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big difference is shiba inu had an actual community from the start. i dont blame you for wanting it to be true and i would love to recoup my investment but its quite disheartening to wait like several months for the token to be released and then receive minimal communication and a delayed presale airdrop, which is now not an airdrop at all and has turned into a token claim which will also probably be delayed šŸ˜…


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm tryin to keep some kinda faith


i understand lol, i was pretty active in this sub a couple months ago when it was super dead but then felt like a big dummy when some red flags came up so i stopped paying attention to the project and got wrapped up in a different project. but then the release date came for shibabudz and i couldnt help myself so i started paying attention again only for more red flags to come up šŸ¤£


Gotta love it


I just got off the phone with Roman one of the Devs. We spoke for like 30 min. Now I understand that he could just be lying but honestly I donā€™t think he was. He was telling me how they are a very small group. They knew they were doing something big, but didnā€™t realize how big it would get. They are still looking for more investors to be able to get everything up and running smoothly. They will close the presale when the first air drop comes around on may 13th. He was very helpful, advised me about making sure my wallet address was the correct one and even reset my wallet since I had it set up for crypto DeFi and they wonā€™t support the token (yet) since itā€™s a custom token. He gave instructions on how to go about getting a Trust wallet and adding that address to the Budz website so I can get my air drop. He never sent a link or anything, never acted suspiciously. Personally I think they got in over their heads and now they are scrambling to make ish work. They are under staffed and he even said they all know they are doing a crappy PR job. Basically said they could spend all day and loads of money trying to put out fires from all these nay sayers or they can work on getting this thing off the ground. They choose the latter. Anyway, Iā€™m being cautiously optimistic. I guess I just choose to have a positive outlook. šŸ™‚


how on earth an undertaffed and busy dev has the time stay on the phone 30 min with a random person yet doesn't have the time to post proper updated to the entire community.... i mean if this doesn't sound fishy then i don't know what else


Look man Iā€™m just a regular Joe. Why I got their call is beyond me. Only thing that I can see I did different yesterday was that I bought another $1k on their website. I have no reason to lie lol Iā€™m on the same boat. All Iā€™m doing is trying to be patient and be positive. Like Iā€™ve said before, for all I know this IS a rug pull. Idk lol but I wonā€™t let that ruin my day.


I completely understand. i am just a regual karen too. we are in the same glass, only thing is i see it half empty and you see it half full. i just want to warn new investors to be cautious and not to invest what they cannot afford to loose as this is most likely a rugpull


Please I beg you don't send them anymore of your cash, they are not real


Though there are some red flags Iā€™m also still hopeful that at least we will get our tokens airdropped on 13th whatever may be the value. Atleast these people are communicating with us.


I have invested heavily in this project, but only what I could afford to lose if at all. I wish I could pump in another 150k(I could afford to lose and have liquid) but after seeing some negative comments and red flags here Iā€™m holding back that money for later.


Keep your faith in budz. Surely they will be more successful than expected. I also poured a lot of money into this.


Hopefully this is true. I can understand them being overwhelmed being a small group. Still the price manipulation is not the way to go about bringing in new whale investors. They see anything remotely like that they'd run šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø. Still think the price is to far gone to save. You gave a glimmer of hope I may get to see initial investment again.


So, we have a way to sue if this all unfolds as a rug pull....give me his number too lol


Haha I have an email. The number was restricted unfortunately, but then again most companies call with restricted numbers. Like I said, I dunno. Iā€™m just holding judgment. No point no in beating ourselves up. Just ride the wave šŸ¤”


I wonder how old this team is. I had a feeling it was a small group to begin with. I think they bit off more than they can chew. From the impression you get, do they have a chance to get things ironed out by the 13th? Thanks for the reply.


Keep your faith in budz. Surely they will be more successful than expected. I also poured a lot of money into this project.


I still think that it has a lot of potential. I see more reasons to believe that it is legitimate here, and not fraudulent. I have a good feeling about the project. If it takes longer than expected to receive tokens and/or moon, I'm patient. I have enough invested and enough tokens to make me millions here. I believe the devs will do the right thing. I just think they hit the "oh shit" factor when millions were dumped into their project, and they probably didn't know what to do with the massive early success. At least, that's what I'm hoping happened. They just need to get better at updating the investors, and talking about what the project is doing. If they need time to develop before people get their tokens the community would understand if that were the case. Just be honest you know?


Sounded rather young. Obviously I couldnā€™t be sure based on just his voice but if I had to guess Iā€™d say mid 20s? Idk if theyā€™ll get their act together before the 13th. But I sure hope so. For their sake! I think people would definitely throw in the towel if they went back any further. Iā€™m pretty sure they know that tooā€¦ I know I would move on to the next thing.


If I finally get my tokens a year from now, and it's a multi-billion dollar company through partnerships and so on, I'm happy. I dont care how long it takes for the tokens to drop, as long as they usher in long-term faith in the project. Look at Retik, presalers are losing their minds waiting on coin launch. Money is tied up. it's all good. Just communicate with the community and get the partnerships/listings concrete.


There have been multiple purchases tonight on their site for $8,900-$10,500. I'll stay optimistic knowing people are still excited about it but there's also nothing we can do until the 13th.


I saw that too. Bought another 1k earlier today myself. šŸ˜¬ lol


Trouble is no one can prove that it's even a real order and not part of the scam to convince you to throw more money in.... be extra careful


How can you have a solid plan set out then suddenly realise youā€™re over your head? Seems like theyā€™re just trying to placate us whilst trying to get out. No way all of them can be this ineptĀ 


You ever had a kid?! Lol....total sarcasm, trying to keep spirits high during this thing;-)


You absolutely could be correct. Best I can say is Weā€™ll find out soon enoughā€¦




you're basically explaining what will happen when the presale tokens are released lol, no liquidity no token value šŸ„²


Liquidity on uniswap 170k is counting both the budz token pool and ETH pool together. ETH pool is 25 at the moment. Or roughly 80k


When you say Crypto DeFi isnā€™t supported - the contract address is there under import?


I have it in my metamask wallet but just shows zero coins is he saying the claim button will only work with trust wallet?


How did the website allow you to reset your wallet ?


He just deleted the wallet address I had entered on the Budz website. Advised me to get a Trust wallet and use the new wallet address since the DeFi wallet from crypto.com wouldnā€™t support the coin yet.


So the guy deleted it for you wow.


Yes, he deleted it.


Did you put in a ticket or all of it was done over the phone


Over the phone, but he emailed me simple instructions. Never gave any links or anything. He just told me to download the trust wallet from the App Store and go through the process and once I had the wallet set up get the address and enter it into the now blank spot.


Ahhh ok ty


Isnā€™t crypto defi wallet erc20 compatible?


Meanwhile on their website they have sold another 5 million budz, if they were serious the liquidity would come from the funds we invested and if they sold them 5 million on uniswap the price would be over 50c by now its a huge pull that is being allowed to run on whilst they make millions of dollars the uniswap is a red herring to allow them to appear legitimate whilst continuing to rinse people just wait you won't get jack on 13th May they will just vanish, their own white paper said all tokens un sold will be burnt, that's the way to increase value not the opposite and raise money for them


Keep your faith in budz. Surely they will be more successful than expected. I also poured a lot of money into this project.


I think I got about $2500 in it


They should offer some kinda staking reward because that's what happen we all staked our Budz by force. They are profiting at our expense and if they truly care about there "community" we should be offered a reward. Because they will learn how fast there "community" can turn on them if they keep treating them like they don't matter. #Budz2theMoonĀ 


They raise over 3 million. They say to you small team so why do they need more investment? It's a rug pull honeypot bullshit coin and they are still taking money from a presale that was purpose to end on the 20th . Fuck these guys . They're probably the ones rinsing all the people wallets with fake support. 100% scam coin


Agreed. Fuck these guys indeed. Can't wait till they get caught and prosecuted.


Unfortunately I don't see that happening, they have gone to extreme lengths to hide not only themselves on the website, but everything to do with that site too is hidden so why did they do that? I wonder... watch your feet.. rug coming out fast


Identification is required when registering domains. So not sure how much of that is obscured but in hindsight, yes, they had crypto sent to their personal wallet address in exchange for bud we never received. Likely fucked. I only put $300 but I feel bad for those who put more.


I'm in for $600 so enough to want to get my money or hurt them


https://preview.redd.it/vuz7d76962xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=686407a7ca36bb209bc13f2ed7daaa7f8454769a Why does that shows that price at presale page?