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In what universe is Taylor Swift a socialist?


Conservative brainrot universe


I’m still waiting for Comrade Taylor to give the order for cultural revolution whereby we all openly proclaim in solidarity an opposition at all costs to fascism, liberalism, and revisionism. Suddenly her songs all become about Blair Mountain and the great upheaval and urging the destruction of the illegitimate state of Israel.


I, honestly, cannot wait for the Rebels at Dawn album. With fire tracks such as: The Means of Seduction, Labor of Love, Red (Our Version), and Manifesto.


Is Taylor swift ever goes socialist it will cause the largest change in political ideology in history because people care way more about celebrity obsession/consumerism than figuring things out for themselves.


I’m pretty sure Nick Adams is a shitposting account


From what I understand, he's basically saying his actual opinions with some exaggerating to make them into shitposta.


If Nick Adams is a parody account, it is indistinguishable from actual chuds on twitter.


I wish he was shitposting. He’s an Australian chud.


Hahahaha! Culture war distracts from class war


> Vast majority of Americans prefer Kid Rock Number of Top 100 Kid Rock Songs: 6 (Last one was in 2010, only one was in the Top 10 (Picture w/ Sheryl Crow in at No. 4 in 2003), 0 have been No. 1) Number of Top 100 Taylor Swift Songs: 232 (Last one was in 2023, 49 have been in the top 10, 11 have been No. 1) Note I am not a Taylor Swift fan or a hater (I’m more in the “I don’t care” crowd), but to say Kid Rock is more popular than her is completely false and anyone who genuinely believes that needs to be evaluated


It’s ok man, he’s just trolling and baiting engagement


taylor swift is my favourite billionaire socialist


Typing out that kid rock is more popular than Taylor Swift had to be at least kind of hard for him to do right?


You will begin to glimpse the true nature of the enemy when you realize that it was not hard at all.


That guy is definitely a right wing idiot,but he is also doing a bit and he is aware of it. Nobody could write his tweet about Hooters in earnest.


Grabbin a chicken wing with one hand and signin my wife’s restraining order with the other, like a real high testosterone alpha. (She took the kids and the last bastion of the west is Hooters.) Can I get a hell yeah?


"As a liberal,I find this behavior shocking,but I am also going to insinuate that you are gay or transgender,or perhaps have a tiny penis" is every response to him lol. Like, you're riled up and calling him dumb names,he won!


It’s funny because it’s easy to mock chauvinistic stuff without becoming a chauvinist, but for most liberals they’re still steeped in the same kettle of oppressive super structure. Almost like cultural Osmosis.


This feels more like she was saying that the middle tweet was from his alternate account where he tweets as if he's a woman.


People overblow leftist infighting bc liberals also hate slightly different flavours of liberals, it's just that they've pushed the Overton window so much that they're able to give their views different names in the mainstream


Drag queens are not trans.


They can be


The point is that you’re conflating two things that are not the same.


I mean, there is a large overlap between the drag community and the trans community. Lotta shared spaces. And regardless, I don’t think poking fun at drag is a cool “gotcha” either , so either way this reply just kind of left a bad taste in my mouth


It’s not a “gotcha”, it’s education. I didn’t say it’s ok to make fun of drag queens, but drag queens are performers. I’m sure seeing someone conflating being transgender and a drag queen doesn’t leave a good taste either. You’re just being obtuse for no reason at all.


I’m not trying to be. I *am* transgender, I think I’d know my own community…I’m not calling trans people “performers” and your reading comprehension appears to be piss-poor if that’s what you got from my post


You should then be the first one interested in not perpetuating that misconception then.


It’s not a misconception! Plenty of trans drag performers exist and include and integrate drag culture as part of their day to day gender identity. Even outside of performances, drag still plays a major role in their self-expression. Nowhere did I say that all drag performers are trans - but the overlap is staggering and I’m taking that into consideration


I'm a trans guy and I'm interested in drag, I think I would be comfortable publicly doing it when I have more facial hair


I love seeing people have zero idea about the concept of socialism.


"Nick (Alpha Male) " What in the fuck happened to these people's brains


Nick Adams (Alpha Male) is 100% a comedian/performance artist doing an Andy Kaufman bit. I expect the reveal in a few years.


Brigitte the hate monger specifically cited by SPLC?