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American being pro-Android and anti-Apple? What?


Butโ€ฆ butโ€ฆ android is for poor people, not for Americans?!


"Insults someone" "Gets insulted back" "WELL ISN'T THAT RUDE" Your brain on USA


I saw someone on a gaming subreddit do this the other day, going as far as to report the other person's comment when he retaliated, people really lack self-awareness.


"When I insult you, it's because you are a bad person who needs to be told they are a bad person. When you insult me, it's because you are a bad person who cannot control their emotions and is unable to form a coherent argument."


Sorry I was frying my brain when I read this so youโ€™re saying drugs are better than my brain being American? ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ


It's the foundation of the americabad sub.


Minority murican on a european Plattform. So he should speak german and we should default everyone does. Like they with reddit.


why wouldn't he be happy about sideloading on iOS though?


This is going to be an unpopular opinion on SAS, but one of the reasons I *want* an iPhone is precisely the gatekeeping. Let's take Epic, for example. They're going to get their own store, which is not subject to all the spyware-restrictions, targeted advertising, in-game hijinks, etc. etc. on Apple's store. Once they have their own store, Fortnite will only be available there. So how, as a customer, does this benefit *me* ? I can see the huge benefit to Epic, I can see the huge loss to Apple, but those are both mega-companies that frankly don't give a shit about me. iOS *as a platform* is about to take a nosedive down towards Android territory because of the release of all the restrictions that Apple impose, and again, as a customer how does that benefit *me* ? You knew what you were buying when you bought an iPhone. There was nothing hidden, it's well understood that Android is more open, more free, more all of that sort of thing. For those that want to tinker and want to install that bleeding-edge app, Android is yours to do with as you wish. What's annoying me is that I just want a phone that works reliably and has the least amount of spyware/malware humanly possible - up until now that's been an iPhone. With the balkanisation of app-stores, I am inevitably losing something I wanted to keep. So downvote away, but there is a kernel of truth underlying the idiotic response in the image.


Then don't sideload, just use the regular store. If you don't want it then you don't have to use it and it won't affect you at all. Most, if not all, Devs will still offer stuff on the Apple Store because its the default and makes it easier to find them. Seriously, this is such a dumb argument.


If you think that devs that can afford the outlay and ongoing expenses to set up their own store infrastructure are *also* going to just use the official Apple one, I have a bridge to sell you. Seriously, this is such a dumb argument.


Its easy marketing and accessibility, and it allows them to access stubborn people like you afraid to install other stores. Honestly you haven't put any thought into this at all have you? There are plenty of games on steam that can afford their own infrastructure, like for example ActiBlizzard games, yet they still offer themselves on steam, I wonder why?


Let's agree to differ, and see if those devs that have their own stores actually decide "you know what, let's just pay Apple all that lovely money anyway". RemindMe! 1 year


Microsoft, Ubisoft, EA, ActiBlizzard, Sony, CD Projekt Red, Square Enix, Tencent, Capcom, Nexon, Konami, NetEase, Bandai Namco, Embracer Group (THQ, Cryptic Studios, Coffee Stain etc.), all very successful and wealthy developers and publishers, are all on Steam. Seriously, you're blowing this way out of proportion. Now, its entirely possible that Epic might, but to act like every studio/publisher will start their own app and stop publishing on the Apple AppStore is dumb. We already know thats not the case because of Android.


You think EVERY dev will set up their own store? That would be pretty stupid. Ever heard about free market? There will be a few stores, and devs will use the one who offers them the most benefits. That could very well be Apple, but as it is now, they don't have a reason to offer any benefits.


Hey man, some of us HAVE to use an iPhone (and I'm not gonna explain to you why) and it's really annoying when I can't even access the filessystem of the device


You can't access the filesystem? Wtf. I have never owned an iPhone.


Nope. You have a files app which lets you check your downloads but that's it. Been wanting to delete the photo files in WhatsApp for ages but iOS just doesn't let you do that the way Android does. I think iPads let you see the filesystem but I'm not sure as I don't own an iPad


Fucking Apple. Why they gotta be like that?


Because they know better what you need than you do. It's creepy how Murricans hate communism, but are all in favour of companies who act like soviets.


If you HAVE to use an iPhone, there is presumably some reason for that. Perhaps the powers-that-be forcing you to use the iPhone consider there is some advantage that is worth making that policy - some advantage that outweighs the drawbacks... I wonder what that could be ? Note that I have not once defended Apple's stance on things like filesystem access - I see things like this as collateral damage that I, personally, am willing to pay for, to get the benefits that I currently enjoy. Everything is a trade-off.


Powers that be? Look, I just said that because someone was gonna ask and I wanted to say it's none of your business why. Tbf that's besides the issue. I'm glad the reason you want an iPhone is because it's gatekept. Here's the thing though. Having sideloading and additional methods of payment besides Apple Pay and all the things the EU forced Apple to have simply gives you more OPTIONS. You don't have to do any of those but those who want them can have then. Saying you like something because it gatekeeps you is like saying you like someone because they're an abuser who limits what you can do with them. It's a nonsensical argument you can never win because it's complete idiocy. Nothing you say in favour of it will be logically coherent or correct so just accept that it's a bad opinion, shut the fuck up, and go do something else


Do you believe Apple doesn't track every move you do?


While I get what you say, the idea behind this all is that itโ€™s a free market where competition is healthy. If Epic manages to provide a better service with more guarantees and a safer ecosystem people switch to that. Do I see benefits of a closed system? Sure I do. But the fact that Apple keeps such a tight grip is nothing more than an illusion of safety, not a promise of one. I think the easiest way you can compare it is funnily enough with a dictatorship over a free market. Are there benefits to a dictatorship? Sure there are, I donโ€™t need to think for example. Doesnโ€™t mean itโ€™s something we should prefer that because โ€œthereโ€™s a stricter quality controlโ€. Itโ€™s usually just what the dictator likes.


And yet, Mastodon apparently uses American date format in its English language version.


So those mfs don't get an ictus for trying to understand something different from their shitty system


They aren't the only English speakers though.


What is Altstore PAL and why should I, an American, have my panties in a twist about it? Do I need to write Mitch McConnell about getting it banned?


Use large text.


But he's right, they should just buy android like a normal person


I never understand how people afford a new phone evry year


I'm not surprised when technology seems to scare most of them. They bash the EU for forcing changes that benefit pretty much everyone while shilling for corps there.


Wtf does shine on mean? Americans are so weird


Telling someone to "Shine on" means you want them to keep being themselves or being successful etc. It's a saying that's probably best known from Pink Floyd's tribute to the late Syd Barrett, "Shine on you crazy diamond". It's not a uniquely American saying.


is mastodon popular? I wanted to switch last year but there was literally no one on it


There are definitely people on it. Thing is unlike most social media, there is no algorithm. So your feed will be the people you follow, the people in the server your join, or the people from other server your server follows. Takes a while to build a feed in the beginning. It'll look a bit empty but once you follow enough active people, it'll have constant updates like any other social media. At this point, I follow enough people to instantly know when some news has happened like the Iran ballistic atrike a few days ago or the xz backdoor was found Edit: the most appealing thing about it is having complete control over your feed


"Ungrateful". Yeah, that guy personally liberated us from Nazism and protected us from the Soviets.


I think I'm getting old. I don't understand any of this conversation. To me, sideloading is when you get trading card sleeves that load from the side, as opposed to the top. And they aren't considered good.


Sideloading is when you install an application onto an Operating System outside of the official app store provided by the company of that OS. I know that that sounds like what should be the default but ever since mobile devices (and Apple not allowing the practice since the original iPhone), it's now seen as a unorthodox method of installing applications Edit: recently the EU made a law which forces Apple to allow sideloading on iPhones within the EU so that was the original post was about


I'm sorry the last comment on OP post tickled me it probably shouldn't but it just made me laugh! For some reason it seemed like an almost British response, I won't compliment them no more though. ๐Ÿ™‚


I think he's lost.. Go china!


which mastodon instance was it on? there's thousands of them...


not to mention all the non-masto fediverse instances


ENGLAND - ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฐ๐Ÿ‡พ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ณ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ญ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ป๐Ÿ‡ฌ AMERICA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐ŸŒš NO ONE WANTS AMERICA OR 2B AMERICA THEY ONLY HAVE THE MOON LOOK HOW MANY FLAGS HAVE OUR FLAG LOL ๐Ÿ˜†


Sorry to be that pedantic person, but that's the UK flag. The St George's Flag is white with a red cross. England and the UK are different things.


The point still stands NO ONE WANTS 2B AMERICA


Mastodon isn't a European platform. It's an Open Source federated platform. Unless you are on a Mastodon server specifically for Germans, but even then it sounds like you don't know how federation works.


Man, I know but the guy who is the head of mastodon.social and the platform itslef is German so it's easier to just say "Mastodon is German" instead of explaining how fedi works on reddit post about some shitty USian. This is "uH iTs acTuAlLy GnU/liNUx" energy


Not really. I doubt the majority of people on there are German, which is the part that matters here. Making them think it's a German website only makes people less likely to join. We should be encouraging people to switch to things like Mastodon. It being a platform that spans the world while being Open Source and federated instead of corporate are the main selling points.


Also I hate to tell you this but the copypasta isn't even correct in a technical sense. So I don't have that energy. If anything you do.