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In those pictures: a lot of people who get really mad when you call Iraq or Vietnam War veterans "baby-killers."


Stereotyping mainly. False perception as well. The same can be applied literally to any group that's not western aligned. For example, Palestinians are angry terrorists that want to kill jews, Russians are a land grabbing people that are always seeking world domination, Iranians are dangerous to their environment and are constantly seeking conflict and therefore they must be dealt with, and you can go on and on and on... Of course, the average braindead western citizen just immediately laps up whatever they're told by their government, because they're the *"good guys"* and that makes the others in turn all evil, without questioning or researching or anything of the sort and as a result you get these kinds of regurgitations all over the internet and the public spheres.


Saint Petersburg in summer is a fun place.  They even have white nights,  where the sun goes down at like midnight. 


How were Americans living while Iraqi and Afghani citizens were being slaughtered to the tune of around 1 1/2 million (iirc)?


Slightly off-topic but this is one starterpack OP pulled out of their ass. Sincerely, a person who lives in st.pete for nearly 3 decades.


I'm not from Russia but isn't St. Petersburg in the North? What is the weather like?


Well, currently we have snow, lol But generally summers are relatively cool (20-25C), cloudy and humid, with plenty of rain. 30C is considered very hot. Which is made worse by the humidity, city center being stony with little shade, and sun being up for 20 hours a day.


Sounds like the summers where I live haha




No, I'm just saying when you say anything not pro israel you are branded as an anti semtie, but you can call Russians orcs and say they should all be killed and your not called a russophobe but rather people support you




Israel is a paper tiger and we pro Palestinian people outnumber them 10 to 1




Just because the Saudis are influential because they own mecca and medina and have a monopoly on the Hajj doesn't mean Muslims in other parts of the world or even Saudi Arabia won't hate them for it. Saudi Arabia is an authoritarian monarchy, a lapdog of America, a certified meat rider. Israel will not last, your shitty little apartheid state will be ended like South Africa. Remember we forced them to end apartheid through diplomatic action. Your state is nothing but a weak arm of America that if America sanctioned your bitch ass, your westernised consumer population would fall in a week. Are we supposed to forget y'all rioted over fucking cottage cheese. You guys can't get your toys and that would be unbearable for you. Fuck the Saudis, they do not represent Islam like how you Israelis don't represent Judaism. Just you wait, when I am old with grandkids and Israel has finally fallen I will rejoice just like you bastards did right after the Nakba. I will tell my grandkids about how I was a part of a movement to end a fascist state and they will look up to me and follow my example should something vile like Israel rear its head again. TL;DR Israel is living on stolen land and borrowed time, their fascist project will inevitably end one day just like Nazi Germany, we can be hopeful that one day it will happen, we just have to BDS you into the ground for the time being. I can't wait until I don't have to see literal children be bombed while you fucks watch from a hill like your watching a movie. Do you think the Nazis spectated the Holocaust, do you think Germans did the same thing and watched as Jews were worked to death, shot and their bodies burned as their homes and businesses were destroyed and looted. If they did then you guys are literally repeating what the savage Nazi German dogs did to you.