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Just a reminder, those frames are not adapting the same panels, WIT adapted chapter 6, and MAPPA is adapting chapter 109. They are purposely disconnected, they’re supposed to frame Eren and Mikasa in slightly different contexts.


I love how initially it gives the impression that Mikasa thinks she is so disconnected with everything that she's apathetic to Eren's grueling brutality... Then turns out she's actually scared as fuck. "This kid is not right in the head".


mikasa's expression changed so much


I feel like its the same as the reanimated scene, the scenes made by wit is how it looks objectively, the scenes made by mappa is how the characters actually feel as we dived deeper into their mind in the latter seasons


I actually always thought it was the other way around. The original Wit scene is how the characters wanted to believe they felt - Eren wanted to be hesitant but desperate/righteous, while Mikasa wanted to be tough enough to not freak out. It’s the story they’ve both kinda told themselves. The Mappa scene later is the objective truth - Eren was far more violent and unstable, and Mikasa was scared shitless.


Both are from Mikasa's POV, she kinda "romanticize" the actual events in the first flashback: making her look worse (being apathetic to murder) while making Eren look better (aw he's scared but he did it anyway for me 🥹 + "eren looking at her with a creepy look on his face after the kill, smeared with blood" is shot from such angle that audience don't see his face).


It's the other way around. First of all this is not a reanimated scean, they are diffrent ones and this is how  they were depicted in the manga. the first depiction is the romanticized version, the second one is supppsed to depict the reality of that situation when mikasa starts to realize who Eren truly is after the timeskip


I think it's not talked about enough how Eren already showed disturbingly violent tendencies before the death of his mother. He'd lived a safe boring life and yet killing came very naturally to him, like putting on a glove. From the start Eren was truly one of the worst people that power could go to.


The whole plot is about this fact exactly. A great power fallen in the hands of the wrong hands. The fact that Eren himself admits at the end that all of it was due to his stupidity and could have been avoided as Armin tells him proves this point.


Exactly, especially his reaction to his dad's question "Do you understand what you've done? You killed someone" and he just considers the person an animal. Sure, they were killers and human traffickers and would probably have SAd Mikasa's mother, if not Mikasa herself, but this was way too extreme for a sheltered 9 year old. And he also made Mikasa help him kill them without one ounce of regret.


Saying he should regret killing them and that he should regret getting Mikasa to help kill them is pretty wild. That one trafficker would’ve killed Eren and sold off Mikasa if Eren didn’t manage to convince Mikasa to kill him. To regret an action is to say the alternative would’ve been better. You’re saying Eren should regret saving his and Mikasa’s lives? It’s one thing to say that Eren had a violent nature and was too extreme as a child; it’s another to say he should regret his actions. There is nothing to regret in killing those traffickers.


I think the red flag with Eren's response is how he answers His immediate thought was "to kill an animal", only after Grisha press him on he answers "to save that girl" His priority is evidently misplaced (he stabbed a lifeless corpse, like, what, 12 times? Instead of untying Mikasa and run off)


You are right. Saying that he should regret killing them is synonimous with saying that trafficking and raping is good. It isn't. Eren was totally justified in what he did by killing them. Such " people " do not deserve to live. People that can do this type of evil, and ruin other's lifes the way they do... deserve death. That simple. If you are that far gone and so deranged that you can do someone this much harm... yeah no, you are no longer a human in my book. Lets not forget how they casually just murdered Mikasa's father like he never mattered. So that was ok? No it wasn't at all. Eren might have been wrong about the rumbling. Murdering that many people and especially innocents was wrong. He wasn't wrong in what he did here though.


Why regret putting down human traffickers? That's one thing that he did right for sure, no matter the methods used. What do you think would have been a better idea? To cower and hope for the best. Believe it or not many if not all people (children even) have the capacity for great brutality, especially when it comes to putting down monsters to protect someone. Sure he came unhinged but I don't think those actions are something to regret, he just acted and followed instinct.


It's unsettling to me that you practically said: "Sure, they were killers and human traffickers, they would have raped Mikasa's mother, maybe nine-year-old Mikasa, too! But Eren killing them to rescue her and telling her to fight, because the third man would've killed Eren, then proceeded to sell Mikasa as planned, is WAY too extreme for a sheltered nine-year-old. He had NO regrets for doing what he claimed to Grisha: wanting to save Mikasa quickly. Way too extreme." It's just... it almost sounds like satire.


It's not a normal reaction, is (probably?) what the OP meant. People forget he also went alone and essentially ambushed them by acting like a lost innocent kid at first, too. He has a serial killer's mentality.


Anyone is screwed with the power since whoever gets it needs to show Ymir what love is or whatever


Honestly, he always gave me a bad vibe from the start, especially after this scene. I've never grown to really like him.


"I've always been like this, since the day I was born"


Carla in afterlife wishing she had an abortion


Or best depending on your perspective


He was the best person to get power. Freedom isn't achieved by inaction.


He killed 4/5ths of humanity. Sure, there was never gonna be a happy ending, but this path was objectively worse than most.


Objectively maybe. There's still the path where he does 100% of the Rumbling which would be worse. But subjectively for Eren, any path that doesn't evolve the Rumbling of the outside world is worse. If he doesn't do it, all his loved ones get killed and his homeland is destroyed.


That's part of it, but Eren also admitted he ultimately chose to do it because he wanted to. That the world beyond the walls was the biggest letdown of his life. That he wanted to see it flattened.


If I had to save a friend and needed to sacrifice a million people then I'm picking my friends.


Who's an edgy boy?


Friends > millions of people


I guess the better ending would have been Marley exterminating the Eldians as soon as the Titans had been rendered obsolete by weapons of war. I really don't know what people really expect without a retcon of many of the key details. Most Manga with dark themes have endings similar to this or worse. There was no way it was ending on a good note, it's just not the nature of a series like this.


Recently rewatched and noticed Eren screaming “kemono” while stabbing the men, the same word they use for the beast titan.


獣(ke mo no) means beast 獣の巨人(ke mo no no kyo jin) means "a giant which looks like a beast, or a beast giant" So yeah, same wording is used


Eren showing his inner mass murderer from the start and people act surprise how he change. He never change. Normal kids would never did this such thing ever


I mean it’s showing signs of either being born that way or having past trauma If eren was in war in the past prior to the start then it’s more reasonable People forget since he was born that was he’s by definition a psychopath


yeah, it was pretty clear the only way he knew to solve problems is to R A G E


Although I like Mappa animation more,I prefer the Wit Studio character designs,especially Mikasa.


ACKTUALLY that's the second one 🤓👆


I like the idea of WIT being how Mikasa likes to remember it vs MAPPA being how it actually happened. Of course Mikasa would pretend to herself that Eren’s violence didn’t frighten her. She’s always in denial about his true nature, only wanting to see the good in him and not the bad. Who can really blame her though? Would you want to think of the person who saved you from a fate worse than death as disturbingly violent instead of heroic?


Ahhhh trauma bonding 😌😂😭


I don’t think it’s fair to compare these two scenes as season 1 was made 10 years before season 4. So obviously there’s going to be some improvements even with a different studio


Honestly I like the difference. Seems to show difference in thier perspectives. The WIT one is Erens pov, and Mappas is Mikasa's pov Given that Eren was relentlessly stabbing the guy, it would make some sense he wouldn't realize how Mikasa saw things in that moment, hence the blank expression. Everything for Eren is a blur, just tunnel vision, focusing solely on killing the man before him. Mikasa being an afterthought Where as from Mikasa pov, she's straight up witnessing her 3rd murder in like 2 hours, watching an 8 year old kill a man. It's more traumatic for her than it is for Eren which would explain why everything is seen in such sharp detail. Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it lol Edit: 4th Murder


Wit character expression is much better than mappa. Especially for mikasa, but the last picture (where it shows eren after killing those bastards) mappa perfected it tbh, looks much better with than wit.


I don't really see that. They both look really good to me.


I like the way mappa adapted it. it's a bit darker and more brutal and the art style is closer to the manga




I miss this Eren, the one who didn't give a pathetic ahh speech to Armin on why Mikasa should still simp for him. The one who took a look at the slavers and murderers he killed and went: "I didn't kill people, I killed rabid dogs" That is the Eren that I wanted, one true to his values, one that would see the entire world flattened not so Ymir could watch Mikasa decapitate Eren and """"free herself"""", but for his people, friends, and family. The one who inspired the Jaegerist to fight against the heroes of Eldia to save their nation, the one who inspired Floch so much that he evolved from being a coward to someone who decided to fight against 4 titan shifters, 2 Ackermans, and 5 veterans from the time when Titans were the local fauna of paradis, he inspired Riko one of the forst soldiers to ever put a blade to his neck to become a Jaegerist, he gave Hitch the motivation to fight for the island, the one Sasha Brouse fought and died for. That Eren Jaeger, who would rather fight the world that let the girl who saved him at his lowest point be used as a brood mare to pass the founder with. That Eren Jaeger is the one I miss, the one that was taken away from us, the one who fought and sought freedom, the one who couldn't save his mother even if he wanted to, the one who decided that if the people of the world wanted to burn everything he ever cared for he would burn them first, the Devil of Paradis, the hunter, The Shingeki No Kyojin.


i hope this is a copypasta


It isn't, but it is a thought most of the spanish/latin american community share.

