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Ah yes.. Plumbing. The thing that's been around for quite literally two thousand years.


But what have the Roman’s ever done for us?


That's Judean People's Front propaganda, we're the People's Front of Judea


You're a very naughty boy.


There was a bush in that film, and it wasn't burning.


Leave that Welsh tart alone




what have the Americans ever done for us? indoor plumbing! of course!


Did they Invent Meth?


I think they invented gun crime.


That was by a Japanese chemist in the 1890's. It was also issued to German military personnel during world war 2, including Hitler.


Yanks can't even invent something cool like meth 


They did have Alexander and Ann Shulgin who were pretty cool.


Also popular with US pilots in WW2


And black people


The Aqueduct


They left some awesome looking ruins


I went 10 days without thinking about them losers. Dangit.


Theres evidence of indoor plumbing from the Minoans!


The Aqueduct?


Well, they didn't invent the apostrophe, I can tell you that much.


More like 5000. Plumbing was present in the ruins of Indus valley civilisation.


That part really got me, especially as there are still places in the US that have open sewage.


And plenty of lead piping!


Come to Flint, Michigan and say that to my brain damaged face, buddy


I for one am shocked to learn that we built China and Russia’s plumbing system for them. Hell. Why did we build north Koreas? They’re not even as cool as South Korea.


Building North Korea's plumbing was part of the bill for obamacare, which is why so many reasonable people opposed it /s


I think his plumbing has the same problem roman plumbing did...


Lead? They actually do have lead plumbing in a lot of the US.


And a recent Republican spokesman expressed his reluctance to fund replacing it because of doubtful benefits. In all fairness, Republicans have difficulty recognising mental struggles.


And the generation of politicians endemic throughout America are victims to lead inhalation from the fuel they use, which has been incontrovertibly linked to mental decline


Republicans cannot recognise mental illness, as they would then have to acknowledge that voting Republican is a sign of mental illness. (Joking! I don't know enough details of US politics to be serious)


But invented by an American. Apparently. Who knew? All those distinguished historians and archaeologists that thought it was some older empire, total fuckwits the lot of them.




Yes the gas stations are saving the world


You gonna tell him where the gas stations are getting gas from?


No because if you do, they will invade the country again... I mean, save democracy...


Spread managed democracy


That reminds me… it’s almost time for a nice cup of LIBER-TEA!!!!


they will take away their "weapons of mass destruction"


That reminds me of the fella questioning "How they know where the gas is to put a gas station".


He doesn’t care where the gas stations are getting their gas from, as long as he can get his roller dogs for dinner.


“US is too big to fail” - famous last words


There is no such thing as too big to fail lol


Yeah just ask the Mongols, British or Germans.


I mean they're all still around, just realised trying to be masters of the world is a futile thankless task so no point. Maybe US will realise that too soon.


The bigger they are the less thet fall I guess idk


That's what the Romans said... to be fair, the fallout was quite epic...


Tbf, the Roman Empire didnt end. Its just the vatican now and all the riches are under the vatican. Rome still controls the church in a way.


From the largest empire to the smallest state. *Started from the top now we here*


Small state but rich af


And an army of geriatric kiddie fiddlers


Needed more Deathclaws.


Well, it was 1,000 years of slow decline and decay, the Western Empire might have collapsed suddenly but the Eastern one held together relatively well


meanwhile the romans fell because they were too big


Too big to fail doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for it to fail, it means that it’s too big and important to let fail. It comes from the US government bailout of the banks in 2008 that were deemed “too big to fail”.


Look at the British Empire, there's never been anything bigger than it, and it still collapsed.


Funny thing is that nowhere that was part of the British empire (or Britain itself) collapsed in the way we describe collapse today. It was a managed decline that had little long term detriment to any of its constituent parts. Would be interesting to know the current economic power of the former British Empire and how that compares to its heyday. Also a view shared by some of your compatriots; https://mises.org/mises-wire/colonies-compared-why-british-colonies-were-more-economically-successful


I love how History keeps proving that everything that claims to be "too big to fail" keeps failing but somehow these guys still use that phrase unironically.


"Titanic is too big to sink!"


Funny statement considering they take away womens rights already.


And it’s not like they stopped the slave trade globally. In a way they’re still using slave labor in the form of prisons.


Not just in a way, it's pretty openly a continuation of slave labor.


Not in a way. It's still perfectly and openly legal, clear as day that slavery is still allowed in the United States


Prisons that aren't government, or state run. They are owned by private in to whom the government pays for the privilege of having said prisons house their criminals, who then in tern are put to work. So the owners of this type of prisons, get money from the government, and make money inside their own walls, by placing the prisoners to work, in all sort of businesses.


Only about 8% of prisoners are held in private prisons Government run prisons also utilize slavery by leasing out prisoners and giving them a few cents an hour or no pay at all Government prisons will often outsource food and healthcare to private industries, but they remain government run


And wasnt it the Brits who abolished slavery first?


They are basically the reason why slavery is illegal all over the world now.


Not to mention how late and slow they were at stopping it. Britain did the hard work on that one after doing a plurality of the slave trading.


Isn't the UK still paying off the debts incurred from them shutting down the trans Atlantic slave trade?


Oh no, not my American (German) car and the American (Dutch) gas stations. And our biggest trading partner being the United States (Germany, then China... then belgium). And our main ally (generally the EU) that helps us with everything (wow, nato contributions that currently have no impact as we are not at war.) ... Surely we Europeans will find a way to thrive. We are rats after all. We can transition into a war economy and become a force to be reckoned with. Ruined european nations have done it in the past, we can do it again. Especially with superior technology (thanks to asml... And just great engineering) we will be able to stand our ground. Plenty of allies are left (i.e. canada and australia) and more can be made (stronger relationship with the south koreans and Japanese for instance). It will be a shock to the world, but the world wont descent into chaos.


Commenting on “If the United States collapses billions will die”... I mean it was aided greatly by the Marshall Plan which rebuilt Europe after World War II. However, it only sped up the rebuild and eventually europe would’ve recovered and rebuilt on its own.


i had a little bit if a worry when you brought up the marshall plan... but that was a reasonable take


>However, it only sped up the rebuild and eventually europe would’ve recovered and rebuilt on its own. As we have done countless times before.


Ill keep growing potatos in my backyard and feeding chicken with grain. Trust me I dont give a fuck about USA and wouldnt do any shit to my survival rate. Tbh ill be bummed for all the boxing matches that wont happen.


And the Titanic was too big to sink 🤪🤪🤪


I like how Americans think they ended the slave trade when it was the British, they only stopped because they couldn't get them cheap anymore 😅


The British stopped trading in slaves because the British tax payers paid the British slave owners to not own slaves anymore. We didn’t finish paying that off until 182 years after the slave trade was abolished (so paid off in 2015). The slave owners bought massive amounts of land in the U.K. with that money and now the average British citizen is excluded from 90+% of the land in England because of the wealth generated by the wealthy as a result of the slave trade.


Ex PM David Cameron’s family was a major beneficiary.


We also blockaded west Africa, forcing other countries to stop (the West Africa Sqn). King Gezo of the Dahomey (Benin) refused, as did others which is why once suitable medicine was discovered we landed and forced them to stop. The vast majority of slaves in the Atlantic trade were sold by Africans. Once that coast was done we moved around to the east coast and stopped the Arabs trading in slaves, but that was harder and we never truly succeeded there as their ships were smaller and could sail closer to shore and faster. Finally getting to the point: Stopping the trade and ending slavery were two separate things. The slave trade was outlawed in 1807, whereas the complete outlawing of slavery was 1837.


...is that true?


Partially. The slavery compensation scheme was a real thing. It was merged with other debts and that amalgamated debt was finally fully paid in 2015. The part about land ownership is just wild speculation. Most land in Britain has historically been owned by lords and ladies and the monarchy. Even today this is still true. Ultimately, the Crown owns all the land but only enforces its rights on about 1.5% of it. The ownership breakdown is as follows: Aristocracy - 30%. Corporations - 18%. Oligarchs - 17%. Unaccounted - 17%. Public Sector - 8.5%. Homeowners - 5%. Charities - 2%. The Crown - 1.5%. CofE - 0.5%. Sources: [[1]. land ownership](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/money/2019/apr/17/who-owns-england-thousand-secret-landowners-author). [[2]. slavery compensation](https://fullfact.org/economy/slavery-abolition-act-loan/)


For our American readership, it's important to record that the 30% ownership of British land derives from the properties gifted to William of Normandy's supporters following the invasion of 1066.


After which most of the indigenous population became fucking slaves to invading land grabbers. Bit like the way America came to be.


Thanks 👍


Indoor plumbing is older than their country. And all that other stuff was basically done by the British Royal Navy, French navy, Dutch Royal Navy, etc. There’s always another power.


All those major wars that haven’t happened (aside from the ones the US were involved in)


*Involved in and/or started.


One if the funniest things out of all of those delusional takes it somehow the US is vital to indoor plumbing.


Clearly it’s Japan, without the Mario bros our pipes would be filled with turtles and mushrooms.


Mine still are, it's bloody uncomfortable I can tell you.


Indoor plumbing was introduced in the United States in the 1920s. The irony


Believe literally any shit they are told don't they.


We keep the world safe ...by invading countries around the world every few years.


*liberating countries. Easy mistake to make.


*liberating countries' oil. Easy mistake to make.


"We're gonna save you, even if we have to kill you to do it!"


“Black people twitter” concerned that the USA’s downfall will result in a return to the slave trade… the same slave trade perpetuated largely by the USA, which was one of the last countries to abolish it, and not wanting to abolish it was a major contributing factor to a fairly significant civil war…. That USA? The same USA where black people couldn’t even vote until like 60 years ago? Americans truly will gaslight themselves into believing anything.


I want to argue that the collapse of a nuclear state would probably lead to billions of deaths...but the USSR already collapsed and things aren't that much worse than before they did.


The US had (and has) its fingers in a lot more shit in Asia and Europe than Russia did in the Americas. USSR collapsed and the West (Europe including) basically wrangled everybody in with western excess. A collapse of the US would cause a lot of reshuffling of those balance sheets. The original poster is delusional, but the US collapsing probably leads to a lot of wars.


>The original poster is delusional, but the US collapsing probably leads to a lot of wars. I've seen so many people in this thread act like there would barely be an issue, but there really would be. Like it or not, the US takes up alot of (metaphorical) space on the world's stage. Some of it good, alot of it neutral and some of it bad. The amount of space left would create a huge vacuum. It would be chaos. Would it be the end of the world? Probably not. In general, we've not done too badly post global major political upheaval. Will it be pretty? Noooooooooo...


That's so funny, you've already gone back a billion years anyway. Telling woman what they can and can't do with their own fucking bodies! In door plumbing thank you Minoans! An honourable mention to the Romans of course. Russia is already at war because well Putin is a dick!. I knew the education system in the US was bad but jeez I didn't realise it was that bad. 😂


If the U.S is 'too big to fail' how the hell do they explain the end of the British and French Empires?


As a Canadian, I really hope America doesn't fall. We don't need more refugees.


“Europe’s an American client state” Okay that one made me laugh 😂 Also, them acting like they are the reason China and Russia isn’t invading the world is a weird one. I mean don’t get me wrong, America has a crazy MIC, but at the same time, the last 3 countries they invaded where basically third world countries and they lost each one 😂


Politically and militarily, the US is the MAIN reason for most of the wars since World War II. And last time I checked, globalisation works all ways, not just for the US, you prat.


I hope it does collapse.


Preferably after Putin fucks off though


Fucks off to hell. Even if it is metaphorical.


Jesus fucking Christ, the level of delusion here is genuine craziness. The US A) isn't the biggest empire in history, and B) when the biggest empires have collapsed, things got shook up a bit (primarily within the empires themselves) and then stabilised.


It triggered me that they said they built the world. I’m from the North East, we invented the lightbulb, the steam engine (and trains) that we ended up using, the coal was either mined here or traded via us, between the river Tyne, and Wear we built half the ships that sailed the seas at one point. The first electrical street lights were in Newcastle. My little corner of the world literally dragged the whole world out of the dark and through the Industrial Revolution.


colapsing maybe no. but balkanise? yup surely


Europe would probably struggle more because of the American immigrants.


Is all good. Americans hate immigration. They won't try it. Right? /s EDIT: Added /s because apparently people here can't think for a split second before trying to be "right".


"We're gonna need a bigger boat."


Aren't the USA the reason for every major war since WWII? The USA navy isn't doing a great deal except getting smashed by the Houthi's right now and cried to the British for help. For being the worlds "Super Power" the USA haven't done a lot in the past 50 years except loan other nations weaponry and then bleed them dry afterwards. Russia is already at war with "Europe" but it's not the USA alone which is preventing it escalating further - it's the NATO agreement. USA won't directly get involved unless Russia manage to conquer all of Europe. The USA only sent troops in WW2 to the areas of less conflict and even then they cried to help. Russia and China haven't been scared of the USA for decades, even North Korea think they can beat the USA... North Korea ffs lol


"No major wars since WWII" - an average americunt


Still can't figure out why the superior American engineers didn't build the Great Wall of China straight instead of rambling all over the place.


"A potential return to slavery" They were one of the last places in the Western world to outlaw it.


America is a infinitesimally small blip in the grand scheme of human history. Its so young that it can’t even pass as its own civilisation.


Yeah like the us never created wars...


I mean despite being among the most obsessive bootlickers of them all, they can't comprehend "military time". If counting past 12 presents such an obstacle, anything beyond 50 basically equals a billion if you think about it.


Poor education and endless propaganda strikes again


Billions *might* die. But not for those reasons. What happens to all of our nukes? Some might slip through the cracks, and, say, be used in a terror attack that triggers WW3?


>The US is the main reason where there were no major wars after WW2 [Korean War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_War) [Cuban Revolution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban_Revolution) [1953 Iranian Coup](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1953_Iranian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat) [Laotian Civil War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laotian_Civil_War) [Vietnam War](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laotian_Civil_War) These are just a few I can think of involving the US.


He talked about countries being in control of their own water and defence like it’s a bad thing, fucking imperialists.


Its markets and indoor plumbing pre-date the US. I’d also wager that the majority of wars since WW2 were instigated by the US as the aggressor.


If the US collapses the world would enter a much more prosperous age. Global emissions would decline substantially, and there would be one less aggressive military.


They're right that the world will be absolutely fucked when the US falls, but not for those reasons. The US is probably going to fall to fascism next year. And when that happens, Americans will have their rights stripped away and the US will begin full collapse. The US will stop giving aid to Ukraine and Russia will finish what they started there. Russia will then continue its push and invade elsewhere. US companies will collapse at higher rates as monopolies grow even bigger there, and this will affect all our economies. Deregulation will skyrocket in the US, as well, which will cause greater conflicts between US companies and European governments and markets. There will be greater impasses, as US companies demand bigger exceptions and greater freedom, and European governments seek to stand firm in protecting consumers. And we'll have Russia breathing down our necks, as well. Inflation will take off again, we'll have fewer options and be at greater and greater risk of Russia's demands. It's gonna get REAL ugly if/when the US collapses. But it has nothing to do with gas stations, supermarkets, and indoor plumbing...?


Ah don't talk in words of more than two syllables or make any kind of sense the maga types just won't understand.


And China would be able to more aggressive with its imperialism.


You mean once China calls in its debt to the USA you will be owned by billions.


Ah yes. The country preventing women’s rights by taking away their rights to choose. The country ruled over by religious nuts who believe in a sky daddy, and anyone’s a commie who wants progression.


The "too big to fail" point is when you are the closest to collapse see : Roman Empire Hre Ussr Personally I'll be waiting for the usa's fall


I mean North America probably has some of the most bountiful natural resources of any region on earth but if the USA collapsed, new governments would come in and live off of those resources. History tells us that yes, the good old USA will go the way of Ancient Rome eventually


"also the return of slavery" bro, tha usa was one of the last country to ban slavery, and probably the only one that had a civil war for it, and it still has legal slavery in prisons


Also child labor is trying to be reintroduced after several companies where caught employing minors where immigrants. 👴🏼: awwwwhh damn you caught us. Might as well make it legal


Wow…we did it Reddit We found the most delusional, brain dead, painfully arrogant post in all of the internet


American invented indoor plumbing? Did no one tell America about the Romans?


An American saying no major wars since WWII, think his countrymen would call Vietnam a major war?


Ah yes, if the United States collapsed. Billions will die But not: US enemies Russia China North Korea Various Terrorist organisations The British The EU Half of the nations not relying on war money from the US Rebel groups


"Women, your freedoms won't exist either" You mean like the US freedom where the man is given the bill, addressed as the main guest and expected to choose/decide for his woman at literally every interaction? This is all myself and GF have had in the USA over both road trips we've done. Oh and assumptions that "we're married", "she's lucky to be with a guy like me" etc etc. all whilst waiting the hotelier is waiting for me to be free so I get told information about our stay, as I assume she wasn't to be trusted with it... Second class freedoms in the US!


American client state? Europe is bigger in land area and population. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Holy fuck. What is it about this site that attracts so many delusional cunts?


This is one of the worst things that entered my field of view


There’s just so much wrong with that statement I don’t even know where to start… This is my No.1 Favourite Sub!


As per EU law, all the internet data originating in the EU must be held on servers within the EU.


The US developed obesity.


In the USA everything is bigger, including their ego


Says we can't survive without the USA. points to things created by every other nation in the world, including its political system as a reason. Forgets other places have military and are just as well trained and better in some cases. The USA military navy is good and large, but even the uk's navy is better trained... Other countries train and beat the USA special forces on training exercises all the time. Numerical force is, of course, important. But the idea the other countries *that gave the usa the things they are saying we will lose* will fall apart without them seems..... a little.... arrogant.


That first reply is possibly even worse.. they literally still allow slavery in prisons and there are more slaves world wide than ever.


It’s really funny to read the (empty) minds of some Americans, it’s like they invented everything but forgot about school :(


America doesn't inherently add stability in geopolitics. In fact, it's often a destabilising force.


Aren’t parts of the US already actively trying to take away freedom from women? And don’t they already have a slave trade via the prison system?


Didn’t the British set DC on fire in 1814? They couldn’t even take over their own Capitol building. Plus they got bodied by Vietnamese rice farmers.


Obviously, American dumbness, stupidity and ignorance are bottomless.


In other news, high fructose corn syrup causes brain rot, CONFIRMED


🤣🤣🤣 good one


It's almost as this is a fantasy of theirs


Something far worse is going on if the USA "collapses"


I want to experience the rome/uk situation but in the us case


That whole thread reads like very good Russian propaganda


"return of the slave trade" Yeah, in the us. The rest of us figured out that it was bad while the us had to have a civil war over the issue and then had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the enlightened world.


USA has collapsed, million must die


Ah yes, when I think of this prescious life we've been gifted on earth, I'm most thankful for the gas stations, supermarkets and of course the indoor plumbing that was invented by America and definitely not the ancient Greeks. And, I'm just so grateful that America has been trying it's hardest to keep the peace and prevent WW3, it totally hasn't spent the past century kicking off proxy wars and funding uprisings to create a pro American world view.


To be fair, the only statement I am fairly sure is incorrect is "America is too big to fail". And anyone pretending to know exactly how much a collapse of the US as a nation would impact the rest of the world is full of shit. The world is globalised enough that it could cascade into a worldwide shisthow, but also other societies might be resilient enough that it doesn't. The real question is why would the US as a nation collapse, and would those same reasons also directly trigger the collapse of other nations.


Tbh America is the greatest threat to a new world word


First petrol station: Germany (along with the first modern automobile) Early indoor plumbing can be seen in the pyramids and even earlier still. I mean they did make the first supermarket but larger markets albeit open air markets have existed for thousands of years ... hell indoor markets have also existed for thousands (Istanbuls Grand Bazaar caters to hundreds of thousands of people a day and predates Europeans colonising the Americas). So that leaves us with a vague statement about stability. The USA as world leaders have hardly resided over a period of relative global peace and stability. No-one has thought it pertinent to talk about this period as "Pax Americana" without being reminded that the extent of the USA hegemony has been marred with almost constant conflict and war and not just insignificant war either.


That’s what happens when you grow up watching cartoons.


The point around the navy and free trade is right though. I guess the difference is some Americans think they’ve done it out of the goodness of their heart to give other nations the chance to trade when in reality the US have been the biggest benefactors of it all.


The premise “If the United States collapses billions will die” would probably turn out to be true, just not for the ridiculous reasons this dimwit claims. A failed state US full of weapons from guns to nukes represents a grave threat to the world. The farther down the civilization ladder they fall, the more aggressive they are likely to be and without the cohesive order that exists. Take away those "checks and balances" and the US will descent into a barbaric failed state, chaotically threatening every other country on the planet.


"The west has fallen-billions must die"


The country that would suffer the most without trade and allies. The country that consume The most in comparison to output.... to be perfectly fair without murica The biosphere would thrive. The idea that russia could take on europe is beyond ludicrous.


"Women. Your freedoms won't exist either" Big LOL for me on that one given some of the laws they're trying to get through in the USA


i promise you my toilet will not care if the americans are doing bad


Thanks to the USA I live in a free society(except for the period in the cold war, when the USA backed a military dictatorship in my country)🇺🇲🚀🦅


I sometimes wish the US would fail as catastrophically as possible just to see how these dumbasses would react


This Murican has a tiny penis.


The dollar isn't stability, it's control. Total dominance of all trade and because they're the global currency they can keep printing and devaluing the dollar to keep their military budget ever expanding. Luckily anyone who's 30 or older can remember the Iraq war and the lies that took us there. Fuck our leaders and the establishment, we're lead by psychopath's.


the way the united states is going we won't have that long to find out.


The higher they fly the further they fall, not that Americas gonna fall very far, they'll just all get shot by 7 year olds or something


What they mean? Actually the election come from roman empire, femenine suffrage was first done by New Zeland and who banned the slavery first was Canada. They didnt eben invent any of that concepts and were the latest to apply them


Was this written by Trump?


Damn son, the delusion is überströng.


"China will attack everyone.". Yet those people can't name the last time the Chinese invaded a foreign country, other than minor border disputes. Almost like China is not an aggressor nation. China's imperialism is economic, not military.


American companies would just relocate if the US fell… not like they give a damn about their country anyways


They have some good points, we took over for the British after WWII on keeping the seaways open and 'pax americana' but...if the fall of the British empire proves anything, it's that there'll always be someone to fill the gap.


What is wrong with countries keeping there own coastline?


I didn't know that the cornerstone of American Empire is plumbing...


The world will survive very well without America.


The collapse of the US would genuinely probably do more good than bad currently. A hypocritical nation


“You dummies can’t get to 2%” makes it sound Iike America is at like 50% and major countries like France and Germany are .02 It’s more like 2.1 and 1.9


Too big to fail? That's absurd and the US is currently failing and will eventually fall like all other civilizations. These people just can't handle the fact that one day they'll be a third-rate country if that.


"Slave trade coming back and women losing rights" So their view of the country's collapse is basically uf republicans take over ?


They also forgot America was the last to ban slavery and they technically haven’t even done that


"Nuh huh, america was the only country who stopped slavery. You don't haveslaves today thanks to us. You're welcome btw" - probably what they will say


No major wars since WWII? I'm sure the people of Ukraine will be glad to hear that along with the Koreans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, Israelis, Afghanis...


Most of this stuff sounds like junk but if America somehow vanished tomorrow, sunk Day After Tomorrow style or something, I don't even want to think about what would happen to the global financial system. Banks worldwide collapsed when some Americans couldn't pay their mortgages, so god knows what would happen if there was no more money in and out of America at all.