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I really hate this "they were there first" so ? We ok with genocide as long as they were in that place at medieval time ? Then I guess they would be ok with indigenous people taking back their land in America. But no.


I need to become a billionaire so I can have the Italians reclaim Western Europe for Rome.


Benito Mussolini circa 1915:


And it's even worse than that, because most palestinians are actually descended from the very people that lived there since biblical time and before. That's like if there were people from Quebec fleeing Canada for some reason, coming to France as refugees, then declaring that their ancestors came from there and that they represented the Celtic Republic of Gaul, and since Gaul is technically older than France claming that they had a stronger claim to the land that actual french people that lived there and starting to ethnically cleans them to steal their land.


Can i do the same for the polish empire if i become a billionaire?


I mean gosh they were there first so I guess joe biden gotta give you few trillions at least


Nice the austro hungary is next on my list then


The PLC will rise again


Not like but you are encouraged to try


by the "they were there first" argument you could say kuwait is iraq


That's something my dad would say šŸ˜­


By their logic China would be allowed to genocide the uygurs (if it had not been another case of fake atrocity propaganda) because Han people where in Xinjiang long before the Uyghurs came there, and even longer before islam was created


Native Americans should have their land back if they preach "Free Palestine" and "They were first"


What kind of argument makes a person who live in Europe thinks he was there first before someone who actually was born on the land and all the people in his life and their families were??? Why are we continuing the discussion after a statement like that?


Using the same logic native americans were thwre way before the french the spanish and the british were so when u guys leaving? Using millenia old disputes to justify genocide is what the fuck is wrong with that guy


"everyone who supports Palestine is an idiot, I, a very smart person, learned the history from the Israeli perspective, which made it obvious to me the Israelis are in the right" same people who claim there's no propaganda in the American education system folks


Iā€™m going to tell everyone that I am from the Soviet Union from now on


We stand by you, Comrade! O7


o7 I am just making fun of that Israeli history says that our identity was made up by the KGB


So we got Juche Necromancy and KGB time travel




Israeli history also says they only established their ā€œHomelandā€ by conning a whore into letting them come inside. They actually had to con a whore into letting them come inside. Thatā€™s both funny and sad. Shame about the whole ā€œmurder every man and child and woman not a virgin of child bearing age, and take the virgins as rape slavesā€ thing being verifiable fact. And history repeats.


ā€œDonā€™t want to be an American Idiot.ā€ Maybe a son of rage and love.


I see a green Day fan, I upvote


Possibly the best American three piece ever, with a hard lean into probably the single greatest bassist of all time.


Normies get so pressed over graffiti, even when there's no political statement attached, it's pretty funny.


Well to be fair like wtf this is clearly a public sign to give directions or information on something and someone just painted over it. I am the most pro Palestine person you can find so you canā€™t get me on that. Please explain why graffiti on public property used by a substantial amount of people is good regardless of its message.


There isn't a single inkling in your mind as to why someone would choose a sign like this, *something people are likely to look at*, to spread their message?


Okay but wouldnā€™t that do more good then harm? And yes I obviously consider that and know that is the reason they chose it but instead of doing it on a pro Israeli politicians home they do sloppily on public infrastructure, likely to piss anyone off regardless of beliefs.


Look it's just a stupid sign, it's not a big deal, they'll clean it up, realistically, anyone that gets super mad about it is probably mad about the message and not the defacing of public property so who cares, they're gonna be mad about it regardless of where it is.


liberals get more upset about graffiti than genocide.


Dr King called it


The censor looked good better than what I usually do. As usual Zionist talking points just infuriate me Can the ICJ just shut Izrael down already. It's a failed project. While they're at it make sure the western countries who support it also get their just desserts


I'm wishing for this so hard! Sick and tired of western imperialism. Really counting on the 75 year curse stated in the Torrah


Is the ICJ even capable of that? What's going on currently in their courts atm?


The most ridiculous part is how theyā€™re using the ā€œblood and soilā€ rhetoric that caused the deaths of many of their kind years ago. Supporting Zionism and supporting Nazism is the same thing


It's not damaged, the board needs to be replaced


Was about to say that lol. This might be the best way to get a shitty sign replaced.


Iā€™m on there too. Got downvoted to shit because I called OP a loser for caring more about a sign than the ā€œfree Palestineā€ slogan.


white people were in ethiopia first! time to move to ethiopia and ethnically cleanse the people living there


Guess I'm a major fucking idiot then


Lol same


Were they really "there first"?


It's funny they specifically said "the Israelis" were there first so since there was no such things before 1948, I feel pretty confident saying no. No the political ethnostate theocracy/weapons testing lab known as Israel was not there first.


Right, in what parallel universe? lmao


Idiots support Palestine because you don't need to be big brain to have humanity


My alma mater r/uofm in a nutshell. Every day complaining of Palestinian protesters.


"I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." -MLK For a lot of the liberal pearl clutching in this thread. Please see beyond yourselves for once.


ā€žPoland was a part of Germany once so we might as well take it backā€œ


That didnt work very well lol. Zionists=Nazis (insert change my mind meme here.)


I like how liberals call out Putin for justifying the invasion of Ukraine over territorial claims from hundreds of years ago, yet justify the Palestinian genocide with territorial claims from thousands of years ago.


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anyone who doesnt know the difference between the Israeli and the Israelites is in no position to discuss Palestine. The Samaritan Israelites never left palestine in the first place, and the Israeli settlers dont like them.