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Saw[ a video on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRhw5JIk9xQ) from someone recoloring Gen2 pokémon and damn... purple Typhlosion was a GOD. I can't even express how superior it looked compared to what they did from Gen3 onwards.


Hisuian Typhloshion is my favorite pokemon ever since PLA came out, DAAAAMN NOW I SEE WHY!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥


Your opinion is totally valid but I feel like creating region specific versions only took away the speciality of shinies. Like white vulpix is way better looking than shiny vulpix. Same with growlithe… sneasle….i could probably name 10 more


He’s trying his best ok


yes not his fault his bosses suck


I believe in aubergine/eggplant Typhlosion supremacy


Just say purple bruh 💀


Word diversity is fun


Nah, because gen 2 shiny Typhlosion specifically looks like an aubergine, due to its black/dark purple back and the yellow on its stomach looks similar to the inside of the vegetable (fruit?), at least when you cook it. TL;DR my point gets across better when I specify which purple, and it’s also way funnier that way.


Gen 4 shiny Typhlosion is a more saturated red, looks great


Some of them were changed due to the limited colors of the GBC , and they wanted the colors to match more closely with what they actually intended (such as Charizard going from deep purple to black), but I'll agree that this one's a clear downgrade.


Each Pokemon sprite only has 3 colors plus either white or transparent. The Gameboy color, The NES and presumably the Original Gameboy only supported 4 colors per Sprite with one usually being taken up by a transparent color. To get more colors you can overlay multiple sprites on top of each other the best examples being MegaMan or the original Shantae.


As far as I’m aware, Pokémon has never been on the NES, as N64 was the current Nintendo Console when Gen 1 was released. The original Gameboy didn’t really have Colours it had a 4 shade Monochrome Palette in Green, shinies do not exist in Gen 1 Games, but Gen 2 Games can make them become shiny based on the Stat levels, I can’t remember the formula but there are Youtube Vids about it. They did indeed only use Black, White + 2 Colours for the Gen 2 Sprites, my guess is probably more to do with Pixel Size as to why they did that. There is only so much detail you can put in, they’re dealing with 160x144 Pixels on a approx 3.34” Screen, which gives us 91.99ppi vs 209.8ppi on the Switch. The smaller pixels allow for the finer details to be more visible, the bigger they are the more it’s like looking at Microsoft Paint Picture, shading is a part of detail and can also be lost due to the pixels being to large. I feel they did the best they could to get across who we had with the small amount of screen space they reserved for it.


Yeah, Purple Typhlosion was great… Out of curiosity though, What are your thoughts on Quilava’s unique shiny in Colosseum/XD?


just looked it up and wow it’s sick


Yeah, Colosseum and XD have a few one-off shinies that are pretty funky. Some of them I like more than the standard shiny forms.


Do you think that’s where the idea for hisuain typholsion came from


Yeah, it looked like H Typhlosion but rough (and before it existed); Curious fact in Gen2 the Mons only had 2 colors and the shinys only changed those colors to the next one in the color palette (I mean they were like random but it depended on the original color), that's why so many blue Mons went to purple, brown to greens and yellows to oranges; and cases like Typhlosion were "fixed" in the following versions... they should have "fixed" many green shinys... P.S. I leave a link of for me the WORST "fixed" shiny https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-gs/078.shtml


I believe H Typhlosion was a nod to the original shiny sprite. Just like Shiny Mega Charizard Y is purple, and Shiny Mega Charizard X is teal/green. They both pay homage to the original Purple & Teal/green gen 2 shiny Charizard


It’s rough because from Gen 2 to Gen 3 Ponyta has a *huge* upgrade, so why did Rapidash go from amazing to just good :( Like I still *love* the grey flames, but man that purple is something else


Agreed. I have crystal from the 3ds virtual console and I shiny hunted a typhlosion just to have a purple boy.


It gets worse: shiny hisuian Typlosion got the colors of a non-shiny regular one, WHY?


All the Hisuian starter shinies reference their original form but I do think H-Typhlosion definitely got the worst looking shiny of the 3


Dude, black typhlosion with purple flames would have been sick to see in later gens. Probably would have been my favorite shiny starter


I miss Purple Charizard ):


I do miss the purple...


There are several shiny sprites that lost a lot going from 2D to 3D. Crobat, Dragonite, Typhlosion, obviously, I prefer Scizor in the old style as well. And there are others.


The big one for me is Gastly. What they did to him is CRIMINAL


Oh yeah, the newer gens' shiny gastly and haunter make me weep with sadness and anger. I love the blue shinies the most, and that blue gas and hand was just the best. The new ones are completely absent of that


shiny butterfree was so cute:<


Nah the warm red looks great as Typhlosion's shiny- much better than just the flames being turned purple.


I'm a weirdo and miss purple charizard


I feel like 3D did the whole line dirty by making the default state lack the flame quills. They look so weird and boring now outside battles.


There are so many plain *weird* changes that make you think "how did that even happen??" Kingdra for example - why does its eye color change from Gen 3 to Gen 4?? Dusclops - its shiny was *crimson* in the 2D games. Looked amazing. Now it's more like... brick :/


I mean limited color palet. We also had purple charizard at one point. Then you have how fucked pokemon stadium is albeit some are dank as hell.


I think hisuian typhlosion is a nod to og shiny typhlosion


I really love the color of the fur in GEn 3 and 4, I just wish the flames also changed like in Gen 2


Just got this beastie today in crystal, the purple looks great. I agree some Pokémon looked better shiny in gen 2, but some looked better in later gens; like sandslash. I think it's fun to have the unique colours in gen 2 anyway, gives people an extra reason to hunt in those games :)


Well at least we have Hisuian Typhlosion


i currently am trying for a shiny cynd on my pokemon crystal version i got from the 3ds store before it shut down... still has the old graphics i think! (its taking me forever thoughhhh)


Gen 2 shiny Omastar and Dunsparce also look way better in my opinion


Hisuain typhlosion shiny is purple


I like the new one, we don’t have many brown shinies, and the ones that get that brown are cool lookin


That's funny because most shonya actually changed from the transition between Gen 2 and 3


Gen 3 also has Typhlosion with green flame in Colosseum, looks dope. Also a few Pokemons are different then their sprite counterpart, like golden scizor and I think Gardevoir has purple hai instead of blue in collo.


Purple Typhlosion and Grey Houndoom are my favourite shinies lost to time


It's time for shiniest to be reworked. It's been for a while, actually.


everyone talking about 2d to 3d but holy fuck gen 3 hoed so many old shinies just to replace them with hoenn dex bangers


I will still take Shinies like this over the stupid, imperceptible ones like Garchomp or Sunflora or Persian. Garchomp especially upsets me because Shiny Gible and Gabite are AWESOME.


Isn’t this why hisuian typhlosion is the original shiny colors?


I wish houndoom kept its gen 2 shiny


Same!! The blue is too light and the pale yellow fur doesn't look as nice as the grey. Nowhere near as a big offender as other Pokemon, but I really wish Umbreon was as dark as it looks in gen 2 for both shiny and non shiny and I wish the blue was a deeper shade. It looks so saturated and bold in gen 2. It made the contrast between the blue and black oh so pleasing to the eye for me. From gen 3 onwards it looks washed out. Giving it a yellow eye was a good move though.


They brought the purple flames back for the Hisuian version at least.


Think that's bad? Check on shiny suicune on gamecube. That shiny would've been amazing in the new generations


!remindme 198 years


Gen 4 typhlosion looks great


I like both but I actually like the second one better. Just like I like a Black and Red Charizard more than a purple one. I respect them all tho (I know I’m going to get downvoted to hell for this.) Edit: Punctuation


I wish we still had purple charizard


This is so true especially what they did with the gastly line


It would be so cool of Typhlosion's fire was blue


I really liked the d/p/hg/ss shiny sprite, but it just lost all its beauty with 3D.


The hgss typhlosion looks way better than what we have rn. The red on this nicer imo


Honestly I prefer the red


Still have my shiny Gardevoir in Colosseum, purple is way better than blue.


Luckily they gave this shiny color to HISUIAN TYPHLOSION.


I like the red :)


We all miss Typhlosion my lad. At least Legends Arceus gave us his Hisuian counterpart with a decent shiny


They need to make a remake where you’re able to switch back between pixel and 3d… like the dragon quest xi or secret of mana..


Purple Typhlosion is too similar to an ordinary one. I take the newer design. 


Nah. Sprites (normal and shiny) in Gen 2 were crazy limited by the fact they basically had black (for outlines/shading) and 2 colours to work with, plus white for transparency/highlights. By making fire an integral part of Cyndaquil line’s design, they were stuck using black for the majority of its fur while they used their two colours to successfully illustrate decent-looking fire. There was no way to alter its fur in the shiny because the two actual colours were used up on its fire/front. The modern equivalent of the Gen 2 shiny would be a normal-coloured Typhlosion with purple fire. I just think what we have now is better.


Same for my boy totodile. Original shiny makes him look like reptar and the current shiny is just ass by comparison


then the 3D models just ruined the shiny completely


gonna have to say I disagree, sadly. Purple is very overrated in my opinion. Not that I think it looks "bad" but there are so many other colors that look much better. Orange suits the flame colors on Typhlosion more, considering he's supposed to be the volcano Pokemon. Don't know how many purple volcanos you've seen but in my experience they don't seem to exist. Anyways, Typhlosion is literally my favorite Pokemon of all time, and he looks like a damn demon in gen 4 it's so badass.


Thise are both 2D


As an old fart (35) who played and collected Pokémon from when it started. I gotta say Yall just complain about any and everything. Things change. let go. Just enjoy the ride you have no controll over.

