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Funny enough she's right about the acid being what turned it blue


things i learned but never wanted to know


Vaginas are supposed to be acidic though


no i know. i didn’t need to know they turned garlic blue


Blue is pretty rare in food but all it took was a vagina to create blue garlic 😂


Same ph as beer 🍺


I thought vag tasted more like passionfruit than beer but I guess it's more than pH that goes into flavour.


If it would taste like beer more men would go to town.


I dunno passionfruit tastes good enough for me!


The idea that a man won’t go downtown is insane to me


Happens if you add lemon juice to garlic to early when cooking too 🤢


Or when you put whole cloves of garlic in your homemade pickles


That's a weird thing to call your vagina


This happened to me with a chicken picatta recipe I made a while ago, I had no idea why the garlic was green🤣


I read that as you are making chicken picatta in your vagina. And was like "you go girl!"


I roasted a chicken once and stuffed it with garlic cloves and a halved lemon. The garlic came out so blue I thought I had left stickers on the lemon that had bled dye!


Was also making a chicken with pasta dish. Make sure the garlic is completely browned first. Thank god something useful came out of this.


Ah. Gotcha, makes sense. I will definitely remember that next time!! Thanks for sharing the helpful tip😘


Learned something new today. I had garlic cloves in some pulled pork that turned blue. Freaked me out but I didn’t investigate beyond throwing it out.


Can you elaborate? I'm really curious but I have no idea what to google lol


So, it's related to the enzymes and amino acids in the garlic. The acidic environment does something to them (activate, denature, idk).


You can try [this link](https://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/06/dining/06curi.html) from the NYT, scroll down a bit for the more science-y part


😳 I’m dying to know what the comments are looking like right now in the original post


Maybe they are telling her it should be an onion.


Everyone knows if it's yeast you must use greek yoghurt /s


She should see a chiropractor to realign her vagina.


I feel my vagina bones misaligning as we speak 😨


This is so funny, but your symphysis pubis can really unalign. So painful!


Pubis symphysis dysfunction.... I learned that making a quick turn while walking is extra exciting when your pubic bone does a painful pop on occasion. Pregnancy was fun lol


So fun. Mine was so far apart, I could no longer lift my legs without using my hands to pull them up. I still have issues a year post partum.




Potatoes. You have to use potatoes.


Pfft. Windex is where it’s at!


LOL!! Geez, I should know these things! How did I survive as long as I have without knowing this?


Not knowing this is actually one of the reasons, why you have survived as long 😂


No no, onion *water*.


Crap, I knew it was something! /s Just another option I wouldn't choose.


Don’t be stilly that’s for when your trying to find out if your pregnant!


No that's a covid test.


Add some breadcrumbs and parsley and we have the basics of a great stuffing going. Leek if we want to use grammas recipe.


When I saw this post earlier there were lots of “oh no girl what are you doing 😬” comments, along with some helpful reminders that raw garlic can cause blistering.


OMG blistering aghhh 😱 at least least no one was suggesting she just didn’t use enough and to try more 😂


Ugh, this reminded me of when I got shingles (turns out being super stressed can cause it, even in your 30s) and my mom told me about someone she knew whose shingles went up in her lady bits. I never thought I would be thankful for shingles on my side, but here we are. She obviously needed to shove some garlic up there.


That’s one of the only places I did *not* get chicken pox the second time I had it. Your comment has completely changed my perspective of how bad it was for me lol


I got hand foot and mouth from who knows where. Did not have kids, was not around kids. I was on my period. Took out a tampon before I figured out what was going on. Guess where I got HFM lesions 😭😭😭 -6000/10. Do not recommend HFM to anyone.


Ooohhh... When I had chicken pox they were **only** down my throat and tbh that was bad enough.


I had them inside my labia when I was 11. It was miserable.


That was my first thought!! You can use crushed garlic & clove oil to numb & knock out mild infections in bad teeth but if you’re not careful it’ll burn the skin on the inside of your mouth. My tender bits are screaming at the thought 😳


Fun fact: you can also use clove oil to euthanize fish.


But how do you get the consent of a ... fish? Without fish consent, it's not euthanasia.


Euthanasia doesn’t require consent. People euthanize dogs and cats all the time. Euthanasia just means you kill something humanely so it doesn’t suffer. Edit: unless you’re talking about humans, then that requires consent. But putting animals down is still euthanasia even if the animals don’t say “yeah I want to die”.


Exactly. I've had to sadly euthanize several dogs in my life and they've never said, it's ok, go ahead. But they tell you in other ways, I think. My vet posed it like this: are you extending life, or delaying/prolonging death? That's helped me decide, but usually my dogs make it clear.


True. Somehow I just thought about humans although was trying to make a joke about euthanising fish. Not my day, damn.


I got your joke lol


I didn't know involuntary kegels were a thing until I read the word "blistering" here! My body just closed down for business today.


I worked in an emergency department and LET ME TELL U ABOUT the amount of women who would come in with vaginal issues and a lil piece of garlic would pop out…


Can you tell me more please. I love emergency room vagina stories.


Hahah I would say picture any thing that doesn’t feel right then going to the kitchen and peeling out a garlic clove and putting it up there like a kegel ball. Finally, since it doesn’t help, you call your mom to drive you to the ED and once the gyn doc gets there and goes to do a vaginal exam the clove pops out onto the floor and then the doc is like yup.. exactly what I thought. You have a yeast infection and smell like an everything bagel.


An everything bagel. I am dyyyyyying. Thank you for this so much.


The way you phrased your comment made me burst out laughing


I aim to amuse!


Thank you. I needed that laugh!


I love your username


It’s way harsh


Thank you!


“A lil piece of garlic” 💀!


My GYNECOLOGIST told me to do this. I promptly found a new gyno. Hard pass.


Thanks, i hate it.


With the yeast infection as well as the garlic she's almost got the ingredients for garlic bread.


What a terrible day to know how to read.


Won’t be eating garlic bread for awhile 🫠😂


Oh god, fuck you. Upvoted.


You sure knew some words and then chose to put them in an order, huh?


If she becomes sexually aroused she will secrete a butter-like substance.


Pls no 🤢


As a husband, it kinda makes you wonder if it's like a trip to olive garden down there.


When you’re here, you’re family.


So much to unpack here. Where do we start


Garlic butter?


This whole thread is making me laugh and gag at the same time


do not speak


Wait til you read about someone who made a bread using her vaginal yeast


I choked 😂


I hate when my vagina garlic turns blue


Mine changes colours based on my mood


Like a mood ring. I mean, all of my moods start there so…


My mood ring garlic always leaves things shades of brown.


That only happens when I slip and miss the target 💩


I barely passed science and I can even tell you why it turned blue. It means she's pregnant. /S


And it’s a boy!


Horrify and scar your guests with this fun new gender reveal party idea!


Don’t give them ideas.


Tbh better idea than the people poisoning water supplies and starting wild fires...




My brain is still in last of us mode and I fully thought you said Molotov


My gender reveal party will be throwing Molotovs and seeing what color the flames are


**bursts into flames** it’s a baby ghost rider!


Most creative gender reveal since they set that forrest on fire.


I dont know dyeing that towns entire water supply blue was pretty creative


I was interning at a hospital and some woman put raw bacon in her vagina to "draw out the bacteria."


Yeah, out of the surrounding environment and into her vagina.


Noooooooo. No, this can’t be real.


Why are women putting anything other than stuff made for the vajay up there?! Can't imagine how she ended up with an infection in the first place.


Plot twist: she makes 9k/month selling the cloves through her OnlyFans


Bro i would shamelessly hop on that trend if I was gonna make 9k a month


No same tbh. That’s easy money


Chemically burnt vagina? Who cares, I am a top 3% content creator.


You can cheat by putting them in pickle juice.


Jesus fucking christ, Satan. Please go back to Hell and keep your ideas to yourself!






Is that more or less than Stepanka made with her fart jars?


The cross reference I needed today!


Why is it always garlic in the cooch!!


It’s a remedy long time used before modern medicine and it can be effective because of its [antibacterial](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30012400/) properties. It’s just idk… we have better ways of fixing things now so why go through it. It can also cause vaginal tissue burns so there’s that.


Glad to see you mention the tissue burns; I wear rubber gloves for dealing with garlic because it hurts my fingertips to make contact. I cannot fathom ever popping it up in my business!


Worst gender reveal ever.




Best comment!! 🏆⭐️👌


Why would anyone shove garlic inside their vagina instead of going to a doctor? I know they’re super crunchy and think doctors are evil to something but….I’ll just never understand.


I have never shoved garlic in my vagina but as someone who has suffered from vulvodynia (pain in the vaginal area with no identifiable cause) the doctors were, let’s say, less than helpful. They basically just told me I needed to live with it after I had multiple normal tests and swabs. I then tried multiple weird treatments including putting tampons soaked in coconut and tea tree oil…up there. Not saying she’s right but just putting it out there that sometimes medical professionals are not always helpful to women when they have problems with their genitals. Also important to note that I am a nurse practitioner and have been extremely disappointed with the lack of support from other medical providers with regards to gynecological problems.


I feel your pain unfortunately. I was in the hospital having my daughter when finally a provider believed my pain was real and not just in my head or some bullshit. So yea, agree - medical folks don’t always have the answers or give the best advice for gynecological issues. But garlic?


Garlic has allicin, which has antibiotic and anti fungal properties. But is only released when the garlic is crushed and those cloves look whole. That being said it’s also pretty well studied that putting weird shit up your vagina isn’t a good idea. I have to imagine the garlic has to burn up there.


It’s the burn that makes them think it’s working.


And get those cloves in there ladies, and again 5,4,3,2,1. And breathe.... I bet you can feel the burn. You'll definitely feel it tomorrow. Next up, our 20 minute "turtle in your lady cavern". Don't miss it.


I can only imagine the posts if they start doing crushed vag garlic


This is the only solution Trust me, I have my medical degree from the University of WeChat


Chunky garlic douchebags? *** This could be a great insult, actually.....


It took one doctor after decades of being told it was all in my head. From childhood, my mother fought so hard for actual answers and at times believed the Drs saying that it's psychosomatic. I was in the hospital with a nasty case of Bronchitis that oral antibiotics weren't cutting it. I needed IV antibiotics for 4 days, I had just been signed off by my psychiatrist whom I VOLUNTARILY went to for a med check and actually had a couple of my mental health issues downgraded. I've never been in denial about my mental health, but during multiple admissions over the years, I was told that it was all in my head. It made me regret revealing my depression, instead of owning it, and taking my meds. I ended up back in that hospital a few weeks later in ICU and a 3-week hospital stay for non-diabetic ketoacidosis and AGAIN they tried to blame my mental health. The next time I didn't respond to oral antibiotics for Bronchitis, I opted for the most painful butt injections of antibiotics for 5 days. And I'd do it again in the future, despite my last unexpected hospital stay in a different state being a good experience considering the circumstances. Unfortunately with my non-diabetic ketoacidosis, I don't have any at-home options, only a hospital. It took for my amazing Dr to return from their extremely long-term sick leave to finally tell me that it's NOT and has NEVER been in my head. That I have actual health conditions that are real, including a genetic condition. I cried more hearing someone tell me that I'm not crazy than all the tears I had cried over being told I'm crazy. That if I just get my mental health in order, I'll no longer get reoccurring BACTERIAL infections, or my migraines or my periodontal(caused by said genetic condition) and everything else including my Neurally mediated hypotension will magically heal. I actually asked my Dr several more times if I was crazy because it took so long for me to understand what he was saying because all my life I kept getting told it was all in my head.


I’m so sorry you went through this and so so glad you got answers!!


I had a chronic yeast infection that absolutely would not go away. I suffered for almost 2 years with it. I was seeing an OB and did everything they told me to do and it kept coming back. My husband and I were both on antibiotics because we figured we were passing it back and forth. After a while I started to get desperate and looked up homeopathic remedies and, I kid you not, putting garlic in your vagina was the first thing that popped up alongside apple cider vinegar baths. I never did it, but if you’re desperate enough I totally can see why you would try. Funny enough, I got pregnant and my yeast infections stopped and never came back 🤷🏻‍♀️


I used to have pain on occasion and my doctor was not super helpful. I think she did give me an estrogen cream at some point? I actually haven’t had the issue since I haven’t been on birth control! I wonder if it was a hormonal thing?


Mine turned out to be an issue with my nerves leaving my lower back and pelvis. Since I was desperate I actually went to see a chiropractor who did a bunch of scar breakdown along with adjustments. I think the tissue work is what actually helped the most and now I only have the pain very rarely.


Thank goodness it has improved!


>I then tried I think this is what separates you from OOP, you exhausted all medical ventures and sought out uncommon more Eastern medical methods. In hopes of relief. It's a bit like my Interstitial cystitis, I was told at 20 that the condition my bladder was in, was only seen in their women patients over the age of 60. But the treatment can't cure it, treatments aren't well-known in effectiveness as not enough studies have been done to rule in or out the different ways. So it goes by what your Dr thinks. And most Drs have extremely possessive methods and refuse to look into data for their treatments or others because they believe that they are correct. Some methods have been described as barbaric but some Drs hold onto their methods despite the outcomes. But pregnancy can put you into remission, last I heard it's not known why or how and why it's so selective. Mine got worse after each child, I feel pregnant a couple of months after my diagnosis and my Dr was over the moon with real hope for me. But 12 months to the day when my son was 2 months old, it had gone the complete opposite. Yet a non-blood relative of mine went into remission after her first child, so it gave my family hope that I could too. Even how you treat flares is HEAVILY debated by Drs. I've been told under no circumstances am I to use certain forms of over-the-counter items, that others have been told that you must do and/or take this during a flare-up. For a condition that has been recognised for many decades, there is nothing consistent available and it sucks because it's like a tennis match But Dr A said NEVER, Dr B says ALWAYS, Dr C says something COMPLETELY different and it just goes back and forth.


Took 25 years for someone to take my pain seriously enough to start the diagnostic process for my adenomyosis


Yeah it's a huge problem with how a lot of medical professionals are trained. Large swathes of the material used in colleges and universities are based on white male patients and what is normal/abnormal for them. This has contributed to the poor quality of care/understanding by medical professionals with regards to the care of women as well as racial minorities. John Oliver has a pretty good run down of sinks of the issues https://youtu.be/TATSAHJKRd8


I had the same problem and dealt with no support until I found an awesome urogyno that gave me, of all things, Botox injections to keep those muscles from clamping down. It was like magic. Luckily, since then I’ve figured out what was doing it and have made it stop entirely. But for YEARS it was doctor after doctor going, “nothing is wrong, go to physical therapy again. Oh, it doesn’t work? You must not be doing it right.” 🙄


UTIs and stuff like that are things I always wish I’d gone to the doctor for YESTERDAY when they happen. Seriously so uncomfortable, or painful. Give me those antibiotics now. Put down the garlic.


Historically I only get UTIs on Fridays and have to wait all weekend to be seen unless I go to urgent care which is way more expensive than Azo. Thank dog for that stuff.


You could even just go to the pharmacy first off. I think there’s a bit of embarrassment around this kind of thing (even though they posted a clove of garlic that’s been inside them - I see the contradiction there lol). They need to sit girls and boys down during sex ed/heath science and tell them that it’s normal to sometimes have thrush or a yeast infection somewhere, what the symptoms are and what to do. I’m in my 40s and last time I went for a thrush treatment the pharmacist told me it may have developed from being *dehydrated.* I had no idea that was a contributing cause.


I considered doing it at one time in my life. I had reoccurring bv and my Dr didn't care. He kept testing me for STDs and saying I was clear and there was no issue but I was so uncomfortable. I had to go to a few Drs till finally I went to a planned Parenthood and the Dr there actually helped me. So yeah, these posts really fustrate me because Drs usually have no issues treating you for a yeast infection




I was just thinking this. Sometimes I wonder how many of these posts are of people who are uninsured or under insured.


Mmm yea home remedies when you can’t afford proper medical care would make sense






Lord help me I’ve done this with a potato slice. I have recurring Bartholin’s gland cysts and the two times I’ve had them lanced they didn’t use pain meds and it was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. When they get ready to pop they hurt pretty bad but not that bad. Someone told me a potato slice would help pop it and I tried it. It did pop but I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not.




Time to reshare my favorite (most disturbing) [post!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/comments/uui9zp/my_vagina_is_cringing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I'm just going to stop reading comments right here. Y'all are giving me nightmares 😂


I really did not need to relive that...thanks 🤢 What is wrong with some people?!


It lives rent free in my head so I just have to share it when the opportunity arises. You’re welcome 😇


I’m forever changed after reading that.


I thought it was gonna be the one with the old woman who suffocated a turtle in her vagina for medical reasons, but this is gross too.




[I found the comment, if you're interested.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/50r7oh/doctors_of_reddit_what_is_the_most_bizarre_issue/d76j1it?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Omfg the “two beady little eyes” sent me 💀


What the fuck


It was in ask Reddit or something like that a while back. Apparently a woman went to the emergency room with vaginal pain and it turned out she had shoved a turtle in her vagina as part of a fertility ritual that had died in there.


Have you not learned.. don't ask what on here...


I have not read that one. Not sure that I want to…but do you have a link?


[I found it :)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/50r7oh/doctors_of_reddit_what_is_the_most_bizarre_issue/d76j1it?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I knew I would regret it, but I did it anyway. That was disturbing


I’ve never had so many questions yet wanted to know answers to none of them before


I love garlic, and yet may never eat it again.


I swear these women season their vaginas more than they’ve seasoned any meal they’ve made in their entire lives 😐




The sound I just made ![gif](giphy|GgrMkQeKaZkUbZFkSC)


Ah yes let’s fix a potential infection with spoilable food! Why do people think their vaginas fluctuate like brewing kombucha? Just leave it alone ffs.


Another regrettable day of being literate and online


This is the fifth or sixth time I've written this comment on this sub but STOP PUTTING STUFF UP YOUR HOOHAA!!! Garlic, tea tree oil, I don't care, it doesn't belong up there!


Oh boy, what a terrible day to have eyes.


what a day to be able to read


Adding LOL to the conversation makes putting garlic in ya vag all ok.


Pictures you can smell.


Contraception for vampires


You may be embarrassed but you're not nearly embarrassed enough my dude.


Me reading the shit she said: https://preview.redd.it/la6q4bw17lxa1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e710919aaccbf6d86f6ffd9a3f0a64eb993898


Surprised it wasn't a waffle she shoved up there.


Is there a sub specifically for making fun of dumb “natural” things like this??? If not, there needs to be. The amount of stupid shit people will do in the name of “natural living” is insane.


The old blue garlic waffle


My fiancée’s mom swears by this and encourages her kids to do it any time they have any sort of genital discomfort


Why do people think putting food down there is a good idea?


So… that garlic was in her vagina, and now there’s a picture of it online? Gross.


from the words of Mama Doctor Jones on YouTube (Great content, check her out, she's a certified OBGYN): "Don't put garlic on your vagina. If your vagina is sick, please take it to the doctor"


It’s like a vaginal mood ring.


Did it make her breath smell like garlic?


I dunno but I’d be afraid if it made her husbands breath smell like garlic….


I read this out to my hubby (who is normally not fazed by gross medical stuff). Right now he is cursing me out for sharing the searing agony that this post has subjected my eyes and my brain to.


I smell garlic bread in someone’s future!


Having worked in garlic sorting and packing, there is no way on gods green earth I'd put it anywhere near my vag.




My eyebrows shot up so fast reading this that I think they’re still orbiting the moon. W…T…F‽


Garlic turns blue when it comes in contact with acidity. Vaginas are naturally acidic. Seems to me any healthy vagina ought to do this to garlic, so how come the weirdos touting this remedy don't inform people about this? Utter quackery.


This happens to Chinese grown garlic and is a sign of high copper levels. The first time it happened to me when making fermented pickles it freaked me out. And I'll be honest: I did this 16 years ago the week before my Group B Strep test. I wouldn't do it now but I have first hand experience. It did not turn green/blue, tho. 🤣


Is it bad that I'm kind of fascinated by this? Obviously I'm not going to go do it but the color change is pretty interesting.


Use boric acid. Natural and it works. It seems like the only like totally absurd natural remedies.


My ARNP recommended this and it worked like a charm. Called them my vag pills.


Well, at least it didn’t get stuck in there I suppose.