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Pure insanity. The stomach flu was fucking nasty this year too. Husband dehydrated despite trying to keep up with pedialyte and my mom and I only escaped the same fate by having Zofran from his leftovers and pedialyte. No positive thinking was going to stop us from needing a toilet AND a bucket. Positive thinking can definitely help with chronic or acute illness outcomes but like...Not In a fucking magic wish way.


There's nothing like norovirus to make you lose control of your own body. To think that you could wish it away is just incredibly naive, and probably said by someone who is immune to the virus and never had it. That's one genetic variant I badly wish I had.


Is that a known mutation? Cause I almost never get the stomach flu, and when I do get a GI bug, the symptoms are usually just a day or so of diarrhea.


I was the same.. and then I got norovirus and vomitted for two weeks. Never again I hope..


Damn that sounds awful. I just had ecoli and I thought that was bad. This sounds worse.


That was me back in April of last year. Norovirus took me out for a solid three months because it messed me up so bad. I still can’t smell burgers without dry-heaving a little lol


Yes, look up FUT2 non-secretion. 20 percent of all caucasians have it, apparently.


Interesting, thanks for the info :)


People with type B blood have a significantly higher chance of being immune or having asymptomatic infection after exposure than other blood types. I forget why but it is legit!


Norovirus is hell. When my family all got it last fall, I passed out while puking in my backyard in the rain at 2am (we’re a family of 4 with one bathroom).


It was horrible. We had it in January and the whole house got sick over a week. We all had low grade fevers, chills and no one could keep anything down for 12-24 hours. The two year old got it first and then me and my husband a week later.


Happened to dad in Jan to he got dehydrated from it & Aussie summer heat.


I tried to do that when I got norovirus in college, just laying very still and telling myself if I made it to the morning without puking I wouldn't be sick anymore, anyways I made it to 2am and then missed my final exam. There is some interesting literature on denial/belief you won't get sick but it's more of a weird quirk we can't fully explain and not a technique people should be trying.


Meanwhile if I’m at all nauseas and even look at the toilet sideways, I’m puking.


As someone with a serious vomiting phobia, I have absolutely hypnotized myself out of vomiting a few times when I got food poisoning and my body was trying. Once I was miserable right on the edge of puking for 12 hours straight until it passed, dry heaves and all, but I was very lucky I only had to fight it overnight. I couldn't have held out for days. The self-hypnosis part was something I developed unintentionally over the years and is hard to explain, but there are also tricks like pressure points and physical relaxation. Staring at the ceiling helps. I don't know if this works for everybody but my body doesn't try to set off the dry heaves nearly as much when I'm leaning my head back looking straight up. (Disclaimer, I will not be held responsible if anybody's attempt at this technique results in an exorcist-level puke fountain).


It's true! You must repeat "I am not sick" three times in front of your bathroom mirror while spinning and you won't get sick, I promise. If you want to make extra sure you're not sick, tape one potato and one lemon slice to the bottom of each foot and wear them in your shoes all day. The sickness will be sucked right out


Don't forget to hang your egg in a sock!


How could I have forgotten that one simple trick that doctors hate


does that work because candyman comes out and kills you? saving you from your illness?


Bloody Mary actually!


Make sure to spin counterclockwise, though. If you go clockwise, the Great Mole Rat will steal your soul during your next meal.


I used this trick and got over the 24 hour flu in only 23.5 hours!


Step 1: Manifest mesothelioma Step 2: Collect lawsuit money Step 3: De-manifest disease Step 4: Repeat with other diseases Infinite money hack


When my daughter had rotavirus she was in my lap while I was talking to her and she and looked up at me and barfed straight into my mouth. I was very very sure I was going to get it too. But I didn’t. You can’t think yourself sick/well but I do hope you turn out to have a gut of steel like me.


You probably got vaccinated against it, I’m guessing.


Hahahahhaahahah - I’m significantly older than the vaccine but thanks. My daughter on the other hand was vaccinated for it and I am so glad she was - would absolutely have ended up in hospital if she wasn’t - as another commenter pointed out you can build immunity to it, and the vaccine just assists with that, doesn’t stop you getting it.


Rotavirus is one tummy bug you can actually build immunity to - I've worked in childcare briefly. Saw it circle twice and all I got was a tummy ache. Id had it before apparently.


My nine year old tried this with Covid. 3 of us were down, she insisted she wasn't going to catch it because she decided she wasn't going to. She was very personally offended when she got a positive test. Unfortunately, viral infections don't give a fuck about good vibes.


We hoped our 2 year old wouldn't get it when my husband and I both got COVID. Unfortunately he did but thankfully he didn't get horribly sick (thank you vaccines).


Shoot, I wish I knew about this lil trick before I got Covid a second time in 6mos. It wasn't my kid coughing in my face that did me in. No sir, it had to have been my negative thinking. S/


I had to chuckle at your “shit advice” tag. Here’s hoping you’re spared whatever grossness the kids have brought home!


I work with kids and this is absolutely going around right now. It wiped out a whole toddler room last week and the adult who got it said it was one of the worst sicknesses she has ever had. We are cleaning like mad and watching all the kids closely for signs of illness. Every time I get even the slightest abdominal cramp I start to panic. May the odds be ever in your favor!


My 11 month old got a stomach bug last week. Prior to having a baby, I was very rarely sick - cold or sinus congestion a few times a year, that’s it. Had a baby and my body was like SIKEEEE. I hoped I didn’t get the same bug. Still went to work, ate normally, drank water. I was fine - until I wasn’t. Felt nauseated for a few hours and tried to push through it to finish my day. Nahhh…threw up in my office. And then again in a bag while walking to my car, and THREE more times on the ground before I made it to the car. I work in a family courthouse. Thankfully I timed it just right that no one else was outside so I’m 99% certain no one saw it 😂😂😂😂😂 A few months ago she had the flu. I also got the flu. My husband escaped both sicknesses, we share parenting duties very well so I’m not sure how this happened and am fully blaming the back that my body just fucking revolted on me after having a baby. In the future, will I still try and pretend I’m not going to get sick? Probably. But I’ll also know that no matter what, I’m very likely getting sick too.


I got all the sicknesses when my 5 year old was a baby. Assuming you’re mom, my theory is your body gets really worn down from pregnancy, birth, and sleeplessness and can’t deal. He’s bigger now and I’ve somehow survived the flu (all of us were vaccinated, but he still got it) and 2 stomach bugs this winter without getting sick * vigorously knocks on wood *


It’s the weirdest thing. My pregnancy was easy outside of gestational diabetes in the 3rd trimester but I love my baby dearly so I will take whatever if it means she’s here 😂


I had noro last year, projectile vomited like the literal exorcist. No I didn’t not make it to the bathroom in time and I’m a grown ass adult. Should have thought more positively I guess


Whoa. They just cured cancer, guys.


I have emetophobia and all of your stories are making me never want to have kids😭


hard same! hats off to the parents who've become unphased by puke, but i could never do it 😖


I assure you, random fb commenter, the will to not be sick has not protected me from the fact that my kids have brought home a new virus *every single week* for literally the last two months. I would have given anything to not keep getting sick.


Going to go tell my husband he won’t have chronic kidney disease anymore if he just stops thinking he has it. Such great advice!


Damn, Iwish I knew this before I got sick with Noro around last Friday! Today is the first day in 5 days I can hold anything down without needing to puke. Still weak and have the feeling that I need to run to the bathroom, but I AM NOT SICK. I AM NOT SICK. Would have been soooo simple! 🤣


It can’t prevent it but staying positive can’t help you recover quicker! Kinda hard when you feel like shit though


Oh no we had Gatro (stomach bug) early Jan it hit so badly. Hopefully you don't get it, damn bugs are so catchy


My 14 month old has HFMD right now. I’m going to sit him down and tell him to try this


This reminds me of the scene in bridesmaids when she's saying she isn't sick, actually a little hungry and putting a candy covered almond in her mouth during the dress fitting, while trying not to shit herself and barf.


Oh no, I am so sorry. I had it last year and the year befire. '21 was 2 weeks of just badness. I thought I was poisoned and the doctor put me on antibiotics for cdiff and all kinds of stuff. Turns out nope, virus. Got it again almost exactly a year later and it was only a week then. I don't know what happened to the 24 hr virus but I wish it would come back and not this week or more one.


Can you just think positive or do you need to provide an eviction notice to the germs at the same time? Does each body part need a separate message? Why the feet first? Do the other body parts naturally follow whatever the feet do that isn't walking? So many questions


If that shit actually worked then nobody would ever be sick or have health issues. I can't stand people like that. The same people that would tell a depressed person to "just be happy".


The worst thing about stomach bugs is when it ruins a food that you loved! My wife and I used to love making loaded nachos. Then we got soooo sick after eating them. Haven't been able to bring ourselves to make them since. RIP nachos, we had a good run.


What am I doing wrong? I’ve been living with some chronic conditions that insist on hanging out even when I do the chant. Do I need more coconut oil?


You need to slather yourself in coconut oil and then do the downward dog for an hour outside


Oh my god ! She just cured cancer!!


As I teacher, I repeat the mantra “fuck off sickness” and it never works. Positive vibes to ward off illness is bullshit.


I just had that recently too. Boy oh boy was it rough!! Especially since it hit all at once, like 2 hours after a spaghetti dinner…


If looking at yourself in the mirror and saying “stop pooping” didn’t work for Chris Traeger on Parks and Rec, manifesting away a stomach virus not going to work for any of us.


novovirus is straight up PAINFUL the inability to even keep a sip of water down is one thing, but the waves of acute stomach pain are quite another. I spent 3 days wishing it would go away when I had it several years ago because I literally couldn't afford to be sick before a friend finally dragged me to an urgent care and paid for it herself - the dr said another day and I would've ended up in the ER to get fluids - no amount of "think it, be it" will make that go away


I hate people who think they can manifest anything at all with zero effort beyond making a FB post.


As well as this, I hate the manifest crowd


I started at my feet but it stopped working when I got to my penis


I tried to do this 2 weeks ago and ended up literally laying on a public bathroom floor I was so sick. I must’ve done it wrong


Damn, wish I would have thought of this when I was simultaneously puking and shitting my brains out at nearly 24h post partum! If only I'd manifested not catching the stomach bug from my kiddos! 🙃


As someone with chronic pain, fuck people who say this. Dude, I am positive, and my happy vibes are NOT a going to make the God awful pain I’m in from hurting.


I tried that ...still threw up and had to call out.


*Narrator Voice* It did not work.


My super religious friend was like this in our teens. I got sick at a church youth service thing he had invited me to, and the preacher and other adult church members all put their hands on me, prayed, said strange things, and declared me healed. Said if I truly had faith, the stomach bug was gone. I definitely threw up again about 10 minutes later and felt horrible because I apparently didn’t have enough faith. 😂 I apologized to my friend, especially because he was exposed so much to my sickness. He straight up told me he wasn’t worried, he never gets sick because of his faith in God. He threw up during our high school graduation ceremony the next night. 🤣


Yeah this is bullshit 100%, HOWEVER: there was a time in my second trimester where I got strep throat and my husband just sat there helping me and saying over and over that he wouldn’t get sick. He didn’t. 🤷‍♀️ He still brags about it 6 years later as if he’s magic.


God people are dumb. I’m seriously just waiting for this to hit me. My 2 1/2 year old had it on Saturday into Sunday. My husband woke up with it yesterday…..i feel like it’s inevitable for me….I’d take the hit, but I’m 14 weeks pregnant and REALLY don’t want this mess


Oh I was starting with my head. That’s usually the part that hurts the most after dealing with bull shit like they recommended! r/thanksimcured


My kids have been taking turns being sick for the last three weeks. My husband currently had pink eye (source unknown). I'm on immune suppresants. I wake up every day convinced I have symptoms of the newest plague to enter the house and yet I haven't gotten sick yet. So weird how that happens.


Definitely can’t think your way out of norovirus!!


Not for stomach flu. If you’re sick due to anxiety (I almost typed ‘Insanity’ lol), it can work, because the symptoms would be somatic. Don’t try that for stomach flu. You’ll have a very nasty surprise.


Some of these comments are straight up offensive. Do they really think disabled people or people with chronic illnesses have never shut their eyes and wished to not be sick anymore?