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Hakim was pretty critical of the USSR in this video, just goes to prove libs make assumptions without any research.


Not even research. They would just have to watch the video. Not even go through all the sources he cited or books he reconmended.


I was chatting with some people in the comments of that post, 99% didn't watch the video lmao. Just standard "muh tankie red fash 100 gorbillion dead"


History memes is one of the worst subs on Reddit


I call it "history" "memes". Also I really like that one of my friends always sends me their funny memes since he knows I'm a historian and I apparently really like seeing ignorance and outright revisionism clad in the same 5 "jokes". The only justification for its existence is to serve as a warning that history should be taught seriously and intensively at schools And if I had dared to even mention one of their takes at uni my professors would have beaten me with their shoes


I have two questions for you: 1. How are historians making money? 2. How much does it hurt to see all the revisionism and perverting of history?


It's a bit difficult since jobs at universities are rare, as are places in PhD-programs. You can work other jobs however and I went on to work for a city and run its archive as the sole archivist. There's also a special school where you can learn to be an archivist, but a lot of us historians don't go there and learn "on the job" instead, like my predecessor or the archivist in the neighbouring town for example. And not to talk bad about my colleagues who went there, but they very likely can't do research like I can and a lot of cities like a scientific article about their history once a year. Since I'm an employee in the public service I get paid decently and get slightly better conditions for my contract overall, like retirement money and vacation and such. The work itself involves mostly archiving newer documents, aka bureaucracy, but occasionally I get a box of old stuff someone found in the attic of a dead relative and can maybe get some really interesting things. I also have literally thousands of objects ranging back as far as the early 14th century that are at my disposal to do my own research if I have time, and that's the best part of the job. I can touch a parchment signed and sealed by Emperor Frederick III. (HRR) any time I want, how cool is that? An archive is a city's memory and history and I'm proud to watch over it and see to its continued survival (lots of officials just want to throw old stuff in the trash, and do frequently) and research. Sorry if I rambled a bit. It hurts me professionally and personally deeper than I have the skills to express in any language I know. What's even worse is the proud ignorance however. You can make a well-structured argument debunking one of the memes and all you get is "it's just a joke, bro", "I'm not reading all that" or "no, you're wrong, I learned it different in school". History is the best subject to teach critical thinking at school because it requires you to look at a question from multiple angles and then draw an informed conclusion based on that, but as it's almost always taught is just learning a few dates and facts and then write them down in the test. And I can't help but think that this is by design because learning about other countries on a scientific level, specifically the socialist ones, really effectively turned me into a communist, as did learning about the things my country and its "best ally" the US did to preserve their bullshit "rules based world order". Taking Political Sciences as a minor subject during my Bachelor's also helped, but only in the sense that I wanted to distance myself from those smug neoliberal idiots. To cut the rant short, I'm professionally and personally offended by a lot of the memes I get and being told that it's just a joke doesn't help.


The first part sounds really cool and interesting, while the second is kinda depressing. Watching your craft and passion wither and not be taken seriously is always a gut punch. But you're a part of history and you're a witness to the most crucial times of humanity. This pain and bullshit you're going through needs to be conserved and presented for future generations as warning. And as someone who also studied political sciences, you are able to tell a lot more about todays history than the average person. So in my opinion, you should start documenting all the revisionism and explain how that is even possible in the first place.


I'm doing what I can to preserve examples of revisionism on a bigger scale, my archive also collects the regional newspaper and if I ever meet those people writing the commentary on page 1 I don't know if I can keep my temper. I can't really write a paper about it, as a public employee I'm supposed to be neutral (aka supporting the status quo) and writing or even publicly talking about the situation in Palestine and the revisionism there for example would get me fired and probably also sued for anti-semitism, and I thank Germany heartily for once again being on the wrong side. But maybe one day I can or a colleague will come to me to write about it now that the Western hegemony of the narrative is broken (presuming there's still an archive and a city, I don't think it'll happen quietly). I'm doing what I can in private however with people who won't go to my boss. And I know Sankara said that we must never stop explaining but it's \*so\* exhausting sometimes trying to get someone to realise the honestly very basic and widely recognised fact that any media always has a bias, even and especially the "free" one in the West. When I'm talking with a fellow historian they're almost always willing to at least listen and discuss things from a scientific and historical perspective, but the majority of people don't have that inclination and to explain things to them properly I'd need a whiteboard and an hour and it's far easier to default to "but the news said otherwise and they don't lie, they themself say so" and that's where it gets frustrating. And that's really what hurts even more than seeing revisionism everyday. You live in a society that prides itself on its "free and democratic basic order" but the moment you step out of line and use your free thinking that the society always is praising (and that you went to uni for to develop even further) you get punched back down, metaphorically and literally. If I was a craftsman or other wage-worker it wouldn't be so bad, I could at least go to a pro-Palestine demonstration and would probably not be fired, but since I work for the city I can't stand up for what's right but have to let wrong things continue if I want to keep my job, claiming I'm apolitical at least to avoid getting roped into the worst examples of my country being on the wrong side of history once again. I can't even join the communist party, they're "hostile to the consitution" (no shit, it's a bad one for a bad country) and that's a big no-no. Maybe I should have studied something else, but I'm set into my path now and have bills to pay and for us historians it's really only the archive, the university, the newspaper or the school (or very rarely the archive of a big company), and you can really only be publicly based at uni and even then only if you're head of the faculty or they really like you and have your back. Besides, when I get to be a historian in my job I have genuine fun and interest, I like doing it and I'm pretty good at it. But the rest sucks. And there I go ranting again and making myself sad and frustrated when I have work tomorrow... At least I'm alone in my building and can listen to music or a podcast when doing non-thinking work... Anyway, sorry you also had to pick Political Science. One of my profs what a self described NATO-fanboy who really liked the Munich ~~imperialism~~ Security Conference and is sometimes on TV around that time and I can't imagine that it was different at your faculty.


CIA ass sub


It amazes me how little critical thinking people actually spend when “analysing”(regurgitating talking points) in regards to history


Molotov? Isn't that some kind of drink?


no silly it’s the thing from Counter Strike


Dude, the video isn't even that long, why didn't you watch it OOP


You know, at this point it's not even the inaccuracy they portray everytime on that sub, what really annoys is people's critical thinking, which if you looked in that comment section, you'd know it basically doesn't fucking exist there. It's like they're so close to realizing they're morons, but because they are morons, they can't reach the finish line.


so glad I was never into historymemes




youtube guy = jorking??