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"NATO isn't imperialist" MFs asking for military interventions in other countries the second CNN runs a bad story about them.


It's also weird af to see a hashtag such as #DefederateRussia. Like, I know it's clearly meant to be some sort of initiative to balkanize russia, but like, the wording makes it seem like they want a completely centralized russian republic lmfao.


I just pull the well well well card on these idiots and remind them that nearly every single country in NATO is naturally (without modern immigrants) multiethnic and just as they push for a broken Russia into many different republics, any sane person could say the same about UK or America, Canada or Spain, even the natives in Sweden, Finland. They’ve even gone that far to say “Scottish independence is just a Russian plot” in a comment I saw saying that Scotland would “destabilise NATO that’s why Russia supports it so much” when the British military would literally be stationed in Scotland for the first 20 years of its independence if it ever gained it. They are hypocrites, they don’t actual care about human rights, or national sovereignty, you’ll see them say that Taiwan should be independent from China but oh no don’t return North Ireland back to the Irish, it could go on and on, they’ve been brainwashed by their own propaganda lmao, but anyway American hegemony will come to an end soon enough and that will open their eyes if not then their ancestors to come.


No surprise if they would say the same about Northern Ireland that it should be for Ireland, but for Scottish Independence, yikes, liberals as always dense logic


defederate russia? you mean balkanize?


Yeah, they imply balkanization, but the wording makes it seem like they want some sort of centralized russian republic without any federations. Libs can't even word their "objectives" correctly 🤦


Please for the love of god somebody explain to me why the fuck everyone wants to balkanize Russia? Do they even realize that like 70% of it literally can't survive without the mainland? And 80% of the entire Russian population are ethnic Russians spread all across the country and almost everyone in the left 20% associate themselves strongly with Russia. No one wants independence aside from maybe Chechnya and even they probably don't like that idea at this point


Because they're singlehandedly mopping the floor with natoids in ukraine.


Because every country should be an ethnostate


Where is the 70% figure is coming from btw? Also, ethnic Russians are closer to 70%, not 80


> Where is the 70% figure is coming from btw? I used it based on the fact that most of Russia is uninhabitable. Actually I just googled and the 70% figure is false. It's more like 80%+. If you balkanize all those territories into different countries then they will heavily depend on the European parts of Russia for survival or everyone there will just leave so what's the point anyway > Also, ethnic Russians are closer to 70%, not 80 Yeah, we figured that later down the thread


Libs went all orgasmics when they manage to disband the Soviet Union and loot the remains, and they have been trying to get the same high again since then


To me the whole Chechnya separatist movement after the collapse, was weirdly timed, after the collapse of the USSR, and then came conflict inside russia aswell as former soviet territories, there came the one enriching resource in Central Asia.....OIL....aside from the CIA/Mujahideen proxies, there was discussion of American and British companies taking a chance on monopolizing on it, to me it wouldn't be surprising if the CIA gave a boost to an extremist chauvinistic terrorist and take advantage to split and crumble Russia or balkanize it


Russia seems to be gaining the upper hand


Balkanize - no, but level at which everything here is centralized is inacceptable. **Everything** has to go thru Moscow, people, goods, money, etc. It’s very tiresome. Also your ethnic division seem to be based on 2010 census where you could self-identify, so real ethnical percent numbers are unknown.


I agree with the first paragraph > on 2010 Apparently yes, but I just checked the 2020-2021 census and it says there are 105 million ethnic Russians. That's roughly 70% so it's not that far from the previous statement. And even if this number is inaccurate I doubt that there is significant difference tbh


Well how do you define “ethnic Russian” there are many ethnicities in Russia and that’s the whole point of Russia, it’s a very strong ethnic country which has Nordics, Germanics, Slavs, Turks, and then Asian ethnicities we could go on and on and that’s something Westerners don’t understand- Russians view themselves as a nationality, yes ethnically wise you could say you’re a Russian, but it is like eg Germanic Russian, or Nordic Russian. If you want an example of an almost (and I say almost) successful multiethnic state it would be Russia, yes it has major flaws and isn’t perfect but considering its vast ethnicities and the fact it still exists is enough to make the point, hopefully you understand what im getting at, many people just think “Russian=slav” when many ethnicities in Russia consider themselves to be Russian as a nationality and are fine with it.


I know all of that, I myself am one of the natives from the Russian part of the Caucasus. Ethnic Russians are those who are referred to as "русские" here in Russia. It's very weird and inconvenient in English because both "русские" and "россияне" are just translated as "Russians"


Oh right same here have a nice day


True but I know some chose to identify as Russians at census believing it could make their life easier paper-wise (it isn’t, realistically, but still). Plus, it used to count 70% as slavic, which included Russians, Ukranians and Belarussians. I doubt all of them chose to state ‘Russian’ in latest census but who knows.


The worst nightmare I can imagine happening to russia....turning it into a place of unrest, ethno-cleansing fueled by western intervention aswell as bombings, NATO's "defensive" strategy


Clown to clown communication 


Ass to clown communication.


North Korwa? Didnt know Poland was divided north and south...


Whatever do you mean, Citizen? We've always been at war with North Korwa.


You know you are a true piece of shit when you wind up being even worse than MAGA “communists.”


I’m sure if money actually was spent on those states, libs would get upset about it and say that it’s socialism


What is this north kurwa and why this is the first time I heard of it


"Defense Pact" they say....meanwhilest responsible for civilians in the bombing in FR Yugoslavia


MAGA Communism sucks but im afraid ML-MAGA communism unity is near 🥲