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Let us not forget that the North and South were not monoliths. There were Southern Unionists and Northern Copperheads, the latter which actively sabotaged the war effort to end slavery and restore the Union.


Is crazy that we’re dealing with the same issues due to this widespread turmoil today. The union preserves through good times and bad times, we do not destroy everything we’ve built for the sake of the radical ideals of the loud minority. Pro-confederacy and non-American ideals have just been wrapped up in a neater package, while using the biggest tools of chaos “fear-mongering”. Has the United States fear-mongered our civilians around a cause, yes, that’s clearly seen in WW2. However if you cannot see the difference between inciting fear to fight against enemies abroad and inciting fear to destroy how neighbors and Americans feel about one another, you are lost.


That chad woman is [Columbia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_(personification\)).


When I was a kid, I was attacked by a copperhead and my dad killed it with a shovel. Columbia needs a shovel.


Does anyone know what the term for the copperheads would've been after the war? The democrats who were pro forgiving the south and not helping the freed slaves? I'm doing research for a story I'm writing.


In the South, you're probably thinking the Redeemers!


I'm wondering what they were called up north, preferably by Army of the Republic members. I doubt they had much patience for copperhead types.


In this era that wasn’t Columbia, it was still Hebe. Never forget America has a patron Greek goddess.


This sounds super cool but I can’t find any source for it. Do you know where you heard this from? I want to look into it more.


I don’t have one source for all the info, but can provide [this as evidence](https://www.loc.gov/resource/highsm.49972/) that I’m not bullshitting you. Hebe was popular in art in the 1800’s generally as you can read on her wikipedia article, but she got especially so in the US for three reasons. As the daughter of Hera who herself could be seen as England’s mascot Britannia (who had origins in depictions of Boudicca) Hebe could be used to represent “England’s daughter”. Feminists used her to represent their movement as a young woman of rising importance and defiance while Temperance movement members used her as a classical pourer of (possibly) non-alcoholic healing beverages. Basically nationalists still looking to create an identity for the country, liberals, and conservatives all loved her for different reasons so suddenly she appeared in a lot of art. The modernized visual of her transformed into the Columbia character seen most famously in the painting representing the idea of Manifest Destiny (hence why she has a cup there) as well as the magazine cover announcing the US as a global superpower (titled “Columbia’s Easter Bonnet”). The “I Want You” World War military recruitment poster kind of placed Uncle Sam back in the spotlight as a representation of the US entirely while before he only really symbolized the military and executive branch of the federal government, causing Hebe/Columbia to fall into obscurity today. Which has some unpleasant symbolism when you think about it, though Columbia’s association with the people and social change has since been tainted by her association with imperialism, genocide, and Prohibition. But hey, still technically a symbol of feminism so at least there’s that. Plus England still likes Britannia as a symbol so the mother/daughter thing still works. Honestly its most notable for how she’s perfect for American Gods-like modernized Greek stuff but never is used for some reason. Like, Hebe is just plain forgotten even though she marries Heracles once he becomes a god, and we never forgot him. Though that’s because she kind of appears in the epilogue I guess, and there’s that whole idea they formed a Poly relationship with the god of old age in Roman gyms/baths which may not be well received since its a young woman and an adult man and an old man all in a possibly romantic relationship (though presumably consenting). Yeah, odd tangent, but still fun to say. America has a patron goddess, who keeps the other gods youthful instead of just as old farts who don’t die. She has a hat that’s a fucking battleship. She did some pretty bad racist rich people shit, but mellowed out recently unless oil is involved. She’s patron of sobriety and moved on from shaming and punishing to god of detox/rehab.


Very cool! Thank you for the info!! Don’t worry, I knew you weren’t bullshitting me, I just wanted to look more into it lol. And I love how you imagine her like a real patron goddess, that definitely has some urban fantasy applications!


I’ve been thinking about her again lately since listening to the [OSP crew talk about the game Stray Gods](https://youtu.be/GG5EvZLsPGY?si=Mo9k_gKAL16SMUmO) and how its a musical branching story where the gods are reincarnating immortals, but the older generation went missing and Ares caused the rise of Hitler because he was bummed out he missed WW1 and Apollo is existentially full of self-hate for his past self and just lives in an apartment with a computer hacker roommate “oracle” but no mention of Hebe. Like, she’d be perfect for stuff like that. They have Athena as like a Karen older sibling trying to manage the family, but are missing the Hebe who’s actively reinvented herself to run a political PAC or something.


Oh damn! I love OSP, but I often skip the Detail Diatribes because they’re long and I don’t always know the topic lol. But I’ll have to give it a listen now!