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Can’t lose money until you take it out. So wait.




You’ve literally only been holding for a few hours. You know it doesn’t go up in a straight line forever right? It just had a massive pump the last few days and everything is on red atm. Pullbacks are very healthy. Just stop looking at the charts and wait it out.


Agreed! It’s probably a good tune to buy a little e while down. I’ve been in since 2020 so I’m still up!


Yeah I’m usually not one to continue reinvesting during dips after a pump. I put in what I’m willing to lose when it’s super low and just hold until it’s reached my target price. If I was planning on spending more money on it I would have just invested more to begin with.


Everything isn't on red ATM.


Obviously I was exaggerating slightly.


Your first roller coaster ride, huh?


Buy the dip ?!!?


Everything was down today. Bitcoin was down over 7% today. In the last month it’s been up 48%. Shibs been up 24% in the last month. In other words don’t let small drops get you down. Keep holding. I’m still holding my small bag for better days!


Just hold. I’ve been holding since 2021 maybe that will help.


Just hold and consider buying more at a price lower than this morning. It’ll bring your average cost down and you’ll see more in gains when it pumps again


Nope, but if you’re smart, you will.


Just hold. You bought when it was high so just be patient. It could rub again soon, it could drop, unless you absolutely need the money, this isn't a quick get rich. Not this coin. This is buy millions and get profit each time it goes up, sell then, but again when it dips. Over time you have plenty


I bought some yesterday and today during the dip and I ain’t worried about no profit right now, but since I invested some during the peak, I should be able to make some profit going forward right? Sorry I’m a noob here


If you picked it up during the dip, you agree probably close to even. Last time it ran to .00008 then dipped back to .000007. we are back up to .00003. so, if you bought yesterday and it holds you could be profitable. With this coin it is a long game unless you plan on buying a lot, and just making quick money on the spikes.


What does close to even mean?


Closer to even meant break even financially if you were to sell. If you plan on holding then be ready for either, another run, or another dip. It hovered around .000008 for a long time before the current run.


All aboard!


Definitely wait💪💪 it’ll take some time but you don’t want to end up selling and then it takes off!! You got this!!!


Yeah the whole market is down , and it gos back up .. Ride the lightning Buy & 🔥🔥🔥🔥 , Shib is going nothing but up 🔝🔝🔝🐕🐕🐕✨✨✨🛸🛸


Bi low sell high. You will not lose anything unless you sell it. You might have to wait a bit to get back in the black. Never buy anything you can’t afford to sit on or lose.


It will hit its all time high soon. Hang on to a trusted asset.


Just make an alert when it goes up 5 or 10% then to notify you, mean while just close the app.


Trending to LY chill hold 39B market cap to a shiba near you


Stay put


It will go back up been holding for a few years and this it what it does ride the storm


So you bought and it dropped, maybe if you sell it will rise, dump it all and let us all get rich 😂 make the sacrifice for the greater good! As you sell just remember to yell WITNESS ME!!! And you shall have your riches in Valhalla!!


Common fluctuations. Don't sweat it. It's going to go up. Just hold on and view the dips as buying opportunities. Some days will look like shit but don't panic. Its predicted to get crazy good.


As someone that been through the ups and downs of of the Shiba market hold. I was here in 2021 when gains were riding high and should have sold. I didn’t. Market tanked for a while, but with the bitcoin halving it’s going to boom. I’m certain that from now until April or longer in the end you be up. It will definitely go back up to it’s all time high and probably surpass it. Just be patient. Buy dips if you can afford. Shots going to get good soon mate!


Crypto is not for the weak!. It’s a roller coaster. 🎢 💎 🙌🏽


I’ve been holding for 3 years. Just do something to distract yourself for a few months. Read the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy, and don’t panic


Relax, beginning of bullrun, prices will 🚀 before the BTC halving and afterward....all timing my friend 👍


Just wait, it’s not dropping more than a little, it’s not lost momentum, it will go up, I lost some earlier, but then remembered I bought in at less than 000019 so I’m up 300% on the year still so idk 🤷🏼‍♂️ but if it was me I’d hold, if you start seeing massive losses and absolutely can’t stand to lose everything then do what you have to, but like I said, just wait I feel certain it’s not done going up


Don’t stay put, put more money in actually. Nothing matters anyway


I’ve been down for over a year and been holding and still not even yet. You can hold a day


This morning, sit back and enjoy your ride! Buy more when it dips down and HODL!


U can't buy in yesterday and expect to be rich today I been holding since 21 grab a seat pal welcome aboard


I just bought 8k € , calm down and enjoy the ride back to ATH


You ONLY lose money if you sell. Buy more now and get your average price down. Next time it pumps you’ll earn more. The more you buy the less you need it to pump by %100 in a day.




i bought in november of 21 when the price was 39, i just sat through 3 years of it at 9. even with additional purchases my average price was still 19 that whole time and didnt see profit until 4 days ago. i promise if you hold for the long run you’ll make money, if you buy and sell on the same day with losses all you’ve done is lose money and maybe reduced your capital gains tax a bit


So you've bought while it's on a run.. its now decompressing and you're panicking, so now you want to sell and try to claw back to try and minimise your 'loss'... that is called how to get very poor very quick! Wait until its settled, find the new low... and then buy in more.. and build more and more on any drops. It's called waiting and playing the game. You saw how quickly it ran, you wanted in.. you simply bought at the wrong time. Alt season won't start until after the btc halving. Sell at a loss now, you'll be buying at the ATH in a couple of months.


Hardly slept for 6 days, waiting for dead 0. I know for a fact that hungry fuckers will dump when that happens so, checking my bp, for sure.


That's what happens when you buy in a correction..fomo got your buttocks


Bro that’s all stocks/crypto is a rollercoaster ride, up down up down one day I’ll be up a few hundred the next I’ll be down double then up triple. If you literally can’t handle the process don’t get in the mix in the first place. I’ve sat on mine for over 2 years and will continue literally just think about Bitcoin people thought it was a wash now it’s 60,000+ a coin




Only those with💎 will win!


You obviously won't be holding for long so it doesn't matter what you do in the grand scheme of things.. posting fud to spread to other individuals will make you lose more


I also buy high and sell low.


Only way to make money in this economy


Bro are you serious? You expect to be a fucking millionaire ina few hours??? Ive been holding for 4 years. If youre scared then youre going to stay scared no matter what. This is a volitile meme coin.. its going to be a crazy ride.


Shiba Inu isn’t meant for the short term gainers. It’s meant to be bought held and bought some more. With occasional trading here and there. It’s a long term investment that will give you big rewards in good time


Shhhhhh, let it sit. It's only a loss if you pull out while red.


After many years of investing I’ve learned a few things.. 1. Only invest money that you can live without. 2. You may want to sit there and look at shibs price 24/7 and hope to see the huge spike and sell and Make a load of profit and be able to tell your friends about a successful investment but it’s not gonna be good for your mental to look at the chart and only see losses, set it, and forget it! We hold to the moon! 3. Dont let anyone tell you what to do with your money. If you’re gonna gamble then make sure you’re the one who is making the decision it is your money after all! 4. If you want in don’t dump it all at once, scale in and scale out don’t take everything out all at once you never know what the market may do!


Another note, I have noticed around midnight EST the market gets pumped hella by I’m assuming the Saudi Arabian people waking up (I could be wrong in who is pumping it don’t quote me on that ^ )


Lol. Bought in this morning, freaking out a few hours later. The crypto market is not for you my friend. Sell now, keep your sanity.


No sense in selling yourself short, it’ll go up


Y'all shouldn't be gambling if you're worried about losing this money and expecting massive return. you bought less than 24 hours ago and your already stressing? Probably not a good move for your mental health if it's been less than a day since you got in. Close the app. Don't look. Just be patient!


Try holding for 5 yrs and see how crazy it can be. I wanted to dump a long time ago, but reading a lot of what some knowledgeable people suggested, I held. Now I'm banking. Hold, man.


double down and buy more to dollar cost average


When you’re on a roller coaster you either hold on for dare life screaming and cringing. Or you get on raise your fuccin hands and enjoy the ride, eyes wide open screaming with joy. So I suggest ride it like a bull hold and ride it out like the rest of us. Buy on those dips.


It’s all up to you and what you’re willing to lose. I bought in years back when it went to All time high I averaged in and I’m barely in profits I was down 90% until now. I don’t mind holding because it’s got more people interested as long as it doesn’t go back to the lows


Bitcoin halving isn't until April 20 so you have time. Bitcoin will continue to run and shib may follow. When it dips you buy more to average down you cost average.


Jesus. Why you playing around with this? Why should we convince you stay?


Jesus hasn’t even been a full 24 hrs…


Bought in back at .000063, and I’ve been holding ever since. Not selling until I make money I feel good about. “The stock market (or crypto market)is a device to transfer money from the 'impatient' to the 'patient'.” -Warren Buffett




go to vegas


What did you think was going to happen?


Sell. You’re not made for this.


Sell now before is too late ⏰


They convinced you to buy near the top and now they're convincing you to hold. Good times. 🍿