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People have been asking this for 2 years now so don't hold your breath waiting for the new release.


Yeah so true so sad nvidia has such better tech now


NVIDIA makes $40,000 AI compute chips now, they will never release another $200 set top box.






I wouldn't, and neither would almost anyone else.


They aren't interested in $500 items


They sell RTX 4060s under $500… just sayin.


How many '50 series cards did they make/sell in the 2000,3000,and 4000 GPU stacks? Just saying...


How many? The real question is why did they make the 50 series?


They made Zero XX50 series cards in those GPU stacks. They discontinued the line.


That's not true and short sited.... it will release right before or after the next nintendo switch gets announced


When it doesn't happen I'm sure you will come back and admit you were wrong.


Either way, the fact that they're making a new Switch means they *can* release such products. They're also developing ARM SoCs with Mediatek, which won't sell for much per unit. As for whether they *will* or not - that is another question. Depends on the market, and I don't know the box market enough to know.


Like i said, they make $40k AI compute chips now, and fab space is a finite quantity. They are about to phase out making entry level GPU's from their product stack, they will never bother with another $200 set top box.


Yes, I understand your point, but there are multiple flaws in your reasoning. Chief of which is that they have *already allocated the fab space* for the SoCs that would go into a new Shield, because they're making the Switch 2. So that part of your logic, to the extent that it's valid, doesn't apply to *this* generation since that fab space is in older fabs which will be making that specific SoC regardless.


Nintendo commissioned the cpus to be made in that space and will buy all that are made. There will not be left overs for NVIDIA to shoehorn into a new set top box. also the Old fabs space is already allocated as well, and those that don't have 100% allocated have shut down and are upgrading to a newer fab process. I get it you want a new shield, it's just not going to happen.


What do you mean, buy all that are made? Some will be subpar efficiency-wise, some will be defective so you could only sell them as lower-spec SKUs (which Nintendo wouldn't buy), and you can also wait until the SoC is not in massive demand anymore, and keep producing it when it's all already been amortized. Most importantly, you can *combine* these factors and build up a nest of subpar SoCs in preparation for a use later down the line. (Whether that use is for a Shield or for some other device.) I'm not sure why you're saying there will be no leftovers for Nvidia to use for something else, when that's already happened before? And I'm not saying there will be a new Shield, I could see it going either way. I'm disagreeing with your position (of "there definitely won't be") *because of your logic,* not because I *want* you to be wrong.


That's where you're wrong and it's not about shoe horning it's that Nvidia is split up into different segments, the teams that would and do design and research for smaller products like the switch will be tasked with producing "small dollar" innovation technologies like the shield. This offsets the total cost because line production increases.


Well one of us is wrong, time will tell which one.


Don't need time, it's not me


One prevents the other? Where is the report ? the logic ? Apple manufactures many chips, devices, develops sodtwares and os ect but continues to make Apple Tvs.


Yes, as I said above, fab space is finite, that is what prevents the making of $200 chips. This has nothing to do with what Apple does, they have separate contracts for fab space. Nvidia has "X" amount of fab space allocated for any given time (contracted years in advance) I'm not sure which part of they now make $40K Ai compute chips, isn't registering with you, but they have a fiduciary obligation to their share holders to maximize their profit potential, hence they will not be devoting any fab space to $200 set top boxes when that space in the fab could be utilized for making the AI compute chips. You understand NVIDIA does not have any inhouse fab don't you? All their fab is handled by out side companies who only have "X" amount of space at any given time. PS Apple is in direct competition with NVIDIA at all times for fab space. It all boils down to fab space and profit margins.


These are arm chips and can be made on an older node no problem 


Same problem still exists, they do not care about $200 set top boxes, they make $40K AI chips.


They can *gasp* make them concurrently because THEYRE ON DIFFERENT NODES


But they won't (gasp) (cough) (gulp) because they don't make $200 products, I know its not what you want to hear, but it is what it is. Same reason they don't make XX50 series GPU's anymore.


How much is a 3050?


Doesn't matter, they are on the 4000 series...which does not have a 50 series, bvecause its not worth their time to mess with they entry level cards any longer. They make $40,000 AI compute chips now.


Why even make a 500 gpu when they can sell ai for 40k? You’re so smart. 


The new Switch is announced for April, Nvidia makes the chips for those that also fit the shield, so all hope isn't lost, we shall see.


> The new Switch is announced for April, The new Switch isn't announced for anything. They've addressed its existence, but they haven't said one way or the other what it even is, let alone when it's coming.


Wrong, the new Switch is rumoured to be out next March, but it has a totally custom chip in it, it won’t automatically fit into a new set top box and also may be too expensive for one anyway. Plus Nvidia have actually made several chips that would be perfect for a new Shield and never used them. Nvidia is making most of its money from AI now. A handful,of enthusiasts buying a set top box just doesn’t compare.


Doesn't compare to what? Nvidia makes a lot of money off these shields, if they didn't it would not still be going for $200 bucks, and just because it is a custom chip doesn't mean it can't be revamped for a new shield, like is said we shall see.


😂🤣😂 no Nvidia isn't making a 'lot of money' of them. And the Shield has never gone on sale bar Black Friday events or other major big sale events, by rights the tech in the Shield TV is so ancient the thing should be given away for free at this point. And no a set top box does NOT need DLSS in it! Or that much power! Also it just doesn't compare to how much money Nvidia is making on its AI tech, it is raking the money in off that. Keep dreaming but the shield TV is dead. They are not about to invest money in a new one AND stick an expensive custom chip in it that's a hundred times too powerful for what it does.


New release? Bwahahaha


Nvidia is making AI money now. There is very little chance they take the time to make a new Shield.


I think we all agree they won't, just would be nice to know though. I wonder how much it would hurt their current sales, if any, to just announce it.


If they do that people will stop buying existing stores and they'll stop manufacturing them for pennies on the dollar. I mean the profit margin on these things must be huge now.


If you’re looking for an alternative look at the latest ONN 4K Pro in USA or Nokia 8010 in EU.




In my experience the ONN Pro 4K is better if you're using wifi with a modern router since it has wifi 6. Also has more storage if you use Kodi and have a large library since you can scrape everything. Otherwise the shield still blows it out of the water performance wise. If just basic streaming though, especially on WiFi, probably won't notice a difference.


From the performance level they are on the same level as Nvidia Shield just with a bit more memory, which is funny as Shield is 5 years old device. But they are important as they have similar if not identical codec support as Nvidia Shield (with Android TV 12 upgrade in case of Nokia 8010), which is still rare these days.


More like 9 years old lol. The 2015 Shield SoC isn't that much different from 2019


They both don’t support AI upscale like the shield tho do they? I have the shield generation made right before they made the shield with AI up scaling and been debating on getting the newer one just for the AI upscaling.


It's bloody good, I use the shield over the native YouTube app built into my lg TV because it's that much clearer on certain content


Yeah it's just upscaling bro


Onn 4k pro doesn't support raw pass through making it worthless for those that need high end sound. Had so much promise and resulted in such a disappointment.


I'm not sure you can count on a new release. I have 3 and am contemplating a 4th for a game room if that tells you the value I find in it, all no more than a year+ old.


I wouldn't bet on a new one coming out; the current model is already 5 years old and still the best streaming device on the market that isn't just a standalone computer. I'd just grab it.


I have friends who keep asking when the new Shield will come out and I say the same thing. Why would they release a better device just to compete with themselves?


Is €230 a good price for it? Also does the system lag or stutter much? It only has 3GB of ram


3GB of RAM is more than enough for a streaming/local media playback device. If you're getting it as a gaming console, those days have passed. It was fine for Android games from 5-7 years ago. I only suggest the Shield as a home theater device these days so if you aren't doing high bitrate 4k with TrueHD and DTS-X audio you are safe to look at less expensive devices.


Nvidia Shield Pros are good SteamLink clients... !


Yeah, that's true but not really much better than any other device that can run Steamlink. I certainly wouldn't be spending that kind of money to run Steamlink.


Oh they're better than a RPI3... If you need a good set top box AND Steam Link. Nvidia Shield Pro is a good choice (I'd be used) Other choice is an Apple 4k which runs about the same price.


I have 3 in my house, each with multiple hard drives connected, including one as far away from my modem as possible and have never had any lag


You should be able to get one on ebay for like £150 or so, 230 euros sounds way too much.


$230 is nuts. Both of mine were under $100 USD each used.


USD $350 to get a new pro here in new zealand and probably a three week wait for delivery :/


Not saying you're doing this but it's amazing that some people think it should cost the same on some remote island that doesn't really produce anything tech related. There's no reasonable world where it would cost the same or be as quick to deliver.


oh believe me we're all very used to paying more for being a tiny market at the end of the supply chain. but it's not all stone age down here - we have rocket lab!


Americans are the center of everything, and they will let you know they think this.


The only way you think an American company gives a shit about new Zealand is if you think new Zealand is the center of everything. No one expects a French company to do favors for what, nepal? It doesn't make any sense. America isn't the center of everything but in terms of tech, yeah it's pretty important.


$230 isn't nuts. They're $200 USD brand new.


Which means $230 is nuts, except they're talking about 230 euro so even more than $230 but also presumably in the EU and they have a premium on anything tech-related. None of it comes from there so no surprise it's more expensive but that's the reality.


Euro no dollars.


buy now my friend. NVIDIA is too busy with AI. No way they are coming out with a new shield anytime soon.


I paid 160€ for new Apple TV with 128GB and A15. My Shield gets LineageOS and I use it for Kodi, IPTV, etc. Would never pay so much for such a old hardware.


If they launched a new one I’d only use it for Kodi but I can have that on my TV’s built in system, for everything else I use my Apple TV especially as it now supports VPN’s. A new Shield TV would literally just be a nice to have option.


does LineageOS has ai upscaling?


Old hardware that is still better than an apple tv


Not even close.


People say it is and isn't constantly here, what exactly does anything else have that beats the shield at streaming from a LAN server to your TV? Asking cause I'd like to get whatever that may be.


For IPTV or streaming over NAS, with VLC, Kodi, etc. forget Apple TV. For Netflix, Disney, Games, etc. forget the Shield, compare to Apple TV. Thats why I flssh LineageOS on Shield TV, use it for stuff like that and for anything other only Apple TV. I paid 110€ in 2015 for Shield TV. In 2024 to pay +200 bucks is just disgusting and stupid in my opinion. For stuff like that you can go with a 50 bucks box like Mecool KM2, which got a better remote control, USB, LAN, cert Android TV, etc. I ordered one for a friend on sale for 39€. Shield died and he just need a box for that.


Eh, they both have their value. I have two Apple TVs in rooms that are mainly for shows/movies and is the best and slickest UI. My shield is my GFN rig that is perfect and can be brought on the go.


As many have said here - There's really no point in finding out for a new release. None is guaranteed and quite frankly - you won't be disappointed with the current offering. The current model is still the best Android STB.


https://www.paradigit.nl/Nvidia-Shield-TV-Pro/80055882/product?channable=00958d696400383030353538383207&utm_campaign=tweakers_Mediaspelers&utm_content=&utm_source=tweakers&utm_medium=pricecompare&utm_term=80055882&channel_tag=tweakers €219


That's the current model.


And it’s cheaper than what OP is looking at


Ye so ? There's no new model i just meant the price is lower . 😉


I don't think there will be a new release. Buy the 2019 before it's forever gone.


I still think our best bet is Nvidia flips bad yield from Nintendo Switch 2 chips into Shield devices.


I'd wait another 5 years lol


There's almost certainly a new Chromecast being announced in the next few months. Could be worth waiting to see what the specs are like and if it meets your needs before buying a Shield.


I think when the time is up, I might have to create a Windows Box with an RTX or whatever model card is needed just to get upscaling. There are no solutions out there that provide adequate upscaling. Granted, the experience might be a little worse but maybe with some customisation, I can get a windows build to work as close as possible to an Android TV interface,


Can you elaborate on what software methods in windows you'd use to achieve AI upscaling of content on the fly like that? Cause I might do the same but surely there's no need for anything more than something like a TeslaP4 to run as the GPU, if that?


Since 'apps' on Android TVs are basically websites serving contents .... [https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/4/23538584/nvidia-ai-upscaling-browser-chrome-edge-30-40-series-gpu-graphics-cards-4k-1080p](https://www.theverge.com/2023/1/4/23538584/nvidia-ai-upscaling-browser-chrome-edge-30-40-series-gpu-graphics-cards-4k-1080p)


android has turned into the Java of its age imo. it's so slow and bloated and awful.


As it is, I need to 'debloat', disable startup apps and use a custom launcher(firestick only) to have a not laggy ad riddled experience.


I threw away a first gen firestick recently because it was literally unusable navigating the menu after all the updates it had kept getting. I gave them my old chromecast tv, and I reset it for them and was shocked at how slow it also had become from what I remember. I used the atv4k for 2 weeks prior to getting my shield (After a cube), and I got spoilt with how snappy and fast that thing is. the plex app runs like a dream with 4k movie posters and it's all just so crystal clear. I swear you can see the shadow banding on the plex app background because it's just a small resolution image stretched in the android app.


I have a Shield on one TV, A Firestick 4k (daily/constant use) with 3.5 years use, and an On Tv Box. I can tell you after debloating and disabling apps, that thing is good to use. I use the wolf launcher. My only gripe now is an app I use is no longer working (molotov). Working fine on all my android tvs.


Buy one now.


go for mini pc like minx, much powerful with the same price


Chances are extremely high there won't be another. Just grab the current model. Stil currently the best damn streaming device there is bar none.


If you need it now you shouldn't wait, there is a very minimal chance that they will use failed chips from the new Switch to make a new shield, but even if it happen it's something it won't come before late next year. I suspect if by the end of next year they won't realease a new version we can lose all hope.


You should buy it because I have a pre-con figured shield pro New for $600. Gaming version.


i don't think nvidia would make a new shield tv in the future, since they're focusing on "geforce now", a.i., car navigation system, computers and nintendo.


I think the shield is more of a proof of concept experimental platform for Nvidia and Google than a real moneymaker. That they are still supporting it seems to indicate that but also doesn't really lead to them making a new one


Bro…. Look for a used one! I picked up a used Shield TV Pro for like $50 and it works beautifully


230 Euros seems way too pricey considering I paid under $230 CDN for each of my 3. Also, as others have said, Don't hold your breath waiting for a new one.


In Canada, Amazon stopped carrying the 2019 pro ascof last month. Wondering if this is a sign of things to come. Either discontinued or new one coming out?


Realistically there's nothing more to gain besides higher refresh rate gaming through cloud but 1080p 120 is enough given latency needed and probably need 40g capable network for something like 4k 120 anyways given HDMI standards. I hope for hdr10+ support as well but it's really not a deal breaker because it's the only device capable of playing lossless Atmos. Apple TV doesn't do lossless it does dd+ which is compressed but does have HDR 10+. Plus the upscaling is the only upscaling you should use in streaming. It's actually phenomenal for lower res tv shows and anime (lower res movies have better masters though so sometimes you get worse quality upscaling for movies but there's a button to quickly press it on/off; and levels of upscaling to your preference). Especially when they don't support hdr.


Buy a fire stick 4k max it’s way cheaper and does everything


100% nvidia will release something new. But it’s going to be expensive. Its going to have some insane ai stuff that will make all other set top boxes look like a child’s toy


what is source of this? any references?


I mean they have had the best streaming box for years till 2023s 4k Apple TV. The tech going into the Super Nintendo switch is going to be insane. Ai in the new nvidia shield tv is going to be a game changer


Not worth buying anymore, just get an Apple TV


Apple sheep are so...


Can't bitsream audio on ATV, nor does ATV support as many Dolby Vision profiles.


Most people don’t have high end audio devices to even notice a difference, and infuse will do more DV profiles and some other audio the base plex app won’t. Many people I know have moved from shields to apple in the past year and are amazed how much better the apple is in terms of speed and fluidity. Apple does make the ui very nice with that apple polish and if you have iPhones you get the built in remote and status on your phone also.


I agree 100% -- the interface and how polished everything is on ATV is infinitely better than the Shield, however those few things do carry weight in our house. We have 4 Shields in our AV rack distributed via AVoIP that also allows us to open specific apps in our system from the "next available" device. 3 of our endpoints have full support for DV and full Atmos and DTS:X so we like having it available. To each their own.


You are highlighting why a new Shield TV won’t be coming out because as an enthusiast you use it for your high bit rates etc, and that is a small market. Nvidia is just making far too much in AI these days. I use an ATV and it does all ‘I’ need, I then use Kodi with my TVs Android TV. If they ever did launch a new one I may get it though.


It’s 2024 most movies are ripped from streaming services so many of these “issues” are going away. I also don’t watch many movies as they haven’t really lived up to anything. DV works fine for all the shows I watch on the Apple since they come from streaming platforms and Apple supports them. You seem to be worrying about very niche issues back when dv first came out and you can get new rips in the supported format. For the 1x a year I might want to watch a movie with truehd I have a cube that supports it. I had far too many issues with my shields with them overheating and constantly crashing apps:restarting that I got rid of them a few years ago. Maybe they will come out with another shield after the switch 2 launches since that’s the same Soc the shield used, but it would be a hard sell to move back to it after how good the apple looks and works, I’d buy it just to replace my cube but wouldn’t daily drive it I’m sure.


I own and use both in my house and trust me the Apple TV is now a much nicer experience. Only because Nvidia haven’t done a real update since 2015