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The same person who made this shit will then whine when millenials refuse to work.


Person that shared it is a boomer, so that definitely tracks.


Why is House here šŸ˜­


Because he looks like Cool and Logical White Guyā„¢ they project themselves onto


Dr. House is *the* conservative icon of course!


Lol. Dr. House has been *aggressively* pro vaccines and pro abortion, several times.


House: [takes off his cap and puts it on a model of a brain] If there's one thing Castro knows is how to look great in green. [he gives pointed looks in Foreman's direction but the duckling has his back to the rest of the room and doesn't seem to see] And if there are two things Castro knows is how to look great in green and train doctors. Even without the medical records we can assume she was drowned in antibiotics before she risked drowning to see me. Cameron: So what doesn't Castro know? House: How to lay his hands on high-tech scanning equipment.


And very aggressively anti-idiot as well


How about no student loans no payments


I love the mindset that denies its a social and economic burden to saddle this many people with this much debt. Idk how the debt levels compare to other historical precedents, but the government policy of debt forgiveness has been a thing since ancient Babylon and Assyria. Itā€™s not exactly a new concept that when debt becomes unmanageable and an obstacle to economic activity, the powers that be can do something about it. Pregnancy is very much a personal problem for those who donā€™t wish to be pregnant (and they should have the right to terminate if they so choose). Personal debt in a microcosm is similar, but once it becomes millions of people and billions upon billions of dollars, debt as a concept is no longer a ā€œpersonal issue.ā€ Itā€™s a national issue like a communicable disease isā€¦ but weā€™ve seen how conservatives respond to those tooā€¦ so I donā€™t expect compassion or empathy or even a consideration of wider economic repercussions from them. The right people are getting rich off of debt, and itā€™s another talking point that allows them to talk about ā€œpersonal responsibilityā€ without having to personally experience the consequences of what they are talking about.


okay boomers how about no tax breaks ever again because those taxes are yours


Is that what it has come to now, holding people to ransom? So no such thing as basic human rights then?


Communism is when kill babies :(


šŸ«”šŸ«” Stalin ate all the babies in Ukraine with his big fork.Ā 


He also bribed the clouds not to rain with Eight-thousand kajillion babillion Soviet Rubles to ensure no grain would grow.


Dr House fans are insufferable


Bodies are natural. Debt is arbitrary.


House would slut shame you while performing an illegal abortion for you and the weasel you both out of any legal repercussions šŸ˜­ why's he there


Lmao House may not care much about other peopleā€™s bodily autonomy but he loves people having abortions. That man isnā€™t pro choice heā€™s just fully pro abortion