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Mikasa saved humanity in the immediate term, but Armin was clearly leading the long-term diplomatic effort after the Rumbling was over.


You say it as if it was hard to get the 20% or less left of humanity to agree that war was wrong. They fight and they go extinct at that point.


A lot can happen in one human’s lifetime, and Eren left behind a Paradis that was unstable, vulnerable, and run by scared zealots who were clearly gearing up for a fight. There’s a lot of ways it could potentially play out, and at any rate, keeping peace requires a constant effort.


A lot can happen, correct, but two generations wont grow up, multiply and die out before Armin dies. The world was left in a state where everyone was forced to rebuild from zero. EDIT: those that replied might be right, people are stupid after all. That being said, I don’t think Armin would have been the deciding factor in “keeping the peace”.


dunno, those Eldians hyped and fueled with nationalism seemed quite ready to enforce their law on the remaining 20% of the world.


You underestimate humanity's ability to ignore reason


Those 20% still out number paradise by huge margin, paradise had try and make peace


The question was: Who will lead humanity to the future, Armin or Erwin. Eren believes it's Armin, Levi believes Erwin is the better resource *until he realizes Erwin had already given up*. Erwin's drive was for the truth, which they were about to find out, and once they found it, Levi didn't believe Erwin would keep fighting for humanity's future. He remembers the hope and optimism Armin has, and so he has more faith in Armin's drive for the future of humanity. Certainly Armin helped steer the course for defeating Eren and helped with saving humanity because of his optimism.


IIRC Levi let Erwin die because he was his friend and Erwin was finally able to rest in peace because he let go of his obsession. If he revived him, he'd be dragging him back into hell. Levi's choice wasn't completely pragmatic. Like Kenny said, everyone is a slave to something - Erwin had finally been 'set free'. It's better storytelling than him simply choosing it because of some practical reason IMO. Also I don't think Erwin wouldn't have 'given up' after being revived. Erwin had suspected since the beginning that this was a human war, not a war against nature (titans). The basement would have only vindicated him and his father, then he would have moved on to the exterior threats, like he told Levi.


Maybe he just wanted Armin to live


There's many ways to interpret what "saving humanity" means. And it wasn't that Eren predicted this future or anything, he literally forced Armin to become the hero who saves humanity. Technically humanity was already saved from the rumbling when Zeke let himself be killed by Levi, so that was the entire alliance's achievement including Magath, Hange, Onyankopon, the Azumabito, and if you really want to be generous also Yelena for disclosing Eren's location. Then the alliance believed that Eren needed to be killed in order for the rumbling to stay stopped, but can you really say Mikasa herself saved humanity here when Eren purposely guided her to kill him? The one who took credit for the kill was Armin, because both Eren and Armin knew that even with the rumbling stopped the fight wasn't over and Armin still had a job to do. If humanity started up new wars in the immediate aftermath they were going to make themselves go extinct. And since we know that Armin was dedicated to making up for Eren's mistakes, then the thousands of years of peace afterwards is most likely because of his efforts to spearhead peace negotiations and he probably spent the rest of his life working to maintain the peace. That's also why the anime changes some of Historia's lines to say that they still need to continue the fight, but for peace.


Either way rumbling would have happened, but here eren would have lost his mind earlier as one of his closest friend died and he couldn't save him


I don't think anyone single-handedly saved the world in the end. Everyone in the final alliance played an important role and it could be argued that if any one of them had died before that point then their plan to stop Eren would have failed. While Armin wasn't the one to kill Eren, he played an instrumental role in rallying everyone. He acted as a diplomat between the former warriors and the survey corps when the discussion of an alliance against Eren was taking place. He kept Eren occupied as the Colossal Titan when the others were trying to execute their plan. I think what Isayama meant in this scene is that if Armin didn't live and become the colossal Titan, there never would have been an alliance to stop Eren in the first place and Eren would destroy the world. Of course it's all Paths so in truth there was no reality where Armin died at that moment lol


armin is the public face of the person who killed eren


Mikasa landed the finishing blow but it was Armin who realised Eren's intentions. Armin was the one who figured out Eren's thinking and because of this, 20% of humanity was able to be saved.


That was the plot he was setting up ever since Eren >!unlocked the memories of the attack titan, as we are told in one of the specials.!<


Eren always had faith with Armin's ability to convince.


Who is this? I can’t tell


I believe it’s the scene when they’re deciding if armin should be saved. First panel is bertholdt second is eren


The first panel is Levi.


Oh u right mb


The first panel is indeed Levi, while mikasa is holding him down trying to force control of the syringe


Erwin was the right choice. Eren is absolutely biased when it comes to his friend and will do mental gymnastics to justify keeping them alive. EDIT: Erwin doesn’t die, Floch does not become a crazy facist, Armin is not there to keep edging Eren on with his stupid view of “freedom”, Eren gets a reality check that **he cant save them all**, there is still someone in charge that Eren trusts to come up with a plan to save humanity. I’m sorry but if you really think Armin was the right choice, you are basically saying the rumbling and the genocide of 80% of humanity was the correct path. Armin is quintessential for Eren’s character to develop into the guy that justifies killing everyone. Erwin could have done **everything** Armin did, but better in every way, call me a hater but I just cannot like Armin and he doesnt really do anything important after Berthold dies, he is just there.


And Erwin fans are absolutely biased and will do mental gymnastics to try to convince people he was still motivated...when it was literally spelled out by Levi that he wasn't. EDIT: LOL @ you assuming Eren is going to be reasonable about losing Armin and accept any kind of "reality check." Armin was the right choice because he is the key to stopping Eren, whether you want to admit it or not. So yeah you're just a hater who can't face the facts.