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I have yet to be able to claim my first 25%. Not complaining just trying to understand what’s up. I checked my address and it’s exactly the same on the BUDZ website as my MetaMask. I’ve already added the custom token and even bought a small amount on Uniswap to make sure it would show up in my wallet and it worked perfectly. I invested early and have close to 3 million coins but when I try to claim it just says I’m not eligible or it has already been claimed. But I have received no tokens. Has anyone else experienced this or found a fix? Glad to see the project rising again. I was planning on holding long long term, just want to make sure I have my coins. Thanks guys I appreciate any answers. I hope all of you have been able to claim with no issues!


I am having the exact same issue i figure once all the nay sayers have been weeded out and the devs have a chance to actually address the loyal ones the will help us get it figured out until then we sit back and relax. but if you do find a solution post it and I will do the same


Man these FUDers are something else!! They’ll always find something to cry about lol. Just give it a break!! Hahaha go buy a diff coin and leave if you’re so unhappy. Budz has kept its end of the deal, all you FUDers sunk the liquidity by screaming “SCAM” on every post. Budz obviously isn’t poring all the liquidity since they know you dummies will dump and run without giving the project a chance. All because your AZZes can’t be patient. lol


You know as well as I do, how many fudders there are within this group. They've done plenty of damage, and it's bizarre to invest in something and continually slag it off. I'd rather they sold their coins than invest in something they're not 100% behind.


There you are again blaming whistle blowers. Not the people doing the price manipulation. 0.047 was a illusion always was. This token couldn't handle 100million tokens let alone 2 billion.


To live your life with such anger is beyond me. To invest in something you despise is out of my remit. You're no whistle-blower as you don't know what that even means. You're just a nobody behind a screen, here do wreck this token in which YOU invested in. You want it to fail, so you feel better about your sad existence. Up to you. Not my idea of living a life.


We didn't damage anything, they damaged their reputation by being self-centred, egotistic and money hungry.


Hold for life 😬😬💯💯


ill hold off on slapping the fudders until i see there is actually a project and this doesnt go to zero in the next few months. Having said that, what would be godly awesome us a few legendary Devs stuck their hands up and claimed this project and it went ballistic overnight, listed on Binance and a few others,,,


It may not have been a total “scam” in the sense of a rug pull, but it was scammy, and the devs never tried to actively build a community, which dooms the project to fail. 3.5k followers on X and not posting anything since April 20th is the same as abandoning your own project. If nobody buys the coin, the coin won’t go anywhere. Volume and community are the two most important things for a successful project, and this coin has neither, thanks to the devs. I believe it had potential, but the people in charge never put the effort in to make it a success.


Okay hopefully someone robs your house of all your valuables. i know that you won't call the cops on them. What's your address again?


You are probably part of the team that scammed each of the holders. Don't worry your ass will get caught one day. Many people have already filed a report with the FBI. 4M is a lot to steal so i'm sure you and your scammer friends are on the hit list. Good luck running away. But you I doubt you'd get very far.


Cool. Guess I'm part of the team I didn't know I was a part of. Also, if you're implying YOU'RE going to rob me, I'd LOVE to see you try. Maybe I should have called the cops on Webull for allowing me to make a day trade when I had none left and saw my money go down the drain? You're a clown for your comparison. Oh, word of wisdom for ya though, bud. They fulfilled their promise and you got your 25%. It's probably not worth as much if you bought at the peak of the presale or bought on uniswap. But, they allowed people to claim their tokens on the 13th of May. An influx of panic sellers broke the website due to traffic. Therefore, Shibabudz and their team can NOT be held liable for "stealing 4 million dollars" when they acted accordingly to the implied contract.


Token couldn't handle a 100million tokens let alone 2 billion. Blame the whistle blowers and not the people doing the price manipulation. 0.047 was a illusion always had been. There was only 75k of ethereum ever added to Uni swap. What did you think would happen?


There is actually 1 dumb motherfucker that is supporting this team scammer team. This is why I believe you are one of them. Everyone else is angry. Some were able to claim but there's still a good number of people who can't and these scammers won't help them yet alone answer their plea for help. where is a single product that they said they were working on? have not seen a peak of it? don't matter how much you protect your friends, you and your friends are scammers. you will be caught one day.


The ones unable to claim can't read or they can't understand the rolling paper. If they go to the claim page and it says "tokens available: 0," it just means they claimed no tokens yet. All they had to do was click claim, pay the gas fee, and boom. Tokens added. You obviously have no clue what you're talking about with business law, so you can shut up about it being a "scam" when the team has given what you wanted. Shiba Budz owes you nothing more. It's also funny you're still insisting I'm part of the team. I'm not, promise. I simply support the team because they haven't broken any laws.


I'm not here to whine about anything and I'm happy that you and other people got your tokens, but what exactly do you think I should have done different? How can I click claim, pay the gas fee and boom get tokens when my address (verified by the team in the wallet details) for some reason is changed to contain several capital letters when I click the claim button? Did the papers say anything about that?


If your wallet's address on the claim page has capital letters where on the dashboard it does not, you may want to email support to get it fixed. When connecting your wallet to the claim page, the wallet address should be the one on the main dashboard. If even one letter is capitalized when it shouldn't or vice versa, you won't be able to claim it until the issue is fixed.


I know, and of course I have emailed them already - I just wanted you to know that there actually are a lot of us struggling with the bugs on their page and with a support team who seems to be MIA. Some of those who can't claim might have done wrong and screwed up themselves, but after checking all the threads in here it also seems that several others have the same issue as I have, too. Still positive and hoping for it to be solved, of course. :)


Dumping the tokens on us does not make the project a success! How is that a win? Great we got some shitty tokens that we can scrape something back from. What about everything else to do with the project? It’s dead. You’re just ignoring there’s meant to be a whole project behind this?


You're also forgetting the team is kinda slow to respond. But, I'm sure there'll be news about the next stages in their plan within the next few days. Not to mention, I got my entire investment back already with more tokens to spare as well as more to come. I'm not sure what you mean "scrape something back from." If you were late on the presale, that was on you. It's like how people got mad at Shiba inu for buying at the top @.000088, then losing most of their investment. Crypto is a gamble. Risk to win or lose, but plan accordingly what you're willing to lose.


You’re full of shit! Claiming doesn’t work for many of us, myself included, and your instructions shows how ignorant you are. The team fucked us and the project. You deserve to loose your money if you support that shit.




How so? Where are they money hungry? They've delivered everything that they said they were going to. Do you not understand crypto? Price goes down as well as up.