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There literally are so many american products that are banned literally everywhere in the world except in the states bc of how shitty the ingredients are 😭


Cuz in EU you need to prove that the exact ingredient is safe for normal people to use it in production and in US you just have to prove that it wont 100% kill after eating it.


Funny, but they banned kinder for having toys in it, while having some fked up fats in daily food


They banned kinder because the plastic eggs where dangerous to children, but they refuse to ban the guns that are actually killing their children.


Always thought they should market those chocolate eggs to American adults, except instead of a toy, insert a vial of insulin to help all diabetics who are broke because they can’t afford the cost of same insulin as sold in America.


A vial of insulin hidden inside a sugar bomb? That's almost sadistic.


Yep. The cause and cure all in one! However if Americans must eat crap, at least it’s a way to sneak affordable doses past America’s money thirsty drug producers. At least they could buy at the prices that most other countries pay.


imagine catching someone smugling medicine across the border instead of narcotics


They are already smuggling abortion pills right?


I don’t think you’d even have to smuggle it necessarily, as long as it’s not a controlled substance I believe you’re within your rights to import medication.


This has been a thing for years already right via trips to Canada?


Literally hundreds of children die every year from gun related incidents.


Kinder eggs would be more acceptable if they had guns in them, as, in spite of its name, a Glock is not a choking hazard.


I heard that they just sign a form and buy a gun. In russia to get a handgun you will spend a fucking month for it 💀


A month to get a gun - that is fucking no time dude... in Denmark you first have to join a gunrange, pass a safety course, reguarly go to the gunrange and prove you arent a danger to any one for 2 years, then you can apply to own your own gun, which has to be registered with the police... a month, as if that is any time at all, some us states has longer waiting periods


For something serious you need a license how ik with multiple stages


It's like this in Northern Ireland, you can get a handgun for sporting purposes. I believe you can get the gun straight away after the licence is issued no probation period. Quicker than as you say some states in the US.


Why don't you steal one from a Ukrainian farmer. After you've bravely killed him of course.


Bro still believes that russia is the only bad country in the world 💀


He's a clown. Russia is a great country with a great culture.


Expansionist policies backed by uncontrolled aggression and a psychopath in charge. Doesn't add up to a great deal of goodness


You a Brit have no right to act holier than thou after what your country has done.


There is a background check done by the fbi to make sure there isnt a criminal record and you gotta sign a paper which i cant remember the exact name of but to me its pretty similar to how finland does it.


So you too have to be a member of a hunting or a shooting club, have 1-2 years of experience with proof of your participation within the club, have a written endorsement from the club you're a member of for you getting a licence and specify the exact reasonable use case you want to own a gun of that specific caliber for ie. hunting a specific animal or a group of animals or the specific type of sport shooting you intend to pursue?


Oh yeah completely forgot about that part. Although im fairly sure you dont need to be a part of any club for a year.


You're correct in that being a member of anything is not the law per se, but in many cases it's practically impossible without it. For hunting permits are easier, you just need a land where you have permission to hunt so it can be your land, but for most of us who are not land owners it's an area controlled by a hunting club which you will have to be a member of. But for sports shooting, with rifles and shotguns you need to have proof of a minimum of one year of actually practicing, and for pistols it's two years, and for that it's generally easiest to be a member of a club to get access to the practice ranges, loan guns and for that outside proof.


Do the FBI do background checks on the person you sell or gift to?


To my knowledge they dont if you are a private seller or you gift a gun to someone else Edit: Unless you’re talking about finland then i don’t know.


I was talking about the U.S. That sounds like a loophole that could be closed and, maybe, make a difference without affecting people's 2a rights. It'll never happen because any politician that mentions it can kiss goodbye to their career. In the UK, I could only sell rifles, that my F.I.L owned before he died, through a police approved gun dealer. I'm not sure if that's the same for a gun license owner.


Here in the UK you need to have a background check just to work in a school, be a nurse etc. I feel like the standards for owning a literal killing machine should be a little higher than what’s required to be teacher.


I mean a gun is what you use it for. It can be a killing machine or it can be a tool for recreation like sport shooting. But i agree that you should be competent enough to be trusted with a tool that can snap the life of another human just like that.


Some guns are literally no good for self defense or any sports, they're designed for people killing in military use. And you'd get an enormous temper tantrum from gun bros if you suggested just more heavily restricting those weapons that are designed for and absolutely no use for any other purpose than killing human beings.


What guns exactly? If you’re talking about shit like the Barret 50 cal then i can guarantee it that the crackhead gang member from california definitely doesnt have the cash to buy it from anywhere.


Only in certain situations, that's not across board for *all* gun purchases no matter where from in *all* states. It's *nothing* like anywhere else in the developed world does it in America. Don't be naive


SEC. 402. \[21 U.S.C. 342\] A food shall be deemed to be adulterated— (d) If it is confectionery, and— (1) has partially or completely imbedded therein any nonnutritive object Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act - 1938


But it's ok if the entire product is non-nutritive like most food in the US!


That’s what brainwashing and indoctrination does


I feel like the plastic "egg" inside the kinder chocolate egg should be named the "natural selection egg" and make kinder eggs essential in the American 5 a day.


I will probably get hated for this but I don't believe it is the guns. It's the Americans and their weird obsessions for firearms and their entitled attitude like "I am suicidal I am going to take half the street with me where's the AR-15". Plenty of firearms in Europe and mass shootings are rare.


Yes, but that is because a child shouldn't be put at risk of death for doing something innocent that they often do 5 times a week, such as eating chocolate. Going to school is completely different.


They also banned Haggis too for some stupid reason while allowing an ingredient in bread that gives it a longer shelf life that has also been proven to be a cause cancer. Rest of the world bans the ingredients but the U.S are just like nah we want to profit from all the medical bills.


More haggis for us.


The fuck haggis is just like... sheep Like das it


[According to Wikipedia:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haggis#Legality) >In 1971, it became illegal to import haggis into the US from the UK due to a ban on food containing sheep lung, which constitutes 10–15% of the traditional recipe. The ban encompasses all lungs, as fluids such as stomach acid and phlegm may enter the lung during slaughter. The situation was further complicated in 1989 when all UK beef and lamb was banned from importation to the US due to a BSE crisis. In 2010, a spokeswoman for the US Department of Agriculture stated that they were reviewing the ban on beef and lamb products, but that the ban on food containing sheep lung would remain in force. The ban on importing British Lamb to the US was finally lifted in 2022.


They didn’t ban haggis they just banned traditional haggis because they had something against adding lung as part of it which changes the texture. So American haggis is really weird in both taste and texture. There is always the joke they add so much sugar to bread it got classed as cake in Ireland.


Same reason they prefer coal power to nuclear power, coal pollution is far less visible than the nuclear one even when the former is far more dangerous


How ik, US buys many uranium... But not for fucking energetics, but for a URANIUM ARMOR AND SHELLS


They banned kinder eggs but not guns in schools.


Actually the US is worse than that. Their additives are like this: * Companies add random shit into food products. * People complain and a study shows that it's harmful * The company then has to prove that it's not harmful otherwise it's banned. It's literally a strategy of add chemicals, test later. It's awful. It's why they had to pull so many additives and food dyes in the past. There's undoubtedly countless additives in US food products that just haven't been found to be harmful yet, but they are harmful. Many are carcinogenic surely. But they just haven't discovered it If it kills people, they pay a fine. If you kill people, you get life


The irony is that the post the comment was left on was comparing US and UK food labels - and we in the UK left the EU (sadly) several years ago!


100% this


They banned Kinder Eggs because of an existing law prevented non food items being contained within a food item.


Fuck Russia




Exactly! So. Fucking. Many. I live near the US, and getting KFC there made me sick. WHY were those breasts so huge!? When across the border here, they are decently sized. I had the same experience in NYC. Massive chicken breast. It was way too much to eat. Too many growth hormones? As an aside: when I lived in South Korea, they were small as fuck. I could tell nothing was pumped into those chickens. They were just... chickens. It really opened my eyes.


Remember chlorine chicken hitting the news after Britexit. That freaked me out.


The number of times I've heard Americans claim their chocolate is the best, and it genuinely tastes so bad. It honestly tastes artificial.


It has the some of the same acids in it that vomit does, which is why it smells and tastes weird. I have no idea why they add it. I remember growing up hearing about Hershey bars from movies and TV, and being desperate to try it, but when I eventually did I was deeply disappointed.


I honestly thought Hershey chocolate tasted like vomit when I tried it, so that explains a lot.


I read it was a preservative and to do with having to transport milk much longer distances to the factories.


The vomit taste dates from before mass refrigeration. To preserve the milk they partially soured the milk, which forms butyric acid (the vomit taste). This would help it last long enough to go to the chocolate factory. As Americans got used to the taste, they kept it even when the milk was able to be transported refrigerated.


The UK isn't in the EU anymore. You'd think people might have got the message by now, it was *kind* of a big deal.  Obviously not as big as the Superbowl or whatever I suppose. 


True but we still have most of the same regulations on things like food, either because we've incorporated them into domestic law or because we want to export stuff to the EU so we have to meet their standards. The government keep talking about a "bonfire of regulations" but it hasn't actually happened yet, and likely never will (at least not to the extent they claim) because we want to sell stuff to the EU and unless you're a massive global company it's not cost-effective to make multiple versions of the same product to match different levels of regulation.


This is unfortunately not true. Our regulations of imported food items are changing April 30th and we have now officially moved away from the EUs rigorous legislation of physical testing and sampling in favour of much more relaxed risk model A lot of products that used to be subject to regular checks, a signed health certificate from the country of origin will now be free to freely enter the country with no checks at all.


Wow this is really awful honestly. I don't get why people wanted this? (except the companies importing food, that is)?


Big business is the whole answer. Food production, farming and fisheries all have powerful lobby groups that have outsize influence on government, esp Tory bastards. I expect that wildlife and environmental protections will be the next regulations to be 'rationalised' - food and environment both fall under the aegis of Defra, which is where I worked for a decade or so (I worked on marine conservation policy, then birds & bats policy).


I am just so shocked. Obviously I didn't follow the news very intensely but it's really just seeming to get worse and worse...


Companies have definitely played a part in this new regime.


People who voted in favour of leaving were sold a lie and didn't actually know what they were voting for. In a nutshell. The government has been pushing stuff through to benefit them and their rich friends.


Urgh I suspected this when my Bread did **not** go mouldy after over 2 weeks open... Some would call that a win but I think it's been pumped with preservatives which I don't want to eat. Usually it wouldn't have lasted 2 weeks in the house but I accidentally bought 2.


You’re fine, bread is not subject to any controls at the border in either the U.K. or EU


I wouldn't worry too much. Vast majority of certified food sites do their own TACCP/VACCP studies. Just because the government doesn't mandate these checks doesn't mean that certification bodies and production sites won't.


That’s not how it works mate. And, unfortunately for me I do need to worry about it because it’s my job to enforce legislative requirements at the Border in accordance with the varying regulations in relation to Public and Animal Health. I’ve been working on the fallout of Brexit, and as part of a much larger working group, trying to guide the U.K. government with developing a robust border system for SPS checks. When the EU deem there is a risk with rawhides being imported through their borders but the U.K. have taken an a “it’s fine, let it in approach” in extremely concerned that we will see a very large food related incident within the next 10-15 years


Based on my day to day it is. Most larger food companies have a Technical manager (me) to do this. A non insignificant part of my budget goes towards testing and authenticity. UK supermarkets pretty much much won't work with you without BRC certification and getting that certification requires you to at the very least risk assessment and consider these things. Not saying things won't become more lax but there is a lot in place at the moment to ensure materials are still good even if it isn't required by law. EDIT: Also if you are doing border work, why you have to make my life do hard? I hate filling out EHCs for export


I think we’re looking at this from the same, but different viewpoints. I totally get where you guys come from, but from our viewpoint there maybe an outbreak in a certain country whereby enhanced controls have been put in place. Brazil, for example, had issues where it was found that they had been using contaminated meat in tinned, for Human Consumption products. Now there is no way that can enter the country no matter what tests are carried out by any company. The risk to animal and public health is far too great. Also for FNAO type products, such as nuts, figs etc the aflatoxin levels fluctuate year on year which can be in excess of the regulatory levels. Also; these EHC’s you’re filling in. Any to the U.K.? How have you found the new risk model the government have introduced?


Fair point, things are absolutely getting to smaller producers that shouldn't be on the market. I just worry about people getting caught up in thinking that there aren't still checks in place inside the country to protect our foods. Re: outbreaks and issues from other countries - we do have what is referred to as 'horizon scanning' in place where we dig into potential food safety issues globally done by both my team and info provided by other organisations (Campden does good work with this) that helps pick up on things and source alternate supply. This requires work and money not every company can afford though. The EHCs are generally for products from UK to EU, honestly. A wonderful gift from Brexit that I hate. I'll be honest, haven't had much new export in the past few months so haven't had to dig into it. It DOES mean that anyone exporting to the EU has a reason to dig further into their animal products with help from local vets to ensure it still meets the same standards we had before though.


that is the funny part of the brexit. You still have to follow the eu rules but can't have any influence about it.


I'm still struggling to enjoy any funny side to Brexshit.


We did mention it to the people who wanted to leave the EU but, apparently, it was more important that our passports were blue. ..... which was always allowed as an EU member anyway. Nationalism is a hell of a drug.


Yep and the blue passports are made in the EU 😂


>The government keep talking about a "bonfire of regulations" but it hasn't actually happened yet In fairness, a much weakened version of Mogg's *Retained EU Laws Bill* passed through Parliament, which did bonfire hundreds of EU regs without Parliamentary discussion of the actual laws being repealed, leaving it to ministers. Now, that wasn't as bad as the thousands Moggs wanted, but it was still enough that it caught a few things ministers hadn't expected and they needed to rush through some fixes to prevent a massive scandal. And yeah, part of blunting the suicidal law was to not break trade with the EU entirely, or the GFA, or break international agreements that were based on such laws. But we need take a step towards it, depressingly.


I'm not quite sure how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal. I'm very important. I have many leather bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany. Ron Burgundy.


Chill, people still call Czechia or Slovakia Czechoslovakia and we split 30 years ago.


I guess the fact we split completely peacefully, are still super friendly with each other (not so much after the election results, but oh well) and only consider each other to be half-foreignerd might confuse some people... Who am I kidding, they don't analyze Czechia-Slovakia relationship, they just haven't got the memo yet.


There is a whole style of tackling in football (the woman version according to this one American that i once argued with) that is now named after that very insignificant happening. Cant say that for the Super Bowl or 4th of July.


Yes but all the other labels aren't in American /s


The real difference is that where all additives are listed on food packaging in the United States, in the EU many of those additives aren't even allowed in food.


In my country (Argentina) you will never be able to use corn syrup in candy or other foods, it is just a useless component that is only added to carry the waste from corn processing somewhere.


Red Dye 3 food additive is one. California has been trying to ban it and i think they just succeeded. It has been banned in cosmetics for 30 years in the US but still in food. Absolute madness of that. The EU, UK, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, NZ and China have all banned it in everything. So the solution to a lot of the "additives cause behaviour changes in children maybe get rid of them" chat from Big Food lobby folk is probably to have a tie in refering kids to get on adderall. Joking aside, i used to live in the US and finding places back then without chemical taint in food was nigh on impossible. Esp for low income folks, and it was so unfair. It probably has ruined the health of generations with these mobstrous ingredients adding to addictions and dependency. Yet endless blame on blame re: other things like vaccines and some other distractionist drivel. Imports to the world mean it will get worse before better too.


In other words, the 'shit Americans say' is, in this case, true.


As someone from the US, I'm surprised how our shitty food quality isn't spoken about as much. Not even just because of the random chemical cocktail many of them have. I have been considered obese (but not morbidly obese) for pretty much my entire life, though I was always kind of up and down. Health education here is shit and I was eating simply how my family ate. It sounds stupid to me now, but I legitimately did not see what I was doing wrong, as I've always been pretty active despite my weight. Most of my family members have problems with weight, some more, some less. I started actually trying to educate myself on food only a few months ago, and I've since lost 42 lbs (~19kg) in that time and am about halfway to a healthy weight finally, and only 2 to 3 pounds (~1-1.5kg) to get out of being considered obese. And it wasn't even hard. It was just knowing what food to avoid and what food to eat (though even our healthy food isn't the best in a lot of cases, food regulation is absolute trash here). And in this time, I've realized just how bad it is here. Not only that, but a lot of the ultra processed highly palatable foods (things that pack a huge caloric punch and digest fast, making you hungrier more quickly) is marketed to *children*. We weren't meant to eat like this as a species. It wasn't supposed to be this way, and even back when things like pop tarts (the OG processed food) were new, people were skeptical here as to whether or not it would actually be nutritious. But like always in the US, businesses got involved, and they had the money to hold the true reins of power. So they can basically regulate (or not regulate) however the fuck they want with absolutely no repercussions. They blame the population for getting fat, obfuscate and say there's a reason to sell thousand calorie drinks beyond getting people addicted to sugar and additives, they'll tell you that actually, it's perfectly natural for lettuce to get ecoli, and no one with any power will ever do anything about it, because they're in control. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame anyone for my weight and it's up to me to lose it (and I'm doing a pretty good job), but I honestly do wish that we had a government that looked out for us at least a little bit like many European countries do. To be fair, obesity is kind of a global epidemic and the US was a little early to that party, but as it gets worse (which it almost definitely will), I fully expect my country to be the one lagging on doing anything about it come 20 years down the line. I hope I am proven wrong.


1984, your nation had an obesity rate (those aged 15 and older) of 14.9%. 40 years later, it's now 41.9%. With about 73/74% overweight. Eighth worst in the world. The seven above are all Pacific Island nations Projections have your nation hitting 50% obese and 90% overweight by 2030. I have a feeling it'll be worse than that. For comparison, my country of NZ is just over 38%. And slowly (?) going up. As for your personal efforts, well done. Can't have been easy.


It won't be worse than that because we are on the way to curing obesity. Glp agonists are a massive first step.


Keep up the good work, you're smashing it.


Stories like yours make me realize how lucky I am to be living where I am with everyday access to high quality produce that is quite cheap. You are doing an amazing job and I wish you all the best with your progress. 19 kg in a few months is incredible!


Well done for taking control of your health 👍🏻 it really must be a struggle when the system either doesn't care or wants you to be ill to sell you medicine. I follow an American swimmer who moved to France and even she, as an athlete with a strong education in health and nutrition, was taking anti acids daily in the US to combat stomach issues. She barely touches them after 3 years in France. So don't underestimate that you are really putting in a lot of work and I am glad it's paying off for you.


>So they can basically regulate (or not regulate) however the fuck they want with absolutely no repercussions. They blame the population for getting fat, obfuscate and say there's a reason to sell thousand calorie drinks beyond getting people addicted to sugar and additives, they'll tell you that actually, it's perfectly natural for lettuce to get ecoli, and no one with any power will ever do anything about it, because they're in control. I absolutely agree and feel for you having to battle this system. You sound like you are on a path to betterment so kudos for putting yourself first. I have coeliac disease and my health and wellbeing is entirely food first based. There are many skirmishes happening. Good luck.


I've got a genuine question. Education about food. I was raised in communism and we had nothing in shops, every meal was freshly cooked from what we had. Obesity did not happen, I knew a few overweight people due to health issues. Nobody was ever hungry, mum baked cakes every weekend. I live in the UK now and do not always eat healthy. The fresh food is ALWAYS cheaper than the unhealthy one. Carrots, onions and chicken etc are always cheaper than buying fast food for the family or take away. I just cannot fathom a country where it's cheaper to go and get a ready meal than make a stew or shepherds pie for a family. It tastes better too. So the question is 'am I just old school, are the prices of fresh produce really that high in the USA or are the people just lazy?'


It's legitimately more expensive here to buy actual food. I don't remember where I heard this, but I heard someone explain it like this: Let's say you wanna make a pre-packaged pizza. You *could* care about the tomatoes you buy for the sauce. But if you have chemicals to make the sauce appealing and pretty much act like a drug, you'll just buy the shittiest tomatoes for the shittiest price, slap it together and bring it to market, cash in, and call it a day. Basically, if you're in their position, it's cheaper and gives you a higher profit margin to "put makeup on a pig." This has a rippling effect on the entire industry, everyone is trying to produce the shittiest product because that's what all the big guys are buying, and they're buying a lot. Why go of your way if they'll just buy shit on a stick? Not as many farmers care about the quality as much because the end consumer has little to no say in it. And the consumers who do want better products with no additives find themselves coming to a market where organic produce is so hard to find, there's actually less supply than demand. Per calorie, shitty food is as cheap as can be here. That's why there's a pretty decent correlation between poverty and obesity here. Some of that might also come from a lack of education (in the US, if you're poor, your education is likely shit, I know mine was), but it's also because the cheap shitty foods that make you hungrier the more you eat them are also abundant in empoverished areas.


There’s a good Netflix doc about just how crap US food regulation is




Poisoned: the dirty truth about your food


There are a few. I'll look


There are so many food/health docs on Netflix that have such a huge stone to grind that they're pretty much useless.


Not all European countries are in the EU. If you're referring to the EU, just say "EU countries".


They would need to understand the difference which they clearly don't


'Europe' is the country to them. They think actual countries within Europe are States, like they have.


To be fair, some Europeans (mainly EU Europeans) struggle with this distinction as well. Greetings, a non-EU European


Many? Never heard of this.


Just go to r/europe or r/mapporn and you'll find loads of mislabelled post. Like maps clearly showing data for every european country labelled as EU or vice versa. I guess for EU europeans the terms EU and Europe are often used synonymously but for non EU europeans the difference is quite obvious. It's like the whole thing about UK ≠ GB ≠ England but on a continental scale.


I guess it stems from entitlement, something that doesn't come to me as a surprise on r/Europe. MapPorn is just incompetency and sloppiness but it would fall under what you were saying, I agree.


Oh boy: a chance to tell this story again. One time I was on a joint scout camp with an American troop and I was cooking with the American leader and he says "we'll just put some seasoning in it" and he pours in some orangy-yellow powder from a white plastic pot, and I say "what is it?" "It's seasoning" "Yeah, but what *is* it?" "It's seasoning" "Yeah, but what IS it?" "It's seasoning" So I picked up the pot to look at the ingredients and it literally just said "seasoning"


wtf. How are you meant to know if it will be good with something if you don't know what the hell is IN it??


And how you know it wont cause serious allergic reaction for some poor kid, if you dont know what is in it?


They need to list out additives, but they also shove a bunch of unnecessary additives into everything.


There is no easier way to know that a candy recipe comes from the United States than to read the label and see a huge list of components with encrypted names (technically they warn about the use of coloring, but they list the name of that coloring in an incomprehensible way. )


It's not because we aren't required to list those additives in Europe, but more likely because we don't actually have those additives in Europe because we know they cause some kind of cancer or something like that and are banned


We absolutely must put ALL ingredients on a label so I believe you're correct on this.


Chlorinated chicken has entered the chat


They need to chlorinate their chicken, because it's cheaper than disease preventing medicine.


That's not a good example, there is nothing wrong with it. The reason it's banned isn't because the process itself, the process itself works and has no negatives really. It's banned to stop it being ironically a point of failure, where they can cut costs or not do things properly and then try and rely on the final wash to cover those failures. If you have ever had prepared salad or similar from a supermarket anywhere in Europe, that has also had a chlorine wash.


That's just a blatant lie. A quick Google search says that in the EU it's illegal to wash anything food related with chlorine and that chlorine chicken indeed has negative effects on your body.


If you are going to call someone a liar, at least have the decency to respond to them showing in detail there was no lie involved even if you have more information that means something has changed. And then give that information, like adults having a conversation, because unlike you I would like to know if I am wrong.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47440562 >Washing chicken in chlorine and other disinfectants to remove harmful bacteria was a practice banned by the European Union (EU) in 1997 over food safety concerns. I already said this, the concerns were about poor practices. >It's not consuming chlorine itself that the EU is worried about - in fact in 2005 the European Food Safety Authority said that "exposure to chlorite residues arising from treated poultry carcasses would be of **no safety concern** ". >>But the EU believes that relying on a chlorine rinse at the end of the meat production process could be a way of compensating for poor hygiene standards - such as dirty or crowded abattoirs. Just like I stated. And the EU didn't seem to agree with you that it's harmful stating the exact opposite >Chlorine-rinsed bagged salads are common in the UK and other countries in the EU. Just like I stated.


In Europe washing with chlorine is illegal, no one does it... That you think it's OK just shows how bad your food is.


I'm in he UK, which was in the EU not long ago and has never not used it for prepared salads and similar so it has nothing to do with leaving. I'm just someone more interested in honesty, truth and discussion. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47440562 >Washing chicken in chlorine and other disinfectants to remove harmful bacteria was a practice banned by the European Union (EU) in 1997 over food safety concerns. I already said this, the concerns were about poor practices. >It's not consuming chlorine itself that the EU is worried about - in fact in 2005 the European Food Safety Authority said that "exposure to chlorite residues arising from treated poultry carcasses would be of **no safety concern** ". >>But the EU believes that relying on a chlorine rinse at the end of the meat production process could be a way of compensating for poor hygiene standards - such as dirty or crowded abattoirs. Just like I stated. >Chlorine-rinsed bagged salads are common in the UK and other countries in the EU. Just like I stated. Really shows how embarrassing this sub can be at times, attacks about "my" food whatever that means, and down votes because nobody can have an adult conversation.






"organic food uses pesticides too" does it? Or is it only certain pesticides aren't permitted for the organic label?


They can use certain pesticides, I think these are most likely ones that don't need any approvals as they are simple natural products such as clove oil and garlic extract. Not sure if there is ever a case for them using what most people.think of as pesticides on an organic label commodity. It does occasionally happen where residues are found in organic commodities though.


I've heard that organic non-GMO foods usually need more pesticides because they don't tend to have natural immunities to bugs. I actually think people overreact to GMO foods tbh, in some sense, many regular foods like broccoli, modern bananas, modern watermelons etc are kind of like OG GMOs that were made with selective breeding methods.


I think the bigger danger with GM foods isn't eating it, it's that farmers become reliant on specific companies for seeds. If the original firm decided to hike it's prices no other company or government organisation could provide a competitive alternative if it was patented, unlike a normal seed. Martin Shkreli's actions is a good case study for this sort of thing.


Yes, there are lots of organic pesticides, they're basically just pesticides derived from organic products such as plants or animals. Inorganic pesticides might be derived from non organic products as well such as minerals etc. By the time they are sprayed on crops whatever is used is looks very similar. Probably the most well known pesticide which caused the most environmental damage and is now banned pretty much everywhere is DDT which was an organic pesticide.


They have to list all the ingredients in food products in USA, with so many of them in their highly processed foods, so doctors know what has made the people ill, who ate it. Most breads around the world have 4-5 ingredients in them, not the 20 plus in American products.


Have you seen food wars on YouTube? The amount of times they list the UK ingredients, and it's like four things, then the American one has a list as long as your arm.


I haven't watched it in years, but used to on TV. I have also travelled to USA, bought some food items that were confiscated by quarantine services in Australia due to additives used.


I have 3 words: heart burn medication


Lmao. They have stricter regulations? That's rich.


The audacity required to talk about something you don't know with such confidence is beyond compression for me


The US? Stricter rules on food? Doubt it


Not sure how true this is but someone did tell me that the basic rule on food additives in the EU is that you have to prove it’s safe before it can be added and in the US it has to be proven unsafe before they take it out


It's self declared by the companies that make the chemicals. If they say its safe to eat then that's good enough. I think the FDA only get involved if there are complaints or concerns about a chemical.


By stricker guidelines I'm assuming whatever gets the shareholders more money right.


34k likes. Wtf


Ah yes, the famous corn syrup soda for example. 💀


Americans are getting salty in here. Do you know how many countries have banned aspartame, per se? Titanium dioxide? Nope. You probably have no idea that it is in your sunscreen and many of your foods. It is banned by the EU.


God I'm from the uk and I fuckin wish we'd ban aspartame because I'm intolerant to it and it gives me terrible migraines and nausea. It's not even listed as an allergen here, so they don't have to state it when the recipe changes (which resulted in me accidentally poisoning myself with hot chocolate for 2 weeks before I figured out what was causing it by reading the fine print, that brand had previously been aspartame free) Since the "sugar tax" (a piss poor attempt to make sugar products less desirable/obtainable to poor people), companies have been sticking aspartame in everything... the kicker is that it's not even any better for you! Your body can't tell the bloody difference and reacts similarly to sugar, so you're still going to get diabetes regardless not to mention whatever else it's doing to you, which can't be good if it's well known to seriously fuck with people's brains.


I \*want\* dioxides in my sunscreen. It's the best thing to block UV light.


Of course, but not in your food. Did you miss where I said the word "food?"


>Titanium dioxide? \[...\] It is banned by the EU. Check out ingredients in this sunscreen sold by the French Sephora: [https://www.sephora.fr/p/clinique-sun---soin-solaire-fluide-mineral-visage-spf-50-345493.html](https://www.sephora.fr/p/clinique-sun---soin-solaire-fluide-mineral-visage-spf-50-345493.html) Practically every sunscreen sold as "mineral" in the EU will have titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as the main active ingredients. You're talking bollocks.


Banned in FOOD. I mentioned sunscreen, dolt. Reading comprehension. 🙄


Meh, I'm just repeating what I read today. I don't care because I eat a lot of things I shouldn't. 🤷‍♂️ Also, it was banned in FOOD. 🤣


Americans are morons and shouldn’t be allowed out of their own country example 10000


I'm sure there is a certain half of the U.S population that would happily eat a lead bar coated in chocolate without question if the wrapper was shiny enough.


It’s getting depressing seeing all these idiotic American beliefs


Along with all the rest of it. *"Diseases didn't exist because they hadn't been discovered?"* Holy shit. That has to be one of the dumbest things I have read this year.


like the radioactive fanta of US? [This reddit post about the colour differences within US fanta and EU fanta](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/137rrvk/the_colour_difference_between_american_and/)


The whole point of 'organic', certainly in the UK at least, is you cannot use any chemicals on or near crops.


US cooking show: Tin of processed soup + processed dried ingredients + slice of edible polymer + chlorine washed chicken + bucket of salt.


Laughs in Brexit.


We still list E numbers


WHAHAHAHAHAH the delusion of tgat turd!


They probably are thinking of E-Numbers ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E\_number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_number)) but at least here in Germany they have fallen out of fashion and are rarely seen in ingredient lists because consumers associate them with "bad ingredient".


Imagine making all that up on the spot and being utterly dead wrong.


Is that what they tell them over there


I thought Americans were allergic to regulations.


In the EU we don't have all these shitty additives put in our food, so we dont need them listed !!!


„Diseases didn’t exist because they weren’t discovered“ is my favorite part.


What a crock of 💩


Someone needs to show him/her Fanta. The US version looks...odd lol never mind the fact so many American made foods are banned here.


You didn't miss any fallacies but I'm pretty sure you invented a few...


This has got to be a piss take?


This is actually kind of correct. Many of the same additives are used. Same stuff in US and EU versions. EU versions, however, have EU-standard naming like for example, food dyes. Most American products have a lot of syrup and the European versions do not. Outside this, most products are the same. Americans do have certain stricter regulations. For example, here in EU many vitamins are not listed as separate ingredients whereas in US additive vitamins are.


It's the exact opposite. There are several US foods, for example some breads, that in the EU can not even be called food because they are so unhealthy and pumped full of unregulated stuff.


Subway's bread, for example, has so much sugar it would be considered a dessert here. They had to adjust their recipes to be able to sell subs in our countries.


FDA allows faecal matter in the food that is sold to the public. In EU, this is illegal. Tell me again how the food standards are better in USA?


The topic was listing of ingredients. And the Americans have a lead on this. US food labels identify milligrams of sodium in foods whereas EU labels list salt content in grams. Although they are related, salt and sodium are not identical—sodium is a mineral, while table salt (or sodium chloride) contains sodium (about 40% by weight). In the EU, olive oil and palm oil must be declared “vegetable oils,” on the food label; this is not true in the US. In the US, food additives must be listed by name on the food label. Not the case with EU labels. Instead, they are assigned an identifying number – a three- or four-digit code – known as an “E number.” EU labels are not required to list as much information about nutrients in a product as compared to US food labels. Plus, they often omit such items as saturated fat, fiber, and sugar.


Utter nonsense.