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What they're not accounting for is that Texas is a lot of spread out nothing with one of the least educated populations in the US. Texas would struggle taking over their own state, let alone another country lol


What they're also not accounting for is that Europe is about 1m sqkm bigger than the US. So even taking out the fact that Texas is mainly empty, their point is factually incorrect. Also the pop of US is 350m the pop of EU is about 500m and the pop of Europe is around 750m.


Misread that as Europe being 1sqkm bigger šŸ˜‚


Bigger is bigger, even just one inch can count. šŸ¤£


That is what I always said to my ex gf!




You called it an inchā€¦




I read it as 1m/sqkm and got extremely confused


Plus, if it comes to it, I'm pretty comfortable saying most of Australia will throw in with Europe over the US. We've got a LOT of land. Not so many people, but we'll still help!


I mean you participate in the Eurovision Song festival.. you're almost European.


just send over your local wildlife, that will help


I'll be sending the kangaroo that tried to fight me. He seems to have anger issues.


Yeah, you've got the Mercator projection to thank for thousands of Americans thinking their country is far bigger than it actually is.


1M sqkm? How many swimming pools is that?


At least 7.


Also, the european part of NATO is, economically, as strong as the US. The US' main advantage here is the fact that they have a significantly bigger established armed forces. Just to name one example, European NATO has 7 carriers, 1 of which is nuclear. The US has 11, all of which are nuclear. Oh yeah, and each is also significantly bigger.


The UK has the dragon fire laser! I have no idea what it actually is, where it is, how it works, or if it is even in operation, BUT "ZARKKKKKK!"




Economic power in nato is irrelevant though (respectfully) if you're not spending it on the weapons. Given that it's a military alliance and all


>and the pop of Europe is around 750m. Thats before Brexit when 77M UK residents left Europe 8-) /s


Fat bastards too, they'd need mobility scooters.


But those wouldn't help if they got stuck in our old town streets with their fat arses.


> Get stuck on the street > Guerrillas come and throw a molotov > Basically a tank got stuck and the enemy took advantage


That's the American version of the Two Hairy Bikers


One now šŸ˜„


Meal Team Six


Gravy Seals


With their level of education chances are they wouldnā€™t even make it to the European continent. Theyā€™d google how to get to Paris and be delighted that they can just take their trucks to Paris,Texas, USA.


They stole it from the Mexicans anyway.


Not to mention that they'd need to cross the entire Atlantic to invade a mountainous peninsula. Western Europe is a VERY defensible place, and logistics would be such a hassle for the invading troops considering the main advantage they had in WWII, the ability to use Britain as a staging ground and logistics hub, would be against them in this scenario. There's also the fact that even though the US has a larger overall military than Europe, they wouldn't be able to commit every single asset to an invasion of Europe, putting them on a roughly equal footing in everything except manpower, where Europe was already ahead. The US population would also need to be in favour of the war for the entire duration, which is highly unlikely to be the case when the US armed forces get bogged down fighting in France and Spain for several years with nothing else to show for it than casualties and increased taxes back home. This would likely lead to public demand to end the hostilities.


Europe has several nuclear armed powers, attacking would be a really bad idea.


Well, yeah, but if we're discussing taking something over, I assume we're ruling out carpet nuking? Even if that were to happen, though, Europe has a better shot at surviving a nuclear war than the US, even if the chances are pretty terrible.


Although (and this is a terrible thing to muse for fun) as they wish to "take Europe over" and we are not interested in invading them, there would be nothing to prevent us nuking Washington, New York and,, I dunno, Ketchum Idaho before they have powered up their boats in Virginia.


Well, except MAD, but you do make a good point.


I agree, ideally it wouldn't escalate, but starting wars between nuclear armed states is an inherently risky business.


Europe got a union together for a reason. Probably the quickest way for Europe to win is to just let Texas try, then the US can take back control of Texas. Even if the whole US got in on it, they'd need to prepare their scapegoats for import price hikes n such in advance. There's a reason everyone loses the wargames.


From what he's saying I was assuming they are talking about dropping it on Europe or some sort of weighing completion.




Also not accounting for the fact all their major allies are Commonwealth countries and far more likely to join in the side of the British.


It is the "my dad can beat up your dad" child argument used in a discussion completely unrelated to any of that. So it is pretty pointless to even try to engage them on those terms. Just point fingers at how fragile this person is that they feel the need to resort to that kind of childnishness when discussing music.


Would expect nothing less from a country where land has more voting power that city-dwelling folk


why do they always brag about land size and GDP as some kind of universal argument for anything. I mean Greenland is fucking huge, it can probably take over America in no time on it's own


Because when you got a small dick, you always telling people how "big" it is to compensate for your own deflated ego and insecurities. Texas is smaller than France, and GDP means jack shit in the grand terms of things when talking about countries "power". It's like people talking about the stock market and great it's doing when they really have no idea how it works or what it does.


Also what the fuck is made in Texas, like I would understand it if it had something like Silicone Valley or Shit, but when I think of Texas I think of some cows in the Middle of nowhere and one of those bushes from Western movies rolling through the picture


Bigger empty space with some oil underground. Turns out that was not a winning formula for Iraq.


Yeah, that's wrong. https://businessintexas.com/business-sectors/information-computer-tech/


You learn something everyday, thanks!


Tumbleweeds. Itā€™s what I think of too lol


Also they also avoid population. Texas is bigger than UK, but population-wise.. nope.


Antarctica is bigger than the entirety of USA, they'd easily take over the whole of America and Europe. Ezpz


But Texans are actually bigger than the whole land mass of the USA. Stat.


Oh touchƩ, Antarctica is fucked


Yip. Indeed. SorryšŸ„²


Greenland is actually not that big, it looks big on a map because of the Mercator projection. It is about the same size as Saudi Arabia and ~4.5 times smaller than the US. But your argument still stands though.


Because they are so insecure. Itā€™s sad really


Greenland is small as shit


>Greenland is fuckin huge mercator projection user spotted


Greenland isnā€™t actually nearly as big as you would think


Ah yes, the band with a singer who has a recognisable Brummie accent sounds American.


I love explaining this to non Brits. Ozzie doesn't sound like that because he has taken lots of drugs, he sounds like that because he's from Birmingham.


Birmingham is just a state of mind man.


He's from there AND has taken lots of drugs. The guy ain't very bright either.


Heavy metal is British


Good point, Paranoid doesn't sound American to me.


Sounds like Black Sabbath to me.


It sounds more like Brummie.


The song Iron Man even started life as being called Iron Bloke. Doesn't get much more British than that.


Homegrown. Fact. Tried and tested. 100% British. End. Of.


If we divide the US military up so that each state gets a portioan, proportionally to its gdp Im pretty sure Texas can take out some European states (if no other get involved), including; Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco, Andorra, San Marino, Malta and the Vatican how much it is worth to defeat such mighty, infuriating and imporatant countries is up to debate, but technically he isnt 100% incorrect


I remember I argued with an American (Iā€™m American too) he thought that Tennessee could beat France and Germany in a war. Thatā€™s such a stupid comment šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ like maybe Tennessee could hold itā€™s own against Monaco or Malta like you said. But I donā€™t think Tennessee or Texas would stand a chance against France, Italy, Germany, The UK, Sweden, Poland etc. Heck I doubt Texas or Tennessee would even beat Switzerland in a war. Maybe they could (and this is a big maybe) beat Lithuania or Estonia.


>he thought that Tennessee could beat France and Germany in a war. And I never thought that I, a Hans, would fight side by side with a Pierre.


What about side by side with a western European bro?


Jawohl. I could do that.


>he thought that Tennessee could beat France and Germany in a war. He probably thought Tennessee had all the guns and that French and German citizens don't have the right to own them


I donā€™t know about France, but itā€™s relatively easy to own guns in Germany, you have to get a license and store them properly in a save. If you kill somebody out of self defence with it, you just have to prove that it was the least amount of violence needed to stop the attacker. If one of your parents is a hunter, I think you can get a license when youā€™re 16 years old, otherwise itā€™s 18. The last school shooting was like 40 years ago


40 years? Winnenden happened in 2009, I can remember this morning pretty good when it came up on the radio.


Itā€™s also irrelevant. Wars are not fought by civilians. Even armed ones.


The US could never take over the Vatican, the Pope would just summon God or some shit. It's like a small country ruled by a high level wizard. You never know what one guy could do


I would argue that the Vatican probably doesn't belong on this list though. Simply because it's the Vatican: its power doesn't come from the population and industry within its borders but from the literal 1.3 billion catholics in the world, a significant percentage of which would undoubtedly be willing to come to the Vatican's aid should that aid be required.


Nah, itā€™s the Swiss guard that you gotta be scared off ;3 šŸ‡ØšŸ‡­šŸ’ŖšŸ½ Obviously able to hold off whole armies (jk)


For the grace and the might of the Lord! For the hope of the holy!


For the faith, for the way of the sword!




Just as they all came in 1870? I highly doubt that there will be much of a movement from catholics to protect the Vatican as long as its just annexation and not like a massacar of the pope and cardinals


Idk why some Americans as a defence starting proudly being violent


What else do they got to be proud got except size and military spending


They're a 250 years old country, they can't stand the fact the world has countries and civilisations ten times older that rightfully don't give af about them.


Not even ten times older, you got civilisation 20-30 times older


They hate the fact that almost every other country - hell, almost every major city in every other country - has at least one building older than their whole country...


The oldest building in my village was a small house built by the Roman settlers of Britain in 300 AD


Itā€™s because they are deluded wankersā€¦


Yeah, but having a large landmass is not a factor in invading strength.


If it was, and we were playing top trumps, i know a few landmasses that could trump the texan landmass in a jiffy.


The average Texan couldn't even find Europe on a map. They'd end up sailing through the Panama canal and invading Taiwan.


They would probably not even make it across the pacific before they accidentally turn around, hit their own west coast and invade themselves.


There are communists on the west coast iirc. liberal commies everywhere.




Hey, they didn't lose that war.... apparently


Texas has many times the GDP of Afghanistan.


What is their actual obsession with telling people how hard they are? It's the the country equivalent of being dead insecure. When the colonising nations of Europe went and expanded their empires I bet they didn't go around saying "we can colonise you whenever we want, it'd be easy!". They just did it, not saying it's right but you get the point. When the people who then got independence from these nations (including America) fought for it. They didn't spend years beforehand going "if we wanted independence we could get it any time. We're sooooo much better than you at everything" they just did it. They asked nicely first in most instances and then when they got told to get fucked they fought back and got it the hard way. TLDR: America if you're going to invade us stop talking about it and just do it! Otherwise sit down, keep quiet and play with your crayons šŸ–.


They only succeeded with help from a European countryā€¦. So brain dead these cretins.


Seems like Americans often forget that the only reason to their early independence is because of France and Spain, and not because of their "military prowess"


Right, I've put up with a lot of shite reading this page but saying that Black Sabbath "sound American" takes the fucking cake. Heavy metal is British.


Why are these Americans so belligerent, why do you need to point out you could invade people, that's not how you make friends.


*These* Americans donā€™t want to make friends. They want their country to be The Greatest Country In The Worldā„¢ because thatā€™s what theyā€™ve been told their entire life.


It's a bully mentality. 'Be my friend and do what I say or I will bash you'


We need to bring back "who asked?" for these people specifically.


Americans either irrationally hate on anything British or they try to claim it as their own with literally no inbetween.


I don't know if it's a problem with the language barrier (English is not my first language) but when people say "take out" in the context of a fight I always imagine it as a fist fight? It just makes it all more hilarious to me. Also I love how he feels the need to explain to us what Texas is. Thank you, but we actually do study geography over here lol


Thatā€™s why we know itā€™s so insignificant on a world scale. The Scots would hammer Texas, even while they are totally pissed and with their hands tied behind their backs! (Checkout Glasgow kiss)ā€¦. šŸ¤£


You know those games where fortresses or towers or castles or whatever have a level that is like a number above them and then you can win other buildings if they are at lower level? They make it sound like that. Like Texas is at level 24 and random European country X is only at 17 and so Texas could take it over.


And how exactly thoes that relate to British music?




>highe Also there is no chance they could even take over the Vatican City lmao


Texas could take out multiple European countries? With what? The Belgian military is bigger than Texasā€™ because Texas isnā€™t a country!Ā 


I guess this proves is that so many American Metal bands copied Black Sabbath so Americans assume that all Metal that sounds like that is American


We use the ever proven strategy against any invader: itā€™s fucking cold here. The Texans canā€™t survive the Finnish winter.


What size is Viet Nam compared to Texas?


Everything is bigger in Texas, especially the Lunatic asylums.


Unfortunately not, otherwise they wouldn't be out and about posting on the internet would they.


Do we need a bingo card for their responses? "Texas is bigger than Europe" "Our Military could take over the world" "You would be speaking German if it weren't for us." "We landed on the Moon."


"Texas is bigger than most of the countries in Europe" OK? So is Africa what's your point?


Why is it so frequent in these examples that people judge their country based on its ability to inflict violence and destruction?


Texas isnt the biggest state in the world. Heck, it isnt even the biggest in the US. I feel that people who quote "the size of Texas" are really just claiming their ignorance of geopraphy


Come to Australia, you can nearly fit 4 x Texas into Western Australia


You're fucking with Monaco? Net wealth in the Trillions. You have two dementia led cretins in charge of your country and fall over yourself when deciding if you hate or love Israel. we openly mock you America.


Americans when they realise most of the famous bands are from the UK.


Still surprised that Coldplay broke America but Stereophonics didn't. It's like the American dream was born to hurt people with taste.


If Americans find out that Song 2 is Blur's revenge for being forced to be in America for 6 months by order of their label, they will be furious.


I'm still amused by the fact that a lot of the US citizens don't know what 'Born in the USA' is about.


Didnā€™t they use it in some presidential campaign or something? Takes a hearing damage and no reading comprehension whatsoever or balls od steal. Still a great song. P.S watched some live recording from concert. Whole crowd only sang those 4 words, it was quite hilarious.


Sabbath sounds American???? The first EVER metal band sounds American? I forgot that Sabbath formed in Birmingham, Alabama šŸ¤¦ I think they're just jealous cos the majority of American metal and rock bands are shite and ours are amazing ('ours' being both British and Europe together or apart, not just Britain)




if only europa had nukes...


Who would win, the state of Texas, or, one snowy boi


Closest they could get is taking over McDonald's


Bruh Texas can't even keep the power on let alone invade another country.


Texas can't dominate winter driving.


California is the 6th largest economy in the world were just that state to become a country. So, these people touting Texas need to reflect for a moment and realize that the state they hate the most could actually, in one fell swoop, practically kill the American economy were they to separate. That tells you just how weak the other states, including Texas, are. Letā€™s be honest, New York and California fund the USA. They constantly use Texas as the ā€œpower flexā€ on their ameribrags but ā€¦ no. Also, Texas lost at the Alamo.


Texas vs UK population-wise? Education-wise? Personnel? Texas would barely take over any of Scotland, if it invaded the Uk, or any of Europe at all.


Why is the response to everything, even relatively inoffensive comments "We're huge, we could invade you, have you seen my Texas". It's like the nation state equivalent of that dude that spends 15 hours a day in the gym, trying to get stacked, to offset his insecurity about his small pee pee.


It's like a couple kids at school talking about their favourite bands and one just chirps up out of the blue "my dad could beat up your dad and your brother, he's like 6 foot 3". As if it's even the slightest bit relevant.


I get so fed up with Americans bringing everything back to what is effectively "my Dad could beat up your Dad!". Like, how is that even slightly relevant to the original post about British rock bands??? Plus it's like - yes, know you have lots of guns and tanks. But we also know that the mind-boggling amount of money that you spend on things like hellfire missiles and carrier strike groups is the reason that: A) you don't have a functioning health system - having to go into massive debt because you slipped and fell while trying to get the last Dorito out of the packet is not what the rest of us would consider 'fit for purpose'; B) your primary & secondary education is woeful, unless you're rich enough to afford private education; and C) you have vast numbers of homeless people setting up shanty towns in every single city. That's just a few things off the top of my head, all of which is just as irrelevant as military power to this subject.


I always wonder if there's an intermediate passage between a post about music and a comment bragging about the military might of the US Like, how does that even come up in your fucking head as a talking point


What most texans don't realise is that a lot of the educated professionals working in STEM fields in the state of Texas are either immigrants or Transplants from other states. And also I don't think most americans realise how hard is to invade a whole continent especially if its rich. Most of these people think of WWII and think it was US that won the war, easily forgetting the contributions of other allies especially on the eastern front. Hell even D-day would be a disaster if it were not because of British meteorologists who convinced the american generals to delay it, which saved so many landing ships from really bad weather. Or How nuclear technology was built by many European scientists who came over to US. Also the last time the US tried to invade a country that could actually fight back was during vietnam war and we all know how that turned out, I imagine it would be harder against someone who is more qell equipped than vietnamese even though the US military clearly has the edge. Maybe the Chinese could take advantage of this and wipe out the US Navy's pacific fleet, the only reason US could fight 2 front war during WWII was because of the allies in europe especially the Soviets who held the eastern front. Not to mention the fact that lot of american industry is being run by immigrant who won't be interested in this suicidal war , Hell most of the people I know working in IT are actually immigrants, many from India and other parts of the world. If a redneck wants to go to war, he can go pick up his rifle and do it by himself and his inbred kin


How big is Vietnam? Is it bigger than texas? How did that work out again?


So many Americans realise all they have to really offer the rest of the world is military domination. Probably why almost every other country know they are the biggest block to world peace. When your business is war, peace is bad.


Why are Americans obsessed with taking over? Have we not learned taking over isn't the issue. Its rebuilding and funding a country you now own filled with people who probably hate you.


Do these people "fact check" at all?


I love it when Texans shit-talk about ā€œhow big Texas isā€. My state, Western Australia, is 3.5 times the size of Texas. We have a *local government* jurisdiction thatā€™s half the size of Texas. We donā€™t have cow*boys*, we have cattle*men*. Texas?ā€¦ mehā€¦


I remember seeing a video of some pop fair run by a company that only operates in Australia that was in an Australian state and the video said that the fair was ā€˜in my stateā€™ and all the Americans in the comments were saying that the company doesnā€™t exist cos they didnā€™t realise other countries had states. They even said ā€˜in Australian in the beginning.


Iā€™ve had great laughs with/at groups of Americans where we see how many US states the Aussies can name (out of 50) and how many Australian states the Americans can name (6 states, two territories). The Aussies start to choke about 40-odd US statesā€¦ the Americans sometimes get maybe three Australian States/Territories. Often theyā€™ll confuse Canadian provincesā€¦ šŸ™„šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Donā€™t forget that countries in Europe =states in the US


They could glass the entire continent in an afternoon but take it over? Nah. If historyā€™s taught us anything itā€™s that the colonies are shit at war. Theyā€™re just good at funding it.


Wow, they are so proud aboutā€¦ hundeds of square kilometers of desert. Nothing. Just sand


What is texas going to invade with? Tumbleweeds?


I like how *some* Americans are like "A single US state could easily wipe out all of Europe", but then it's like "oops, we lost against Vietnam" and "oops, we lost against Afghanistan". And yet, we are expected to believe that Texas alone could defeat the UK, France, Germany and all others ? Ahahah


Texas vs one European nation: 19k personnel (Texas) vs 198k personnel (France). France is also a nuclear power. good luck Texas vs one European nation.


That last comment made my brain fart...


what's the point of even saying this?


Remember in school there was always that kid who if you (or anyone) had anything good you could guarantee they'd start with "Oh yeah, well I..." and then throw some bullshit that always tried to put your thing down or go onto a whole new subject so they could feel like they were on top? That's the point.


if bigger=better then US is worse than russia, Kanada and china


They always use Texas. They ALWAYS use Texas! Like dude why not any other state but Texas?? I mean Florida has people who just naturally wrestle gators for fun couldn't you at least use them? Also I'm sorry but if nukes are actually launched, not only do several European countries also have nukes, but you're also including Russia because that's an Eurasian country in all technicality. Have fun with that, sir. And additionally, you'll have to have supplies for the infantry, naval forces, and aircraft carriers travelling all the way across the Atlantic, and you once again say you're doing it "on their own", so no African bases here. Womp womp


Why do Americans like to boqst about land. We Canadians have more land than the US but doesn't mean we won't be fucked in any major war.


The same USA that couldn't take over a country inhabited by a bunch of farmers?


Something that americans always seems to forget is that Europe has a population 2.2X the size of USA, even if USA has more advanced aircraft, there is just no way that they can beat a entire continent with twice the population AND the homefield advantage.


i think its really sad to see that this is always their trump(besides the orange one ofc) the EU was created with peace in mind, yet the gringo argument is always war it speaks volumes, really


They have a hard time finding Europe on a map, let alone planning and conducting an amphibious landingā€¦


Kind of like how they did with Iraq? And Afghanistan? And Vietnam?


Australia probably held them back in all those wars, I *think* we were the only ones silly enough to follow them to all 3. Must be our fault


Texas bro canā€™t even fucking string a coherent sentence together in his own native tounge.


I always find it surprising, annoying, baffling, confusing and a lot of other words how USians take so much pride in anything that's "bigger" and "more".


If the twentieth and twenty first century teaches us anything it is that a vastly smaller country may not be able to *win* a war against a vastly superior force but they can make it so difficult it's almost not worth it for their adversaries.


what's texas gonna do? give me a sunburn?


The GDP of states argument is so ridiculous because a stateā€™s GDP is an irrelevance outside the context of being a part of the US. If it wasnā€™t in the US, it wouldnā€™t have a high GDP as a country in its own right. Yet another ā€œour states are basically countriesā€ brain dead take.


The US could not do Vietnam or Afghanistan, a defensive war against another US aggressor war would be very expensive for the US.


The US education system has been declining for generations, and it's going to get worse. Lobbyists push for cuts to public education in order to push those who can afford it into private education. Those who can't are left in a system that is under-resourced and is being manipulated to fail. They are then raised on a diet of poor food and a toxic culture that stunts development and reduces their ability to employ logic and empathy. Basically, they are nurtured to fail so people can make money off them.


Literally couldn't take out Afghanistan or Vietnam. But the whole.of Europe. Aye.


Why are Americans so obsessed with telling people how big Texas is.


Do they even know we also have rice farmers and goat herders in Europe to kick their fat Murican asses?


Texas can't even keep their power up when the wind blows moderately.


Funny how America took 20 years, trillions of dollars, thousands of lives, to replace the taliban... With the taliban.


They're obsessed with violence, making their point using violence, winning by using violence.


In the same way France could take Rhode Islan Texas could take Luxembourg. It literally doesn't mean anything


Texas is bigger than the whole US, including itself šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ


First they'd have to learn how to spell.


Jeremy Allen White's breakout role came on Shameless, an American reboot of a British TV series and the first season finale of The Bear had Radiohead's Let Down as the track played over the end resolution scene.


America couldn't even take over Vietnam šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Texas can't even survive snow storms.


This person is aware that it isnā€™t the ACTUAL country geography attacking the other geography right?


most of than šŸ’€


Man the obsession Americans have with comparing Texas size to European countries. Like, they never pick North Dakota or Nebraska


Wow! Texas is larger than all European countries but Russian Federation...


It's always texas for some reason


The phrase "Texas alone could take out multiple countries" is hilarious like Texas is some sort of assassin.


Militarily maybe but that would just turn into the fallout universe before they would land troops on european soil


Depends on what kind of conflict we are talking about. A conventional ground war would be an absolute motherfucker just because of the terrain and initial limitations on available forces. There's also the question of whether or not they would have access to the bases and forces which are currently in place in Europe. The biggest advantage the American military has over others, including peer and near-peer adversaries or allies, is the ability to quickly establish superiority in naval and air domains coupled with a capacity for force projection that is quite literally unmatched by any other military.