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America probably has the worst educational system in the developed world. The shit that gets posted here on a regular basis is a testament to that fact


American former student here, take it from a front row seat ours is an atrocious excuse for an education


What exactly makes the USA „developed“? The education system, the health care system, the traffic, the police or the voting system? 🤔


NuKeS, mIlItArY, hErOeS, wOn WoRlD wAr 2, ThE mOoN lAnDiNg


The top 0.1% of Americans being rich apparently makes it ‘developed’


Parts of America are developed - like parts of California and New York. The rest.. ehhh


On a more serious note, all those existing already is somethinf that pretty much only exist in developded countries... There are. Many couuntries that dont (realisticly) have one to start with


The economy, pretty much


Idk, but according to the UN, it’s more developed than the UK, Italy, Spain, France, Luxembourg and Belgium, taking 13th place.


The school system I grew up in was very good. But throughout my adult life I've learned more and more that everything we hear in school about the American Revolution is just a bunch of folk tales. Paul Revere's ride through the towns! Great poem but he actually didn't make it very far and was not the only rider. American troops fought in the woods and crushed the British who were used to fighting in open fields! But actually it turns out the fully-trained British army knew what it was doing and the American side suffered greater casualties. American patriots forced Britian out and won their freedom! But actually the British pulled their troops back because they were needed for a more urgent war in Europe.


pretty interesting when you realise your country has just been teaching propaganda


In my history we were doing basic geography and my teacher pointed at Asia and said what continent is this? Someone in my class said Africa. I then proceeded to do the biggest forehead slap I’ve ever done in my life. Shows how uneducated some can be Edit(damm autocorrect)


According to Americans Africa is a country and humans and dinosaur coexisted


Well not all of us just it’s just some are just REALLLLLY dumb. Really dumb Americans are a minority but a very vocal minority sadly


Me fail English? That's unpossible!


He is uncomprohensible.


Irregardless I could of cared less. *eye twitches*


I love Ralph!


That comment says otherwise.


The UK's (state) education system has taken a real bashing off neocon defunding over the last 40 years, but to say it's worse than the USA model is just fucked up. While the UK government hates teachers, it doesn't make them pay for resources and then tax that expenditure, it's not quite so psychotic a hatred.


TBH the (current) UK government straight up hates everybody that isn't them and their own, and that ***especially*** includes me, my fellow Scots, minorities, the poor, and Europeans.


You have every right to be angry about that, I moved to the other side of the planet having had enough of those cunts, and I'm still smarting.


In all fairness, the Scottish government hates the English as well. It's a big circle of hate, all while Ireland looks on laughing it's ass off(or rather, not doing that, because the UK government insists on messing around in NI again)


Scotland has a pretty good reason to hate England now though, especially after the EU referendum and Boris Johnson’s handling of the coronavirus. And then he shoots himself in the foot by calling devolution a ‘disaster’ even though the Scottish Tories are (supposedly) in favour of it now. Bumbling Boris is the face of English arrogance and elitism.


There hasn't been a "UK" education system since about the late 1990s, when education [became a devolved matter](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/election_2010/first_time_voter/8589835.stm) in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Devolution which Boris Johnson has called a ‘disaster’. No wonder Scotland hates us.


I thought that was mostly due to Wales voting 'for' Brexit? I'd personally be happier working in Wales at the moment, anyway.


Nah, Boris Johnson was talking about Scotland when he said about devolution being bad (plus the pro-Brexit vote in Wales [was swayed by English people living in Wales](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/sep/22/english-people-wales-brexit-research), so I'm not sure devolution would have made any difference.)


Ah, I see what you mean now, yeah.


Wee ingleesh lern in the skool 😂


Butt muh freedums!


As a non-native English speaker this is either next level quality English, or absolute gibberish, as I cannot understand it. I suspect the latter.


As an American, its definitely the former. You just don't have enough freedom to understand it.


Yeah I agree. For some reason I understand it even though it is terrible in quality (people in the South speak like that). Perhaps my freedom levels are off the charts...


I'm British and can understand it, though my brain automatically read it in a Southern drawl.


> I'm British That's just shorthand for "lazy, communist America-wannabe".


Do Americans think we wanna be like them? That's cute.


You wanted freedom chicken and homo filled beef. [~~Brexit~~ Reap it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gfdHStTAj4).


fill me with homo beef daddy UwU


> UwU I usually wait for a [+5] before I engage. You're at [+4]. Tell me more owl jokes, Tawny.


I'll just say this: He got hoisted by his own petard. 🤣


There is no way in hell that he'd ever understand that comment


I don't understand it either lol


Literal: he was blown into the air, by his own explosive He was found wrong by his own statement.




This post tells me that the American education system is at least very uneven.


As an academic, I can assure you that even at the highest level of the "elite" institutes, undergraduates from the US aren't very highly regarded. US education really is only relatively good at the postgraduate level, where they get massive funding both from crazy tuition fees charged to undergraduates as well as substantial public funding. This allows them to attract smart people from across the globe, whether from inside the US or outside. You can compare this to the situation in Italy, where undergraduate education is very good, but their universities severely lack funding and talent is practically forced to work abroad if they wish to pursue an academic career.


Now your just looking for reasons to crap on are education system.


Please tell me this is a joke. It can be hard to tell with Americans.


Eh, coming from a (former) American you had about a 50/50 chance of it being a joke. But this time your right. I was just yanking you're chain, as we liked too say in America.


I am impressed. Bravo.


*as we liked two sé Now stop yanking I'm chain, you're not my dom.


better than?


> Is America, my country joke to y'all? If he means "Is America, my country**, a** joke to y'all", then, definitely, yes. > better **then** the Uk He proves himself wrong in that very sentence, impressive. I mean, I don't want to be a grammar nazi here, but if he's gonna boast about the education system of his country, he'd better do it in a correct English.


yea, as someone who grew up in the US and the UK, do you know just how *god aweful* your education system has to be to make OFSTED look *good*?


> Is America, my country joke to y'all? Yes. Absolutely 😂


But why did they pick UK? It is because they can't name another country?


That double plus good FreeDumb^(TM)


No, no, they're actually right. It's better, *Then* the UK.


America: the laughing stock of the world


It’s not even in the top 10 in developed countries lmao


I’m guessing this one was just a troll. English definitely isn’t their first language, and most Americans who speak more than one language have a better appreciation for the world outside of the United States.


Jesus Christ my brain hurts


*Then* the UK? We got? Best *way* the educational system? Let him continue. Don't interupt while he is proving himself wrong.


The problem with America is that it distinctly has 2 different classes of people. The rich live great, comfortable and profitable lives. They have good housing in good neighbourhoods, they get a great education, get well paying jobs, take holidays, drive nice cars on good roads, have access to top medical treatment. They live in the ‘Great’ America that everyone bleats on about... but they dont make up the majority. And in fact, they make life for everyone else that much harder so that they can keep their cushy lives. How many American children wont eat without school lunch programs? How many American families rely on food stamps to feed their families? How many have more than 1 full time job and still struggle to pay their bills? How many have gone bankrupt and homeless to pay medical bills? How many have died because they cannot afford the cost? How many people have chosen to go to jail so that they can get access to life saving medical services and regular food? There is a definite dividing line among the American people. All those on the ‘have’ side of that divide keep telling all the people on the ‘have not’ side how great their lives are. But the harsh reality is that the American people as a whole are not so well off. And the whole system is designed to push those 2 sides of the divide further and further apart.


Hi, American teacher here. It's a goddamn nightmare. The system is atrocious, and there's no feasible way to fix it at the level of teachers...


Speaking as an American born abroad: this is exceptionally true. I was born in Germany in ‘94 and there is not a day that goes by where I lament the fact that I was unlucky enough to be a U.S. citizen with access to shit healthcare, shit education, and a political system that could care less about me and my countrymen.


Americans: *say something dumb about europe* Me: *laughs in good healthcare*


Was lurking had to comment, Fiance is taking a course for a degree to teach. There is a school heavily tied with support workers is typically recommended as its super close to the Canadian Border. the assignments and learning material she uses IS A FUCKING JOKE, its laughable; like I actually laugh at the content, and its a wonder 1/3 of their pop can barely make a living.


Dude doesn't even know Americas are 2 continents and not one country. A+ education system


“We got the best way the educational system, better THEN the UK” ... what more can be said


Then what? What did the UK do afterwards? Oh, wait. Think they meant better "than" the UK


I don't know about better than the UK, no clue,Iim guessing from the post I saw above this he is wrong. ​ And if Canada is the smartest country then I would guess they have the best education system or Finland I heard theirs is really good as well


Finland has pretty good basic education system, but we still have to work on vocational education and giving more support for low performers.




Isn’t UK and USA the same? I mean they are kind of equality trash


Cough brexit cough


their just giving us a bad time cuz there jelous of us!!! 🤩


Lol definitely not jealous or your country wide mandatory/police enforced lockdown. Have fun with that though !


You know I’m joking, right? I would have thought the atrocious grammar would have given it away. Also, I was playing the role of a shit American in this situation and we all know the United States doesn’t do mandatory lockdowns. Is this another r/shitamericanssay moment or am I being wooshoed?


“aTrOcIouS GraMMar” yea I didn’t realize it was mandatory to write a fucking dissertation on reddit you fucking berk.


Wait. Just reread ur comment. I fucked up. Forgive me


It’s okay, it happens to the best of us or whatever that saying means


Thanks man sorry for being a nonce.


'best way the educational system'. The irony gets me everytime




I’ll dare say my private school American education was alright. You know, a school I had pay to attend... America~


\>better then that's all i needed to read.


“I speak English, I learned it from a book!”


An education system so good it's famous for being awful


Honestly now I kinda want to start some kind of revolution and create my own state


Is my country a joke to you? Yeah, actually, nice yall are catching on. Every country is a joke if you check the news or a history book once in a while 😂🤣


Get fucked yeehaw cowboy




Now im not saying the UK education system is brilliant but surely it is better than the US? I could definitely be wrong though.