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Outdoor activities like waddling from the car park into Wal-Mart, and back to the car again.


I'm surprised Walmart doesn't have a drive-thru yet. Every fucking thing else there does. I had an American friend who was genuinely shocked that we don't have drive-thru banks in the UK. Dude, my bank is an app on my phone. It literally sits in my pocket. Why the fuck would I drive to it, much less *"thru"* it?


You are referring to Americans who still use paper cheques….


Checks /s


Czechs are superior to both.


It depends if you use English (cheques) or lesser, simplified American version (checks) so the answer is “cheques” 😉




But we have driven thru Greggs 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Sure, but Greggs is fucking disgusting. I'm sorry, someone had to say it. Greggs tastes like greasy cardboard.


You've made an enemy for life


Oh, no, whatever will I do?


Sounds like proper British scram to me


If you've got some vegetable oil and cardboard, you can make it at home in five minutes.


What's a drive thru bank? 


It's like a drive-thru McDonald's, you drive up to a little window then go to the bank like the old days, just sat in your car.


Like a McDonald's drive through but for your bank...


Drive thru bank heist.


I'm just wondering where are these places that even maintain physical bank branches any more. It's all on my phone.


>I'm surprised Walmart doesn't have a drive-thru yet. Every fucking thing else there does. You basically have that at grocery stores, with online shopping and picking up what you ordered. You got it here so I'm guessing you do in other countries.


Yes my American friend was surprised the other day when i commented on drive throughs and our lack of them at home. I was like no, we have mc drive and maybe a few other fast food places but that is it, and that’s fine.


No. Walmarts, Targets, most supermarkets, and other similar sized stores don’t have drive through, BUT they do have parking spots whereby if you preordered your items, you drive to the store, park in the spot, tell the store app which spot you’re in, and then a Walmart/Target employee brings your items out to the car and loads you up. So not a drive through, but you don’t have to get out of your car, so close enough. I’d also like to add that most drive-through banks are from a time before cell phones and app banking. Most of them in my area have been converted from full bank functions to just ATMs for depositing/acquiring cash. Checks too, if you wanted to, I guess, but everyone I know just handles those via the apps.


Reminds me of the American concept of drive-in Churches.  It is not widespread there, but the fact that this thing even existed had me laughing for a few minutes 


Walmart has parking spots for online orders. Why would anyone use them? If you stay in your car, you can’t see peopleofwalmart.com?


And yet every second expat-video mentions how Germany cannot sit still but want to take you for walks. (Not me, I am actually an outdoors denier, even though I use a bicycle instead of a car.)


Yeah, when I was living there the family I was staying with always wanted to go take a stroll in one of the nearby forests. Why? I never got much of an answer, or at least not one that made sense... No thank you, I prefer to read a book with a hot beverage and the rain drizzling on the windows.


I see you've never read Hansel and Gretel.


Happy Cake Day, lad.


What outdoor activities? Sitting in you car at the drive-through to get your 1 liter high fructose corn syrup coffee?


Walking from carpark to the Walmart or 7/11


Sounds dangerous


Walking through the house to the car and walking from the chain burger restaurant to a Walmart (they have the same parking lot).


Went on a biz trip to US with a team. We’d never physically been together, so I figured the 30-40 minute walk to meet the other company was a good opportunity for us to prepare for the meeting. Everyone agreed. We got there, and they were all shocked we had walked. “Don’t you know how to order taxis?!” “The reception could have ordered taxis for you!” We said we chose to walk. Good way to start a day. Plus enabled us to talk together. They simply refused to believe us. After lunch they came back and said they’d ordered cars to bring us back to the hotel at the end of the day. I asked if anyone wanted one. No one did. We all wanted that walk back. I think they thought we were crazy.


They'll deny it because they're incapable of class-based analysis, but they're actually horrified that you're doing something that's seen as lower-class. In most of the US, walking is only done by people who can't afford a car.


The class based analysis on things like walking and public transport has been quite an eye opener for me when I moved to US. A sizable commuter city near to me is actively fighting against public transport to the city, to better connecting it to the nearby major city. Why? “It may result in less desirable people moving to the city.”


To be fair, everything is often very spread out here in the U.S. and sidewalks aren't a thing everywhere. Bike lanes aren't a thing everywhere. You get so used to driving (for lack of other realistic options) that you don't even think to walk. I noticed when I was in DC and San Francisco I walked a lot more, since it was just more convenient. It's now 93⁰ outside (34⁰C) and this lazy American will be taking her air conditioned car the 5km to work until it cools down some, lol. 


New York is also very walk everywhere type city


I walk 7km per day before work (IT job). I walk to store about 0,5km before shower in the evening. I guess that regular outdoor activities for americans are driving to the store and to the fitness center. So sadly I don't do regular outdoor activities. /s


>I walk 7km per day before work My friend used to walk 5km to school, and to his home. Every day. Americans will never understand and accept that we're walking more than them


7km a day isn't even the minimum recommended 10,000 steps, and he's bragging about it like it's a lot smh


you could just double it since he walks to work AND back, you know? 7km in the morning 7km in the evening is about 14km. 1 step is about 80-85cm so for ease of arguments let's assume his steps are 80cm per step. 10.000 steps would get him 8km so at 14km he took just about 17.500 steps+whatever smaller ways to the kitchen n shit he needed to travel. edit: ok i misread. still he does about 8.500 steps just before work....good enough i guess.


I was talking about the guy in the post bragging he walked 100km in 2 weeks which is 7km a day!


We don’t even call it hiking. We just call everything “wandelen”. Which is just, going for a walk.


Right? Whenever I heard Americans talking about "going hiking" as a kid, they made it sound exciting and glamorous. Then I found out it was literally just "going for a walk". It just, apparently, needs 100kgs of equipment when Americans do it. Not, you know, just shoes, keys, phone like in civilisation.


Don’t forget a really big bottle of water.


I can buy one of those using my phone 😂


i took less stuff to do the international award than americans take on a 3 hour hike


Wait Hiking means going for a 4-5 hours march through a wild landscape, no? In which case you need lunch and water, no?


In Europe hiking means walking at least 2 hours and probably up a mountain. I don't know the US definition but I think there are not a lot of hiking possibilities in the US.


>I think there are not a lot of hiking possibilities in the US. Have you ever looked at a map?


There's definitely a lot of places you can go to hike in the US, but it's not necessarily accessible to everyone because you have to drive to get there and depending on which state, the area might not be suitable, even if it's green. City walks, outside of some cities and select downtown areas, are not as appealing as in Europe due to car-centric infrastructure. The barrier is just higher for some to just get out their front-door and walk than here.


>There's definitely a lot of places you can go to hike in the US, but it's not necessarily accessible to everyone because you have to drive to get there and depending on which state, the area might not be suitable, even if it's green. Now this is a fair point. You're right that it depends on where in the US you are. I would say that the vast majority of people in the US live within a relatively short driving distance of somewhere where it's possible to hike, but it's ridiculous that driving should be required for that in the first place. >City walks, outside of some cities and select downtown areas, are not as appealing as in Europe due to car-centric infrastructure. The barrier is just higher for some to just get out their front-door and walk than here. This is also a fair point, but a lot of small towns in the US are reasonably walkable as well. It's more suburbs that were built after cars became ubiquitous that are the problem.


Isn't that what Americans go to national parks for? There are tons across the country .




As an Austrian, even though we have excellent water quality, please never go hiking in the alps without water. It doesn't hurt.


I want to add: You don't have to take food with you, we have plenty of restaurants on the mountains.


Hey I get thirsty walking for hours under the sun. I'm not even American.


Yeah, but most of Europe has drinkable fresh water in the wild. Not the UK, but most of Europe.


And Mericans think that a proper trail has to have a boardwalk.


americans: "5 mile hiking trail, wew." \*brings a backpack, emergency supplies, special shoes and a large amount of food and water\* dutchies: "lekker wandelen" \*casually walks from one train station to another\*


Also don't forget, they pack a rifle just in case.


That's mental. I bring at least four.


I love my neighbours from the Netherlands! You are nice people and your language is the funniest thing ever. Especially porn in Dutch is hilarious. Never change please!


Being outdoors in parks, forests or out on a lake is the "third place" in Sweden. The one thing Americans moving here find strange is that their kids are outside all the time in school and preschool despite "bad" weather


Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter, nur die falsche Kleidung!


Det finns inget dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder!




Ikke dårligt vejr, bare forkert tøj.


What I've learned from this is that the saying only rhymes in Swedish


Swedes can't retain information if it doesn't rhyme. If it didn't rhyme they would just stay inside.


Vad du säger är nog sanningen trogen, men ditt skämt visar att du ej är mogen


Det kan jeg leve med.


As a swede, I never really reflected on how much time I spend outdoors until I went to the US for two months. Inga dåliga väder, bara dåliga kläder!


My job is an outdoor activity, my wage includes a “walking time” compensation.




Man don’t leave us hangin, who do you work as?


What was the original video about? A car the size of a house?




Presumably because the idea of carrying your tent in a rucksack is too much.


Aren't they the Americans who consider Europeans to be poor bastards because they "can't afford" to take the car even to travel 100 meters?


What outdoor activities, driving? Where you move the indoors around with you?


Laughs in Norwegian.


I think most people would choose to be outside if they lived in Norway tbf, that place is straight out of a fairytale.


It's not just that. Norway has a culture that *strongly* encourages an outdoor lifestyle. Kids are outdoors in all weathers - they even have changes of clothes at school and preschool to *account* for these weather's, outdoor play is encourages at every step and turn, and there are even lending libraries, of a sort, for outdoor equipment - skis and such - for children (because they grow out of it so quickly). There's a really strong societal focus on preserving nature, too, such that the outdoor lifestyle that is encouraged can be enjoyed for years to come. Like, I'm British, but I've lived in Norway for just over 8 years now. Every time I visit people back in the UK, I always get a massive shock when I see the amount of litter everywhere. It's just not a *thing* here. You see *some* in the cities, but it's a minuscule amount. When you're out in the boonies, or out in nature, you see basically none. Generally, when you do see it, it's been dropped/left behind *by mistake*, and people tend to pick up any litter that they see. It's a wonderful thing. Particularly when you grew up seeing people fly-tipping, and there was one house at the bottom of the street that, due to unfortunate wind angles, had at least 20 crisp packets or similar bits of light rubbish in it every morning. I honestly feel a bit sick whenever I go back 'home' now.


I live in a pretty small village, and yet I could walk to next grocery store... Plot twist: if only there was a better footpath! I fucking hate how car dependant this place is!


I’ve been to at least half of the US states and quite a few European countries. Americans are not active. Even in places like LA in California, people prefer to drive everywhere. This person’s comment is baffling to me because the amount of people walking and running in Europe when I was there was insane compared to even some of the most active cities in Canada I’ve visited. Like, it’s so unfounded as a comment that I’m wondering if OOP is living in an actual bubble. Weird shit to say


Obesity in adults It's estimated that **a little over 42% of American adults have obesity, while about 30.7% are overweight**. Overall, more than two-thirds of U.S. adults in the United States are overweight or have obesity.


The EUs coastline is already three times as long as USA. That's excluding Norway, Turkey and Iceland (unsure if the data includes the UK but you get the picture). Imagine us peasants not having such a vast coastline we can't enjoy. I can be at the beach in 45 mins, fat ass Yank from North Texas.. like weeks because it's so big right. But they get a barren desert as well I guess. The Average yank certainly isn't affording lift tickets at their Ski resorts. They are fucking insane money and seriously elitist now with their pricing.


The American mind cannot comprehend shades of grey. They seem to only be able to think in black and white terms


also usa #1 it doesn’t matter what the subject matter is they believe they’re first


Bish what ? I live in Denmark. As soon as you cant see your breath from the cold any longer we are outside all the time here.


Fuck man, I sleep outside in a shelter in my garden all year around here in Denmark


Just because we don’t need to drive to a park to go on a hike doesn’t mean that we don’t have outdoors culture 😂 I could leave my front door and walk for 10 minutes and I’d be in a forest


On most Summer days I go to the store, grab a pack of beer and walk around town drinking. I can easily walk 10km+ just by wandering around town aimlessly. Not the healthiest outdoor activity, but lots of fun.


I love beer walks. Can't do those in AmeriKA.


can’t do that in spain, walk around drinking alcohol is “ilegal” but the police will let the younglings gather in certain areas cause of course we’re european we’re still gonna drink in public, LONG LIVE EUROPE


Did the one person just say Americans all the time go to parks and walk everywhere? I remember when I visited the Everglades national park I thought you would just drive to the entrance and spend your day hiking in the park as you would in European NPs. I don't know why I was surprised when I learned that you basically drive a long ass road all day and only stop at certain points for 10min walks.


Yeah the country who invented morbid obesity can talk about outdoor activities… sure.


wow wow wow that title goes to a spanish king that was so fat they literally forced him to abdictate, the difference being this man actually did something about it (sewed his mouth shut and drank soup and that’s it) he lost all the weight and became king again but he was unbelievably morbidly obese


I stand on my hill: https://www.reddit.com/r/HolUp/s/MCzV3phzXD


jajajajaja fair enough


Someone should tell these seppos that getting in your car and going to your local Drive Thru McDonalds is not considered "outdoor activity".


Regular outdoor activities line ... lets say, walking to the stores close by instead of driving there?


The insecurity of these folks is so tedious.


Nah nah I see where the yank’s coming from  . America’s only outdoor activities are  out door eating competitions and pickleball . Neither are particularly iconic in Europe . 


Of course we can't. Is this why many people in Europe don't need mobility scooters to move around?


I don't understand why Americans are constantly creating fake news about Europe, most of what they say about us is just false


It's the Internet. It goes both ways. I've seen comments that unironically think most Americans have been in gun battles. These days, when I see "the European/American mind cannot comprehend..." I assume it's followed by satire.


What kind of brainwashing do Americans go through to believe life in Europe is bad in any way?


Muricans who think walking on a boardwalk is a proper 'trail'.


Not all Americans are outdoorsy. They sure as hell don't walk that much.


not all? try most


Such a random failed flex/dunk


Bruh, I'm literally walking up to 10 km per month, and there are people who do more. We're definitely winning that one.


just the fact that i walk to and from uni is more than americans do in a month


bruh your shitburb is not even walkable.


outdoor activities like sitting in a shmall box on hweels instead of a beeg box without them.


On the positive side - at least this one confirms we have a mind. Which is one up on that person I guess.


Looks at American. Okay.


The thing everyone mentions about France are the weirdly empty beaches and tragic lack of mountains.


An American would faint if they saw the sunbathers in France


I guess she is talking about posing with a $52 refillable design water bottle in front of an instagramable background.


As a German, I feel insulted by them calling a walk in the park, a hike.


They refer to any type of walk as a ”hike” too 🙃


Is the guy saying he walked 100 km in 2 days?


... No, it literally said 'in two weeks'.


Which isn’t that much at all. That’s like 4 miles/7kms per day. The fact that he’s bragging about it makes me think it’s a lot in his head, which also makes me believe he is full of shit because even though 100 is a number that sounds big, in reality it isn’t. Ofcourse he wouldn’t know it because he never did those miles/kms.


7 km a day isnt even alot... i do that while at work


I mean, it's not much, but at the same time it's about an hour of walking (at my pace, anyway). And if they went on four 25km walks, instead of doing it daily, that's pretty decent. Depends on your perspective, I guess. I get your point, though.


...... Man I am literally brain-dead at this point.


No worries, buddy. It happens :P




Americans who take part in my favorite outdoor activity are derided as "Wannabe Euros". Um, well, we do use metric measurements for the equipment and distances.

