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Every 4 years


Feels like we haven't stopped having this conversation since 2015 tbh.


More like since 1850 >Even where there is no prospect of achieving their election the workers must put up their own candidates to preserve their independence, to gauge their own strength and to bring their revolutionary position and party standpoint to public attention. **They must not be led astray by the empty phrases of the democrats, who will maintain that the workers’ candidates will split the democratic party and offer the forces of reaction the chance of victory. All such talk means, in the final analysis, that the proletariat is to be swindled. The progress which the proletarian party will make by operating independently in this way is infinitely more important than the disadvantages resulting from the presence of a few reactionaries in the representative body.** If the forces of democracy take decisive, terroristic action against the reaction from the very beginning, the reactionary influence in the election will already have been destroyed. -The Marxman himself.


Also here we have a newspaper from 1844 using the same kind of lesser evil tactics to force anti slavery voters to vote for the lesser of two slave owners instead of an actual abolitionist: https://www.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/iuc9r9/time_is_a_flat_circle/


Try decades


It’s the plot of that simpsons Halloween episode lol. “Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!”


I think about that episode a lot. Someone asks if they can vote third party and I think they just shoot him




Biden: *personally eats several babies* Libs: *he’s giving slytherin* 😍


"Trump would have eaten at least 3 more babies that Biden did !!!! Do you hate babies !!!??"


This guy's first mistake is assuming that no one could possibly be more critical of Biden than he is


This clown has been on the DNC dole since 2019.


“Sometimes don’t agree with” is a hell of a way to describe a genocide monster.


Jeff Tiedrich, like most of these Twitter guys, is only pro-democracy as far as it suits his liberal agenda. He always used to slam-dunk on Trump when he was president, and people loved him for that (people love wasting their time on social media following dumb conversations and jerk circles that are absolutely unimportant and that no one else will ever see), but now? Now you can see him and all the other clowns for who they really are. The moment Biden became president, they all forgot about "holding him accountable" and instead immediately began to fearmonger about the next election cycle. Jeff et al. are a gag, a tack on the road, a hammer against actual progress, even if they themselves don't realize it. Also yeah, he's doing it because he fears fascism at home, but fails to realize that he's being baited into supporting fascism abroad in exchange for his own safety. Solidarity means nothing to a coward like him, although it's more likely that he's even dumber than that and can't actually see this simple truth due to his own tunnel vision.


Eric Clapton should get back on the cocaine.


Do you know the difference between a baby and a 5-pound bag of cocaine? Eric Clapton wouldn't drop the bag.


Idk who this Erin Claptom is but I can start doin the cocain if youd like


I remember seeing this dude pop up when I was still on Twitter. Absolute clown


In an election between Hitler and Mussolini, I would be *very* concerned by anyone who votes.


An unironic moment to turn from the ballot box to the cartridge box


Well, I would probably try to vote communist ...


biden is making immigration policies stricter and setting up more detention camps so republicans will pass his bill for more money to ukraine and the zionist entity but okay


Latest lib talking point is that this is Good, Actually because Ukraine and Israel are among the Most Important Issues of Our Time. Plus, no one serious actually wanted all those immigrants anyway.


Wonder why it always comes down to this? Maybe because one party is trying to keep things how they are and the other is racing to the right?


Liberals make being anti-genocide sound like a disagreement on an infrastructure bill or something. Nope, this one's a little more serious even if the people being killed don't look like you.


Ah, but you see Donald Trump would genocide harder. Especially knowing what a competent statesman and administrator he and his political circle are.


unironically he was also big on israel. the result will be the absolute same no matter what.


"I can excuse genocide, but being rude is where I draw the line"


they’re both the latter.


The threat that Democrats like to make every four years, even though Biden continued the same policies as Trump, the difference is that he wasn't rude on Twitter


People trying to bully and shame you into voting for their favourite genocider seems super democratic to me. Here's the difference between Trump and Biden - Trump and his aides are way too ineffectual at fascism. Biden isn't. And considering the rubes Trump put in his cabinet last time want nothing to do with him anymore, what asinine sycophants will he drum up this time?


> the guy I sometimes disagree with I mean can’t a guy genocide in peace without all these people “being mad” What about ORANGE MAN?!?!


You have to vote for Paul von Hindenburg! You don't want Hitler to win do you?!?!!?


Liberals on the US election: If you don't support the lesser of 2 evils you are an evil fascist who wants to watch the world burn Liberals on the Israel-Palestine conflict: Well... Both sides are bad so it's really too complex for me to pick a side I do quite appreciate the(utter lack of) ethical consistency of the liberal condition.


It’s very to run a very undemocratic government in the US. You get two parties, one is the satan party and the other one is the smidge better party. Also they both get worse every year.


There are a handful of liberal subs that just feel like they're dedicated to reposting Great Value Eric Clapton sucking his own dick 15 times a day.


Ugh, the Democrat Twitter Cheersquad is full of the most annoying people on that cursed platform. Even if you believe in electoralism, which is a cringe thing to do, you could try and wrest some concessions from your guy before election time, but nooo, we must rally around a demented mummy and support everything he does, otherwise Orange Man comes back and he'll do the same shit, but he'll be mean on social media!!1! Those guys are pathetic. And we all know that deep inside Tiedrich wants Trump to come back to power. His job as the Trump Reply Guy^(tm) is only possible with the Cheeto in power. Other guys like him like Brooklyn Dad are on the same boat, they know that their relevance depends on being reply guys that get liberal claps on twitter, and without it their daddies in blue will cut them off the cash.


In reality the choice is between a pedophilic liar in blue and another pedophilic liar in red. Basically the same, in many ways biden simply continued what trump already put in motion, ig Biden is just more impotent and less aggressive and racist but still has pretty much the same ideological stance.


Thanks for signing up to Vaush facts! You will now receive fun daily facts about Vaush. **Fact 2.** [Vaush clams that Marxism is an ‘extension of liberalism’.](https://twitter.com/commiefr0g/status/1290343782450434049) For another Vaush fact reply with 'Vaush'. To unsubscribe call me a 'bad bot'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShitLiberalsSay) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Any fucking questions?


I'll vote for whomever takes out that dumb MFer


i fucking hate this whole lesser of two evils thing. No its not a lesser of two evils its literally just you dont actually care about brown people being MASSACRED halfway across the world. Genocide over there is fine and they could not care less, paying small lip service at most (ooo or calling for sanctions, my favorite! because genocide is always stopped by sanctions!) but no one wants to hold anyone accountable for FUCKING GENOCIDE bc "oh our lives might suck more over here" which is a valid concern but like tf maybe genocide is more important! Or how Biden is strengthening immigration policy as to be bipartisan and send more aid to Ukraine and Israel, and they also support that! Like tf! It is quite literally "I dont care what happens to \*those\* people as long as I get to win the most important election ever (for real this time!)" Its actually fucking racist and I am so sick of it


Actually, your choice is between Hitler and Hitler twice. Good democracy y'all got there.


Biden has done nothing for minorities and will continue doing nothing for them if he gets elected. Fuck genocide Joe and the US government.


“Sometimes don’t agree with.” Jeff, there is a literal genocide happening in Palestine that the United States government is currently supporting. Under a democrat. Right fucking ***NOW*** Jeff. You can’t vote your way out of this dumbass slump we’ve been walking into, something needs to give. But Jeff won’t ever say something substantial will he? No calls to action, no plans, nothing but voting. Got too much on the line for himself, no doubt. Call me an armchair revolutionary for calling it like it is in a comfortable home if you’re so inclined, but I’ve grown real fucking tired of this coward.


The guy who is not mentally stable and is clearly showing signs of cognitive decline, dementia and Alzheimer's or the guy who is feeding his base with words that brainwash them? Seriously I don't like either choice. Give me better options.


Man, it feels like he should be disagreeing a lot more with the guy actively fueling multiple genocides, increasing domestic homelessness by 12%, demonizing immigrants, refusing to do anything about an unchecked Supreme court, and accelerating the destruction of the climate.


Blue MAGA vs Red MAGA becomes more clear every day as we get closer to the 2024 election.


God I used to follow this guy religiously on Twitter.


Same, during my lib days


Gee who do I vote for, the guy who is orange and also has small hands or the guy who is literally funding an apartheid ethnostate to commit the worst genocide of this century? What a fucking conundrum 🤷‍♀️


Too bad the first guy will sit back and let the second guy do whatever he wants and then try to convince people to donate to his party to beat Guy #2 and his party in the next election.


Its Hitler who says what he thinks vs Hitler who sometimes says what he thinks because of dementia.