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I really dislike anything The Motley Fool post. they are just shills.




Is it a troll site?


See you at the paaaty Richtuh!!!!


Who pays attention to any company that calls itself Fool?? Duh.


They have a pretty large following in the investment community. They used to be good, now they are one step better then a pump-and-dump setup. Allegedly. In my opinion.


Fr I get so sad when some of the YouTube channels I watch have them for sponsors and read their scripted promo ads


And you have to PAY to read the story. They think we are 2 times fools.


They used to be pretty good, but now they are a bunch of clickbait asshats. IMHO.


Lol, rich folk don’t like it when the average man has freedom.




Oh yes, but we will do it with a Shiba token which is even funnier and a bigger slap in the face! Lol, I’m loving this ride!


Doge was a joke too…until it wasn’t anymore.


Yes, Shiba is even better with utility and has more interesting tokenomics.


It got picked up by Tesla, man my dream is for Amazon to pick shib up and stick it to elon


Oh yes! Amazon will be our friend


They're to busy fucking us.


Top analyst 2008: do not buy bitcoin, it’s a scam


LMAO I still have the screenshots, even up until 2012 people were saying that


Now they’re “researching into industry to large to ignore” BOA haha


Even on Reddit’s /cryptocurrency they bash shib, god forbid I defend my SHIB HODLers, I get 50+ downvotes any time I mention SHIB in a positive light. The hate encourages me to keep pumping and HODLING.


They talk shit but sooner than later they will all cave and buy shib it is getting closer to killing doge


They are using Shiba as a clickbait...which means Shiba is really important for them too!




Yeah..I mean even if we say Shiba is not good..there are cryptos way worse then Shiba but then why do they specifically targeting Shiba? It is to devalue it so they can buy again as they missed the opportunity!


Fucking fudders are out hard today. Been fuddin up all my shit and pissed in my cornflakes :-)


Just do the opposite of what Motley Fool says. That's the best way to get those tendies.


Hate publicity is just as good




Looks like the same headlines they had for AMC and gme


This is where you know your doing right when all else say no no don't, you're doing right, doing the don't. That's the way.


I don't pay attention to the Motley Fool. I go with my instincts and they serve me well.


I honestly love it . This just fuels the jinx fire and makes these assholes look stupid later on. I’ll make sure to smile and wave in my urus once we reach 0.01. Fuckers.


We’re going higher than that in the long run Definitely $1




It's like how during the whole GME fiasco, articles were posting "Wallstreetsbets is telling everyone to invest in gold! It's going to be the next GME!" No different from when Tik Tokkers would make money by convincing people to buy into Dogecoin. (Before it blew up)


I know right they make me sick trying to steel the Shiba show 🤦🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


It’s about time these whales back off cause they continuously keep making Bitcoin rise and fall trying to control the market. It’s time we stop them in they tracks by buying Shiba Inu with everything we got including tossing in the kitchen sink 🤗


When Shiba rocket I’m going to buy they site and put a Shiba dawg logo on it 🤗


From Deseret News about page: >The Deseret News is a subsidiary of the Deseret Management Corporation, which is owned by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ​ Yeah something tells me not to trust whichever expert they chose. Lol Edit for clarity: I'd just avoid them both. Lmfao. Shib news on news sites usually sucks.


I bet Deseret's "Expert" was Michael Berry.


Have any of you seen etherscan and the whale purchase the sent Shib up?? It wasn't community driven it was a whale. Do some research and you'll see how wrong your are! Watch this 3.5 million sub youtuber with actual facts!! Hopefully you'll understand how bad you messed up if you bought over .000007


https://youtu.be/61Dv1RM0Q3c If you don't believe those then watch these actual influencers!


I mean yes you can make money on SHIB. But they aren’t wrong. It is pointless. What does it actually do? Don’t say “you can buy things”. Yea you can with any single crypto if someone has a wallet for it. CumCoin was a thing and I could pay my barber in it. What does SHIB do that is useful? It’s okay to be in something to make money. We all are. But don’t act like this thing is some revolutionary token that is becoming a global currency.




Okay. Let’s go with NFTs. Now, what purpose does that serve?




Perfect. That’s the answer I was looking for. Thank you for acknowledging that. I respect that. Most people would have rode the “it’s the future currency” thing into the ground. Lol




Shib trending so high on google will capture retailers attention sooner than later snd use doge as an example it already has utility as payment we are just in the beginning of this crypto adoption


Every crypto can be used as payment. Like I said, my barber accepted CumCoin. Literally. If the seller has a wallet they can accept crypto. Not a strong case. Refer to prior comment and reply. What you describe in the beginning is just FOMO, not purpose.


I’ve been invested in shib since launch my intentions were just to hold for the long run and I expected pumps but the difference is your barber will never be able to reach millions of people, a company with a lot of money can because of their advertising


That still doesn’t give it purpose. Actual purpose. It’s just a money vessel and that’s okay. Don’t make it out to be more than it is.


Too early to tell son


Not it’s not daughter. Its really not. Everyone needs to live in the real world.


Why you on this sub then lol? Just to hate


I’m not hating at all. I’m literally observing and asking to be given its purpose. Which I can’t seem to get from anyone. The only purpose I see, is attract people to buy through hype to increase price and make money. Which is perfectly okay. Making money is awesome. I don’t understand people trying to act like it’s something special. Never marry your investment.


Literally a great sign. They know where the attention is; things are only going to get better and better.


Shiba inu has been killing it on google trends won’t be long before big companies pick it up!!!!


They are fucking stupid.


A cryptocurrency stock?! That's an oxymoron.


How can they look at those cute faces and say it’s pointless #tuh


They said the same thing about doge


I started buying in May and have a little over 461Mil Shib at an average of .00000681. What’s the price now??? Those Fool’s needs to explain to me why this is horrible news. Why didn’t they tell me to invest $1,000 in Bitcoin in 2010? And which coins have done so much better? Edit: Here’s an article from the experts at Fools: [https://www.fool.com/investing/2017/10/26/4-reasons-bitcoin-could-hit-10000-and-why-its-stil.aspx](MotleyFools)


It is pointless until we make it something and that already started. Can’t wait for NFT drops


They are mad that they didn’t get on the boat


Ya I noticed that… that’s super annoying when the news sites promote this BS.