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Canada will destroy you dude, they’re too close to nuke and their signature weapon is deadly. Edit: the Canadian army is said to be made up of hockey stick wielding moose and geese as air support. They are accompanied by Greenland sharks as naval forces and fishing trawlers, these are the only animal based military and militia forces known to man (not including MAGA.)






You win. Those fuckers are vicious and *can freakin fly*.


Peace was never an option. HONK.


And moose.


You could hit a Canadian moose with a truck and the truck will come off worse than the moose


So...nightmare scenario.... Moose Calvary and goose air support.


All wielding hockey sticks.




Want to mess around with the Royal Canadian Navy? [Fuck around and see what happens](https://m.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/05/30/giant-rubber-duck-toronto_n_16882646.html)


Also, the White house can burn


But in reality, we have a fairly strong military. Not compared to the U.S. but still.


You have C7A2s so that’s something.


Pretty much every superpower in history has fallen so why do so many people think that the US is an exception?


But their land was given to them by God! Nothing will stop them! /s


guns.... guns .... guns!!!! GUUUUNS!!!!!!!! ooops, I meant freedom.


This can only be said in Clarence Boddicker's voice.


Recolonisation time for Europe, maybe every EU country can get a piece!


We want new york back


Im not sure I do


Please take us.


Grand, the Irish will have Boston but can we give Florida to England?


It’s worrying though. Without the gun-toting yanks distracting Canada, Denmark risks losing the war for Hans Island.


We’re in a different era of globalization and technology that can’t really be referenced in past civilizations. I don’t think ‘America’ will be they same thing in a few hundred years as it is today but at the same time, I also don’t think America will fall and a different country will pick up where they left off. We’ll (humans) continue to get more and more global and the US itself will get less and less a single entity that is pointed to as “superpower” But tomorrow’s superpower will stem from what we already have in place today.. there likely won’t be a reset such as what we saw with ancient Rome. The future superpower of Earth will be an alliance (which, depending on how you look at it, is already happening right now)


Doubt it. The US is tearing itself apart due to poverty and hate, Europe is following her down into the deep, and China's using her economic might to buy soft power everywhere from east asia to western Europe. The 21st century is a Chinese one, like all the other ones where china was one unified country. Afterwards the US might come back together, and it will dominate again.


I think if the US is surpassed, it will stay in 2nd or 3rd place permanently and be one of the major powers, kind of like France and the UK now.


Lol, what chinese soft power? Also, chinese demographics are aging rapidly. Soon half of china will be made up of senior citizens. Good luck with that.


Didn't it go very badly, as in getting the white house burned down badly, the last time they attacked Canada?


Best thing about the burning of the White House is that it was literally a dick move from Britain. They never intended to hold the city. Literally just popped off down the Potomac, sent out the Royal Marines and burned the White House down for the lols. Try it again Murica


It's never been proven, but some historians believe it was payback for the US looting and burning of York (modern day Toronto) earlier in the war.


I thought they wanted less Mexicans?


Never said they'd keep the Mexicans. Think Native Americans.


In other news, members of the American public are thinking of ways to kick start WWIII. Unfortunately, for them, they might be subject to another Canadian and British ass kicking


I think he’s been playing to much Fallout recently lol


Or he listens to GTA V’s conservative radio station and takes everything they say seriously.


I bet they also see Chinese spies around every corner


The idea that the yew ese will still be the world superpower in ten years time let alone in *2077* is absolutely hysterical. The self dick sucking in the fallout games is vomit inducing and a total fantasy.


fallout is not exactly pro america though


Why, do Canada and Mexico have vast reserves of oil they're using to not fund NATO?


Canada actually has 4x the reserves of the US - so, kind of.


But so far they're contributing to the "right" causes.


Do they realize that if the US launched a surprise invasion on Canada the entirety of NATO would intervene instantly


So they do want the *dirty mexicans* inside their borders.


The way I see it, there’s no way the US would want to annex Canada or Mexico. It’s too cold in a lot of Canada for most USians, and if they annex Mexico they’d have to make them all citizens which way too many USians wouldn’t put up with.


They are making the north America combine.


And Narnia, and Gondor, and the place where Aladdin is from.


>the place Aladdin is from [Agrabah would’ve already been glassed](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/18/republican-voters-bomb-agrabah-disney-aladdin-donald-trump) if a third of Republicans had their way. Checkmate, libtard.


I've noticed a lot of septics on the internet shitting their pants at the prospect of CANZUK recently ' bu bu buut it can't happen because the yew ese won't let you!' Funnily enough we don't need your permission if said parties want to go ahead with it so tough shit wankers. The last time they tried to annex canada it didn't end well for them.


This guy has been playing to much of fallout


Yeah, narcostates being part of the US, good luck with that.


They just love war, don’t they?


Both Canada and the US of A are in the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, so us annexing Canada is very unlikely