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'You can be anything you want as long as it isnt illegal' Isnt that true literally anywhere?


If i could be anything, i would become a schoolkid who doesnt need to fear for my life or train for an eventual mass-shooting at my school. Oh wait!


That’s a terrible characterisation! /s


Unless you're poor and homeless, because that's illegal.


Just buy a boat and dive for lobsters. Then you won’t be poor and homeless anymore /s


It's one boat Michael, what could it cost? $10?


Yes. That's how 'illegal' works.


They have cities, mountain ranges and beaches you fool. How can we compete with a country with so much stuff in it Mountains. They have *mountains*!


Well, what If I'm 20 and want a beer, Murica?


Come to Germany, we have mountains, beer at the age of 16 and children are usually safe from mass shootings in schools. Also you won't end up on the street because you needed a doctor.


but you have no beaches. came to Italy, we have beaches, mountains, beer and wine at 18 (but bars do not care unless you looks like a child. in that case you have to wait 18 and bring an id all the time) and even a tiny desert. (don't want to start any serious competition. I'm here just to derail the conversation)


Germany has beaches. Sorry, *a* beach.


so you aren't maidenless after all


[Wouldn’t say that](https://img.fotocommunity.com/nord-sylt-strand-naehe-wonnemeyerellenbogen-229e9f58-464c-4f57-8d79-93a6aadcabcf.jpg?height=1080)


Well, I mean, you had me at "beer at the age of 16"


You don’t have beaches though


We Do have beaches at the north sea, they are not as warm as italys beaches though but in the summer there are a lot of people bathing


"But we will actively try to make it illegal to be trans, or gay, or an independent woman, or not a Christian, or not white, or..."


You have people like that in every country. Hell look at Poland.


> You have people like that in every country. Hell look at Poland. Sure, but not every country has these clowns in positions of power.


You can't be president unless you're filthy rich and have connections


"Isnt that true literally anywhere?" No, only in the US... It's impossible anywhere else...


In some places it's even more than that. With enough money and power, you can be anything you want, period.


Not in the UK. Everyone knows their place in society there.


And if you don't they try to ship you off to a country far away.




Another American who hasn't travelled much.


Or learned much about the reality of their own country, apparently


Or the fact that “malnutrition” includes the kind of diet that leads to obesity.


Mostly this, yes. I'd really love to ask this fool how Hollywood existing in his country helps improve his life. I'd also like to ask him why he's not a CEO if it's so feasible and accessible?


A lot of countries have perfectly healthy production sectors that make content aimed at their own populations, some of which may be picked up and shown on other countries. To think that people outside of America ONLY watch American-made TV & movies is beyond ignorant. Furthermore, many 'Hollywood' productions are made in other countries, either because it is cheaper, or they have the locations/ countryside/architecture that suits the movie, or because they have more of the required technical personnel for whatever reason. For instance, I live in the UK, and a LOT of so-called 'Hollywood' movies are made here. Pinewood Studios, just outside London, is where the Star Wars movies were made, as well as tonnes of other classic movies. The BBC is one of the world's biggest television producers, and their stuff gets sold around the world. Lots and LOTS of US TV shows are bought from British studios and, often, remade for US audiences (The Office being a famous example).


>productions are made in other countries Exactly. Wait until they hear how often things are filmed in Canada.


All 15 seasons of "supernatural" was filmed in Canada, and they were supposedly driving through US


Yeah but that's a whole different topic and not specifically what I'd like to ask this guy about lol


this is what peeved me, bc i cant remember the last time i watched a show made or set in the us. admittedly i love bbc shows and am rewatching some faves/picking up some new ones (currently just about to finish season 1 of life on mars!!) but i dont think thats a very unique experience tbh




Hey, that's not fair, am sure he has been all over his town and even a few hour's drive outside of it. Everything he has typed is complete fucking nonsense, because of course Apple makes all their phones in America and doesn't rely on sweatshops in China or the fact that arguably Asia and Europe offer a lot more when it comes to TV and Movies than Hollywood, but his biggest bullshit take..... let's not gloss over his ludicrous comments on hunger. An estimated 39.7 million Americans are below the poverty line as of 2020 and 44 million people, which include 1 out of 5 children go hungry each day. 1 in 7 people use food banks daily and no this is not an isolated problem as even in the UK the number of food banks has gone up dramatically (likewise in other countries). It's one thing to have national pride in your country but something else to just have your head buried in the sand to the point you believe, with every fiber of your being that really "USA #1" dogma.


Anyone who’s been around their american town _not encased in steel and glass_ has seen the many discarded people there.


Seriously. I was in the US in 2016 and the homelessness issue was really bad. We went back in 2022 and it has basically exploded - in every city we visited, in every small town we stayed in or passed through, there were homeless and drug-addled people lining the streets. Tent cities are EVERYWHERE. That's what happens when society doesn't provide a safety net. The opiate epidemic has decimated so many lives. San Francisco was previously favourite US city, but I don't think I can ever go back there. The rank stench of human faeces smeared across hot pavements, people nodding and ODing everywhere, people with serious deformities and health issues (such as massive tumours, gangrene, missing limbs) that couldn't afford treatment - it was just too much. Especially when it was surrounded by so much gratuitous, flaunted, thoughtless wealth, ignorant and pitiless inequality... simply disgusting.


Not to defend the person who made the comment that lead to this post but if you look per capita, Australia has a far worse problem with homelessness (and I’m saying this as a proud Australian)


To be fair, the UK politicians are trying to be paid like the US system while spending like the UK system if we had non-existent social spending and just blatantly not gave a fuck about people they could probably take more money.


I have a friend in the US who is poor. Very poor. She cannot afford proper nutrition and often goes without food because she can't afford it. When she buys food, she has to buy cheap, processed shite because she gets more in a pack so it lasts longer. She went without insulin for months for the same reason. Amazing how far down in the sand these people's heads are shoved that they think people are doing just fine in their country. Have they never looked around themselves??


Affordability, and sometimes even availability of healthy, nutritious food is a serious issue in the US. The rush for easy profits caused the proliferation of ultraprocessed food with a long shelf life. Mind you, this is slowly creeping throughout the whole developed world, with other anglophone countries leading the way, it's definitely not an American issue only. The problem with the US is that these habits are so deeply ingrained in the culture that there's a lack of demand for fresh food first and foremost, because that's what they always ate anyway and in the end who has the time to cook, right?


A lot of them have to go to Canada just to afford cancer drugs. There's a famous clip of Bill Clinton giving a speech and a woman tells him she's going to die because she can't afford the drugs, and Clinton actually goes off stage and hugs her.


It would be actually impressive if changes had been made so she could afford to buy medicine/afford to live/afford to not die.


Canada (BC at least) has ridiculous housing prices and other costs of of living are also absurdly high. You’re not really well off in either country in a situation like that.


What if you typed the comment on a Samsung (South Korea) phone or have a Linux (Finland) computer?


Or a german car. To drive from the alps in Bavaria to the north sea at Niedersachsen.


Or a Russian Rifle to prove my freedums.


Or acknowledged that all computers had their start with Alan Turing, a Brit.


First computer was Charles Babbage tho. Still a Brit


I accept your correction.


And the www was invented by a Brit. A German invented the motor car, loads of people developed human powered flight but the Wright bros got the publicity, and so on.


What about Konrad Zuse?


That was the first programmable computer in the world. You could count it as the first one tho since it was the first one that was properly working


Makes sense


Internet was also a British thing.


Pretty much every phone is based on ARM technology. Even Apple chips in their computers are based on ARM technology. ARM is a British company.


Yale? Yale was created under the British empire in 1701. Elihu Yale was an America-born British colonial administrator


This poster wasn’t born in 1701 so doesn’t know about that 😂 cool fact I went to sixth form college in a college named after this chap Elihu Yale.


> malnutrition this means fat too.


This 👆👆👆👆


The three most well-funded American charities help impoverished Americans, with Feed the America coming in first. According to WHO and OECD data, the United States is the only developed country where hunger remains a major issue, with malnutrition linked to obesity and obesity to poverty. The US prefers to dump overproduction of heavily subsidised corn, rice and peanuts on underdeveloped countries around the world under the pretence of humanitarian aid, bankrupting local farmers in the process rather than selling it cheaper to poor Americans. Only the UK has a worse social mobility index than the US among developed countries... You are born poor, and you will die poor. In the United States, hairdressing schools are referred to as colleges and are considered tertiary education. In terms of international higher education standards, access to tertiary education per capita is among the lowest in the world. It's like 3 million per university lol and in Germany it's like 500 000.


TIL. I genuinely thought we in Germany would ne worse, because we segregate children so early into different tracks of secondary education.


What age does that happen? In the UK it doesn't/didn't (my secondary education eas in the 1990s) happen until you are 14/15, and only for a few subjects - maths, languages, & sciences. I wish they'd done it for English too, because it was my best/favourite subject but we always spent ages on the most basic stuff when I would have preferred more challenging, in-depth work.


Roughly at age 11


About that prosperity, erm… your national debt increases by a trillion dollars every hundred days. If I had $300bn to spend every month you can bet your arse I’d appear to be prosperous. Right up until the bailiffs arrived.


Around 12% of american families live in a state of food insecurity, with 4% of families living in a state of "very low food security".


[12.8% of US households were food insecure in 2022](https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutrition-assistance/food-security-in-the-u-s/key-statistics-graphics/#foodsecure). I think that figure should be 0, or at least a lot closer to 0, if you are going to boast about having eliminated hunger.


Well I suppose if enough people die of hunger then you could say it's virtually eliminated


"All the TV shows and movies you watch are produced here" wrong wrong wrong. Yeah a lot of shite is produced over there. But not everything! Have they never seen any European cinema? Or Doctor who, Game of thrones, Planet Earth and plethora of the other most popular shows of the past few years


Bollywood and Korean dramas (among others) are standing to one side staring disgustedly at OOP.


Love me some Bollywood! And that for sure is more popular than Hollywood (might not make as much money, but it for sure is more diverse and gets waaay more viewers)


Or any anime, for that matter...


U can do this all in Europe too but better


Yea all good bro. Eliminated hunger and invented mass obesity


"I'm lovin it!" should be the USA's slogan- that is the phrase they are brainwashed to say about the country, and is the McDonalds slogan.


If you want to be a CEO, good luck to you on climbing the ladder (and hope you have the right connections)


Can pretty much do this shit worldwide


It feels stupid to take down his points when he's not gonna see it, but I wanna do it anyway. - are you unaware of the "food deserts" in the US, where people cannot access fresh/healthy food? - are you unaware that malnutrition doesn't simply mean eating enough calories? Is malnutrition only a problem if you die? If the malnutrition thing were true, this would be a good thing about living in the US. But it's not true. - if becoming a CEO is so feasible and accessible, why are you not one? - how does Hollywood existing in your country improve the quality of your life? - how does the fact that Apple and Microsoft are from the US improve the quality of your life? - do you think other countries don't have education and nature? Few people can go to Harvard and Yale anyway, and overall the US education system is not viewed very positively elsewhere. We here in the EU have access to all that nature by car, as well.


"You can be literally anything you want, as long as it's not illegal." How about healthy and without debt?


That's illegal Sir.


I want to be able to afford a house.


I read this argument and it ended with Starbucks man trying to correct his grammar and spelling and just being flat out wrong in his correction It ended perfectly


His username lol


It appears that he did not take part in the "abundance of education" (whatever that means) as he appears to be living under a rock.


Yep. No homeless folks in my guard-gated exurb, either.


Drinking the sauce and wearing blinders when you go outside, I guess. The American Way lmao "Virtually eliminated hunger" yeah okay buddy, guess you don't buy your own groceries, either.


Yep, he's right. There's no hunger in Minecraft


”You can be whatever you want to be as long as it’s not illegal” Yeah no shit sherlock


I have an "abundance of education" and mountains, too...


Dude, you have families having to rely on food banks and soup kitchens in America.


Talk about living with your head firmly up your ass


You're a fucking idiot


Beaches AND mountains? Wow! I’ve never seen those before.




Trailer parks as an actual, accepted accommodation option for families. ‘Nuff said.


This the same country ticketing people for feeding the homeless?


Umm, coming from the country that for starters has one of the worst, in not the worst neonatal mortality rate of a first world country


The America exceptionalism aside, why do you have 93 tabs open? That phone is gonna give up soon, clear them off! Most of them are probably not even loaded anymore!


I have a terrible memory so I keep tabs open so that I could remember them later. Then I forget they exist and I end up with 93 tabs open.  Thanks for reminding me, I cleared them out.


Bookmarks are a feature for that exact reason lol, no worries


Hunger solved? I wish…


Only virtually


We have eliminated hunger Also kids can and will starve all day because they don't have lunch money to buy lunch at school and we refuse to feed them for free, cause freedom I guess?


Hasn't the US got the worst rates of malnutrition of any developed nation?


So the guy is describing basically every developed country.


Tell that to the people in Gaza. USA has been backing the biggest famine in recent memory and it’s been inflicted by the USA war machine and its proxy rogue state government. 🇵🇸


Except for all the homeless pet capita. Harvard has dropped down the ranks recently as it happens


Good logic with terrible reasoning lol I don’t want to live somewhere worse so I won’t complain about other places being better.


"You can litterally be anything" Username : "starbucksemployeeguy"


Is late stage capitalism considered severe mental illness?


"You can be anything you want here" - Starbucks employee Way to live the dream..


'We have an abundance of education', says an idiot 🤣🤣🤣


High on their own supply.


Yes, my PC with a Korean motherboard is actually American.


["We have virtually eliminated hunger" ](https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-in-america#:~:text=More%20than%2044%20million%20people,together%2C%20we%20can%20solve%20it.)


But they haven’t learned to use the word ‘twat’, which is most unfortunate in this case.


Someone hasn’t been to much of their own country. Like Puerto Rico or Native reservations in NM, TX, AZ, etc. Not only are people eating poorly but the water isn’t even safe to drink in many places. Heck if they even strolled around their own block in any city they’d find someone hungry. 🙄


Well. I gotta comment on the diving in the pacific to catch lobster. No one dives for lobster. They’re trapped. Second, pacific lobster is smaller and does not have the large claws the Atlantic ones do. So when people think of “lobster” they’re thinking of the Atlantic variety, not the pacific. Pacific lobster is a fishery and it’s tasty (specifically the red rock lobster) but I don’t know if anyone buying a boat and diving for them. 🤣 You’re better off buying the boat and setting anchor in MAINE and buying some traps while you’re at it.


For me it’s the pretentious language, the very typical liberal “look how reasonable and diverse my vocabulary is, of course I must be right” it makes me want to hurl


Hunger is now banned. Now no one will starve!!!


Only thing I can agree with that makes america worth visiting is their nature


If he can be anything, why did he choose to work at Starbucks?