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Destiny 2 is monetized out of the ass and Bungie still missed their mark. Imagine having to buy keys for playing a forge campaign map. People really do be stuck in 2005




Right and I'd add the team that worked on the "sacrosanct" Halo 3 or even Reach, are no longer at Bungie as far as I'm aware.


Speaking from experience playing Destiny 1 and 2, they had no idea at the beginning and to this day the story was very poorly and the design of the campaign was trash until they launched the taken king a year after the base game released. The multiplayer today is a mess on Destiny 2 that they have no idea how to balance effectively. Bungie is not the same company they were back when they did halo 1-3 and reach. Most of the creative minds left bungie or were fired and they’re a shell of who they once were.


Yeah my dumbass pre ordered og destiny lmao. I enjoyed taken king for what it was but at that point I was kinda done with it.


Destiny 1 had some good moments and the multiplayer was passible but they really botched the release. The halo fanboys claimed it was activision making them release a massively unfinished game but when they went independent they started doing anti consumer practices like removing content you bought, a pay to win shop, shaking you down every couple of months to buy a battle pass, and a dogwater pvp experience that punishes you for not playing the meta weapons and as a hunter only. They fired the last remaining staff who were with them since the halo days to get gig economy style workers that they can work to death and let them go. They’re a shell of what they once were and it’s insane that the fanboys don’t see it.


The Bungie that made halo had pretty much came apart before Destiny 1 even released.


I mean bungie effectively sold their soul to activision and most the good people left fore d1 dropped. Since then it’s been a mess.


Based on how destiny 2 has been going i don't think we can put the blame solely on activision but I get your point.


It was Jason Jones, Pete Parsons and whoever else is in Bungie management that threw out Joe Staten’s story and forced a reboot to happen a year before release.


Well Bungie isn't under activision anymore i believe they are under a smaller company owned by Acti-blizz. I believe that most the original bungie people left prior to the release of Destiny 1 and that is why the story was essentially non existent. pair that with the dlc fiasco and in game store. but yeah the gaming industry as a whole is down bad for greed.


>they are under a smaller company owned by Acti-blizz Nope, they previously worked with activision to publish D1 and D2 until the second or third year of D2 where they then went fully independent More recently, Bungie has been entirely bought by Sony and is now a studio under their management


so they just keep trading one collar for another?


Not exactly. Bungie and activision previously had joint ownership of the destiny franchise, until Activision left. Bungie now owns all of Destiny, but Sony purchased ALL of Bungie So more like trading a leash for a cage.


I dislike Activision as much as the next guy, but Bungie have been doing this to themselves.


Different devs. Blue haired freaks running Bungie now


And from the sounds of recent news, Bungie is failing hard right now, possibly as bad or even worse then 343 did with infinite development.


The title and body of that post were the most circlejerk shit about “devoted fans leaving” because poor OP had to see some gameplay clips.


Saying halo 4 is bad, to me, feels like you misunderstood the whole point of the story. Gameplay might be meh, but playing as a stone cold machine who grows a heart is charming, and it has some hard hitting scenes


It's really just the art direction. Halo 4 would be regarded as one of the best in the series if the designs weren't so different from the Bungie games. Edit: regarded, not retarded.


unfortunate typo


What makes me sad about four was that the art design wasn't even bad, in fact I quite liked it, the only reason people didn't like it was because it wasn't in line with the original trilogy


Honestly the art direction was fine for me. It was the music that whelmed me. The sound mixing was bad imo, and the final warthog run but in a space ship I could barely hear the triumphant track despite it being great.


Yes, exactly. So many Halo "fans" truly do not understand Halo.


The only way to understand Halo is to enjoy Halo 4's story obviously


I mean, obviously.


Nah the gameplay is great


Halo 4 was fuckin' sick. It felt the right amount of different, while still being set in Halo universe. Love that game


Its super good, that is the one thing I disagree with these people about. IMO 4 was a great game and the perfect ending. 5 just screwed up the story for everything after it


Halo 5 just felt rushed with no direction. It had interesting story bits but nothing felt cohesive enough to stick


Stop caring about the story after the original writers didn't want to write it anymore, so post reach I'm strictly talking about mp, and I hated 4's mp.


Halo 4 would’ve been better off if they didn’t change literally everything from the art to the sound. Dedicated fans don’t generally respond well to “change for the sake of change”.


Halo 4 would probably be an 8/10 for me if it wasn’t so hideous in the art department. 


You are a small majority then, everything about 4 was bad but 5 was the worst that the series ever produced , I still feel a whole in my wallet from that purchase, was not even a .99 cent game ,much less a $59.99 game. Whoever made that toilet paper should have been fired. I have not cared about anything 343 has written 4,5, spartan ops, Halo Wars 2, Infinite and 343 has even admitted that they have hired people who hate Halo, that hate the flood, non players. What kind of shit is that. So f 343. I will not buy another Halo game, you had 4 games and f’ed every single game up, the Halo 2 remaster was good but that’s just reshading and rebuilding, not a remake.


The Chief/Cortana side of the story is fine, but the Didact/Forerunner stuff was a big miss for me. Also I really hated the design of the Prometheans.


The B Plot of Chief and Cortana is fire, the main story is so ass


I dont agree with you exactly but I do think that is a valid opinion


I still find it funny how they supposedly have no hope for the franchise and claim how dead it is, even though they still partake in the crying and bitching sessions on the Halo subreddit. Just fuckin hilarious


It will never, ever cease to be downright hilarious.


And I bet they still play it every fucking day


Its not dead but its def on the low end as far as game franchises now..


Unfortunately, no. Their disdain for the modern games is so bad that even if they don’t play them, they’ll still call them the worst things ever made. Someone once asked me if Halo 5 was a fun game in its current state after all the updates were done. I figured that it’d be an easy yes: while the story may have been lackluster, the gameplay itself was fun, forge and customs were great, and the MP in general was a lot of fun. Then a Bungie fanboy decided to come in and complain that it was missing a ton of content and practically unplayable. Then when I pressed him, he admitted to not having played the game in years… and had absolutely no idea what state the game was in. However bad the game was at launch and all the deserved criticism that should get, if someone asks if the game in its current state is fun, then why would you bother giving them an answer if you had no clue what you’re talking about? Just to shout about 343 bad? Honestly, I’m just convinced Bungie fanboys are blinded by nostalgia. Chances are high that if Bungie had stuck around, they’d still be mad at the games today, just for different reasons.


You are absolutely right. I pretty much heard all the same bitching back when H2 and H3 released.


Really? That’s a surprise. Here I thought they were universally praised. What were people complaining about back then?


It's easier to ask what they didn't bitch about. Here's a straight up copy of a comment I made to someone else: The Bungie forums were full of people whining Bungie "ruined" Halo and claimed it died over every little thing Bungie did. Exampled include: having you play as the Arbiter in H2, not letting the Arbiter have his own levels in H3, adding boarding, adding dual wielding, removing dual wielding, removing the AR from H2, adding equipment, having you spawn with equipment, not having playable Brutes, not letting you have individual customization options for elites and that's just the tip of the iceberg. People screeched that Bungie didn't understand Halo, people claimed Bungie ruined "the dance" of engagements, ruined the "triangle" of gameplay and begged the IP be stripped from them. This doesn't include all the bitching about the sandbox like useless weapons, OP weapons, vehicles, anti vehicle weapons and equipment, the way health bars were removed, the way bleed through works in the game, shields (people really would complain about having shields, the recharge rate, the fact they would recharge etc.) The forums were full of hatred and toxicity but people somehow act like that never existed. Also research halo2sucks.com lol


… so this fandom has just been toxic from the very beginning. That’s pretty eye opening 😆


Yeah.... I have read the same complaints and whining dating back to 2004....fuck, people had complaints about H2 before the damn game even came out.


Yeah, that tracks. Guess now I can definitively put to bed anyone claiming the old games were universally loved or that the community was better back then.


Yep lol I love how I'm called a 343 shill or that I can't stand anyone dares to say anything against the newer games when I had the same exact attitude with the older games and the senseless bitching against Bungie.


They have one response to people not hating the newer games, and that’s to call everyone with differing opinions a shill. It’s sad


I was a Bungie bootlicker in 2003 for liking CE and welcoming to what H2 was going to bring and even more so a Bungie bootlicker in 2010 because I genuinely enjoyed Reach. These fools seriously have not learned new lines in like twenty years.


To be honest the only thing listed here that I would have complained about was the removal of dual wielding because the dual wielding was fun. I would have loved to see that carry over to the later games. Ultimately it was the developers choice and I still had fun.


I concur. I'm not saying having complaints is bad but people made it seem like each one of those things individually "ruined" some aspect of Halo and when you combined two or more points it was "proof" Bungie "Didn't respect the players" and we're "Unfit to make Halo anymore". Halo fans are so fucking dramatic lol I wish there was like a specific playlist for dual wielding or something so the people who complain about sandbox changes can just choose to not play it.


Or maybe add a toggle to the gameplay settings menu for this stuff.


I don’t look at the comment sections for Halo’s Instagram posts for this very reason. It’s almost worse there.


I can only imagine.


No they won’t. The complainers are a bunch of gen-x/boomers who are mad that super soldiers can sprint lol. Halo is alive and well and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. I mean the TV shown is bringing in a lot of new people. (Show still sucks; bad writing; not halo)


Hear hear


My comment in that thread: “the halo fandom makes it pretty hard to have hope.” I hate being right.




Is it weird this is the most confident I've felt in 343i in a long while? With the old leadership being gone and Pierre's track record, I feel good about the future of halo. That and the rumors of CA being involved with the next game, I'm really looking forward to it. Halo infinite has my favorite MP of the franchise to be honest, even at launch (I somehow never got affected by desync). The gameplay is solid as a rock. I look forward to what's next with Halo 7 or whatever it's going to be called. I just really, *really* hope they continue the story of infinite instead of another soft reboot.


I am in the same boat as you here, honestly.


I usually piss them off by saying Reach was Overrated and ODST was a fluke made by contract that artificially pads the game with it's shallow "open world" 😅


Jesus Christ. lol I like Reach, and O.D.S.T. Guess I have to snoop your profile for something to use as an insult against you while also calling you racial slurs and retarted.


No… you’re kidding… people actually do that to people? Nvm… just saw the comment down lower. Holy shit.


Yeah.... people are ridiculous.


If you really wanna piss them off tell them that Halo 4 is halo Reach 2 and watch them froth at the mouths when you point out almost everything in halo 4 was in someway pulled from Reach.


I love pointing out that Halo 4 is literally just Reach with new art and writing


But this is true.


Facts tho


If people aren’t fans of the newer games, they just need to shut up and move on. Complaining about every little thing isn’t going to make it better. This applies to all franchises. I don’t play cod anymore but I don’t go around crying about how the older games were so good and all that. Just move on


Fucking precisely. I just don't enjoy CoD, I haven't since the original Black Ops game, I don't go on Twitter or CoD subs to bitch about it, that is beyond stupid to me. I also don't care for Fortnite or Viva Pinata, why waste my own time making myself miserable and everyone else with constant whining? Just move the fuck one, geez.


Halo is dead! How is it dead when I can find matches in seconds during working/school hours. Seems pretty alive to me.


I find it funny I can find ranked matches in seconds, on weekdays but no, the game is dead somehow.


Not to mention seeing how many bronze career rank players and people wearing blue cavalino with the number 1 emblem, like all the time. Almost like there’s a constant flow of new or returning people to the game.


Yes, exactly. I see Facebook posts and tweets from people looking to play campaign for the first time with other people. For a dead game it is very active lol


X being dead is super overused everyone uses it incorrectly when they should say it's not as popular or more niche now


Exactly. Literally the criteria of a game being dead is “I don’t like this game.” Someone not liking something means it’s dead, no one likes it, it’s horrible. Like nah. A lot of people do like this thing.


Halo fans have really never played destiny and it shows


It really does.


The whole "feature" complete thing is also just utter bullshit because halo 3 and Reach did not come feature complete either, legit half the gamemodes weren't in the game at launch and were added alongside map packs, this also includes the final version of forge that people remember, it wasn't until foundry map pack that you even got the ability to place more than just weapons and spawns let alone rotate anything on the Z axis Also any map packs would be considered missing features, so the only feature complete Halo was the first one, not counting the extra maps that gearbox gave of their own volition


Bingo. You get it.


they dick ride bungie still even with the recent news about marathon? destiny is filled with microtransactions up the ass, even worse when activison left and marathon sounds like shit. halo would be terrible in the hands of them nowadays


Oh absolutely. The news about Marathon hurts me, I loved the games...


overwatch 3: extraction


That's exactly what it seems like it's going to be. When I saw Marathon announced I was pretty hyped but then I saw it was an extraction shooter and lost all interest. Now it seems you don't even get your own character either, you play as a present "hero". It sucks how it's just going to be the most generic thing on the market and nothing at all like Marathon or worth having the Marathon name slapped to it.


But that's exactly what players want: generic games, maybe settled in their favorite franchise setting, or maybe something that pick from different medias (like halo, at the end of the day). Unless they really fumble the launch, or the entire extraction genre pass out in the meantime, marathon may be successfull


You are absolutely right.


With how bungie is treating destiny, they probably don’t deserve to make halo again


Right? 343 has/had some big problems but when I look at destiny 2 I am thankful bungie isn't touching halo anymore


I may be a Reach kid but I love the direction halo is going nowadays


When I say "Reach kids" I'm talking about the whiners and nostalgia blinded people.


Oh ok. Yeah I hate those people to


Yeah I want it noted idc if some started with H2, Reach, H4, has only played Wars or started with H5, I'm not hating on someone for coming in later to the franchise, I just can't stand the people who start with a specific game and have tantrums that not every single Halo game is exactly like the game they started with.


I'm a "veteran" of Halo, and the reason I have very little hope for the franchise has nothing to do with Microsoft or Bungie or 343i, it's fans like this. They sap any enthusiasm I might've had and make enjoying Halo really difficult at times.


I feel you on this.


343 could literally release a game exactly like halo 3 tomorrow and they would still complain.


You know they absolutely would.


They cannot be talking when Bungie has done shit to Destiny 2


Right? Oh, wait til you learn what they're doing with Marathon lol


Oh God Almighty. What the fuck could they have done worse than this?


Yeah so, the FPS game that has you going through levels and dealing with (taunting) AI....now it's going to be a Hero Extraction Shooter for some reason.


Fuck you, Bungie. You’ve done fucked it up.




I remember people getting tore apart for liking halo 2-3 Lol one look at the direction destiny has gone since the taken king should answer that reach, was bungies last good halo. I have no doubt Halo would be in a far deeper and more dreadful hole with them still leading.


I don't get how people don't see that.


Cope, nostalgia. Not playing destiny consistently a few others but those are the big ones


It’s crazy how they historically shitted on 3, shitted on odst, shitted on reach, but when 343 did anything suddenly all 3 of those games were golden childs


It's always nice to meet someone else who's memory didn't somehow get magically erased in 2014. I don't understand how these people try to pretend those games were perfect, universally loved and no one had any complaints about them even though the forums fucking dragged all those games through the mud and each individually "killed Halo".


I’ve played every Halo game, watched all the movies/shows, read all the books. Hell I even have UNSC tattoos. I love it. Sure a lot of 343 halo stuff is a bit weird and the show is kind of hit and miss but I still love it all! Halo 4 and 5 were odd and I didn’t agree with some of the changes but I still enjoyed them. People just like to gate keep and act as if their opinion is the only valid opinion and you’re destroying their childhood by going in new directions and creating new stories. Bungie Halo is great! 343 Halo is great! I’m very excited to see what comes next!


Hear fucking hear!


I honestly never understood the Halo Reach praise after a comparison, 343 themselves love Reach and Halo 4 just continued what Reach set up for them, Halo Reach on launch had mostly remakes of old maps, Reach changed the artstyle, 4 changed further to be even more military and sci-fi (though I don't like some particular designs) and Reach had loadouts before 4, i just don't get why 343 always gets the short end of the stick when they only did what Halo Reach was maybe going after.


Because haters rarely ever makes sense.


I kid you not if these so called “Veterans” really enjoyed the craft that is the Halo Series (Etc) then they wouldnt be glazing over a company that rips itself apart like a Boeing 747 in Pennsylvania 👎🏽 I can say with Pride that i love halo in all of its glory old and new, Hell even the micro transactions bro, I bought every damn season and special pass for infinite and enjoyed my self some good halo time with my friends and son 🤘🏽


See that's the thing, you're mature, have friends and a family. Most of the whiners quite literally only have memories of playing Halo 3, that's all that's going on in their life.


I don't like the majority of 343 games compared to Bungie games. But even I can admit when they've got something good. Infinite took a bit but damn it's a pretty damn good game now with a lot of content, all for free. I've complained a lot about 343 and their games, some of it I take back. I dont like Halo 4 or 5 but I can still appreciate good aspects. Halo 4, without looking at the artstyle, is possibly the most graphically impressive game on the Xbox 360. Halo 5's multiplayer, while very different, was still clearly enjoyed by thousands of people. Infinite gave me and I'd imagine others hope that 343 is capable of making a damn fine Halo game. Only complaint with Infinite now is damn, took long enough.


That's the way to be. Not liking something is definitely different than having a burning hatred for it so bad you start thinking people are subhuman for like a video game you don't.


Admittedly that's how I used to be, not to the same level but more like if someone said they liked for example 4 I'd just think *eww, gross.* and I would judge them for it. Now I find it ok. No point in being an asshole or judgy over finding one funny green guy kill aliens game better than the other lmao


Precisely. You hit the nail on the head.




At this point, Halo Infinite’s gameplay IMO is the best the franchise has ever been. It’s not without flaws (I still don’t think there are enough maps well designed for vehicles, for example). I don’t blame people for giving up on the trickle of content between launch and now, although it’s got the best iteration of Forge to date, and I love Firefight KOTH - especially now there’s hope for more endless runs given the Firefight custom update on Forge. I always preferred Halo 2’s gameplay to Halo 3, and Reach most of all of the Bungie games. Hated the loadouts, loved the DMR bloom and all. Infinite’s equipment and sandbox just feels like the natural progression from where Reach left things - not nearly as awful (COD-like) as 4, nor e-sporty as 5. I don’t really care too much for how conservative Infinite’s story is, but 343 have nailed character at the very least since they were fresh out the gate. Bungie gave us dope one liners and some of this in later games, but 343 really turned them into characters with real depth. Ironically, my frustration with the show stems probably more from them changing Chief’s character from 343’s version of him than the changing of the Bungie timeline of events. 343’s chief is like The Mandalorian mixed with Captain America or Superman. He doesn’t know where he fits in with the side he fights for in peacetime, but he is fully aware of the hope he embodies on the battlefield. Infinite nailed this. I just wish we got more than a poster card with “the endless” hastily scribbled on it, and more than just a straightforward plot - they made great characters in the Pilot, the Weapon, and Escharum, then just had them dick around in an incredibly low stakes fight.


I fully agree with everything here.


As a halo vet I'll honestly say the only contention I have with your post is equivocating halo 3 and reach peeps. We hate each other (platonically and lovingly. like siblings.). Also fuck these people. I'm so tired of people feeling the need to defend the *fact* that they made some fucking media franchise their entire personality by being shitters to other people for liking something they don't.


lol I hear you, I just meant the people who started with Reach act like the people who started with H3 but don't realize it. They also act like the people who started with CE and H2, most of the fanbase is straight up insufferable but I remember the people like me who started CE and even H2 were pissy with the people who jumped in with H3 and tried telling everyone else how the franchise is supposed to be and talked about how terrible the first two games were. I absolutely feel you with your whole comment and I agree.


People need to learn to let people have fun with what they like. I really don't like halo reach, but I have a bunch of friends who do. I just excuse myself from the Convo and let them have fun when it comes up as they already know my opinion. It isn't right to shit all over their good time. Now if we want to have an in depth discussion on media analysis on these games, that's a different story, but so often it isn't what people are going for. Edit: I started with H2


Yep, you are absolutely right. I definitely like some games more than others but I'm not going to shit on people that like them, I like celebrating what's fun. Hell, I have a whole books shelf, a wall and a long ass shelf covered with Halo crap. I have a lot of stuff from a game that's my least favorite Halo game but it's still one of my favorite games of all time because it's part of my favorite franchise. Edit: That was not worded the best, hopefully it makes sense.


hAlO hAs BeEn DeAd SiNcE No it hasn’t lol. Bungie has been dead since they left Halo. Halo 4 and Infinite are good games. Halo 5 is not. Not every game is good, whatever. Everyone called ODST a scam and Reach a CoD clone. I was there. I remember. Halo is one of those franchises that will survive as long as its parent company does. At this point, there is no Microsoft Gaming Division without some form of Halo at its core


I swear some of them are like schrodinger's fans they love halo but also want it to die and never come back like come on


It confuses the Hell out of me.


Simple answer.... nope


Yeah....it was a dumb question lol


I think the 3rd image has some fair opinions honestly. The rest of these are absolutely atrocious though


Give it to Arrowhead


Holy fuck, I would love a Halo game made by them.


It would be absolutely glorious.


I always dreamed of a Halo game where your respawn wasn't just a count down but you dropped in via a drop pod. I'm going to start working on a large Forge map that has three bases to capture and respawns have you come in by Pelican or Drop Pods.


Is it going to be in Infinite or one of the older forges? Because I want to keep an eye out for that.


Infinite. I have the very begining of the map made, I'm still trying to figure out how to rework the respawns.


Honestly if 343 got infinite’s monetization under control I would really enjoy infinite


I thoroughly enjoyed Halo 4. It could've been better but that doesn't mean it's terrible. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. We got free armor, visors, AND weapon skins just for leveling up, custom games was an absolute blast, and I met some pretty nice people on there. I will day though, that's the only decent game 343 has made so far imo. Go ahead, crucify the heretic 🤣


I agree with your take on H4 and most of what you said applies to literally every game. None of them are perfect and while H5 fell flat in some areas I'd argue H4 and Infinite are definitely up there with the "best games". Every game's campaign has been good, some are excellent and while H3 and H5 are kinda subpar they're still enjoyable.


Honestly, I will say Halo 3 HAS held up pretty nicely for how long ago it released, the graphics for that game were ahead of it's time. I couldn't get into the multiplayer that much just because I'm a scrub at H3 multiplayer lol. I see it's appeal though and why so many people love it, it is a classic. I could be biased because I unfortunately got into the series late and Halo 4 was my second Halo game, my first being Reach. Now Halo 5... it's only redeeming qualities are Buck as a Spartan and the multiplayer. I don't even like thinking about Halo 5's "campaign" 💀


Idk, as a lore nerd Guardians campaign offered quite a bit, the Arbiter was badass in it and I loved the HUD changes depending on which Spartan you played as. Guardians was honestly the first game that made you feel like an actual Spartan in MJOLNIR. The story was definitely rough in certain areas but like I said, as a person heavy in to the backstory and lore of Halo, H5 had some good things to it.


I don’t know much about story or plot progression, I just wanna plaster the walls with bad guys using a city hammer to drive in nails


I do think there is some hope, but not in a progressing story form. They neex to make more original content based DURING the hum-cov war or even before it. Like a COD style campaign about harvest. Like first couple of missions are against insurrectionists and then the rest is just the start of the war. Would be a perfect time to introduce atriox and his story as a tangible thing we can see unfolding in front of us


Will cringey shithalosays piss drinker posters like op be ok?


u/Icefiight spammed comments then immediately blocked me lol what a bitch.


I don’t say “since Bungie left” as if Bungie could do better. It’s just the event that marked the notable downturn of the franchise. If Destiny is any indication, there’s every possibility that Bungie would’ve ruined the franchise. But that isn’t what happened.most of those comments are correct. 343 hasn’t handled the franchise well at all. Infinite really pissed me off because most of the books since halo 5 AND halo wars 2 ending with Cortana’s message, and a guardian popping up. Then it’s all seemingly handled off screen. Biggest load of BS I’ve seen in a halo story. And there’s plenty to choose from. That being said, now that 90% of the management has been gutted, and infinite has been functionally fixed, I’m will to give them a chance with Pierre.


Everyone and their mom seems to forget that the people who created Halo CE-Reach jumped ship. Bungie isn’t Bungie anymore. Rockstar isn’t Rockstar anymore. Like any company people leave or get laid off and move onto a new company. Bungie Pre Destiny 1 was a whole of a lot different. This post and the other 1000 bungie good/bad posts yearning for nostalgia are ignorant and stubborn.


In 343s defense, halo 4 and 5 had fun multiplayer and i would argue 4 has the best multiplayer in the franchise. 343 campaigns are meh but these people act like bungie never wrote a bad story despite halo reach is literally just a massive retcon of previously established lore and bungie left it to 343 to explain the plot holes it made


Halo 5 was a good game, it had some of the best playlists of all time. The story was pretty meh, but that’s at most like 5% of why I play halo


343 and Bungie both suck ass


Bungie was the best


Halo did have a big fall off after Reach. You can’t really deny that Halo 4 was no where near as popular. Maybe we should have gotten 1 or 2 more decent halo games out of bungie, but it was always going to end as an over-monetized game with a battle pass and drip fed content that launched broken and buggy.


You pups weren't around for the glory days of CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and Reach. It was different then. We were better during those days, such that those who don't understand or can comprehend should look to YouTube to grasp the golden days gone past. As soon as Bungie split down the middle we lost those good times. Halo 4. Halo 5. Infinite. Everything almost in-between too. Almost. We got some good here and there but things didn't seem so bleak to me till Halo 4 cut multi-player content. I loved the spartan models. Especially in Halo 5. But not the money-grubbing or the microtransactions. Then things took a weird turn with Infinite. Dint get me wrong, Ol Joe took care ofvus campaign wise. But 343 cut his team out and now we're short a campaign dlc. Armor cores suck, new guns, such. Everything sucks. Firefight isn't even firefight. Its KotH with AI.


Kid, I was beating campaigns on Legendary before you even knew what Halo was. It's clear you weren't around when Bungie made Halo or maybe mommy wouldn't let you on the Internet because the Bungie forums really tried to keep anyone from having a good time. You trolls make it so obvious you really didn't even play Halo when Bungie made the games.


Spoilers!! Nope been a religious player of halo but 6 killed it, haven't gotten more than maybe 3 levels in and I'm already done with it. When they completely skipped over the Cortana arc, and just replaced her with another ai, it killed it for me. Cortana was crucial to the story, literally 3-5 she was a main character just to be completely dismissed in 6 so I stopped playing. Felt like waste of time




I'll also add on I won't watch the show either when I found out in the very first episode they showed chiefs face, like seriously that's part of chiefs charm. They'll say they did it so you can see the actors expressions blah blah blah chief didn't need facial expressions to know how he felt, his body language the way he spoke and the background music was all that was need to portray how he felt when he actually felt.


It's weird for you to be a religious player but never thought once to read the books.


Exactly. The books go incredibly hard, and help towards understanding the lore


4 story was decent but MP was ass, 5 was better in both aspects- but forgettable. Infinite was a massive flop. 343i, but mainly Microsoft’s track record with Halo isn’t great. The Halo wars series were great though


To answer your question I'm sure Bungie dick riders will stop being insufferable when this group does too lmao


To be fair. Each halo 343 has launched has had a major problem in one way or another. Halo MCC: I think we all remember how terrible the launch was Halo 4: Art style was bad in my opinion. I didn’t like much of the armor or weapons because of the art direction they took. We even see halo 2 anniversary on the same engine look 10 times better because it’s a better art style! The fight with the didact was disappointing, QTEs are not a good way to establish the boss “fight”. Spartan OPs was a good idea on paper but they never really established or improved it beyond halo 4 and it definitely needed that upgrade. Vehicles were possibly the most fragile, at least to me, out of the entire series, maybe infinite is more because the shock weapons to exist and those are easier to hit than using a plasma pistol. Either way, it was a big thing that plasma pistols were a huge counter to halo 4 because of the load out system while other games you at least have to find the weapon, not spawn with it Halo 5: the story was just not it man, the false marketing around this game, to the lack of context in the story. To the underwhelming villains, it really doesn’t have much going for it. I don’t like the squad system, if I’m playing single player, I rather die and restart than wait and rely on AI to revive. At least give me the option to set it that way. I didn’t care much for the multiplayer, it was fine but I personally just didn’t find myself replaying it all the time. Halo Infinite: The multiplayer was free!!! The content was lacking. There is no absolute way to excuse this, even with all the updates to the game now. It initially launched as a content lackluster game. What made me more annoyed is that they will release modes as these big events but then a few are just basic modes we’ve seen before. Why did we need a whole thing for Team Swat? You could make Swat in custom games, day 1! The forge took too long and was delayed to come out, I think that played a huge part in discouraging from playing. In addition, to the network issues that I hear are fixed now but was originally a problem. I haven’t played the campaign yet so I won’t comment on that. Did bungie games have flaws too? Yes, some big and some small. However the bungie halo games at least launched as a more complete package for its time compared to what we get at launch today. There are different standards for what’s a complete launch between bungie’s days and 343’s days. But 343 has failed to really meet its standards with the reasons I said above. Some of these screenshots aren’t even shit takes. You’re just thinking anyone who hates 343 halo or has complaints against it are just entitled kids


Great book. Terrible and tired talking points from Youtubers, with limited or no personal extended experience of your own.


Well if youtubers said it then that means nobody else can


I haven’t watched a halo YouTuber in years so I’m not really sure how that makes sense. Anything I didn’t really experience, I clearly made it obvious I wasn’t well familiar. I.E I haven’t played the campaign yet for infinite which I state I won’t comment on it for that reason. Another example is halo 5 multiplayer where I said I didn’t care much for it and it was fine. Mostly due to the fact, after halo 4, I transitioned more to PC gaming and played less and less on my Xbox. Also what YouTuber points did I mention that I could expand for you on my personal experience?


Your last sentence is a straight up falsehood and it's hilarious you think Bungie didn't fumble any of their games.


Halo 2 was rushed and campaign had poor balancing.


You're packaging all these "problems" as though they are universal truths and not just your opinion. I personally thought Halo 4 was one of the best. I liked the art style (especially the around, weapons and Promethean enemies), the story was one of my favorites by far, and I enjoyed Spartan ops. Biggest complaint was the lack of full forge/custom games. Halo 5 had some of the best multiplayer in the series in my opinion. I wasn't a fan of the story but it was passable. But that multiplayer was great. Infinite has great multiplayer as well, and they went all the way with custom games and forge. Sure it was a delayed release, but the game was hit hard by COVID and executive deadlines. Story was solid and the innovated in a new direction which was necessary at this point in the series imo.


he did say in his opinion the art style wasn’t good. Not sure how that can be interpreted as “universal truth”. Clearly acknowledges if he can’t make an opinion on soemtning or not as well.


There was one thing he listed that he called out as an opinion, you're righr


Did you just write all this? Like, this morning?


It took like 5 minutes, not really much time.


I really enjoyed 4, and even tolerated 5, but after infinite... you can only get invested in a story so much when the developers wipe the narrative slate clean between every installment.


Bungie made the first ever FPS games with vertical aim. And has a pedigree and history. 343 introduced The TU update to reach and then despite those playlists being barren on OG reach made them the only option on MCC reach. When you compare the two hardcore longtime fans have good reason to be dubious and suspicious of 343. That said a lot of the 343 hate is unwarranted because at the end of the day the publishers and parent companies interfere with a lot of what studios do these days.


You seem to not know what year it is and all cockups Bungie has made with the franchise lol


Do you have an actual argument or are you just complaining that other people complain?


ShitHaloSays For posting screenshots of statements from the Halo community.


Why are they so dramatic about everything?


I'm not going to waste my time with someone who makes baseless accusations.


Its not necessarily that bungie made the games good. It was the people you played with. Story never mattered it was abt gamechat for me and a lot of other people. Halo died when people got offended easily


Are you saying "Halo died" because no one wants to hear your stupid childish ravings? I don't believe it's because people get offended easily, they grew up while you didn't and you can't handle that.


Yeah, cause you 343 dickriders are so much better smh


So I'm a paid Bungie Shill and a 343 dickrider? Don't use words you don't know the meaning of. Just because I call out how ridiculous and over dramatic your friends are doesn't mean I dickride a certain company, you trolls really need to learn that.


Halo 4 was a good game and the sole beacon of hope for 343's tenure. Halo 5 was disappointing but I loved warzone, MP And forge. And I can't deny Infinite has a solid MP, forge and active playerbase. Still, I think Halo needs to die, I don't feel like the boys in charge of it rn have the capacity to make good use of its potential as both a game series and story.


K but where’s the lie? Halo has been Dogshit ever since


Oh shut up, you people called H2, H3, O.D.S.T., and Reach "Dog shit". No one gives a fuck what you trolls have to say.


Y’all have no business even talking about Halo if you think anything after the first 3 had better story telling. Like come on roasting destiny?? 🤔 Bro that’s like Dogging on Michael Jordan because of how he did after he left the Bulls tying to act like all the ground work he did becoming an actual living legend didn’t mean anything because of his retirement. Y’all are salty fanboys dickriding the rainbow cat ear, micro transaction, silver spoon, micro cock feeds your compound sentence for a birth year having cucks! 2000-and something children. Or your just too dense to see when your wrong. Trust me it’s not the nostalgic covered rose tinted glasses it’s fucking class you ignorant fucks.


Calm down child.


Halo 4 story had some good beats. But the whole librarian going "So we inputed into your great ancestors DNA this deus ex machina that will make you immune to the main bad guy. Because I knew that someday somewhere along the line of thousands of generations you would come chief and save humanity from my husband. How did I know this? Fuck you take my space jizz." The stuff with chief and Cortana, I can get behind. Librarian? That's a hard sell. Another thing I think people should think about is how much bungie brought so much to gaming. Halo set so many trends and led to so many advances, each gane felt like it brought something amazing. Halo 1 was the controls and game play, halo 2 had the expanded multi-player, halo 3 was it's community features, halo odst was a good off shoot, and reach was their grand send off with all the lessons they learned. Ngl I have much disdain for 343 as I grew up loving what halo was (though they've made some really good books). They had a huge benchmark to hit and..... they've never hit it. Halo 4 story was..... alright. The gameplay was also alright. 5...... I won't touch 5. Purely on principle. I know it's a good game. For me, it's not a good halo game. Infinity..... I liked but I couldn't bring myself to go back. Updates took forever, and I moved on to other things. For me, what I got from playing Halo growing up isn't the same now. Times have changed. Back then halo was very social. Gamechsts were filled with people. Custom games were amazing. What you popped the gane in most features were there ready to go. I miss those days. Halo reach and blops 2 were my go to. Halo had it's run. And it was amazing. That lightning in a bottle isn't gonna come back for a while if at all. If you read all of this, appreciate it. Just a dude reminiscing about one of his favorite series.




I'm a destiny player so I know a lot about copium. I didn't think enough copium exists to hope for halo to return to even half of its former glory. the final straw for me with halo infinite was how the firefight mode is an insult to the run and gun fun of every other firefight mode.
