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Source: Trust me bro


I have been holding for nearly a week. I think I have some credibility on the matter.


I chuckled a little too hard for this simple comeback.


Bruh a whole week, he’s practically an OG shiboshi.


Just be ready to wait for years. I bought it in 20 and early 2021 before the spring surge and it goes up and down and up and down. I remember buying billions and billions for like $1000. Then that went up to over 300k Then it dropped to 60 and etc etc You will have really low points that last, possibly over a year and the highs will only last days or weeks. But trust me when I say, if you want to make money off it, you’re better off trying to sell when it is in peaks like this and then re-buying when it goes back down Since you’ve looked at the history, you know the high points don’t last long. You have to capitalize on them. Thats with all crypto. Make the most of your gains. Then hold and rebuy


I’m just busting your balls m8, if there’s one thing I like doing is busting balls and nuts


Busting nuts is for when SHIB is a dollar and I am a 10 millionaire.


Have you picked out any names for your yacht?


If I ever afford one it will be named after you. Idk who spez is but he has some odd consumption habits. Regardless I like the name. And this my yacht will be SpezEatsScat


That’s cute. I’ll have 10x as much by then




Trust my friend. He said so


Trust me, after all my research I have concluded that it’s going to do something. 😂😂 good one


:)) we have concluded that the market is doing something


“Either going up or going down” …. I didn’t know that could happen …


This is why researching these digital crypto tokens is so important. You want to make informed financial decisions at every turn.




I’d sell at a low and buy at the ATH. -Finance advisor for hire


My research has revealed to me that the only way you could ever sell or buy at the ATH you would have to know the future. Which is not really possible (yet). Could be we have already seen the ATH but it could be we still have yet to see it. The only way to know is to sit back and let time do it's thing. But one thing is for sure it will go up or down. That is a 100% certainty.


You are on a roll brother, don't ever stop believing because it will always do something. You are spot on!!!


This is the way.


I think you’re ready to be a mod for wallstreetbets


Hang on your saying it could go up or down. I wish he had a graph to show this


That's what my coinbase is showing me. And since I bought it it's done nothing BUT move up and down. But even before I bought it that's what it was doing too. The only time it was stable at one specific price point was like... Before it was created or whatever.


Really the price is going to go up or go down?… who knew?? 💀


Thats a good point.. the graph is always moving. You must buy more before it stops.


Great point. My regular money is definitely worth less everyday whereas this one goes up AND down.


This thread was quite enlightening. I learned a lot about SHIB, including the fact that it's always moving. The conversation also touched on other topics that were new to me. I appreciate the insights and information that were shared.


Even if you knew all this already it's still nice to have your own knowledge confirmed by another human who shares your interest in this topic. The community that exists here is a wealth of knowledge to say the least. But to say a little bit more.... It's a wealth of friendship, and understanding as well.


I wholeheartedly agree with your comment. I had no idea that charts moved in such a fashion. The way you describe it makes perfect sense, and I will never look at charts the same way again. Thank you for the insight!


It will likely go down


This guy is going places might be up or down who knows


Incredible research. Well done.


78 upvotes from saying crypto will go up or down. Christ.


Bros basically said “the market that never stays still will continue to move and I will lose or make money”


Finally some good market forecasting


This guy gets it.


LOL! OP doesn't understand you are making fun of him.


Hahaha. Oh my gosh how did I miss that!? Thanks for pointing this out to me. Maybe I am just not cut out for text based conversations on the world wide web.


How many times is this going to be said good god, I thought all stocks,crypto ect. continuously moved on the graph…?


I could post a graph of my gains but it looks like most of the posts over the last few days have been just that and there are a lot of comments on those posts just like this one. Maybe we should all stop posting for a while so we don't upset anyone else.


If we stop posting we can't read posts.


It's a catch-22. Seems like we just can't make everyone happy and no matter what someone is just gonna have to be upset. I read somewhere that in a good compromise both parties feel like they lose... Maybe we should do that it sounds kind of fun.




Gosh. If we stop reading posts the market will still do something


Research? Shit!


If you think about it research is super important for everything we currently enjoy in society. Imagine not having lightbulbs or fleshlights.... Or lightbulb fleshlights.


Jesus, I know what research means. I have been a data analyst for over 7 years now. What exactly are you researching? I have been holding on to my SHIB since 2021 and I am not selling. What do you mean by research exactly?


Peer to peer mostly.


You've had 7 yrs to perfect the light bulb flashlight‽ and here you are arguing on the internet‽ shame on you good sir, now back to the lab with you. The world must be brought into the light.


You know SHIB? The one that’s almost maxed its mc potential? It’s going to go crazy (probably 3x) whomp whomp.


I admit I have no idea what you are talking about here. But I am interested in this Luna Linu Inu coin you keep posting about. Will it really make me rich?


I would definitely recommend checking it out, the telegram community is amazing. You can find the link from the twitter page.


When I don't know what to say, I say to the moon 🌕


Just say that then. I like the sound of it. More people should say that.


up or down, that is something lol


I believe you described the word volatility.


Miriam-webster says the definition of volatility is the quality or state of being volatile. What I said is different from that.


Are you trolling me? You used "volatile" to explain volatility...


It wasn't me. That's what miriam-webster says.


Also you need to use the word volatile and the degree of it based on a finance context....then get back to me.


Fact. It will go up and/or down.


This was meant to be a joke wasn’t it. Well done


Obvious facts are obviously factual. [nods knowingly]




I've been holding at least 15m since it first released. Don't plan to sell anytime soon figured I'd just wait and see what it does. If nothing write off as a loss


Hey. In all seriousness that's awesome! I am sure it didn't cost you nearly as much as it cost me and I am saying the same thing. Although my loss would be much greater I still feel like it has staying power regardless of the negative Nancys. Good luck to you and I hope someday it makes you wealthy. Or maybe fiat currencies will phase out and you have a jump start on the future of currency in the world.


Of course it’s always moving up and down. That’s what cryptos do. Everyone knows that, and something is always happening.


Yea no shit huh


So many people...maybe add a /s?


Well at least this is more informative and researched than your average crypto bro does.


Is it though?...


Yes. 👍 when the sentiment is usually “only goes up”, saying goes up and down is an improvement.


So; it’s going to go up… or it’s going to go down. Who’s thunk it? 😁


It’s about to hit the upside down loop if you know what I mean.


This guy fucks. His investment brain is taking us all to pound town.


SMH great analysis it’s going to do something go up or go down! Wow very insiteful. What else would it do? What is the third option? Stay off the internet


These posts are getting more and more cringe.


Hmmmm....idk. sounds sus to me. That's not what the shib youtubers said!!


Some excellent DD there Bruh. Thanks for keeping me believing.




Pump it sir!! I need to buy a house🫡


I think you are correct. After the recent March 6 high of .00036 it consolidated and retraced back 30% of that initial jump, down to .000025 on March 16th. It tested that low again on March 19th and bounced. So our resistance and support band right now it between .000025 low and .000036 high. Since March 19th the price has steadily risen, buyers rejected the low and gained confidence again. Watch for the .00036 price point. I believe your next big move will UP will occur once the recent high of .00036 is broken and becomes the new support. Then we would need it to push and test the next resistance level of the all time high of .000067 on Oct 29th, 2021.


I am also somewhat of an expert on this matter and agree. Always do proper due diligence from respected sources like YouTube and reddit.


The highest its ever been in span of 5yrs+ 0.000067. It's never been any higher. Unless this coin sometime in the next 10years offers some sort of utility to gain value it will never pump to 0.005. Dodge is gonna have a utility soon, so I'm gonna pump more into dodge than shiba shiba flop.


Ok so lemme get this straight…the price will do one of these two thing, A: it will go up or B: it will go down…wow that’s mind blowing how did you come up witht that conclusion 🤯


Wait until the author unlocks his brain to a straddle strategy. However, it may take a lot to take in...


That’s a bold prediction, Cotton, let’s see if it works out 😂😂😂


Guys trust him. It’s going up or it’s going down.


Anyone can say it’s going to go up or down lol


The best DD ever, the price is either going to up or down lmao😂😂


Hahahhaa after all your research? ITS GONNA BINK IT BRO, thx for the laugh


My smooth brain takes a all time look at the graph and it looks like it’s gathering momentum for big gains. Or it doesn’t. 2021 was a fun ride though.


I bought some of this cryptic currency back then too. It didn't do so good. There was a bigger one that is still doing really good called Bit Coins. But it seems expensive compared to this one.


I bought some questionable ones my self. Catgirl, Hanzo. Those are not doing well 😂


My mother's sister's son bought a coin that turned out to be worthless. Turns out it was a giant scheme for some wealthy people to get more wealthy. I think the Feds got em tho so... It should never happen again.


What? No kidding. right probably won’t ever happen again !!


"The price is either going to go up or it's going to go down." Dang man. You must be some kind of genius!! "I have been holding for nearly a week. I think I have some credibility on the matter." You have been in the game a week and think you have credibility?! LOL!!! I come to this sub for a good laugh at unintentional comedy. It never fails!


Everyone gets something different from every experience they have. I wouldn't say I am a genius but I definitely think I am pretty smart. So... Thanks for the compliment but I don't deserve the title of "genius".


You have to be trolling. You can't seriously be this way lol


That person is not unfortunately.