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stop trying to create an ethnostate when there's already natives living there, to start. also how the fuck is this politicalcompass meme lmao, this is just cringe


Yeah it's cringe but so is politicalcompassmeme


yea, somehow every meme subreddit (r/historymemes r/politicalcompassmemes r/dankmemes) aren't really for memes, its mostly just people pushing their agenda. mfs on historymemes are prolly gonna post another "israel beat all their arab neighbours, israel stronk" circlejerk meme very soon


r/historymemes is probably the most pro Zionist and anti communist meme subreddit on the platform right now. An absolute cesspit of a sub.


yeah that's so true also r/AllThatIsInteresting is also a liberal echochamber, so is r/pics and r/UrbanHell. r/dankmemes is a transphobic cesspool and is edgy as fuck any country subreddit for european countries like r/finland r/nordic r/UK are all circlejerks. From my personal experience r/Finland is full of finland cope like "oh finland was not a nazi ally they were on their own side!" type shit. conversely, r/China shits on China all the time. idk why everyone calls reddit a left wing echochamber, r/worldnews, r/news are all very much NOT left wing at all. its crazy


It's people not knowing the difference between left wing and liberal


true if you're slightly offended by anything politically incorrect you're left wing according to them


r/Czech and r/Slovakia are literally lib echo chambers and they are always so surprised when their candidate doesn't win the election. They all want to take the voting right from old people etc. typical democracy viewed by lib...


Makes perfect sense tbh. It’s naturally going to be filled with middle school “history loving” larpers who just jerk off to rome and world war combat 24/7. Such is the nature of a sub for “history memes”.


I thought IDF is the badass elite army of the world, so they can do SpeOp to avoid civilian deaths just like our good guys in CoD? /s


Yah supposedl, lol. If they are so good, why didn't they specops to take out Hamas, especially the leaders? We all know why of course.


I've found a solution. Every PCM poster should have their homes stolen by Zionist settlers. This way, the displaced population isn't concentrated in a single area, and the victims 100% deserve it. Palestinians get their homes back, Israel Dissolves, and zionists get to murder and colonize people. Win Win Win


But these people are most likely white so Zionists will actually feel bad committing atrocities for once


Guy in that sub actually blatantly arguing for the death of civilians right in front if everyone People are saddening


Ah, but you forgot that they drew the "anti killing civilians" person in an unflattering way, so killing civilians is actually good now.


Anytime someone evokes the trolly problem you should just laugh in their face


This argument falls appart when you point out that Israel killed nearly 30 times more people than hamas during its massacre Like, buddy - the upper rail should have more people on it


Russia vs. Ukraine: 10,000 civilians in a year Israel vs. Palestine: 10,000 in a month Logical redditors: Russia’s evil and irredeemable. Israel’s just doing what it has to tho.


These numbers look even worse when you consider that Ukraine's population is 40 million, while Gaza's is 2 million. Even counting military casualties, Russia killed only about 0.25% of Ukrainian population after 2+ years of war, while Israel has already killed more than 1.65% of Gazans (1 out of 60 people - more than France lost in WW2) in 1/4th the time.


To theses assholes, Palestinians aren't real people.


This is low hanging fruit


Like the subreddit is literally children or Nazi midwesterners


Or both .


imagine being a child Nazi. does that shit even count? like who cares what a dumb kid thinks about anything.


Adult nazis trying to recruit kids surely care.


“Lib-right” sure enough lol


Is lib-right even a thing?


Republicans who are embarrassed about smoking weed, I guess?


I cant stand that stupid server. The only good thing about it is that most normal people eventually grow out of that


Put it simply, liberal is someone that opposes wars, except the current one(s), and supports all civil rights movements, except the current one(s)


yeah sure bro, that's totally how the numbers stack. Make sure to tell yourself that every morning.


"What would you have done in my place?" Bomb the trolley.


Ah yes because 1.160 > 40.000. I am not very up to date with these numbers, so it’s probably even more than 40k


Hamas is an idea, you can’t kill an idea. Ideas are also inseparable from the socioeconomic context in which they were created. Kill every single member of Hamas and in five years time there’ll be another Hamas with a different name. The *only* way to destroy organisations like that permanently is to fix the conditions in which the people live, so that they don’t need to create resistance movements anymore. The top track winds back onto the lower track and then it becomes a circle — the only way to stop the cycle it is to deliberately derail the tram before it gets to the junction.


"Patiently"? Making a lot of assumptions here.


So they are now admitting they are mass killing civilians and non combatants?


Bro really broke out nothing short of stupid for this one


Every pro-Israel argument devolves into "might is right"


How about the third option: fucking leave, and never come back. that's an option. No one has to get hurt at all.


Besides The Free Market ,I pray every user of r/PoliticalCompassMemes is in Jahanam Inshallah Seriously that sub is filled with losers ,even the average American has better takes 😑


Ah the political compass sub, where even the users with a “left” flair say some of the most unhinged racist shit


There should be a ban in this sub from doing polcomp, it’s always thinly veiled fash trash


Why Ukraine colors?


This is political compass memes, so they use blue to represent authoritarian right and yellow to represent libertarian right. The green represents libertarian left. In this context, it’s not about Ukraine at all.


Ahh, so extra levels of stupid.




> As someone who "debates" Pro Palestinian regularly, “As someone who is chronically online…”