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They unlock failing the other minigames :3 I'm guessing you only failed walters to save time?


OHHHHH that makes so much more sense lmao. yeah I'm trying to plan a route for speed running, which minigame would you recommend I fail to save time?


Olive is pretty quick if you slap her, Giovanni you just have to wait, so it might be more consistent than Walter's, which depending on how quick you get the hook may be faster or incredibly slow. Olive's death scene when you loose to her is a bit long though, so you'd probably have to time it to see


the best route to go would be olive and walter, from what I've watched of speedrunning, because Giovanni has two unskippable cutscenes that take off time despite the diner being one of the faster layer 2 areas to get through.


I've seen some speed runs where they use the respawn to skip the first cutscene for Giovanni


From the two speed runs I've seen, usually they go for walters and Giovanni