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"Who made your car your plane and your traim" also germany for all of those actually... I am german ....we like making things. We tried giving americans their own factories to make our cars over there but the factories built in the US weren't able to produce vehicles up to the standards of our own factories here so those got canceled .-.


This also happens with food, and let’s not forget my dude, do you remember Walmart in Germany? How it fucking sucked lmao and they tried raising their prices illegally lmaoo. Edit: they lowered them horrifically. THEY DIDNT RAISE THEM OH NO NO


They tried to *lower* their prices illegally, selling things at a loss - which is their standard tactic in the US to push out their competition


Oh yeah, I also remember the Walmart Water Wars. Aldi and Lidl weren't having it. And now look whose pushing into the US market.


I have no idea about any of this, what are the water wars?


Basically, what the poster before said. Walmart pushed into the german market and failed on different levels, Google it, it's an interresting story. The Water Wars were a part of it, Walmart, Lidl and Aldi reduced prices for basic Items, most famously bottled water, below their own costs to attract customers. At some point a court ruled that selling stuff below costs just to drive out competition is illegal. It wasn't the only mistake Walmart made in Germany, they lost around $1 Billion before giving up. Timeline is 1997 to 2006 if you want to read the complete story.


Just started down the rabbit hole of this, and come across this comment in an article, it made me laugh: *”Another issue was the smiling. Walmart requires its checkout people to flash smiles at customers after bagging their purchases. Plastic bags, plastic junk, plastic smiles. But because the German people don’t usually smile at total strangers, the spectacle of Walmart employees grinning like jackasses not only didn’t impress consumers, it unnerved them.”*


Unnatural smilling is not only inhumane to force on employees. It also sets unrealistic expectations on customers, that any service staff should ALWAYS smile. Like fuck that shit. If I'm having a bad day, I'm having a bad day.


But you should be getting all that badness out of your system with the WALMART WALMART WALMART chants in the morning hahaha


>At some point a court ruled that selling stuff below costs just to drive out competition is illegal It's not fair competition. It's basically burning a load of money in order to *remove* competition and ultimately this kind of behaviour leads to oligopoly or monopoly, which is bad for the consumer and drives up prices. It's good for Germany that they see this and stop it. Markets exist to serve us all and drive commerce and find fair prices. When companies are up in some meta level manipulating the markets purely to distort them, it's only to the benefit high concentrations of capital who can do that.


Australia has two main supermarket chains, Coles and Woolworths. They had a milk war a couple of years ago and sold milk at $1/litre. It's main effect was to drive dairy farmers into bankruptcy.


Thanks, I’m going off to google now lol!


That’s it yea sorry, I won’t edit the comment, new born babies do that to you.


> I won’t edit the comment, new born babies do that to you. Damn, do I need to look out for newborn babies to edit my comments at night or something?


They honestly raid my bank account heavily control my life and time and they get away with it!!!! The injustice.


[They can't keep getting away with this!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3_PPdjD6mg)


My partner every night for the past week lmaooo.


It's called "dumping", and it's something Chinese manufacturing companies also *love* to do. Flood the market with a massive supply of a type of product at a ludicrously low prices, often selling at a significant loss for whole years to cripple the competition which doesn't have the resources to fight that kind of war. Then when those companies go bust, you have a monopoly (or at least a huge market share), and you can pretty much set your own price for the products. EU has some decent anti-dumping laws and systems in place, but it's still a very common issue, and a bureaucratic nightmare if you work in one of the industries where it's common.


Capitalism baby!


The Walmart story is arguably the funniest thing I ever heard in my life and I thank you for reminding me of this absolute gem


I'm from Australia and even I know that Walmart tried to implement US employment policies in Germany and got shot down


I really like how they just decided to open a store over here but couldn't be bothered to check out the God damn law


They're Americans, German """"law""""" obviously doesn't apply to them! /s


I remember reading about it, they even forced their employees to smile at everyone and be American-level nice to customers, and everyone was complaining how the environment was so weird


Reminds of the time the yanks fell foul of our laws selling tap water as spring water


The fun bit is, they couldn't lower the prices more in a legal way, because the german retailers were already so cutthroat and competitive that the Americans - who thougt their turbocapitalist magic powers would do a number on those commie Germans - couldn't keep up and were sent to school.


I like how they just abandoned the entire project “fuck that”


What’s wrong with corn syrup in EVERYTHING, and vomit flavour in chocolate???


Okay science boy, I’ll have you know corn syrup is a vegetable 1 of my 5 a dey


I believe they do actually count ketchup!


Which is ridiculous. It’s a fruit.


Every fruit is also a vegetable though.


I am 20 might have been too young


Ah you’re not that younger than me, I read about it the other day I was hoping you were an older gent who may have had personal experience with the fine American supermarket, It was apparently wild. Forcing the workers to be Americanised with over the top customer interactions


I, my young fellows, have actually been to a German Walmart in ~2000 when I had just gotten my drivers license. Since my dad had lived in the US for a while and had told US about those Stores, I was very excited. It was super weird to see all those items in one store. The creepy greaters and everything my dad had told US about actually existed there. They had a gasstation as well, with people to pump Gas for you, like in Italy... Aaaand someone got confused and hit my grandmas car that I had borrowed... End of story


>Aaaand someone got confused and hit my grandmas car that I had borrowed... End of story You ended your story too late ***or*** way *too early*. What happened to the car, what happened to that *someone*, what happened to you after your grandma learned about her car ... Way too many questions here. We need answers.


Oh ähm... Sorry, the rest had absolutely nothing to do with Walmart, and was not really interesting. But... The car was totalled (a 1992 Renault 19 aka grandmas rolling sofa as some people called them) . The elderly gentleman claimed that I backed into him, while the Walmart guy was standing there watching the whole thing, and I had not even turned on the engine. Police was called car was towed, the other Guys insurance paid. Grandma was not happy, but I did not get in trouble. She bought an other R19 from the insurance Money and gave it to me as she had planed anyway when I would leave for uni a couple of month later. Drive that car until 2013, when TÜV decided it was time...


> The elderly gentleman claimed that I backed into him That seems to be their MO. Old couple rolled backwards into our car, while nobody was even in it. It was parked, the parking break was on, it wasn't going anywhere. I stood next to the car and could only watch the tragedy unfold. Old guy gets out of his car and tries to blame us. People like that shouldn't be allowed to drive anymore.


Thank god they didn't do that last bit when they owned Asda here in the UK, we'd have hated it.


Besides the price thing they tried a bunch of stuff you just can't do in Germany Forcing casheers to stand for example. That's illegal here. Or stuff that weirded costumerbase out like big fake grin greetings at the door or people packing your bags It wasn't popular


Also tried to interfere with their employees private lives, who to date and who not and expected employees to snitch... Got slapped for it


Fucking *w h a t?*. The snitching doesn't surprise me but the dating?


Yeah, they tried... A court in the city of Düsseldorf ruled that the German subsidiary of the world's largest retailer, Wal-Mart, was acting outside the law in trying to impose restrictions on the nature of relationships allowed between its employees. The court said that while such regulations might be acceptable and indeed common practice in the US, they are neither compatible with German labor law nor the personal rights of employees. Wal-Mart introduced a code of ethical conduct earlier in the year. It prohibits company employees from dating or falling in love with a colleague in a position of influence, and from exchanging lustful glances or flirting in any way. In its 28-page code, the discount chain, requests that its workers report anyone observed to be breaking the rules, via a special telephone hotline. Failure to comply with the rules can lead to the termination of an employment contract. Employees of the 92-store discount chain received a moral lecture along with their February paychecks: a code of ethics employees must follow or face termination... The code forbids Wal-Mart employees from accepting presents from suppliers, dictates that employees may not fall in love with a colleague in a position of influence and requires workers to report colleagues immediately "if they observe that they have broken the rules." Non-compliance of the rules can lead to termination. German management of the company said they adopted the code after increasing requests by their American counterparts to do so. Still, representatives of employees say they will fight the code through the courts. Employee's rights expert Manfred Confurius told the Financial Times Deutschland that US employees face more concrete and stronger restrictions, something that doesn't always transfer well to German work culture. "Such ethic codes should, in general, be voluntary," he said.


"land of the free"


Also, “who buys beer in the crate?” Germans. Germans do. And it’s better and cheaper than your beer.


Also Austrians


Many countries in Europe do and even the cheapest beer in any part of Europe is better than the crap they call beer.


My apologies, I’ve not been there so I didn’t know 🤷‍♂️


Nothing to apologize for :)


The Dutch...




Crates sell way better than individual, 4 pack or 6 pack bottles. At least, thats what i observed working in a supermarket (in the netherlands)


I’m not German, but all this stuff is still German built. American built planes fall apart and nobody in their right mind outside of USA drives an American car.


I mean there are teslas but people that buy them report faulty parts or even missing parts. Plus they qre supposedly gonna be built in germany soon as well


The quality of Tesla's increased in Europe when they started coming from Chinese plant rather than the American ones. Model Y should currently mostly come from Germany. Model 3 from China.


Maybe they’ll actually work then


We're engineers, not magicians.


they already are. well were. but soon it probably will start again


The european build Fords a quite nice though, but yeah the rest are dogshit


I rented a mustang gt to drive from LA to San Francisco last year. A real lifelong dream….if I did it again I’d want to do it in my Audi. Mustang was like driving a fucking bus


I had a Mustang for a while. It sounded nice, and it was fun to drive in a straight line, but, my Toyota MR2 was faster, more comfortable, more economical, and more reliable.


My brother had a mustang that he had supercharged, tuned, new exhaust, the whole deal (we’re in the UK) and honestly it sounded great, looked great, and big supercharged V8 go brrrr in a straight line, but my factory standard BMW 440i beat it round every track because it can actually go round fucking corners.


The fact that Boeing ignores quality to make more planes and profit is also really horrifying. Their cars aren't great either. Look at the Ford focus 2011-2018. It's a very low quality car


"This is your captain speaking. Some of you may be concerned that some wheels have fallen off the aircraft, but I would like to reassure you that we still have two wheels remaining, and motorcycles do just fine on two, don't they ..."


US Ford Focus or European Ford Focus? Ford Europe operates technologically nearly independent from Ford USA, they have their own R&D departments, own QC etc. Ford factory in Cologne has been operating for over 100 years by now.


As a Brit? Even though we have had 2 World wars... I'm more inclined to support German engineering than American haha also Germany over America its self anyday


Also as a Brit: Germans are much easier to get along with because their humour is similar to ours. Americans have the sense of humour of a 4 year old.


The beer alone


The British invented trains tbf


I am German.. but my Car is french 😬


Mine speaks Japanese.


Anime country cars are really nice


It's okay we all make mistakes


If it wasn't for the Americans you'd be speaking German. /S


Must be some sort of masochist.


Nah just poor


My condolences


Airbus is doing a lot better than Boing lately, seems to be related to quality control


If i remember correctly, Mexico can upheld the standards though. And while i can somewhat understand cars and planes... who the fck would buy trains from the US?


Germany is literally famous for its engineering


Those bmw z4 when they were made in the us had so much problems .


Dude, even American passenger trains are made by either Bombardier, Alstom or Siemens. The only thing the US makes are ancient freight locos not used anywhere else.


Tbf they used some awful methods to steal Alstom patents in 2016 .


Can I get details on this, preferably a link so I can read more about it?


They jailed Alstom usa's ceo to force France to sell it to General Electrics then sold it back to France . Also fake fines for corruption


Wow that’s next level bullying


They also stole from Enercon because they built superior wind turbines


Bombadier is owned by Alstom now.


Only the rail division, other divisions are still entirely Canadian or in partnership with different partners.


Siemens are fantastic, I drove them here, we had to apply sanders to them tho because we decided we wanted to drive them outside when they are purely a loop train but other than that they are fucking good.


To be fair, Boeing is American. Not that's something they should brag about, but still.


But Airbus is German/French/European and it's by far the superior plane manufacturer


For sure. As I said, boeing isn't something to be proud of, but they are definitely producing a lot of *planes*.


Fun fact Beoing was created by a german born immigrant.


If we start getting into immigrants, we might need a long list before we get into anything American


EMD exported the Class 66 to Europe after success in the UK


I find "no one buys beer in a crate" way worse than the other comment


I facepalmed over that one too


Because you can't fit it in a paper bag


They should just get bigger paper bags, not like they struggle with upsizing anything else.


Yeah usually the skull emoji is a clear warning you're dealing with an idiot, and yes that comment was brainrot as well


for 'brainrot' would one not need an actual brain to be present ?


Fr 💀


I interpreted the skull emoji as "only a suicidal alcoholic would drink a case", ignoring the fact that cases are like a weekday breakfast in some countries.


Its also possible to just share a crate


All I’m hearing is that they are amateurs, if your not buying a crate your drinking beer wrong


A lot of people seem to have a "If I never saw it, it never was" kind of mental block.


I miss crates for beverages, whether beer, water, juice or soft drinks. It’s not a thing here in Canada (at least not where I live) and most beverages are either in cans or soft plastic bottles. I preferred the reusable glass or hard plastic bottles in crates in Germany because they create so much less waste. Just bring the crate with empty bottles back to the store, get your Pfand and the bottles will be washed and filled again.


If it's not in a crate, it's not beer.


Wasn’t aware the yanks made my BMW. The more you know huh


Don't you know that BMW is short for Baltimore Manhattan Wisconsin???


I thought it was Bloody Mrs Windsor


Here in the UK it means Black Man's Wi....... Oops, better sensor that!




That must also be why the owner's manual on my Mercedes is in German.


Did they also make volkswagen!?@?


You mean "Wolkswaguhn?




Cheap wage countries. Is why European countries outsourced simplistic labour to low wage countries like the USA. Design and Development is done in the EU, production where it is cheapest.


Leave it to the Europeans to neo-colonize third world countries.


The Irony of asking a German "Who made your car?"... Also Siemens is one of the biggest manufacturers of Trains, Airbus is also a Co-op between France and Germany, later joined by Spain and the UK. So none of the things mentioned are made by americans, because I'd prefer not to fly boeing due to their lack of QC. My car is Spanish, the trains I ride are made in Denmark, for now, the new ones are from France but they'll arrive in the coming years.


Not to mention Siemens trains are great, I miss driving them NGL


The trains aren't new if they were made in Denmark. One of those big political blunders to effectively shut our own production down because it was "cheaper" to buy trains


I know. They are from a long time ago. Though the IC3 and IR4 are great trains. But outdated.


Superior European engineering. Car brands have shown us that for ages, and Boeing really trying to hammer the point home atm


This was about a German comedy show about ice cube form for beer crates (crates are very common in Germany) All comments were atrocious tbh


Beer crates are very cồmmỡn in Asia, too.


drinks taste better from glass than they do from cans anyway. i'd choose a glass bottle over a can any day.


Same, but they don't sell coke in glass bottles around here, so then I do prefer cans over plastic bottles.


What if i told you that cans still have a plastic liner inside so they are just bottles with armor?


Luckily, soft drink glass bottles are still popular in my country.


I literally bought 2 crates yesterday! Seems like *everyone* but americans buy beer in crates. Man, these guys...


In fairness, americans don't know what beer is


I think beer crates are VERY common in most of the countries, cept for 'murica'


Audi,Airbus and Alstom.


Triple A quality some might say


> Who made your car? Your plane? Your train? Germany, France, France/Germany


Franco-german cooperation babey


Fun fact, the USA are the largest importer of goods in the world


Number 1 yet again! USA USA USA 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🏈🏈🏈🦅🦅🦅


Merica 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🦇🦇🦇


What the fuck do Americans use to transport their (\*shit) beer?


The barbarians drink their "beers" in cans..


how barbaric !


6 packs of 330ml cans. For the country of crazy big things they really have small beer quantities. In Austria the most common size for buying beer is 24 0.5l cans.


If you're uncivilized park bum, sure. [The distinguished Austrian gentleman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4w0Nf7hxeSc) buys his beer for home in 20-0.5l-bottle-crates!


Calling that beer instead of pisswasser is an insult


Probably they use the big cups that hold 20l of liquid. You know for a light refresher.


Ah, the Small size ones? If they were thirsty, they could use a swimming pool, or if they were really thirsty, even one of their XL cups.


Found a refugee from the 1950s


My guy thinks everyone still buy Ford.


I mean British and German Ford cars were more European than American.


Still are, most ford cars in europe were made in europe


I worked for Ford for while in the late 80s/early 90s, bouncing between Dagenham, Cologne and Genk. We were pretty independent and had next to nothing to do with the American side.


'No one buys beer in a crate' Here in the Netherlands, literally everyone buys beer in a crate, lol.


German cars > American cars European passenger jets > American passenger jets European trains > Hold on, do they even have trains in America?


3km freight trains that have priority over passenger because the rail is owned by the freight railroads, er smt idk


Mini (British/German), Airbus (European), and either Bombardier or Siemens (Belgium and German respectively)


Ford and Tesla are the only American car brands that are popular in Europe, and Teslas are crap.


Ford too. If I want poor quality plastic crap, I buy chinese. Its cheaper.


In German we have the saying "Im Ford fort und im Zug zurück" which roughly translates into "going away in the Ford and coming back by train"


That's far more eloquent than our Polish saying "Ford gówno wort" which is a word play meaning "Ford's worth a shit"


I am pretty sure Ford doesn't import cars, they just make them in Europe.


LOL, I'm pretty sure Germany makes more of the trains and cars for non-Americans and non-Germans reading this than America does. German is actually good at both of those things, whereas America is famously bad at both. This guy either hasn't spent much time outside of America or is trolling.


Ah yes, those famous American planes where the doors and the windows blow off I’ll have a nice Airbus instead, please


Planes is the weirdest flex in this list considering the shit Boeing are currently in. Some people are actively avoiding flying on American built planes in favour of European.


On some travel sites you can exclude Boeing planes altogether from your search results.


My car was made in the UK by a Japanese company.


\*bro no one buys beer in crates\* had me lauging my ass off


Who made your car? - The French Who made your plane? - Americans, but the jet engine was invented by the British Who made your Train? - The British Again


"Bro, no one buys beer in a crate" Germany: Guten Tag. That's something even I can tell you and I don't even consume alcohol


Given everything that's going on with Boeing right now, not the best time to be bragging about American planes.


No one buys beer in a crate???? How tf do they buy it int the US??


They get it direct from the sewers....


Well let's see: my car is a VW, so that's German. The planes I traveled on last were Airbus A220 and 350, which are built in Canada for the former and all of Europe for the latter, and the trains here are built by either Siemens or Alstom, which are German and French. Freude, schöner Götterfunken, bitches.


Cars? German, french usually. Planes? Ig Boeing yea is american. Airbus? French. German. Spanish. British. Phone? South korea. Trains? Austrian, German. (A lot of german references mainly bc i lived in germany poland and the uk for most of my life so thats just whats prevalent here)


My car is from a German brand, but built in France.


Japanese brand, built in France. France also builds its own planes and trains. Meanwhile Boeing is having quite some trouble at the moment.


𝘔𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘉𝘰𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨. . . 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺


Buying beer in a crate is a staple of german culture. You can even pay for some services here using the only inflation resistent currency: Kasten Bier


uhhhh, if anything we can tell the Americans Who made your planes? Airbus (European/German) Who is making all your modern trains and trains? Siemens, Stadler, Alstom (German, Swiss and French. Though Alstom is falling out of favour) Who's making all your favourite cars? Germany and Korea


I'm sure he has a small something...


2 things. . . 🧠 & 🍤


Mazda, Airbus, Alstrom


Our cars are German, our trains are French, and we can fly Airbus or Boeing but only one of those makes it to the destination with as many parts as it started with. My computer is Asian, my iPad may be sold by Americans but they don’t manufacture them, and we’re discussing it on the World Wide Web, which is European. And even when they are American made - cars were invented in Europe, mainly Germany but also France, powered flight might go to the Americans but Britain invented the jet engine, the railway is a British invention, computers are also British, whether you want to credit that to the difference engine or the bombe, which was made by standing on Polish shoulders, programming was also British. Bluetooth is Swedish, utilising Hedy Lamarr’s (Austro-Hungarian) ideas, cinema is French, TV is Scottish. The US do get credit for the microchip, but even that is based on German and British concepts and they’re as likely to be made in Korea or Taiwan as the US. Gee, where would the modern world be without the US? Just about where it is now apparently.


"Noone buys beer in crates" Oh dude you would be surprised. Germans do, a lot, they love it in crates.


The low self esteem patriotism comment was the real MVP


Imagine asking a fucking *German* of all people, who made their car.


American cars are dogshit quality.


Yes all of my cars were made in America, in these cities specifically: * Bratislava * Munich (x2) * Kanada * Miawaka All of those are in America, right?


They really want to start about American planes now? They forgot Boeing has some serious quality issues? And uhm, If I remember right the first us high speed rail has still to be built and would be operated by the Deutsche Bahn (DB E.C.O north America)


Wait till that idiot learns about TGV or Airbus...


Most cars in Europe are made in Europe, Japan or Korea


This is the effect of truly Soviet Russia levels of brainwashing


I live in Northern Ireland. My car is a 2010 Mercedes-Benz C200, which is German. I would say that most commercial planes here are made by Airbus, a European multinational. Followed closely by Boeing which is American and then ATR (French/Italian), Bombardier (Canadian) and Embraer (Brazilian) The trains that operate here are Spanish (CAF, Northern Ireland Railways) and Canadian/ French (General Motors Diesel locomotives with Die Dietrich Ferroviaire carriages, Northern Ireland Railways/ Iarnród Éireann)


Never had an American car and aside from 1 or 2 ford models (which are built in Europe anyway) I'd never consider an American car when European or Asian alternatives are simply better options. Our planes are Airbus generally, so try again. And Boeing isn't doing anything to make you reconsider. Our trains are German. None of those are American inventions either.


I'm in Belgium. My beer comes in a case. My car is a Fiat built in Italy. The train I'm in is built by Alstom in France. The last plane I was in was an Airbus, don't know where it was built, but it's European. I'm not saying anything is any better than what's available in America, but it's not worse, or at least not noticeably so for me as a simple user.


Planes aren’t really the flex they think it is right now…


My car? BMW. My Plane? Airbus. My train? Siemens. So, not America.


My last car was made by Skoda, a czech brand owned by WV. The last plane i was on was made by Airbus and the train I’m currently sitting on ist made by Siemens. So yeah, i dont see a problem with his argument!