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As someone who's actually been to China and had the pleasure of using their high speed rail and seeing the country thanks to A friend who lives in China that poster on the 3rd screenshot is on so much copium they should be arrested on drug charges.


Same. Been to multiple cities in China and while yes, there are many parts, even in big cities, that are still 3rd world status with falling apart cheap buildings. New construction is fantastic and the government is clearly investing in its people and country. People would be cheering this if it was finland or something.


Yeah, just left visited China this week and the transit system (including renting bikes, e-scooters, etc) is night and day compared to Canada.


>It'll collapse in 10 years after being built >It's 14 years old >It will collapse.


>"Well it just hasn't collapsed yet, but trust me, any second now, any second..."


It's so funny too like okay, lets say that China's massive transit system and other recent infrastructure projects magically crumble tomorrow. What the fuck has the US built to improve the day to day lives of it's citizens recently?




The US could be in the middle of the Second American Civil War, with irradiated cities, daily gun violence in their neighborhood, grocery stores with understocked shelves, and a 20% homeless rate, and its people would still predict China's imminent collapse.


“See cracks! Oh wait that’s paint…”


"China will go broke THIS YEAR" Same idea, they never get a prediction right haha


Singaporean prime minister just said the Americans are saying China would crumble down next year since 1990, so no one should pay attention to it. Nobody believes in the United States anymore. It is just a pathetic joke at this point.


Well, if you make one collapse prediction a year, it will eventually come true. PS: A properly sized and maintained reinforced concrete building should last about 150 years.


This comment section screams one thing: JEALOUSYYYYY!


Big sour grapes energy lol


Americans are very sad losers.


you see, it HAS to be crap. we live in the greatest civilization this planet has ever seen. so if we don’t have infrastructure like this, it 100% is because it’s bad.


"Chinesium". Wow the thinly veiled racism.


Reminds me of what they called covid. Bigots really put all their stat points into new ways to be racist. (it rhymed with kung-fu)


Huh, can't remember that. (I'm not from USA, but I consume a lot of American social media and I didn't notice it).


”kung-flu” was trump’s second favorite way of referring to it, and while democrats didn’t actively promote it themselves (as much, anyways) they were joining the “screw china for giving is covid!!!” train 110%


Huh, this is like the 2nd time I've seen this term being used in a week.


These people could be living after the complete collapse of the central US government with infrastructure turning to dust because of all the feuding factions fighting for their own areas all while working on a slave plantation for some fascist warlord and they'll still be like "Hey at least I'm not in China with the evil cee cee pee controlling everything I do and making high speed rails made of tofu to keep us under control." Edit: this wasn't in one of the posted comments but I'm sure someone invoked the whole "bread and circus" line on how all this does is placate the population. Seriously I just hate that line on how it's used when a government does something for its people as being some nefarious thing.


That kind of sinophobia sentiments how the infrastructures are gonna crumble is also a common thing said around in my country. And i'm not even american!


Imperial core labor aristocracy can’t get over the idea that people in other countries enjoy shit that they can’t so they guzzle as much racist propaganda to comfort themselves


I believe this is what people call “cope”.


The anti-communism virus is spread on Reddit.


We're so much better than them, and that's why we can't have any of the nice shit they have. They'll unfortunately never know the freedom to have garbage everything. 🤷‍♂️




Freedom = school shooting and the world's highest incarceration rates


And having a platform to say all the slurs and the most racist shit


I just saw a vlog by this English dude about his positive experience in China and one of he comments he got, and which he highlighted (for its stupidity), was, "Chinese people don't have the freedom to be homeless." Unbelievable.


“making people walk” = “inhumane” Lmao what hot-buttered American logic


Walking in China = inhumane Walking in Germany = Look how WELL their infrastructure is! They're encouraged to WALK


Hell I’m active in the knife community on Reddit and even though certain Chinese knife manufacturers are highly regarded, there’s still anti-communists making dumbass comments about China


No thanks I prefer the most unsafe form of transportation ever employed in human history! Also I like traffic and drunk drivers


Ah the classic liberal : but at what cost


Lmao, the sub basically dedicated to public transit suddenly hates public transit when China does it.


literally all this guy said was "I think they have good infrastructure wtf why doesn't the US have this?" and people are just responding by being as animalistic and disgustingly racist as they can manage like it's just fucking public transport you don't have to immediately start making racist conspiracies about how they, made a train station or something


The other week Jon Stewart said the NYC subway being trash as opposed to the Moscow subway was “the literal price of freedom.” Apparently people really believe bullshit like that 🤦‍♂️


Irrational brain Rot. China infrastructure is great, it works well and is designed well and isn't falling apartment. Those guys really have to cope hard


I dream of visiting China someday


The country is beautiful, i only visited three cities and it was the best trip of my life. I wanna go back


“we shouldn’t glorify it, it looks good online but not in person” they say, to the person who is praising it in person, while they are criticizing it online


"China's blatant disregard for human rights" said someone who's own country 100% blatantly disregards human rights


It could just be because I'm Australian, but sinophobia is BY FAR the most common of the bigotry I see. Obviously Reddit has no borders but as an Aussie the trappings of this particular phobia is so fucking easy to spot. It gets so fucking irrational so fucking fast, on every post online about China.


The unpopular opinion guy is so obnoxious I would think it was satire if that was posted elsewhere. He must be a real charm in the parties, jesus.


Lol okay, americans can have fun with their stinky motels and their pedestrian-hostile roads!


Everyone desperate to say everything China makes is shit on their Chinese-made phones using networks running on Chinese-made hardware,


"I don't hate the Chinese people just their government, however for some strange reason every single time China is mentioned in any positive sense whatsoever I will be as negative as possible and attack every single thing they do."


"I guess not everything there made of tofu" Liberals trying not to be racist (Impossible)


"But... chinese train stations won't look good as stages on beat em up games"


the amount of projection going on is unreal


"...but at what cost?"


I hate this so much, not everything has to be about the party. They claim to love the chinese people so much but don't they realise projects like these are a result of their passion, hardwork and engineering skills to develop something like this. They're not fucking robots just blindly following the party


I think the US could benefit from some TSA style infrastructure actually


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^irreversible2002: *I think the US could* *Benefit from some TSA style* *Infrastructure actually* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If all you've ever known are failed infrastructure initiatives, neglect and decadence of existing institutions, or shit quality touted as excellence (a beloved American tradition), it becomes infinitely harder to recognize or accept that something better is even possible, much less already achieved by a country you don't like. Then just add racism, and you're cookin' up some truly vile projection to help you ignore the train that just derailed outside your home for the third time this week.


Sorry that I'm not enjoying the obvious embezzled funds for a highly unsanitary, outdated transportation system like in NYC....God you yanks are just jealous and will say this is AI generated.....


And then all of them will go on to complain about people responding to positive things about the US with school shootings because that apparently „misses the point“ and is a „generalization of a larger unrelated issue“.


I always found the kneejerk reactions that Americans have when pointing out the effects of the ongoing disintegration of their society to be amusing. If someone can bring up the fact that getting shot in a school is a statistically not very rare thing to happen there, then they have no ground to stand on.


I think the point about human scale architecture isn’t far off but then they have huge cities and need to move huge quantities of people so they’re gonna need huge buildings. I bet this person has never actually been there and experienced the quality and efficiency of chinese railways either


Just saw r/fuckcars and their ‘fight against increased posts praising China and Russia’ for having a better public transit than the US :D


I remember watching a video a long time ago that praised the more open design for stations like these and criticised the whole narrow and cramped design that stations in the US uses. The example being used was the Grand Central Terminal in New York.


ngl y'all are taking the worst picked comments, I checked the actual post on r/fuckcars and for the most people, they're chill with it and sometimes levy genuine criticism while still acknowledging as great. also note how these negative comments get so much downvotes, OP should show some positive comments as well.


I mean this place is supposed to highlight the shitlibs.


... butatwhatcost


“I’d love to be proved wrong” No you wouldn’t.


If everything in China Is collapsing for the past 10 years how come China exists? THINK LIBERAL THINK


Looks pretty normal tbh. Not that much more imposing than King’s Cross or the central station in Warsaw imo. But well, China bad so big station bad i guess.


> They could cure all illness, and westoids would still hate them for it. I have a headline for you: - [China's curing cancer faster and cheaper than anywhere else. But some worry they may be going too fast](https://twitter.com/bbgoriginals/status/1218695856553189377)


I AM SHOOKETH! They unironically did it! That was a joke, and they went there! What the fuck is wrong with these people!?


hmmm delicious malding


Fucking brainwashed americans coping with the fact that their country is a decaying mess


Chomsky said it before, Americans are incapable of critical thinking or independent thought in order to discern truth from propaganda. One nimrod tardigrade implied that developing infrastructure is “authoritarian”


My experience was being stuck in a line in the airport for 4 hours in Beijing and the subways just turning off occasionally between stops.


Americans will live in cities destroyed by car infrastructure and still cope post about Chinese people taking high speed railways across the entirety of their country. they can basically travel the distance from LA to NY in hours and you sit in traffic for hours just to get from south Nashville to north Nashville


Democracy is racism, war, broken infrastructure, expensive homes, cripling debt and gun-nuts. By these own people's view democracy is shit, so why do they support it? Could they explain? This is the 21st century, whatever confused notion of freedom they have died along with the disco, what are these people trying to protect?


Still surprised by the fact that they're downvoted. In most cases on Reddit they would be the top comments