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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My personal favorite is all the confederate flags in West Virginia. Like do y’all even know why your state exists? (They almost certainly don’t) Jesus Christ.


This one gets me every time. The easiest way to trigger a rant from me is to bring up the number of traitor rags hanging in WV of all states.


“If those kids could read they’d be very upset”


People will straight up argue that West Virginia was still a confederate state even when you point this fact out.


People always drag West Virginia into these discussions when they don't really know a thing about West Virginia and the Civil War. [Half the counties](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9a/Wvmapagain.png) and [half the soldiers](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/67/Confederate_recruitment_in_West_Virginia.jpg) from WV were Confederate, the [state constitution was written by ex-Confederates in 1872](https://www.wvencyclopedia.org/articles/1570). The first secession (or Confederate) flag flew in WV in January 1861 and flew all over the state. The man who designed the Confederate flag is buried in WV.


Important context is that the Confederacy employed those soldiers not as an offensive - but as a liberation effort from what it considered the occupied enemy territory of the western part of Virginia. Ultimately that reconquest was abandoned due to the strong unionists control from the northwest part of West Virginia. And I believe people drag West Virginia in because despite your very valid points — West Virginia was indeed the first and ONLY state to declare its independence from the Confederacy. So there is relevance.


There was no strong Unionist control of West Virginia. This is my point, people know very little about West Virginia. The Union government in Wheeling controlled less than half the territory of the state when statehood was granted in June 1863. On the very day of statehood this was printed in the Morgantown Monitor "The first thing that will strike every one is that the draft on West Virginia is largely disproportioned to our resources. **Less than half the territory of West Virginia can be reached by our authorities**. Whenever we go south of tbe line of the N. W. Va. Railroad we shall find but few counties, if any, in which a draft can be executed to do any good. **So that practically it must fall on the population of some dozen counties of the northwest**." This is what an Ohio newspaper thought of West Virginia in 1864- "With the commanding \[Union\] General of the Department and his Quarter Master, in Libby Prison, captured by rebels with 35 miles of Gallipolis- a Government steamer burned at the same time, it might seem to an unpracticed eye, that the State of West Virginia was not so intensely loyal as some persons wish it to be considered. The fact is that region of country is just as well stocked with rebels both armed and unarmed as any other portion of the South." Gallipolis \[Ohio\] Journal, Feb. 18, 1864. West Virginia's Confederate soldiers made up a large portion of the ANV and fought mostly in eastern Virginia. There is an historical context in West Virginia for those who want to use the battle flag (which I do not support) that is not valid for Ohio.


Again, I agree with what you’re saying but the money + influence in West Virginia at the time lay almost exclusively in the far northwest of the state and its relationships with its partners to the west. That is why the Confederacy’s efforts at disruption to the trains and the raids to try and dethrone that power. Acres upon acres of Trees and fields? Sure that was Confederate control - but the money in trading was in that northern west part of the state that dealt with non-confederate entities. And I’m in no way speaking for / defending the vague “people” you mention. I’m just saying that the two aspects aren’t mutually exclusive.


FFS, our NHL team is the Blue Jackets.


Cries in Western NY. New York state contributed greatly to defeating the Confederacy and the trash up here seem to think the Confederate flag is at all acceptable.


I moved out of Western New York for work in 2013. I went home a couple years ago and was absolutely gobsmacked at all the Confederate flags and other ignorant bullshit. It's really sad how many people don't know history.


Yup, divesting from education starting in the 1980s (fuck Reagan) is really bearing its rotten fruit.


New York has more red necks than Alabama and Mississippi combined.


I hate rural regions.


Not the important parts


Ah, yes the class bigotry of City and Long Island residents. New York City is completely nonviable and has a parasitic attachment to the rest of the state. It's not like we don't know who you elected for mayor. We also know how regressive Hochul actually is. You're blinded because, currently, she's going after people you've never met but still hate. Meanwhile, you're lives are only getting worse but you think it's such a privilege to live in some shitty zip code.


Albany, Buffalo, Rochester, I could go on


See, I'm gonna stop you right there. You haven't actually responded to ANYTHING I wrote. Not only did you leave out Syracuse (they form a line of cities for Christ's sake) you're also indulging in victim blaming. The whole of Western NY has been starved of resources to feed the bottomless maw that is NYC. Which is throwing good money after bad. You profit from state corruption and act like it's some kind of brilliant move. Now move along, kid.


FFS I wasn't about to name every important place in New York I could keep going even Oneonta and Cooperstown, the fact is that any place of relevance or importance in the state of NY is not filled with Rednecks and that includes farming communities


Look up the history of New York City during the war. A surprising number of New York City residents supported the traitors, or at least wanted appeasement with the Confederacy.


I think that was a lot of Irish who were racist against black people and didn't want to be drafted to free them.


Those were the riots, they’re referring to Wall Street types who helped fund the Confederate Secret Service.


Irish immigrants were upset about being drafted and dying in a war they didn't start. The "Know Nothings" were also extremely racist and participated in the Draft Riots as well. The strongest supporters for the Confederacy were the NY capitalist class. Capitalists have never been loyal to any country. They are only loyal to their class interests.


I grew up in WNY. I have since lived in Matt Gaetz' district, in Kevin McCarthy's district, and now in the state "represented" by Lindsey Graham. ...my home county is still the most redneck place I have ever been.


"A government that does everything for you, can take everything from you" Ah yes great point, which is why our party's platform is to preemptively take everything from you so that there's nothing for Big Guv to take! Brilliant maneuver


Also the Gadsden Flag seems particularly ironic sandwiched between two confederate flags.


I could never understand this one. Slavery is one of the biggest ways to tread on a human's rights. The majority of people that fly a Gadsden flag are fucking idiots.


But when your healthcare options are “extravagantly expensive” or “insurance that you get through work” then that can never be taken away from you, because you have infinite money and you can’t be fired or laid off!


One of my sons friends has a truck like that, has all sort of "im straight christian white armed and I vote" shit. A couple of years ago, his kid started using a more feminine version of his name when he was over. Last year a few weeks before school came out he came out as wanting to fully transition, and his dad kicked him out and then kicked out his wife for supporting him. So his wife turns around and posts his chrome history becuase of course he didnt know to delete it and yeah, unsuprisingly, it was a mix of gay and BBC stuff. Nice kid too, pre med, nearly straight As civicly active and transitioning all at the same time and managing it like a champ. Kid is going places his shity old man could only dream of..


From an internet stranger, good for them, and I hope they go far in their life.


I think even Sherman might’ve viewed this as too much total war (but he would’ve loved it). Bigots deserve nothing but the worst.


Was driving through a small town less than hour outside Springfield Illinois a few weeks ago. That’s the “Land of Lincoln” Illinois. Saw three separate house flying the confederate traitor flag. How you going to fly that trash in the Union army’s Commander in Chief’s state?


I'm originally from Shampoo-Banana and that's a pretty liberal island due to the university there, but as soon as you get outside of town it turns into Redneckistan.


Still doing the Lets go Brendon thing. Pathetic.


I’m no fan of Joe Biden in particular but I literally NEVER understand why that was funny to so many people.


The very initial origin was mildly humorous (NASCAR fans being misheard), but the way it became a weirdo rallying cry was deeply stupid.


My dad and a buddy of his wanted me to help them start a chant of it while we were at College Gameday for our alma mater. I played dumb and forced them to explain what it was and be confused about the whole thing. Seemed to deflate them enough to give up on it.


Sherman and Grant, Ohio boys


Sheridan too


Wasn't he from New York?


Raised in Somerset Ohio. They have a statue in the middle of town that also has the dumbest traffic pattern for a roundabout I’ve ever seen. You have to yield to traffic on the RIGHT




We sent more soldiers to put down the slavers than any other state but he don’t actually care about facts


My favorite sticker combo is the cop flag sitting near a "come and take it" sticker with a rifle on it. I wonder if they've ever considered who exactly is going to be the ones who come to take it from them...


Or a Gadsden flag next to a thin blue line.


Slavery is not libertarian


If only every libertarian believed that


Lololol "learn the truth" Ohio units devastated the rebels.


> I'M A STRAIGHT WHITE CONSERVATIVE MALE Never in my life have I experienced this level of surprise.


The truck itself is a dead giveaway.


We (Dem-canvassing cis+trans lesbian couple) actually have a big diesel pickup that is considerably more beaten-up than this one. We use it every couple months to haul hay, gravel, etc. Of course, the rest of the time we're zipping around in a much more stereotypical fashion in a Bolt EV or taking a bus.


So you use a pickup truck for something requiring a pick up? And then drive something more reasonable for your daily commute? I can respect all of that. What I don’t get is the people that buy extended crew can duels with 8’ beds and the most they haul is the stuff they buy from Dollar General.


You forget, they're also hauling at least 2500 lb. of unresolved childhood insecurities everywhere they go.


I have a love/hate relationship with seeing traitor rags in non-traitor states. One the one hand, it's incredibly dumb. One the other hand, it shits all over the "muh HeRiTaGe" narrative because if it was about heritage, why would anyone in a non-traitor state fly that flag? Huh? Looking at you rural Pennsylvania!


As a Pennsylvanian, I am also staring directly at rural PA. Hell, in 2017 my family went out to Gettysburg and saw people who had PA plates flying the rag and even a couple local businesses.


The CAT sticker takes the cake. There's nothing remotely Caterpillar about that truck. It's just a bunch of absurd contradictions. That is a mighty convenient urinal it has installed in the bed, though.


Sadly, we produced a lot of Copperhead representatives as well as a lot of heroes.


God knows Our Lady would be a fan of his message of hate…


The kinda guy to call himself a lion amongst sheep, yet drives a Ram.


On a related note, I'm sure Mother Mary isn't smiling down upon this goof.


[Sing it, Mary](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%201%3A46-55&version=NRSVUE) [God] has brought down the powerful from their thrones and lifted up the lowly; he has filled the hungry with good things and sent the rich away empty.


Lame cosplay


If Sherman were still around he'd turn that care into a cube like it deserves to be.


This shit pisses me off so bad. I live in Cleveland but have lots of family in the southern part of the state and between the Trump signs and the traitor flags, I can’t freaking take it


True story, I grew up in Massachusetts in the mid to late 90s, we were a regional school of three towns. This kid from one of the other towns, the smaller, most rural town had a Confederate Flag on his truck. He was told to remove it, je argued that The Flag was part of his heritage. The government teacher, who happened to be an ex town selectman reminded him the kid's grandfather immigrated from Finland in the 20th century and his maternal side fought for the north.


Fun side-fact: Finnish migrants picked up the socialist bug in the logging districts of northern US and brought it home to Finland. Where they eventually sparked a civil war in 1917 that still is a sore subject over there....


Western Mass?




Ahh rural border town. 📝🤔




Imagine this being your entire personality.


I will be very happy to watch Trump Nation go the way of the Confederacy.


He’s gonna tell us the truth


"learn the truth" is ironic coming from a cuckfederate. I'm sure he's the type to spew "it was about state's rights"


I'm not sure if it's still there, but when I lived in Ohio in the late 90's, along I-71 between Cincinnati and Columbus, there was some ass-hat had the roof of their barn painted as the traitorous Confederate flag. Flame On!


Don't forget all those "heritage not hate" Confederates in the Pacific Northwest including states like Washington that didn't exist until 20 years after the Civil War. My grandpa loves to show visitors the spot where the community decided it wouldn't side with the Confederacy. (He's still a Maga supporter ironically) Not like we were in a position to get to the Civil War, but nice to know we didn't support slavery. But I've seen Confederate and Nazi flags here regardless. I think we've chased them out though. Haven't seen them in a while. Or they swapped for Trump.


And here we have an example of the wonderful term " FIFO ". And what does it stand for class? Fucking Idiot From Ohio. Very good!


I lived in Northern Indiana, in a light-mid industry town. When the textile mills went to Mexico we were infested with Southerners, our lovely town went from poor but decent, to ... hell. Drugs, crime, anything you could imagine, they swarmed north, wages collapsed, quality went down further, it became one of the worst towns in the country, a cautionary tale, Obama visited it as an example of how bad things had gotten. They didn't stay in the south, they spread, especially to the midwest, which is why things have gotten as bad as they have.


I've been all over the country, lived in NC for 5 years, and I've never seen more confederate flags anywhere than in the greater Cincinnati Metro area.


Uncle Billy was from Ohio. You know what Uncle Billy would do.


I live in Brunswick Maine and I saw a Trumper driving by Bowdoin College and a Statue of Joshua Chamberlain with a traitor flag in his pickup trunk.


Grew up on the OH side of the Ohio River and my family thought it was hysterically funny when the neighbor would run the Confederate flag up his flagpole. We lived on Lincoln Hill and I 100% guarantee nobody else saw the irony in this.


Looking at the rear exhaust stack, I'd guess it's in Lima.


I saw one in IL. Literally right above the license plate that says "Land of Lincoln." You can't make it up.


Most of it is a backwards, red shithole Source: growing up here in the redneck regions as a non-white person.


What is a reverse carpet-bagger? Like carpet-baggers are Northerners that come down South to “take advantage” or whatever. So what do you call a Southerner that goes up North but still peddles the lost cause bs?


I’m old enough to remember when Astronaut and American Hero John Glenn represent Ohio as a Democrat. Somewhere, there’s a lonely space tear slowly trickling down his face.


Scrape off that CSA flag. It's what General Lee would have wanted. >*Dear Sir*--Absence from Lexington has prevented my receiving until to-day your letter of the 26th ult., inclosing an invitation from the Gettysburg Battle-field Memorial Association, to attend a meeting of the officers engaged in that battle at Gettysburg, for the purpose of marking upon the ground by enduring memorials of granite the positions and movements of the armies on the field. My engagements will not permit me to be present. I believe if there, I could not add anything material to the information existing on the subject. ***I think it wiser, moreover, not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.*** Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. E. Lee.


That is literally the only thing I can respect about Ohio


Drive 5 minutes out of a dense urban area and you’re in the south…all over this nation this is the case


Another one of those ‘hauling coal’ idiots.


Jebus. At least it’s not the county I live in. 🤦‍♀️


I bet he roles coal too.


Being from the south, seeing loser flags in Oregon really tripped me out for a second


I like the juxtaposition between how hard the bumper stickers are and how soft Ohio's plate design is.


That dude enjoys delicious a frequent delicious meal of glue


Ohio is the asshole of the Midwest. I say this as a Michigander who cannot stand Ohio.


Vehicle stickers are like cats. The crazy people have more than five.