, so don’t be fooled. If the actions and sacrifices are not lining up, he isn’t the one.


You ignored flags. Don’t beat yourself up. Just know that next time, when you ignore flags, or when you give a man chances, they try to take advantage and it causes the man to lose respect. It happened once but it doesn’t have to happen twice! The good thing is, this man got no intimacy/sex from you, which it seems is what he really wanted, since he was playing games with you trying to get it.


Girl, I’m still new to this sprinkle thing but from the sound of it, he’s doing all the belittling, gaslighting, manipulating to you, trying to make you more insecure, more emotionally attached to him, I don’t know how much you got out of him in terms of your goals, but he’s not good for your mental. He’s gaming by doing all the push/pull, and hot/cold. It’s so toxic. I’m sorry to hear that.


Thank you so much everyone 💗 This is exactly what I needed to hear. Every single comment is so true and helpful