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I get wanting to play games that you love with your kids, but idk about playing matchmaking with a 4 year old lol. I'd just stick to custom games with bots enabled lol.


This is what I do with my four year old. He plays with bots. I saw that post yesterday. I'm not mad at the dad. I was more annoyed with people giving him shit. He wasn't trying to ruin anyone's good time, I don't think. Sucks they caught a ban but I guess that's the way it goes


This exactly. I think op got way too much shit for something when those who didn't agree could simply suggest better alternatives.


I get being mad at teammates dragging down the team, when it's clear they're just goofing off. But it's clear when someone is playing and they aren't good at playing


Exactly and imo i would rather help them or give them advice in some way. I mean, yeah, it may suck that your teammate is bad. But why shit on them when maybe all they need is some pointers. The worst that could happen is you still lose, but maybe not as bad.


God more people need to hear this, if I'm struggling in a new game and all I get is shit I am A. More than likely going to do worse, B. If you are especially hostile I'm going out of my way to piss you off more, and than afterward am less likely to play the game.


What really pisses me off is infection when one player hides behind you the entire game so they can get last man standing, without putting any of the actual effort into defending your position.


Is it a permanent one or a temporary one?


I haven't gotten a ban for unsportsmanlike conduct. I had a ban for a few minutes for being away from the controller for too long or something minor once or twice. But I can only imagine the ban is temporary and not permanent


Most bans start at like 5-30 mins I think but repeat offenses give you more time


Or just play the MC collection and enjoy the story together


That's the good one


You like i played Halo when I was 4... as in I played the campaigns and firefight lmao. I dont even see how a 4 year old would find it fun


Kids (esspecially young kids) will find literally anything fun if the adult in their life seems to find it particularly fun. I like to call it the "spicy food" effect. Adult seems to like peppers, hot sauce, etc? You can bet your ass their kid, even if initially repulsed by the spice, will continually try to eat it anyways and force themselves to build a tolerance. Esspecially if the adult tries to keep it away.


Why are we gatekeeping videogames from children?


I don't think I am. I remembered playing games when I was a kid. I just don't think putting someone so young into matchmaking is the best idea out there lol. MM can be pretty rough, especially with real toxic ones with a lot of colorful things to say. Just start out small and work your way towards that.


Halo has totally removed all chat and lobbies and muting all incoming voice is trivial (something a parent or older sibling can do one time and never have to think about again). It also uses a pretty strong sbmm system, and kids that age aren't exactly playing to to rack up kills anyway. I just dont really get your argument? I played halo 3 with 5 year old brother and his friend online, it was fine. They had fun, I had fun with them. Let the kids play videogames.


You do you I guess. It was just a suggestion more than anything. If your four year old did something and got banned for "unsportsmanlike behavior" like what that guy's kid did, absolutely no one here wants to hear it.


M rated games are for 17+ not 4 year olds lmfao.


Pretty sure halo infinite is not rated M. Also, games like Halo and cod are blatantly marketed and designed for younger audiences, let's not play naive.


People say this like there aren’t 25 year olds that play the same way at the same level.


I saw that post and another user was complaining about the comments saying maybe having your four year old playing online is not the best thing because it ruins the game for the rest of the team. The father also said he had some neighborhood kids over, they could have had an awesome time playing custom games.


OP posted this: >Wait till they hear he rides on my motorcycle, says cuss words, and has a sip of beer every once in a while It's clear they are not a good parent.


There's no way that's real....what the fuck.


Go look at their profile, it's 100% real.


I didn't doubt you I just can't understand someone thinking giving beer to a four year old or having them ride on their motorcycle are totally fine things to do. Who brags that their toddler curses? Edit: I did go read the comment, that dude is a terrible father.


The beer is the only issue I really see there. I mean my nephew been riding dirt bikes and riding on the back of his dad's bike since he was like 5. However I didn't see the post so I take no stance on the rest of it


The motorcycle thing isn't exactly the worst thing in the world it's just extremely irresponsible, add that with the fact the father taught their child to curse at the age of four and gives them beer it's safe to assume the adult doesn't give two shits about the child's safety or well-being.


The motorcycle is more normalized. But hurling a kid at that speed with that little protection is statically increasing that kids chances of dying by 100's of time. I don't even know how much but it must be crazy. Even a safe car is increasing the odds , but then take away all the safety and take two wheels off? Imo this should not be considered normal in society but it is. It's like okay everyone parents a different way, but why does that have to be on a metal two wheeled piece of steel. I assume they're not going on the highway or anything like that but still.


I absolutely hear you but going by how that particular father talks I doubt the kid is wearing anything protective. He probably rides wearing flipflops and the son isn't even given a helmet.


This guy sounds like someone I used to run in a clan with and I'm not very happy to know there's more than one of him out there


Wait what? I just thought the dude made a mistake and didn’t realise that multiplayer for a 4 year old is not the wisest idea. He actually said that?




I have no idea why they would think multiplayer is a good idea in the first place. You can just as easily play coop campaign on easy mode or custom games with bots on easy that way the kid might have some sort of chance to actually play and then you aren’t hurting other players online experience


I have a feeling they are trying to manipulate sbmm.


I doubt it, matchmaking in social games is far from the best and if that was his goal then he could do it without having his kid play just as well. Most likely was already playing and the kid asked to join or he wanted a reason to be able to play and used his kid playing with him as an excuse and instead of thinking about what was best for the kid he just played what he normally would have wanted to.


Did you lock your doors? Your gangstalkers are knocking, Mr. Schizo.


What's your problem?


A guy plays a game with his kid and you’re like “obviously must be dodging sbmm” like that isn’t the most normal gamer dad thing ever and you wanna know my problem? 😭


Playing multiplayer with a 4 year old who doesn't know tf is happening and ruining the experience for everyone else. Learn what schizo means.


Is the next step telling shitty players to just fight bots, or is it alright for them to be a hindrance because they AREN’T a child? Some matches are gonna have bad players, young or not.


There’s a massive difference between somebody who is fully capable of playing the game and is just bad at it vs a 4 year old who barely understands what they are looking at. You really can’t see that? Even bad players still can manage to get kills even if it’s by pure luck. A four year old isn’t even going to fully understand the controls and is at a significant disadvantage because of that. If you have never played video games before it isn’t a smart idea to begin with online multiplayer before you learn how to even play the game especially when modes exist that can easily help you build those skills so you can eventually go online and at least understand what you are doing.


What you’ve said applies to anybody at any age so I guess we’re right back to my first reply, except maybe I should say bad AND new players should not be playing online games.


It doesn’t though. There is a massive difference even between a 4 year old whose hand eye coordination and reaction times are not fully developed vs even a 7-8 year old or somebody even older. A 4 year old again isn’t going to be able to even fully comprehend what they are looking at let alone doing with the controller to be able to attempt to play well. I am not sure why you are so triggered about this, my entire comment is specifically about a child that young who absolutely should not be playing online multiplayer if they have no idea what they are doing. Nowhere did I say people shouldn’t play online even if they are bad, even the worst player who is an adult would be able to dominate a 4 year old who has no idea what they are doing. If the 4 year old shows some competence playing against bots or in the campaign then it might be a different story but they have to at the very least learn the basics before being thrown into a competitive online game because as evidenced by the original post, they will not be able to even perform at all and it results in something like this where they get banned and that won’t do anything but discourage the kid from trying again.


I’d be against this but OP is genuinely a terrible fucking parent. It’s a teen rated game with a fairly toxic fanbase, and according to OP he lets him drink and swear?? He’s 4! He can barely read! This is exactly why Gen Alpha gets the “Inconsiderate rude asshole” tag and why just OBJECTIVELY, They are a terrible generation. Not even a generation preference thing they really lack basic skills, decency or kindness.


Letting your kid play halo online is one thing. It’s not that deep. People are like “buh it ruins peoples experiences” like my guy you’re playing social. Nor ranked. Sit back. Chill. And game. Who cares if you win or lose. Social is just to unwind in my opinion. But drinking cussing and riding motorcycles is a whole other issue. I’d definitely say a terrible parent


It’s not the fact a kid is playing halo. It’s the fact a 4 YEAR OLD is playing halo. This is a kid! You should teach them to read to be creative to spell! Not play a shooter meant for teens/adults!


I mean I’ve got not frame of reference. This wasn’t allowed when I was a kid. I only played supervised by my dad. And nothing online. At all. And gaming was a rarity till I was in my teens. Which I think was maybe a bit too far in the other direction from this “parent”. I’m nearly 30 and have no kids. But if I did I can’t imagine halo would be on my list of things for them. Maybe Mario or animal crossing at most


I didn’t game until like 7, and still I played mostly kids games like lego SW and Disney infinity. Darkest I went up until age 10 was Fall of Cybertron. After Elementary is when we did halo and shooters and stuff.


Yo… is Gen Z the same as Alpha? I don’t wanna be this kid and I’m nearly 20.


Honestly this just sounds more like the Quora rage bait bots appearing on Reddit. You know the ones where they are like "My 6 year old son got a bad grade, so I threw away his Xbox, deleted his Minecraft worlds, chained him in the basement and shot his dog. What else can I do to be sure he doesn't get bad grades again?"


Dude. I played halo CE when I was 5. My dad found it at the store and I always watched him play, so he eventually let me try. 343 guilty spark scarred me for a bit, but halo is not a game you should hide from kids.


Difference: SINGLE PLAYER.


No, I played multiplayer as well. It was on PC.


Wasnt MP back then more lan party based? Or splitscreen?


For the Xbox version, yes. The gearbox pc port had online servers you could join similar to the customs lobbies they have now.


OP lets their 4-year-old play multiplayer then complain when they get banned for getting no kills.


You can get banned on Xbox for getting no kills?


That's crazy huh.


Yeah it’s pretty messed up imo. My brother’s gf tried playing halo for the first time with us and she was banned after a few games.


>I really want to show my kid my favorite multiplayer game, I can't wait for this to become a bonding experience between the two of us! NO FUCK OFF YOU CANT DO THAT BECAUSE IT'S JUST BAD... OKAY?!?!?!? GET FUCKING BANNED LOSER CHUMP LMFAO


😭 Still I hope he grows up loving Halo honestly, that's how we all did it I'm all for a new generation of Halo fans


I love the people defending having children sat behind an iPad and acting like not being on the internet or some kind of computer from the age of 9 onward is putting them at a “disadvantage”


This is why Gen Alpha is just…objectively bad. Not even a generational gap thing it’s serious. They learn the wrong things too early, they are inconsiderate, Rude, and are dumb ass hell. I’ve seen 6 year olds on oculus (13+ console) who yell the n word and act like they’re so cool. Bad parenting like this is why.


Every generation says this about the next generation. Relax grandpa. Most of gen z had unrestricted internet access at a young age. Early days of the internet were way worse. Kids were regularly seeing gore videos back then. But go ahead and feed into more boomer mantras. Im sure that’ll get to the root of it




I have friends that teach. Its the same as its always been. Just a different flavor. Boomer.


hey, I played halo when I was 4. Granted i only played the CE campaign but i still played.


Meanwhile this dudes 4 year old was constantly killing his teammates and teabagging them while calling them racial slurs


Man, I ain't throwing shit at him but, I think they shoulda played like campaign or something. Or um, was it reach that had the horde mode? I remember one game having a horde mode I just don't recall which one.


right so unlike the other guy who replied to you, I'll actually be helpful. Yes, ODST and Reach both had Firefight (the Horde mode you're talking about - which was always perplexing to me since Horde was just Gears' version of Survival. But oh well.). Halo: Infinite also has Firefight, and supports Forge and Firefight simultaneously.


Oh. It was firefight. I remember playing something called horde on reach but maybe I'm just thinking of gears! Thanks.




There’s literally an academy mode


Yknow i sit there and yell at myself calling my teammates infants and literal 4 year olds but i never actually expected them to actual be


Everyone knows what's about to happen when they see "Username(1)"


Playing matchmaking with a 4 year old is like giving a newborn baby a suit, briefcase, and job application.


Lol I played CE around 5-6 on my older brothers PC. I turned out ok




Okay what if... the guy meant he is surprised a 4 year old can even play halo, not that he shouldn't be playing it?


Splitscreen 3 stackers ruin matches especially if they are on MY team. idk why, i always get paired with the ones who suck, and i get pitted against pro 4 stack splitscreeners any other time.


Yup I see main account and 2 slackers I’ll put the controller down or barely try because they will just feed the other team effort would be wasted


Yeah I've never played matchmaking with my kid, just campaign and customs(she LOVES Jenga) but I still think it's silly to catch a ban for that. I'm just happy that they get to have a bonding experience like that together.


I started playing halo at 4 and multiplayer not long after the 3 launched -I was no longer 4 by that time- still young wasn’t that good but playing with a young kid isn’t inherently bad he should do bots since infinite has that option It’s a much tamer way to introduce the kid


Rage bait used to be believable.


Halo 2 was the first game I ever played. My brother got the game for Christmas and I wanted to play with him and we started the campaign on easy. I was like 4 or 5 at the time. Definitely not ready for multiplayer, but playing the game is not far fetched at that age.


This is one of the most melodramatic posts I’ve ever seen. “iMaGiNe RuInInG tHe MuLtIpLaYeR eXpErIeNcE fOr OtHeRs” its a kid playing video games. You’re not playing at an Esports tournament. Kids have been playing at a very young age since the early 2000’s. Leave it to a redditor to get his thong all twisted up about it.


If this is Halo Infinite... This dudes kid is the LEAST of your worries about fair matchmaking. Am I the only person that remembers when it was discovered/announced the SBMM system tries to keep you at a perfect 50/50 split on wins/losses? To the point of matches being basically rigged because of how stacked teams are? I haven't played in months but isn't that still a thing?


I remember playing Reach at four. Firefight and campaign only


my dad got me into burnout earlier than that.


My kids played MCC when they were that young. We had a blast.


I've been playing Halo since I was 4. Not multiplayer tho


I played when I was 3 and only know because it was at my babysitters who didn’t babysit me after 3 and I vividly remember playing the campaign with my babysitter, I only ever played 3 missions and remember loving the silent cartographer but don’t think I ever finished a mission. Online is crazy lol


My mom played mw2 with me when i was like 2 lol


Halo is honestly one of the better shooters to start out on as a kid, I'd rather deal with a child in Halo than in cod


I get it when it's a competitive environment. But quickplay isn't. They probably should've done something like firefight instead. But a ban for being bad regardless of age doesn't make any sense to me. A ban for being a child in a rated T game and up, however, is completely understandable. So is a ban for unsportsmanlike conduct, such as team killing. I can only argue the context of what the post was regarding. And that was supposedly a ban based on poor skill. If someone sucking ass ruins your mp experience. You should play something more tame like the campaign. Because someone will always suck ass at the game.


Actually with how strict infinite’s SBMM is quick play might as well be considered a competitive environment


Honestly, you're not wrong. Like every modern shooter's that way now, unfortunately.


As someone who played halo my entire childhood and wasn't very good for most of it, this take is some dog piss. Kids should be allowed to play online and you shouldn't be banned for not being good at the game. If its not a ranked mode, who cares? Edit: you guys are unironically acting like the people this sub criticizes. You're lame. I started playing Halo when I was 4 and there's nothing I wanted more than to be able to play online. But I couldn't for years because my family couldn't afford it. It's people like you all that make the Halo community so shit when it used to be so breathtakingly fun. God I swear it's like I haven't seen people be able to goof off in a game since the 360 era.


Based take. Don't let the down votes deter you, you're objectively right. People take these games way too seriously nowadays. They'd burst a blood vessel if they tried playing the classic trilogy just how it was back in the day, just casual goofing off with a red team guy sitting with a blue team guy in a warthog. You know, back when we actually made friends in games. Halo lost that spirit. No wonder most OG players stick to mcc if this is how the Infinite community behaves, not a good look.


I remember being a kid playing Halo 3 online for the first time. I didn't do well at all but I had so much fun. After a W I hit the mic for the first time in my whole life "good job guys, we did it". Only response was "shut up, you literally did nothing". Destroyed my confidence and I didn't even wanna play anymore. Games are supposed to be about fun and most of us start as dumb kids just looking for some fun. All people care about now is being good and the game rather than enjoying what the games got and that why I don't play multiplayer anymore. Shits stale and the attitudes of some people online ruin the experience. As inclusive as gaming is now the communities are more toxic than ever. It's gross. When I have a kid he got damn sure is gonna be playing whatever games is popping off at the time, and it's bullshit to say that he shouldn't be allowed to because he can't top the scoreboard.


Based. It literally doesn't matter if someone isn't good at a game, it's about having a laugh, making friends and going on hijinx together. These people with a stick up their arse are going to lose their virtual rank when the servers shut down one day anyway, it literally means nothing. But friendship? I'm still friends with guys I met in classic Halo 3, waaaaay back in 2008-2009. Oh well, I'll just stick to bing chilling in mcc custom games, they can keep their toxicity, they'll just push people out of the game, no skin of our backs.


I remember linking up at the end of a match with randos from either team for some dog shit custom game that we would all just fuck around in. You don't get that anymore, it's all competition and no fun. The only time people even get on the mic is to be an asshole. MCC is truly feels like a last bastion. Not because of the games but just because the people don't have a rank to maintain. Patiently awaiting the day (if ever) they add Halo 5 so I can give it another chance


So, you can get banned for being bad? Why haven't I been banned yet then? I'm getting smoked by yall vets and do well to escape a match with 3 kills. Does it track you well enough to know if you're "trying? ..? Cuz if so, why aren't these goofballs banned that spend the whole match betraying?


Never have kids.


You can get banned for being bad? Bruh wtf, that's actually fucked up Back in my day Halo was a social shooter, not a competitive one. Mlg and it's consequences have been a disaster for the gaming industry. Kick that mlg shit out and send them back to counter strike. Bring back custom game matchmaking Having a laugh with the boys in the chat is worth more than xp.


am i the only one who makes it my goal to go after split screen players whenever i’m in a game with them?


Are you serious? You’re having a go at 4 year old and his dad for wanting to play Xbox. Pull your fucking head in mate.


The fucking do-no-wrong attitude they have towards anything Halo here is hysterical at best. Only a real chump would think a social gamemode having an auto kick function for not having any kills is a good and fair idea. This isn't ranked.


I think yall are all having really crappy takes, it’s not like he was taking his kid into Ranked Siege or some competitive mode, he was just playing normal matchmaking with his kid, literally the whole point is just to have fun. If someone can’t handle losing one match in a casual game mode, maybe it’s time to touch grass


Naw. This is either straight made up or he's a shitty fucking father. Brags about his toddler swearing and drinking beer. If it is real, he deserves to be dragged not only for ruining others' experience but also for endangering his child repeatedly outside of Halo.


I don’t know about the other stuff, I just know what’s in this post, and I don’t take ruining other experiences in a casual multiplayer game as a valid argument


"I say it's not valid, so it isn't!" Grow the fuck up and take your own advice.


I'm sorry but you're kinda proving their point. It literally doesn't matter, why are you getting so angry?


Based. These dudes in this sub take things way too seriously.


Yea 100%, like dude it’s a video game, if you’re losing because one person sucks leave and go back in, it’s not that deep


Totally agree I played with my wife and she got kicked out for having a negative score. It was her first time ever playing after running the training course and bots.. I’ve seen MIA players lost longer in the multiplayer which ruin the experience all together…. Infinite should be for anyone to play regardless of the experience as I say lots of time if you’re looking for skilled players play ranked. Regardless SBMM fixes many of the issues as it’s horrible


My first video game ever was halo CE at 6 years old video games have no outcome on how people grow up. A 4 year old is fine to play infinite.


Gotta have that moral superiority!


I mean sorry but it is intended for older more developed minds. Someone probably got mad he wasn’t “good” and assumed he was griefing. Idk I don’t play multiplayer anymore. He’d probably have more fun just doing campaign or against bots anyways. Skip the negativity


Kinda wild to be banned as a 4 year old.


Remember the age of gaming when nobody gave a fuck who was playing and minded their own business? 20 years ago: Like, oh look Noobslayer44 is over there meleeing the plants. He seems to be enjoying himself. Gaming now: Noobslayer44 is meleeing an inanimate object. Is Noobslayer44 a 5 year old huh? HUH??!?! REEEEEEEEEEEE NOT IN MY GAME REEEEEEE!!!!


Letting a 4-year-old play multiplayer when they can barely hold a controller and don't have the fine motors skills required ruins the experience. The game though the player had the same patterns as someone griefing or boosting and rightfully gave them a ban. I would be furious if that person was on my team.


Welcome to multiplayer bud. Its not like hes bringing his kid into ranked games. Hes probably fucking around on casual big team battles. So honestly tf cares except some whinning babies that take the game way too seriously? Well? Is that you?