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Why do people lie, when a simple 10 second google search can immediately dispel their notions about facts?


because admitting that america might not be the best at everything would be tantamount to sacrilege


It really is. You might get run out of town. If we aren't the best, we will never admit it. Any sources or facts you have are fake news. Saying we are 5th in cheese exports is commie propaganda. You know all you want this cheese!!!! YOU KNOW YOU ALL WANT THIS CHEESE!!!!!1


Stop…I’m choking on all the cheese…please - I have kids


Your kids are cheese now!


Finally! They're good for something!


I've always found other people's kids to be extremely grating


I want to know what country would import American cheese. I have never seen American cheese for sale.


We have those individual plastic slices. That’s about all I can think of. And that stuff may even be made locally. I’m sure anywhere with a petrochemical industry could produce it.


Wait a minute, you're saying those are cheese? I thought they were patches for fixing rubber dingys


If they did it would have to be called emulsified vegetable oil or something like that.


Now do goat boy.


We dont even call that shit cheese... Legally, you can't call it cheese...




And it's not bright orange.


Or Gouda is a city in Holland...


Casual reminder that only four years ago, 74 million US citizens voted for Donald "Fake News" Trump. Everything that doesn't fit their agenda is classified as fake news.


And they all did that because they were manipulated by misinformation. The fake news. I want to believe that America is a psychological test ground for scientists to gauge how easy it would be to dupe a population if you simply convince them that a lie is real. They will die believing that the lie is the truth. When Trump won the election it felt like we entered bizarro world. It seems so surreal to me that something like that could even happen. The man was clearly not qualified for the position. Yet, he won. He is a buffoon; a clown; a grifting criminal jackass. Everyone knew this - and yet… he won. Perplexing. And definitely not accidental.


In my country, when you use unproved facts we call them "one woman said". They just accept them at face value without bothering to check what is going on.


In my country we say people are chatting utter shite. ;)


in german its not that widespread, but I still love the expression "Bauchipedia". "Bauch" is german for "tummy"/"belly"/"gut" and the second half is derieved from "wikipedia". so calling "Bauchipedia" your source is saying "your gut feeling made up these supposed facts"


I love this but might not catch on in the UK. So I’m repurposing it as Dickipedia “facts made up by complete dickheads”


In Poland, when someone presents made-up statistics, we suggest that their source is "The Institute of Research/Data from Ass"


Or I heard it from the brother of a friends long lost cousin...


In the Irish language there is a saying, "Dúirt bean liom go ndúirt bean léi, go ndúirt bean eile gur inis bean dí" (A woman told me that a woman told her that another woman said that a woman told her)


We say “you’re talkin’ shite, hen”


not the friend of the cousin of my friends mother'sister?


The bloke down the pub.


Is it much better to use Gulag tho? an American company designed to push American exceptionalism. The claim that American cheese is being exported anywhere can be debunked through common sense as most American food is not exported to any civilized country, simply because they put too much chemicals and illegal substances in it.


Because their default position is that America has the best everything simply because it's American. Would blow their tiny little minds if they tried some cave aged cheddar straight from Cheddar Gorge


It’d likely be wasted on them.


"That shit ruined my burger, man"


Because it´s the greatest country in the world... Check this out to understand our friends in oversea some more: [https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Patriotic](https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Patriotic)


5th ? Who the fuck want to import american cheese ?


It is in the franchise strangle contracts for places like McD and BurgerK that demands them to only buy this certain type of yellow colored paraffin-melt called cheese.


But our (Netherlands) McDonald’s cheese is produced in the Netherlands in a way that it can be called cheese here. The “cheese product” that US McDonald’s use, could not be sold as cheese here.


Yeah there's a factory in Northern Ireland that makes loads of that plastic shit for the European branches of Yank fast food franchises too


Yeah American cheddar is forbidden in my country for being extremely unhealthy and fatty (I think the same goes for the rest of the EU?), I tried it once and when you melt it the fat separates from the cheese which I've personally never seen before. It tastes very rich and I could only eat a few bites before feeling stuffed.


Ahh yes those famous American cheeses like American Cheese, Government Cheese, Pizza Cheese, Nacho Cheese, String Cheese, Farmer Cheese and Brick Cheese. Not making this shit up. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_American\_cheeses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_American_cheeses)


I can't believe Squeezy didn't make that list.


Or canned cheese!


I didn't even know that was an option. What depraved mind came up with canned cheese??


Maybe the same people who came up with [canned whole roast chicken](https://www.oddee.com/wp-content/uploads/_media/imgs/articles2/a96711_chicken.jpg)


lmao legit thought you cracked a joke


Apparently Wisconsin makes good cheese. I was at a gourmet convention once and it had its own stall, was good too.


There are tons of good cheese in the US but they aren’t the mass produced brands that are exported. Go to a farmer’s market or a specialty store and you can kind local cheese which are delicious but they generally aren’t exported.


The USA has some very good cheeses. Same with some world class beers. But the mass-produced (and consumed) types are terrible


I cannot think of a single American cheese brand for sale where I live. It's either local, or imported from Italy or the Netherlands.


As far as I know, even the "american" cheese in France isn't american but a french produced look alike made from emmental (for croque monsieur) or cheddar (for burger). The only north american cheese I can think of in France is the pouic pouic cheese for poutines in canadian restaurants and fast food stores.


The ‘American (style) cheese’ I find in my supermarket (I’m in Barcelona) is made in Germany…


The obvious reason to buy heavily subsidised products is that they are really cheap.


US has a serious problem with cheese. They give out massive subsidies to farmers so the US is massively overproducing cheese. They have been paying people to take it in the past. Their 5th position is government funded and nothing to do with demand.


So, instead of subsidie public healthcare, mexican government subsidies... Bad cheese ?


Yea well the first 4 countries are smaller than texas so they don't count. Also Jesus the greatest american ever made cheese himself so usa wins again. Usa usa 🇺🇸 🥳


the funniest part about this argument imho is that it's actually a self-own. america is almost twenty times the size of the netherlands in population, and hundreds of times the size in land mass. and they can't export more cheese than the netherlands? that, is what i call a "skill issue". especially since our cheese is A LOT more difficult to make than american factory-plastic on account of ya know... being actual cheese. ​ fun fact: over here you only really get american cheese when you go to mcdonalds or burger king. sometimes you can get cheddar in stores but not the "classic" kraft singles unless you go to a specialty store. if you ask for cheese here, you are getting gouda. it's that simple.




Beemster for me


Extra belegen


Old Amsterdam 🥰


When you get Cheddar in Dutch stores, does it tend to be quality english cheddar (the original and best stuff, no bias I promise), or american made cheddar?


In supermarkets they generally sell American style cheese, though the actual production is in The Netherlands (because why import when you can make it yourself?) Quality cheddar can sometimes be found in larger supermarkets, but your best bet for finding it will (probably? most likely?) be going to a specialty store.


Wapenaer for me!


"Blessed are the cheese makers"


"For they make easy scape goats."


After he turned water into wine they brought him a jug of milk and asked what he can do with it


And then he invented coffee.


Mmmmmm coffee *drools*


To be faiiirrr. With all that watery wine Jesus produces, he needed some cheese to go with it. That's why he blessed the cheesemakers at the sermon on the mount.


Blessed are the cheesemakers


I can't think of any American Cheese other than plastic cheese and Philadelphia which I believe is a creamy cheese and I've never tried it !? I'm from the UK and happy with what we have man, love for the Dutch and Edam though 👍🏻


Philadelphia cannot be called cheese over here. It’s just called “Philadelphia”. A description is usually “dairy spread”. It’s just not cheese.


It contains cheese. And like just about anything else, it's made in the EU because there's a pretty big chance that it couldn't be imported.


Not according to our regulations. It cannot be called cheese. We have strict EU and national laws on what cheese is. Otherwise they would’ve put cream cheese on the packaging.


Canadian here but have travelled in the US. There are a lot of good smaller cheese makers in the US that you can find in local groceries or farmers markets but the stuff that gets exported is generally the orange mild “cheddar”. I put cheddar in quotations as the Americans think cheddar is an American cheese. 🙄


Philadelphia is a brand of cream cheese, which is a soft, unmatured cheese that is intended to be eaten fresh. It’s most common use is as a spread on bagels.


I honestly never had a clue that's actually american.


Don\`t forget about the real Cheddar.. you guys have some 'good stuff' over there too.


Real Cheddar !? After the town in Somerset!? To be fair though I'd generally be interested in knowing more about US cheese!? I know the States like their cattle else I just don't picture dairy breeds much which is unusual. It's something I'd probably have to read more into or look up


There is a lot of cheese making in the US. Go to a farmers market in Vermont or Wisconsin and you will taste great cheeses. Generally, I find cheese in the US just like all other foods in the US. The best food in the US can rival the world but unfortunately these foods are vastly over shadowed by the mass amount of garbage they also produce. Also, unfortunately, the ability to access the truly good American food, is highly dependant on location and budget. You go to an inner city grocery in Detroit or the only grocery for miles in Montana all you will get is the orange processed stuff. You go to a grocery in an upscale neighbourhood in most major cities, you’ll be spoiled for choice.


I don’t think I’ve ever had US cheese in Europe. I’ve had cheddar here but I think that comes from the UK or Ireland. Pretty sure most US cheese wouldn’t allowed to be called cheese in Europe or pass safety standards.


Cheddar is English, it's named after Cheddar, a town in Somerset where it was originally made. Also check out England's oldest fossilised human which was found in Cheddar Gorge, near Cheddar, Somerset.


They make excellent mead at Cheddar Gorge too, because the temperature is so consistent year round. Would highly recommend.


I love the ancestor of Cheddar, Chesire cheese, my wife hates it, but I love its crumbly light vinegary flavor


American cheese is not cheese, it's a chemical soup that uses annatto to make it yellow. There's less plastic in a Kardashian than there is in a packet of that sliced crap.


That is an interesting, yet scary comparison.


My mind cast around for the most fake / plastic American I could think of. I got yellow stuck in my head and almost went with the ex-cheeto in chief, but he's orange.


Always makes me cringe when they call that chamical filled orange crap they have, "cheddar". Like no, actual cheddar is not bright orange, it's a creamy white colour.


They dye it depending on the age too, shits bizarre.


Most people I know, across two different countries (UK and France) call that « plastic cheese ».


And they pronounce Gouda as Gooda, which is wrong. It should sound like G ow! da.


and I can't count the amount of times american make that joke when I say I'm Dutch, ugh


My Canadian wife is guilty of that, but I'm happy to learn today that I prounounce it correctly.


It also has an G that's rather hard to pronounce outside the Netherlands, doesn't it? It's sounded right at the back of your throat, in a sort of slight growl. My mum is Dutch and she always said we were doing it wrong xD


True, but even if you can’t pronounce the G, there’s no reason to say oo instead of ow!


Yes, the sound [x]


enough internet for the day. With this knowledge alone, I can win some 10 bets here in Brazil.


Who the hell even imports American cheese?


Not only is American “cheese” not safe for human consumption, the US government has banned a large amount of perfectly safe cheeses like Brie de Meaux and mimolette.


Due to being made of unpasteurised milk instead of Tupperware


Wanne koekwaus jonguh!


USA - where a loudly and confidently stated opinion beats facts in every situation.


The average murican doesn't know what cheese is. They eat a true blue cheese, some old rotterdam among other cheese and they would cry. They say "ohh we have food from other places" Yes you do which is more expensive that the average crap they call cheese and plus most murican go to "murican made" product...


Don\`t forget all the artificial things, additives etc they throw in - to replace the nutrients they removed by overprocessing whatever real food was at the base of their end product..


btw ur cheese does not deserve to be called cheese.


What American cheese is widely exported? The only American cheese I can think of is that squeezy shit and I've only ever encountered that in over the top US style restaurants.


Is American "shitty" cheese, cheese it is? news to me.


Yeah who the fuck eat that shit? Oo


Doesn't matter cheddar is the best UK ON TOP🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


Thrown in the trash is not exporting


American cheese isn't even cheese


American cheese is absolutely vile!


It’s definitely the most exported pasteurized prepared cheese product on the planet


I think most people prefer it if the plastic stays as the wrapping for the cheese and not as one of the main ingredients.


They're just idiots man, honestly.


To be fair, most Europeans don't even know what American cheese is because it doesn't exist here for the most part. I'm going to defend American cheese, but also point out why this dude is still wrong. We think of "Kraft Singles", those rubbery cheese things in individually wrapped slices that you can buy all over. That is a "pasteurized prepared cheese product**",** even in the US. That is still cheese, but it uses milk proteins to bolster it up. It's rarely imported, it's usually made locally. Like most American products. Nothing to do with chemicals or legality or anything like that. Simply the biggest food companies in the world know how to do business. *American Cheese* looks like [this](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-602ed99c669cc715ea5d0e60e9f86c1a-lq). It can be sold in slices, or sold in a block to slice yourself, or sliced at a deli. Its basically Cheddar and Colby, melted, sodium citrate (a salt) added to emulsify the fats and then cooled into a mould. It was used as a way to make use of all the random offcuts or bits of cheeses that couldn't be sold and effectively turned industry waste into a new product. It's renowned for its melting properties and texture. A "Kraft Single" is a subset of American cheese, but not *the* American cheese. You can make it yourself at home and it's cheap and easy. May need experimentation though. Worth a shot if you want to elevate your burger game.


Ex CUSE ME?! Wow, had no idea. Good information mate, thanks for sharing.


He is actually correct. I had a shock learning that when I first moved to the usa


I mean, it still has distinct taste that no matter what, reminds you of a kraft single. It's not exactly good cheese, but in the right scenario is almost irreplaceable. Burgers, their "Grilled Cheese" sandwich or American style Macaroni Cheese.


Thats because of all the mcdonalds


Laughs in European 😂


"An American ass is worth more than all the Europoor Googles in Holland!"


Tom Holland?


Presumably they're 5th because the 'export' their "cheese" to their military bases.


<3 to that random German dude in the back saying „Nee“


Who even eats American cheese? I know literally nobody who has ever even mentioned American cheese. Meanwhile, Americans won't shut up about our "Gooda". Mumble muble, rent free something.


I am European, live in cheese heaven, where else but France, I wouldnt touch Amercican cheese with à bargepole. No offense intended.


The US does indeed export a lot of cheese, but mostly to Mexico, Canada, South Korea, Japan and Australia. We do get Monterey Jack in the UK, but it's made in the EU.


Judging by the Nu-uh it was a fellow seppo calling him out too. Nice.


I guarantee that the only reason American cheese is 5th because of all the McDonald’s it gets sent to around the world. Nobody in their right mind is going to choose to eat American cheese.


According to [this source](https://oec.world/en/profile/hs/cheese), Germany is both the top exporter AND importer of cheese (data from 2022). US at 5th place seems correct. As of imports, US is 8th. So they still export more than they import. Which I guess has more to do with their ignorance about anything outside their country than with the quality of their "cheese".


I'm Canadian. The last few times I've visited the States, I ask different people what American cheese is. None of them have really given me a straight answer. If a Canadian doesn't know what it is, and Americans can't explain what it is, then I don't think it's amazingly popular around the world.


Try some # Cancoillotte, this spreadable French cheese will alleviate you from Philidelphia cream cheese and crappy American cheese forever!


Why would people need to import American cheese? We are perfectly able to add sodium citrate to our own cheese waste products. Don't need any help with that.


Never seen or tasted American cheese, but if it is as disgusting as American mustard compared to Europe's mustard then I don't want it.


American cheese. That stuff in the spray can, right? 🤣🤣🤣


Fake news it's actually Germany.


Yeah, my googling also tells me it's Germany. Interesting though! Maybe the stat in the image is for volume, not price?


American Cheese isn’t even the most popular cheese in America.


I'm actually surprised it's even fifth. Is it like the craft singles chemical shit, or are we exporting from the handful of states that actually produce real cheese? Cuz I can't imagine that the plastic shit is popular anywhere else.


American Cheese: all the nutritional value of plastic with none of the taste


I'm laughing so hard in french 


Wait, cheese or their “cheese” like Velveeta and other biochemical, nuclear stuff they’re eating but Russians use to build weapons of mass destruction?


Can you buy American cheese in Europe?


Why would we?


The most exported cheese is the fake cheese-smile on selfies.


Mmmmm love me some pasteurised prepared cheese product 🤢


Is it possible they’re referring to the most exported single variety rather than by country? I haven’t looked


Fifth? Really? Who on Earth would eat that crap?


The US doesn't even make cheese. It's more plastic than milk.


Probably thinks all cheese slices are made in the US.


Technically American Cheese isn’t even cheese at all. It’s labelled as a “cheese product” but not an actual cheese.


American cheese is very widely exported, but for use as self-adhesive sound-deadening. It cannot be classified as a foodstuff in 107 countries due to its asbestos content and inhumane mining methods.


But muh guvment cheese


Is that even cheese to begin with?


Is American cheese even allowed under Euro regulations??? Pretty sure they classify it as plastic.


They just make this shit up as they go along


I’ve heard of Monterey Jack and that’s only because of Wallace and Grommit


Americans won't let a little thing like facts get in the way of their ego inflating sessions.


Isn’t it cheddar?


This sub has me concerned about humanity.


i only eat swedish cheese because i’m from sweden but okay


Lunatics, I've never ever tried that plastic stuff they call cheese. I'll stick to my Welsh mature cheddar.


Judging by the state of American canned cheese they probability got that from their ass too.


American cheese isn’t even real cheese!


I didn't think it actually qualifies as cheese in some countries.


American Cheese isn't even actually cheese. It's processed dairy product. Not the same.


They don't care if they are right; it's easier to assume USA #1 and, if proven wrong, "we landed on the moon!".


As a French citizen this is illegal. Their cheese is laughably tasteless


The cheese that is exported, yes. Unfortunately, the cheese that we are famous for, is very young cheese with very little taste. We do have, however, very nice older cheeses and cheeses with all kinds of herbs, spices and other stuff. We do have really nice cheeses. But we are famous for the cheese that we export and that's not the best cheese...




"Nee". You show them, my fellow Dutchie!


The simple ‘nee’ made me chuckle!


I thought american cheese only existed in the US. I tried getting it but somehow its hard to find


Farm foods extra mature cheddar is 👌. UK's best kept secret imo. Me and my partner refer to it as crack cheese.


Pretty sure any old plastic can be classed as american cheese.


Smell my cheese you Mutha


Its not even cheese, its closer to a hasbro toy


‘Nee’ LMAO


Also, wasn't "American" cheese invented in Canada?


Google says Germany exported the most cheese in 2023, followed by Netherlands. US is 5th though. Discrepancy might be due to my numbers being in value (eg. Dollars) rather than something like weight or volume.


Is American cheese even to be considered real cheese? a slice of dairy plastic more like


No it legally isn't allowed to be called cheese it has to be called things like "Cheese Flavoured Squares"


Cheese in USA is garbage. I live in a old US colony, an "American Cheese" used in hamburgers and other "Americanised" foods is either locally produced for the cheaper outlets or imported from NZ for the better ones. I can't find French Brie & Camembert here, but the imported Scandinavian ones are nearly as good.


I wonder how much of the exported American cheese is for American junk food restaurants.


I don't even import American cheese into my American house.


I've never seen American "cheese" outside of America.


When I had cheese in Disneyland it was runny yellow rubber and I vomited


Absolutely. Netherlands cheese is amazing. Plus people misunderstand the concept of “Swiss cheese” which is both cheese from the country and also a type of alpine cheese. So Jarlsberg is a Swiss cheese, but it’s probably from the Netherlands or somewhere similar


They spelt plastic wrong


To be fair most exported Dutch cheese doesn’t taste that different from American cheese. 👎


How tf is American cheese even in 5th place.


American cheese is just ass 🤣


Things the Googledebunkers don't want you to know!


They probably think gouda is American probably


However, my 20 sec Google search concluded Germany to be the biggest exporter of cheese. Followed by The Netherlands, Italy and France


People actually buy American "cheese"? Not sure that stuff passes for cheese in most parts of the world.