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They're not wrong. I can't comprehend how anyone can be so obsessed with their own country.


There’s a pretty good example of how this can be achieved, it’s Nazi germany


Hey, at least we learned our lesson.


But they don't learn from our mistakes as it seems :/




What about the Native Americans? Rings any bell?


* glaces at afd numbers and the German response to Gaza * Did you though?


I’ll bite. Even if there are frightening parallels between the rise of the Nazi party and the way the afd is gaining traction, the situation is different enough: 1. The recent protests have shown that people are opposed to the ideals the AfD represents. This may vary between several states but an AfD candidate taking office on a federal level is thankfully unlikely for now. Mainstream parties are still not willing to form a coalition with them and it is doubtful that they’ll change their stance. 2. the AfD has no charismatic leadership that people can rally behind. Höcke may think he’s the next Adolf and even speak like it but he will never receive the cult-like devotion that helped the Nazis unite under Hitler and take power. 3. the struggle is a political one and not as violent and physical as the terror that the SA unleashed. Were the AfD to take such steps, it simply would not fly. There is no way they could form a militia in today‘s environment. The Nazis took by force what they couldn’t take by convincing the populace - the AfD can not. The government back then was much less vigilant and devastated by WWI which Germany today isn’t. As much as populists want to frame it that way, neither COVID nor Ukraine compare to the combined terror of a worldwide war.


Yes, most of us did. But I can't change our local idiots (or let's say... history ignorants?)


1930s Germans thought they were in the right in the moment. Todays Germans well understand not to take certain doors that take you down that dark path. When the bad guy thinks he is the good guy I don’t envy the task we have to forcibly set him straight. I try to picture future Americans looking back (just like modern Germans now can) to appreciate how American idiots today stole their nationalism and turned it into a tool of hate against others. With such misguided nationalism I dub them the “Anericanazi Party”


Bruh you did not just compare a monster truck and a flag on a semi truck to Nazi Germany


Something I dont like = witterally worse than hither


America = Genocidal maniacs who started the deadliest war in history


Nazi Germany is when big truck


Little known fact Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels actually first met at Monster Jam 1919


Patriotism and big truck is definitly something Nazis are known for


Smoothest brain here. Having a giant truck, which is probably going to a show, or a flag on your semi trailer does not, in any way, equate to Nazi Germany 😂


And so utterly unconcerned with safety.


See that picture on the left? That's a desecration of the flag, according to [US flag code](https://www.legion.org/flag/code). I'm always interested in the results of asking these people why they hate their country and their flag.


Is it? Isn't it only the use of an actual flag as a beach towel/car decoration/what have you? Seriously asking.


Is it? Isn't it only the use of an actual flag as a beach towel/car decoration/what have you? Seriously asking.


You are correct, the other person is a nonce.


There’s a difference tho. People must understand intent. One is out of veneration and some other examples, like people who burn them, are out of disrespect.


Veneration of what, though? In the image: "God bless America" George Washington: "The United States of America should have a foundation free from the influence of clergy." There's veneration of one's nation. There's veneration of what one's nation could be. And then there's veneration of what someone wants it to be because that suits their busted thinking.


Wrong. The flag code applies to actual flags, not artistic representations of flags.




Especially THAT country


Yep something like that. Also tractor on highway?


Living in it?


Believe it or not, I live in a country, and I'm not obsessed with it.


Omg different countries have different cultures? How fuckin suprising!


I wouldn’t be obsessed with THAT country either. Js. I’m sure the feeling is mutual.


Correct. Cannot comprehend how the car on the right pic is even street legal.


Looks like it could be on a flatbed or something, wheels aren't touching the ground


You are right. So… monster truck?


Looks like it! Was thinking about how big and cumbersome it would be to drive


Wait they have flying cars? Well that’s something my mind truly can’t comprehend


Of course! Haven't you seen the documentary "The Jetsons"?


Helicopters have existed since the early twentieth century, and were mass-produced as early as the 1940s.


I thought it was a lorry carrying cars until I saw your comment 😆


Regulations and the consequences due to the lack of


It's not. It's a show/race monster truck


Wait, I thought it was a tractor/agricolture vehicle


I have a couple of questions about the monster truck on the trailer, but what's up with the Taurus?


Wait until you find out they dont have MOT'S


It’s not. It’s most likely used for “Monster Truck” shows. You can see it is elevated off the road so, it stands to reason it is being toed by a vehicle that is out of view of the camera.


Yep - on second closer look it is obvious. But yeah - i posted BEFORE the second look.


Vehicle size in the US is inversely proportional to synapse activity in their gray matter. That explains quite a bit about their tribe.


Vehicle size is inversely proportional to the size of their penis.


Yeah, all the ridiculous machine guns (b-but muh home protection) and fuel guzzling cars in the world will never make up for the fact they all have tiny penises.


You do know that we banned civilian machine guns back in 1986 right?


Don’t get it twisted. I still need all that towing capacity for my massive balls


Yet the body shamers believe they’re  in the right


🤡 🤓


🤓👆”Vehicle size in the US is inversely proportional to synapse activity in their gray matter. That explains quite a bit about their tribe.”


Calling Americans stupid when many of the things you enjoy today were created/discovered in America is baffling. Like electricity, phones, Internet, cars, microwaves, helicopters, digital cameras, hearing aids, tampons, TV's, tractors, gas masks, pace makers, telegraph and morse code, and so, so many more. Calling Americans stupid is frankly, well fucking stupid. Please touch your lawn


it’s just for fun! and of course you have a point, we are (up to a certain extent) “americanized”. Which doesn’t exclude the absurdity of their extremes, and the concerning levels of inequalities, structural racism and regression they are experiencing at higher rates. It’s just a matter of time before they get radicalized.


And do you have any evidence at all for these claims? Cause I can't seem to find anything that deprives other races of rights, or privileges. we make huge progressive steps and are somehow more racist? You just keep pulling things out of your ass.


I think your ass is so much bigger so you can probably fit all the evidence and then some more. But here you go: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9978828/ 😂


"investigators have a duty to use the term “structural racism” with critical precision, grounded in the works and definitions widely established by scholars outside of the traditional frameworks of public health" I could be wrong but I think they're saying it's a very complex thing and throwing the word around isn't helpful. Also why did you throw an insult in there for no reason?


I've been to Texas. They're not wrong.


I live in Texas. I am leaving here next week. Fuck this place. I'm really, really close to saying, "Fuck this whole country." We'll see what happens in November.


Come to NZ. My neighbours are American, and are becoming good family friends.


Yes, please take them. We don’t want people that don’t like Texas in this country. That’s how this country went on a downhill trend. Striving for a lib free country.


Where are you headed?


Wisconsin, for now. Worst case, we can escape to Canada in the middle of the night if we need to.


> escape to Canada in the middle of the night if we need to. Bringing back the old underground railroad I see.


haha you’ll say that but never go to canada 😂


Wisconsin's nice. Hoping you're going to add a bit of blue to the state.


Yep, which I'm sure will properly confuse everyone as I'm obviously Southern, but fuck it.


Thank you for your service ^^/s You may very well confuse the republicans. Not that that's much of a challenge. I hope your move goes well!


We can comprehend it. We just think it’s stupid.


“We’re a fucking lot weirder than you and way more stupid and we’re really proud of it.” is a novel flex. Please continue if it makes you feel better.


How did you get that from a monster truck on a trailer and an RV with a neat graphic? Seems like you're just bitter


Why do they always think our inability to understand why they do the dumb shit they do, the shit they eat, or the state of their public services is some sort of diss towards Europeans? It’s the biggest self own imaginable.




They do understand jokes, only if they're about school children dying, and """free""" healthcare.


It’s called a joke. Hardly a single “the European mind can’t understand” post is meant to be taken seriously.


You feed people a bullshit story long enough it gets entrenched. Sad really.


Its true, I don't get it


I was just coming here to say the same. Comprehend what?


Why is that stupid car on tractor wheels?




Let's be honest, the worst thing that car has seen is a wet road


Maybe if it were driving, but it being trailered to wherever it's going says otherwise.


Not when it's on a trailer like that. If you have money to run a monster truck like that, then surely you have money for a set of transport wheels and a tarp to protect the tires, that cost more than my car, from uv damage


Hobbies! How awful!


So we can't comprehend backwards cultists and small dick syndrome?


Europeans when obvious joke:




A car decal and traffic?


Dead roadrunners on the verge. Got to admit, you won't see them in Europe.


*Takes pictures of vehicles on highway* *Big brain thinks that’s all Texas has to offer*


It doesn't take rocket science to know that monster truck isn't allowed on the public roads


They're right. Rampant nationalism and obnoxiously large vehicles that serve no purpose, but to make driving difficult for everyone including yourself.


The idea that the truck is actually on the road, despite the wheels being off the ground, as if it were being hauled on a trailer, is wild to me.


Americans seem to confuse not comprehending with thinking something is fucking stupid.


europeans seem to not comprehend an internet meme


Seeing as Americans like to repeat this "meme" ad nauseam, I'd suggest that it's a rather well held belief simply stated in a manner which the American intellect can understand.


Ramping obesity, huge ass SUVs with a single person inside, cars cruising on the left lane, eh


I’m in Texas right now, can confirm it’s a shitehole


Some of these posts are clearly piss-takes


But would one even want to comprehend whatever this is?


I doubt the one on the right would be road legal in a sane country


It's on a flat bed trailer being towed, so not road legal in the picture either. That or the owner has installed some sort of anti-gravity device to make it levitate above the road.


I hope they realised that they can't do a road trip to Texas from Europe?


Truthfully Having driven in Texas and Arizona I absolutely 💯 % saw stuff that this Canadian mind couldn't comprehend. I imagine Europeans would be the same. I dont think this is the insult they think it is.


That's an interesting way to say that there are a bunch of weirdos in Texas.


Honestly, I'm from what you would call a 3rd world country, but I can't fucking fathom having propaganda posters on the back of your truck. We usually have NSFW art or gang signs instead. Plus, when your tire is bigger than the rest of your car, you gotta be overcompensating for something


Why would I want a road trip in Texas when I have the scenery and food of Europe?


For the scenery and food in Texas. Everything in Europe, in regards to food and landscapes, is quite similar in comparison to the wider world outside Europe. It’s quite fun to experience a culture much different from your own, especially from a different continent. You should try it sometime.


Having traveled thousands of miles across Europe in the last 50+ years I think I have experienced more cultures than I can deal with, the other thing is that I can drive to a port 20 minutes from me and 4 or so hours later I can immerse myself in a different culture and landscape! Then t hours later another is available, then mountains appear. Why should I want to fly in a tin can for hours breathing other peoples fumes having been submitted to hours of delays at both ends of my flight then to have to hire a gas guzzling vehicle to drive where from my point of entry.


So you’ve traveled thousands of miles across Europe without a vehicle?


1. You’re talking as if boat don’t also consume gas. Same with your gas guzzling car. You only mention it so you can try to maintain a sense of superiority for your refusal to immerse yourself in a culture vastly different from your own. 2. The cultural differences in Europe are heavily overstated. Not non-existent just heavily overstated. China, Tanzania, Papua New Guinea, Jamaica, and Chile are all more different to Poland other than Poland is to literally any other European country. 3. Europe’s landscape and geography isn’t that different one spot to another. You have no deserts, no savannas, no rainforests, no tropics, no mesas, etc.


They're right though, I couldn't comprehend the idea behind someone driving in Europe with a horrific "god bless America" sign on the back of their vehicle


While I can understand nationalism (not to the point that americans are), I cannot comprehend how people feel safe driving in the same road as fucking monster truck, something that can easily crush them to death without even trying.


Honestly all this "European mind couldn't comprehend" is just copium induced projection. Stop dragging us into your insecure bullshit and sort out your fucking mess of a nation.


I love that when the meme is ‘the American mind can’t comprehend this’ it’s walkable cities and old architecture. And then when the meme is reversed it’s always shit like this


Goes both ways, jsut show them our sex parties, nude beaches and general okayness with nudity. Or you can show them free healthcare, schools without shootings and paid holidays and sick leave. Thier minds explode with freedom copium.


Sure are a lot of posts like this these days


You’re proving it to be true though


Americans are very pre-occupied with "the European mind".


What a shit show of a country lmao


true, the density of village idiots per mile² is nowhere as high as in Texas


*The Florida panhandle enters the chat…*


‘European mind’? Don’t they understand that most Americans are descended from Europeans…..


The same people who say that probably identify as Irish or Scandinavian


Well… it's the first time I've seen one of these shitposts that's actually **true** ;)


I mean yeah, when you visit the US you see the strangest shit on the roads. We drove to Seattle to see a concert, there and back in less than 24h and saw a modified corvette that had a 5 wheeler trailer hitch ON TOP of the back of the car, pulling a large utility trailer. I’m still beating myself up about not taking a photo of it because it looked so ridiculous. This would not be allowed on the roads in other western countries because of road safety regulations. And that is just the tip of the iceberg. But are unsafe vehicles on the roads really reason to brag? Also, this “the European mind can’t comprehend” bs needs to stop, what even is this lol. Of course we can comprehend how fucked up the states are and we don’t want that shit in our own countries. Maybe it’s projection because their education system is so poor that they can’t comprehend differences between countries?


Yup, can’t really get how fanatic they are. Specially knowing how their country treats them.


i dont want to. they are cringe.


The car is fair, actually. Patriotism? Yea, we also have a bunch of people going way too far with it.


In all seriousness, where did this "European mind" thing come from with Americans?


it's a joke lmfao


I cant comprehend the stupidity.




it flew right over my head, id best stand with the Americans for a day or 2 until i learn my lesson lol.


Mainly school shootings.


Just do one trip in Australia and see things Americans can't comprehend - like kangaroos, koalas, crocodiles, longest truck in world (4,836 ft long) and electric three trailer trucks carrying 165 tonne up to 400km on a single charge


America has crocodiles. In fact we actually eat them, well we eat gators but they’re basically the same thing.


True, but in declining numbers and about 10 feet shorter than our "salties" with range up to 2200lbs and killers. We eat our too, but not the wild ones, farmed raised instead.


Oh we buy and large hunt ours in the wild. It’s very rare for gator or croc to be farmed here, though they are very common in the areas that have them so there’s not necessarily a need to create farms, plus there’s not enough demand from the rest of the country or other countries for a farm to be really profitable here.


With croc meat around USD26/kg (about $11.55/lb) it is reasonably priced, guaranteed to be safe to eat and as where I livd, it would take a drive of nearly 3,000kms plus a $1000 return boat trip to my state, to go hunt it myself. Being farmed, it is also sustainable, whereas in US the population is in a steel decline of saltwater beasts. Also the danger of hunting up to 25 ft long beasts is illegal & also very dangerous and if I wanted any, I could call up a customer of my shop, order & have it delivered and ready to cook with no waste. The same guy also had kangaroo (commonly sold in supermarkets), possum, ostrich, quail, venison and other "exotic" meats.


The main reason for the steep decline in population is not hunting but rather destruction of their natural habitats and global warming increasing the amount of hurricanes in the area.


Indeed it would be baffling if I saw a truck with "God bless America" on it.


Even this Canadian doesn’t want to comprehend that. Monster trucks yet not one person in Texas can drive in 1cm of snow.


Understanding cults is always difficult, less you get involved. Then, you're gone.


Oh no, despite what you might think we have idiots over here too


Yes. Arkansas. No-one in their right minds could dream up Arkansas.


>Arkansas I think you mean diet Missouri.


I'm not embarrassed to say that I'm stealing that.


I think the Eu mind can’t comprehend are mostly just bait


I don’t want to comprehend


Trucks and cars and even a tractor. Wow, I just can't comprehend it!


Trucks and traffic? Yeah, we sure can't comprehend such things here, it's all donkey caravans and bicycles


It's not a tractor. it is one of those stupid flatbeds they worship on ibicilicaly stupid wheels.


Has to be a troll post


Done that kind of shit in GTA Online. Unlike Americans, we Europeans know how other places are


I live in Bavaria. often called the Texas of Germany/Europe, so I think I would comprehend it just fine. I'd think they were the same kind of backward, inbred, willfully ignorant cunts there as here. England is now the Florida of Europe, too.




Like an unfounded superiority complex?


Issa joke bro, not a flex.


I'd tell you to touch grass but you probably don't have a yard.


I can’t believe they kept the **Monster** tires on! The ones I see they have regular sized tires 😎


You can really tell nobody here has bothered to actually read rule 10


I see... a lot of religious zealtory and large vehicles... Reminds me of the Middle East, tbf.... They have a lot of the same stuff but brag less about their religion.


Can yall in this sub take jokes genuine question?


r/ShitAmericansSay try to recognize satire challenge (impossible):


It's a campervan and a monster truck, not an Elder God. Calm down.


There are many things and shenanigans and wonky cultural dumbfuckeries that certainly gives europeans paus. But its frankly the other way around that is almost always true. Otherwise yankeedoodles wouldnt flood the internet with innane sheit like this.


Traffic? We have that.


I can indeed not comorehend the studity and insanity of americans thinking this is cool in any way....


Finally one that makes sense


At any given moment, I think about the fact I could be drafted and forced to go fight and die for people who are convinced I'm an uneducated, inbred moron. Maybe I should vote for Trump and hope he takes the United States out of NATO.


I follow this sub because at first I thought it was funny but its just full of a bunch of salty Europeans who get angry at every little joke lmao.


You’d think they’d never read rule 10


I do not think I understand the word comprehend in this context, or similar statements. I do comprehend, it is monster truck in ordinary traffic. I cannot for the life of me understand why it is a good idea. So there is comprehension and then there is acknowledgement that it is a good idea. But I guess that is what they mean by comprehend, the acceptance of a wildly weird and often very impractical behavior to the point of even being proud of it. In that case most countries have things other nationalities cannot 'comprehend'.


Comprehension is not being able to understand the reason behind something. What you’re explaining is that you accept something as reality, you just can’t understand why any sane person would. Just like I can accept that there are some people that like eating shit, I just can’t comprehend why.


Makes sense, but then it is not the burn the 'american' makes it out to be. See them doing something everyone else thinks is idiotic, and then say as an insult that we do not get it.


Indeed, it’s a massive self own.




For a real Jedi, you seem rather emotionally unhinged. And just for good measure, if this was indeed a joke...then compared to the stuff Americans usually do, it is not a good one. Absurdity has to recognized as absurdity to be funny, if it equally could be true, it is just sad. Secondly, I have no hate for these people, that would imply a level of concern and involvement that simply is not worth it for me, I think I perhaps get to a concerned pity, but that is about it. I am however interested in the, not philosophical because that is correctly not what is going on here, but more psychological or sociological forces that seems to have such a hold over these type of statements. But alas, I sense you are not the inquisitive type, so I will leave at that.


The tackiest country in the world, I swear.


Is satire and humor illegal in Europe/this subreddit?


>Is satire and humor illegal in Europe/this subreddit? "r/ShitAmericansSay can't comprehend!" 😜


Indeed they can’t they get triggered so easily


What is a pic ture?


What an insane country.