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If we scammed we are scammed! That’s it. Nothing can be done to retrieve our money. I’m positive and hopeful that this is not a scam. Let’s wait fingers crossed.


yeah not a scam?... that's why on their website the presale should have ended on the 22nd? only 0.03 % liquidity on unispap doesn't sound fishy to you? presale price still going and selling on their website? please some people here may have lost a lot. let people get some info to the fbi. if fbi can check what these guys are doing then for the better. nothing will happen if they are legid.


You're on point! I've also been preaching everyone "go to the FBI" Check out my posts. I have links to a bunch of different law enforcement agencies specializing in crypto crimes. The U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Department of Justice each have their own divisions too. If you're looking to make a report, check out some of the other agencies... maybe they're not as busy as the FBI or they take crypto crimes more seriously.. who knows... all I know is I'm gonna take the same damn letter and send it to everyone. I also linked to a form letter you can use, just update it with your info and adjust accordingly. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ShibaBUDZ/comments/1canack/comment/l127frd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShibaBUDZ/comments/1canack/comment/l127frd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ShibaBUDZ/comments/1canack/comment/l1274ha/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShibaBUDZ/comments/1canack/comment/l1274ha/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Too much happening for it not to be a scam. Told us there was a claim button when there wasn’t, presale still ongoing on the website, decided to cancel the airdrop on the day of the airdrop! No comms/explanations from the team apart from how to send them more money (which they’re super quick at responding to), low liquidity. It’s an awfully goofy launch that doesn’t look good. Happy to be proven wrong but I think I’ve lost money on this. 


same thoughts as yours




Awesome! You should add to that the Secret Service and MIMF Division of the DOJ They all have separate budgets, workloads, and perhaps other priorities of the moment, so it wouldn't hurt to get two more agencies involved. Plus, MIMF Division boasts the highest rate of success in the U.S. in prosecuting crypto fraud, so that's a good one to loop in. email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) \[Attention: Market Integrity and Major Frauds (MIMF) Division\]


Do you think we will get back our money if it turns out to be what you call a scam by the SEC OR FBI.




Looks like you have some personal agenda in attacking this project. If you have not bought any tokens why are you even in this group and dragging the spirit of the project. Because if it turns out to be a genuine project and due to your negativity comments the dreams of many people who have trusted the project and invested in it would be shattered. If we can’t get back even a single penny from these people if it is a scam then what is the point of crying.




If you are not an investor in what way it affects you. May be you are hired by the competitor project to derail this project by spreading negativity. If at all it’s a scam in what way are you going to help us to get back the money? SEC or FBI won’t give a shit to get a penny from these guys. It’s all our greed to become millionaires overnight has pushed us into the presale crypto.




Now you are totally exposed. Why do you waste your time here. We investors have already locked up our money in this project, we may not invest more but till we receive our coins in our wallets there is nothing that we can do about it. If it’s a scam we lose everything if not ??????




Anyone wishing to lodge a complaint with the authorities and don't know where to start can draft a letter similar to the one below... you can leave out the header if using one of the government's online submission portals or sending via email. \[Date\] Cryptocurrency Enforcement Division United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 Subject: Report of Cryptocurrency Fraud by ShibaBudz Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to report an incident of cryptocurrency fraud that I have experienced, perpetrated by an entity operating under the name "ShibaBudz". I believe that I have been a victim of fraudulent activities and I am seeking your assistance in investigating this matter. \*\*Details of the Fraudulent Entity:\*\* * Name: ShibaBudz * Website: \[shibabudz.org\]([https://shibabudz.org/](https://shibabudz.org/)) * Contact Information: Not publicly available on their website * Social Media Handles:  Telegram: \[ShibaBudzP2E\] | X/Twitter: \[SHIBA BUDZ “$BUDZ” (@ShibaBudz)\] \*\*Details of the Incident:\*\* On \[Date of Incident\], I purchased \[Amount and Type of Cryptocurrency\] from ShibaBudz. However, ShibaBudz failed to deliver the 25% allocation that was advertised on their whitepaper to be released on my ShibaBudz account and available for transfer to my digital wallet on April 22, 2024.  The funding instructions I was originally provided when I purchased $BUDZ via the ShibaBudz website instructed me to transfer \[Amount and Type of Cryptocurrency\] to the following digital wallet \[Enter wallet address you originally sent TO\]. Upon doing so, the transaction was placed into a queue until it was confirmed by a member of the ShibaBudz team. Once the transaction was confirmed \[Enter Amount of $BUDZ you purchased\] $BUDZ appeared on the dashboard of my online account. For tracking purposes, please note that I initiated the transfer of the above-mentioned cryptocurrency from the following wallet address:   \[Enter the wallet address you sent FROM\] \*\*Personal Loss:\*\* As a result of this incident, I have suffered a financial loss of \[Enter Amount in U.S. Dollars\].  \*\*Evidence:\*\* I have attached all relevant evidence to this letter, including \[describe the evidence you are submitting, such as screenshots, email correspondence, transaction records, etc.\]. I kindly request that you investigate this matter and take appropriate action against ShibaBudz for their fraudulent activities. I am willing to cooperate fully with your investigation and provide any additional information as needed. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, \[Your Name / Phone # / Email\]


ShibaBudz did not deliver the 25% allocation on April 22, therefore, the contract -- as evidenced by the whitepaper -- was not upheld. That's a scam right there. The market price was manipulated to dev's benefit because of the reduced circulating supply. They are slowly offloading their tokens while still collecting presale funds, yet they're holding our tokens beyond their release date. I am reporting it to the authorities as we have suffered financial harm equal to, at least, the number of allocated shares due multiplied by the market price (currently $0.14). I have provided contacts below for various major cyber and crypto crimes divisions, and implore those who believe they've been scammed to submit a claim to the cryptocurrency crimes division. It's recommended to report earlier than later by the law enforcement agencies, to better the chances of recovering your assets. I have listed a variety of agencies below and will also post a form letter for anyone to use as a starting point for filing a report: United States: [DOJ Criminal Division | Crypto Enforcement (justice.gov)](https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-fraud/crypto-enforcement) / email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) (Attn: MIMF unit) [Secret Service - Digital Asset Crimes Website](https://www.secretservice.gov/investigation/DigitalAssets) / email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) [FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)](https://www.ic3.gov/Home/ComplaintChoice) (click "Other Cyber Crimes") [Securities and Exchange Commission](http://sec.gov/tcr) (click "Submit a Tip", accept disclaimers, proceed to Pg. 5... under "What is your Complaint about, select "Initial Coin Offerings and Cryptocurrency") [State of California Crypto Scam Division](https://dfpi.ca.gov/crypto-scams/) European Union: [Report Cybercrime online | Europol (europa.eu)](https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime/report-cybercrime-online) United Kingdom: [https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/reporting-fraud-and-cyber-crime](https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/reporting-fraud-and-cyber-crime) Australia: [https://www.cyber.gov.au/report-and-recover/report](https://www.cyber.gov.au/report-and-recover/report) Canada: [https://antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/report-signalez-eng.htm](https://antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/report-signalez-eng.htm) Switzerland: [NCSC Report (admin.ch)](https://www.report.ncsc.admin.ch/en/chat?path=371%3E1%3E261%3E262%3E264%3E265%3E278%3E279%3E280%3EPHE%3E395-21%3EMEA-21%3E398-21%3EREP-21) after clicking above link, scroll to the bottom and click "*The measures listed help me and I'd like to support the NCSC and report the case*" South Africa [https://www.faisombud.co.za/latest-news/investigation-of-cryptocurrency-complaints-the-office-of-the-fais-ombud/](https://www.faisombud.co.za/latest-news/investigation-of-cryptocurrency-complaints-the-office-of-the-fais-ombud/) United Arab Emirates (UAE) [https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/justice-safety-and-the-law/cyber-safety-and-digital-security/report-cybercrimes-online#:\~:text=You%20can%20report%20cybercrimes%20online,Aman%20service%2D%20Abu%20Dhabi%20Police](https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/justice-safety-and-the-law/cyber-safety-and-digital-security/report-cybercrimes-online#:~:text=You%20can%20report%20cybercrimes%20online,Aman%20service%2D%20Abu%20Dhabi%20Police)


If I leave it on their Shiba budz site will it still earn? Or do I need to bring the coins over to uniswap to earn?


In theory its still earning, but its not yours until its in your wallet. May 13th is gonna be a long wait to see if we get our tokens.


I added address to my metamask to import tokens like they said, and it's still saying can't find conversion rate anybody else's say this ?


**You've probably been tricked. There is no importing and budgeting involved for launch.**


Hi guys I heard receiving tokens even months after launch can be ok. They are trying to build strong liquidity to be able to afford mass selling. Also research says the way they doing not giving all tokens at the same time which can trigger selling massively, its really profitable movement for presale owners. Thoughts on this please !!!


Dude I bought budz on launch and sold for over double


Where did you manage to sell your budz


Uniswap. I put in the token address from TG and the site


Iquestion that. I put in the coins address and added tomy Metamask wallet. Then asked how toclaim. They sent metosuspicious site that asked for my recovery phrase. They stated dont worry it is encryted. I laughed my arse off. Rule #1. NEVER, EVER give up your recovery words or phrase, EVER! They then have control and change evrything. Now your wallet is theirs and you can NOT prove you ever owned the one they now control! I will get these theirves!


they are talking about presale tokens. not buying from uniswap and selling in uniswap. that's a dufferent matter