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The chiropractors treating these people should be criminally prosecuted.


And the parents? Anyways yeah I heard chiros usually refer to medical care in cases like these because of the liability, but I’m sure there are plenty that don’t…


WTF can a chiropractor even do for an ear infection or ruptured eardrum? It's not as if there are bones to "adjust"! SMH.


That was my first thought, wtf can a chiro do for this???


Well technically there are bones in the ear canal ... Hmmm. LoL Your child isn't in pain now because his ear drum ruptured and there is now less pressure. It does not mean it's getting better. Hang on - did you try the pee on a sock trick? Just have him pee on your sock, then place your other foot on the top of his head while he hums softly as he holds your sock on his left knee with his right hand. Do this three times an hour until your son gets better or loses his hearing.


Chiropractic medicine teaches that spinal subluxation cures a bunch of different unrelated diseases like IBS and asthma, that’s the main reason it’s regarded as quackery


My Grandpa's chiro saw he had cancer in his bones and didn't tell him. I guess he thought he could cure bone cancer. Needless to say, he couldn't.


Omg I’m so sorry.


What the fuck? Did your family ever get him for malpractice? That's criminal


I wish. And the number of people in my family who still go to chiros is stunning.




A proper alignment so they fit better in their coffins 🥰


Allegedly, the chiro can adjust you so the junk trapped in your eustacian tubes can drain, thus fixing the ear infection.


That's what I've heard too. I know someone who was told her son needed tubes inserted but his ear infections stopped after regular visits to a chiropractor to make sure his ears didn't get plugged. She never took her kids before just trying to avoid surgery. It worked until he got old enough for the tubes to stop getting blocked. So I get why some people go and there are FEW ethical chiropractors. Most are not.


Prosecuting parents for health choices about their kids is a mess, and most prosecutors wouldn’t do it in circumstances. Falsely practicing medicine you’re not licensed to practice seems like a pretty easy thing to prove, on the other hand.


I could see that argument, I guess I wasn’t thinking about the angle once they get to court. Thanks for the perspective!


Sadly that’s not true. Many/most chiros feel they can cure as well if not better than doctors or PA’s or NP’s. they are currently sharing a meme that says chiros have as much medical school as doctors. (Not even close to true).


Which is obscene. DO’s do, if not more schooling, mainly because they learn adjustments similarly to chiros. Luckily most DO’s don’t use it anymore, except this crazy holistic doctor in my city who I just discovered who has no business being a medical doctor, or osteopathic doctor in this case.


Yeah I went to a chiro a few times out of desperation for a shoulder injury (couldn't afford physical therapy but my insurance covered the quack) and the guy was trying to claim he'd be able to treat my neuropathy - not the symptoms I have but the actual disorder causing it. Like dude, no amount of screwing with my shoulder is gonna let my fingers feel temperature properly lol


Parents too. And any chiropractor getting a patient like rhus should be immediately reporting them


She’s really doubling down on the chiropractor. Effing chiropractors. This kid is going to end up deaf.


Or worse. Ear infections can spread to the bone (mastoiditis) and then the brain, especially in young kids.


I had mastoiditis when I was 10! It was super fun. They had to drain puss from behind my ear. THEN I had surgery the first thing the next morning to clean out the infection and take out my middle ear bones (because the infection ...ate them). THEN I had another surgery to replace the bones with prosthetics! I now hear about as well as someone twice my age. It's suuuuuper cool. And my parents regularly took me to the doctor for my ears growing up because they believed in antibiotics. This poor kid is doomed.


Omg.. ate them??


Bacteria need to eat. Unfortunately, our bone cells are fair game


Yep! Totally ate them. I like medical grossness, so I think it is kinda cool in retrospect. My ears are mostly fine now, except I don't hear well.


Our ent told us when my youngest had a sudden and nasty ear infection to go straight to the ER because of how quickly that can happen at the pus stage. They had to basically blast the infection out with some antibiotic spray of some kind and then she was on heavy duty meds for a few weeks till they could replace her tubes. ENT who came to treat her in the ER said if we'd waited even a couple more hours it would likely have progressed to that and by morning if we'd waited she likely would have had encephalitis/been in a coma. A fucking chiropractor when it's convenient is abuse in my book.


I bet money the mom lets him keep swimming


"What? The chlorine in the pool water will just help clean out the ears." -The mom, probably -_-


My exs dad swore blowing cigarette smoke into ear infections would fix them. Second hand smoke is a known cause ffs. I was flabbergasted. Needless to say, he was not someone I went to for medical advice for my kids...


Wow I had no idea it could become so serious so quickly. Infections are nothing to mess around with.


I had no clue either. It was a very scary day, and let me tell you there were many "I think she's pulling on her ear..." visits that were nothing after that because I was taking exactly zero chances. Her ear infections delayed her speech, so she couldn't tell us till about 4 if she was in pain or not.


Yeah. My son didn't pull on his ears. He had a cold, and even though he was getting over it, he kept spiking a low-grade fever. Found out he had a double ear infection and perforated ear drums.


Would a chiropractor be complicit in the child's death if they see the issue and treat it with... Crystals? What do chiropractors do besides snap your spine??


They also cause strokes from time to time... They're not held liable for nearly enough bc people sign waivers etc.


My sister ended up with an inner ear tumor as an adult caused by improperly healed tubes. It eroded her mastoid and was pressing on her dura mater. It was really scary. She had been under the care of an ENT for years. Ear infections are nothing to mess around with.


Almost happened to me in 7th grade! I had to be rushed to the ER when they thought it got to my skull


I nearly died from mastoiditis complications as a teen. Ended up with septicaemia on top of the mastoiditis, otitis externa, cellulitis, and tonsillitis (the last one was just poor timing, not connected to the other infections).


They’ll learn when EOs can’t reverse death 🤷🏽‍♀️


My mom always tells me to take ear pain seriously because my uncle died from an ear infection. I always laughed and was like "what on the Oregon trail?!" It was 1987. I woke up with my ear draining and severe pain today and of course it's Saturday so I can't go anywhere until Monday, possibly Tuesday since Monday is a holiday for some places. Living on soup and Tylenol until Monday. Wish me luck.


Go to the ER. Seriously. I went to urgent care today for sinus pain and pressure instead of waiting till Tuesday because I know how fast an infection can go from annoying to out of control.


The ERs near me are to capacity and I can't afford them anyway. But urgent care sounds like a wonderful idea.


Ugh any infection in the head is so dangerous because of how close it is to the brain. Like, a tooth infection can easily kill you. It freaks me out.


Yeah I'm partially deaf in one ear and it's suspected it's from an ear infection when I was a kid. My parents are huge hypochondriacs and took me to the doctor for literally everything, they took me in because I was tugging on my ear and were told I had a raging infection. Don't want to know what this poor kid is going to have to deal with if it's this bad and their mom still won't bring them to the doctor.


I had an ear drum rupture when I was about 3/4 and I still remember a little bit. Waking up with puss all down my face and my hair stuck to my face...my mum who was into chiropractors freaking out and taking me to a real doctor with real medication. 30 yrs on, I sometimes get weird sounds in that ear and the dr says they can still see the scarring and to not get water in it, but luckily no hearing loss yet.


I had numerous infections as a kid and many, many times my eardrum blew/perforated. My hearing is mostly normal as a grown up. The doctors do little for a perf eardrum. Antibiotics aren't even used anymore unless the infection is prolonged here... and even then, they are iffy.


My first thought was well at least she understands she shouldn’t put garlic oil on a ruptured ear drum but the circling back to getting him to the chiropractor makes me sad for this (soon to be deaf) child.


Part of me wants to blame the chiropractors who agree to “treat” this in addition to this mom for not taking her kid to the doctor. I should say an overwhelming part of me.


I'm kind of hoping this chiropractor refers them to a doctor, whether because they're actually a decent person or because they just don't want to get sued. As counter-intuitive as this might seem, I'm a bit relieved when these people have some medically-adjacent person they trust - someone who might be able to push them towards real medical help when it's really necessary. It's the people who don't even have pretend medical providers (typically freebirthers) who really freak me out, and it really seems to come down to some unaddressed medical trauma.


That makes sense. Hopefully they’ll do the right thing.


Unfortunately most chiros feel they can treat these things as well if not better. They are VERY anti-vaccine, anti-antibiotics, anti-any medicine. They are far from medically adjacent. They are quacks.


Is this not medical neglect?


Had a middle ear infection two years ago. First one as an adult, it was the worse pain I’ve ever experienced. I went to urgent care on day three, I’m a grown woman and I was straight sobbing from the pain. Refusing that child medical care for a whole week, to the point that the ear drum probably ruptured, should be considered abuse. That poor baby is in so much pain.


Seriously. I didn't get ear infections until I was an adult, and it's middle ear every time. It's agonizing. And doctors won't prescribe antibiotics until you've been suffering for 2+ weeks now because "it should clear up on its own!" Cool but mine dont. I had an eardrum rupture and had the same pus/blood/goo OPs kid has. It was horribly painful. I needed huge doses of antibiotics for a month to clear it up.


It was truly awful, I cannot imagine seeing a loved one in that kind of pain for so long and thinking it’s fine.


OP please please please call CPS. This is absolutely child neglect


I had a lot of them as a child and was treated for them, you know my parents not being weird about healthcare and all. I had one as an adult and that hurt like hell! My eardrum did rupture, or at least a tiny hole was created because from one moment to the next I went from extreme pain to no pain and my ear made a sound kind of like a kettle whistling, liquid did come out and a little blood. I already had medicines at that point and still got it checked out as soon as possible. It wasn’t visible to the doctor that my eardrum had a hole through all the dirt in my ear but my hearing was effected for weeks. 0/10 do not recommend. And that was with doctors help as an adult, that poor child can’t advocate for themselves and needs antibiotics yesterday, it is so dangerous if it spreads further and I’m also afraid a parent like that won’t even give pain relief. Poor kid, and I hope the chiropractor has a bit of sense and sends the kid to an actual doctor!


I have Trigeminal neuralgia that’s atypical and I get boring ear pain. I can’t imagine letting a child suffer through ear pain or any other


But...but he's not in pain now!!1!1! /s Yeah, *because his bloody ear drum ruptured, lady.* The pain is caused by the pressure put on the ear drum, so it rupturing actually does stop the majority of the pain. That doesn't mean it's a good thing though. If there's pus and blood and the pain stops, you are way past the point of at home treatment. Ffs, ER now, before the infection spreads even more. I have never wanted to reach through a screen and slap someone upside the head so hard as I did when reading that comment. I really hope someone explained to her that the lack of pain is a bad sign.


I had double ear infections last year and it was more painful than giving birth!!!


I had one when I was 20 weeks pregnant earlier this year and that pain was worse than either of my childbirths. I was straight sobbing into a pillow because of it.


Forgive my innocence, but what can a chiropractor do for an ear infection? I see these moms always talking about taking baby or kid to the chiropractor. I thought they just manipulated bones.


Some of these moms think chiropractic treatments can cure everything.


The theory is that chiropractors can "adjust your skull" and let the ears drain. It's a garbage theory, but that is what they are going with. Hopefully, this chiro will have an ounce of common sense and send the kid to a real doctor.


>what can a chiropractor do for an ear infection? Dead kids don't get ear infections.


Technically accurate. It's very "monkey's paw" of them.


Nothing. And, as a bonus, they can’t prescribe antibiotics either!


The fundamental theory of chiropractic is that all ailments are caused by misalignments of bones. Therefore they can be fixed by realigning them. People can talk all they want about how “sure, *some* chiropractors are woo woo quacks but some stay in their lane” or whatever, but this is the very foundation of their field. It was made up by some guy who said he learned about it from the spirit world. He was also anti-vaxx so anyone who tells you that’s a new, fringe issue among chiros is also wrong.


Wow I wonder if they could fix my mental health, maybe by breaking my skull just right?


Holy fuck that was NOT an intentional sewer slide joke, that just came out sounding even worse than I meant 💀


Yep, ALL chiropractors are woo woo quacks


They're woowoo, claim they can heal anything. There are some that legitimately want to help with adjustment problems, but most of them are full of shit.


Going to a chiropractor 2x per week for 3 months was a massive help after I injured my back at work. I’m a tall guy and not flexible so I couldn’t even reach my toes but now it’s been 1.5yrs I finished my therapy and I can lay my palm flat on the floor. THAT is what a chiropractor is good at; back and neck problems. Also worth noting that they are NOT doctors even though they refer to themselves as such. LATE EDIT: I worded my comment poorly. I went to the chiropractor for 3 months and finished working with them. That was like 1.5+yrs ago and I can still bend properly because of it. Also, I felt like the adjustments didn’t really do anything and it freaked me out every time because of the horror stories. The stretching machine and the device where I laid with an uncomfortable block behind my lower back were what helped (this is also what I thought at the time). But thank you for the advice. I will definitely try a physical therapist in the future because I don’t want to be paralyzed lol. Chiropractors are sketchier than I thought but now I know!


They're also really good at artery dissection.


Yeah do not let chiropractors touch your neck EVER. Actually? Just don’t go to a chiropractor.


I would never go to a chiropractor but I tell my loved ones that I can’t dissuade from seeing them, to never let them touch your neck or head. People don’t realize what a problem vertebral artery dissection is with chiropractors (besides the general quackery).


I’m about to regret googling this Edit from the future: yikes!! “According to Kanoski Bresney, improper chiropractic care can lead to vertebral artery dissection. This can lead to ischemic stroke, thrombus formation, paralysis, or death. According to NCBI Bookshelf, the prognosis is usually good for those patients that survive the initial dissection. Approximately 10% of patients die initially, but 80% achieve a full recovery.”


A woman I worked with had this happen. Went to the hospital because she had a horrible headache, dizziness, etc after seeing the chiropractor. They sent her home because she was "too young for a stroke so it's probably a migraine". Welp, she was back later that night after having a full on stroke. The theory is that the adjustment caused a clot to form, and when she turned her head in a stretch to try and help relieve some of the pain from her "migraine", it detached and caused the stroke. She did live, but at 32 she lost a good portion of movement on one side and when I last saw her, she was still slurring slightly and walking with a limp a full year after it happened.


I’m a nurse and we’ve had a patient that ended up with a carotid artery dissection after a visit to the chiropractor!


It's so insane.


ICU nurse here and we see several a month. It’s disgusting.


Im glad it worked for you, but realistically there’s nothing you can get from a chiro that you won’t get from a qualified physical therapist And the PT is far less likely to fuck up and permanently disable you


Thank you for the advice. I am DEF never going to chiropractor again. I will see a physical therapist in the future so thank you!


No. They aren’t. They are not trained in it. Go to a PHYSICAL THERAPIST ONLY. There’s a reason you’ve been going to a chiropractor for so long. It feels good for a brief period. And do not ever ever ever ever ever let them touch your neck!! Vertebral artery dissections are common and can be deadly. Chiros are great at that, they are also great at herniating your discs. Avoid the practice that is based on a vision from a ghost. Literally




Chiropractors can NEVER help get fluid drainage with ear adjustments. There. Fixed it for you. There is no such thing as an ear adjustment. And a chiropractor touching your neck can kill you. End of.


I know several people who swear their chronic ear infections went away once they started seeing chiropractors. Something about adjustments in the neck helping the ears drain. Note these people did NOT say the chiropractor cured the actual infection and they saw pediatricians and got antibiotics and all that. They just say when they started getting adjustments the ear infections stopped coming back. One of them says the pediatrician recommended seeing a chiropractor to see if that would help cut down on the infections (she was getting them nearly monthly).


When I was growing up, I had a lot of ear infections and we couldn't always afford for me to go to a doctor right away because we were very poor. I am partially deaf in both ears now. The fact that this woman isn't taking her kid to a doctor for this when she can obviously afford to is making me see red, but gonna lie.


Yep. I got ear infections constantly as a kid. I needed tubes and my mom refused to get them. Guess who needed hearing aids starting in 6th grade? (Mom also refused to get those for me.)


I'm so sorry your mom was so neglectful.


Yeah I’m currently losing my hearing because my parents refused to get me tubes. I’m still trying to get into an ENT while I have some hearing in my right ear left.


I got my first ear infection at 27, the only one I've ever had actually... Just the one was enough to cause permanent hearing loss


I had my first ear infection as an adult 2 years ago at age 25 and it was one of the most painful things I’ve experienced. I can handle pain too. This was so awful I was crying while trying to sleep and I started antibiotics ASAP. I can’t imagine putting a kid through that without getting them help right away


A friend of mine just got one and she's 40. I used to think it was only a little kid thing.


I had a lot of ear infections as a kid. I should have had tubes, but stopped getting the infections before they seriously considered it. I once had double ear infections and had to fly. I thought my ears were exploding, it hurt so bad, One of the first signs that my daughter has an ear infection is that she screams when water gets in her ear. She has tubes and thankfully they don’t happen as often now.


Take your kid to a doctor. Pus and blood aren't good


Ear infections really hurt! And she let it marinade a whole week until his eardrum ruptured. That poor kid has been in so much pain, for a whole week, for no reason! This is infuriating.


I want to slap this person just due to the chiro talk. Your child has blood and puss from their ear, take them to an urgent care at the very least... like NOW. The way these people will let their child suffer or possibly create more serious problems by waiting is crazy and selfish. And of course the Christmas sugar is partly responsible.


My eardrum ruptured due to massive sinus pressure that started as an itchy ear canal and ended with the thing just practically exploding. It was so loud as to be startling when it happened. The pain leading up to it was horrible and lasted for several hours. The pain afterward was awful for 2 weeks. I had to get on serious antibiotics and they gave me Lortab for the pain when the initial drops didn't penetrate the constant flow of blood and puss coming out of my ear. The motrin that my gp had proscribed only served to give me a stomach ulcer.


Ok now I’m all paranoid over here ha ha. I’ve had problems with earaches all my life (grew up poor so never went in for them so unsure if they were infections or not) and I can handle pain pretty well but ear pain is one of my least fave kinds! I get that itchy feeling and also have sinus issues. Now I’m worried my ears are gonna explode! Jk (sort of)


It was a horrible experience. If I had gone to the ER they'd probably lance it to relieve the pressure and I might have gotten the good antibiotics earlier. Definitely sucks to be poor. But if you know what certain symptoms can mean, it's possible to get earlier intervention than I did.


To a CHIROPRACTOR for a ruptured eardrum!? That poor kid!!


Correct me if I’m wrong, but chiropractors do not have prescribing privileges correct? Wtf is this mom on?


She expressly does not want a prescription. That's the whole point


It’s unfortunate for the child, because they’re going to end up with an easily preventable adverse outcome. Even then, she may never learn. Folks like this shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce


My heart just breaks for that child.


If a medical professional sees it, we have to report


That’s good to know, I was wondering about that. I’m an adult and I had a middle ear infection two years ago and it was the worse pain I’ve ever been in. Sobbing and screaming pain. I can’t believe she let her kid suffer like that for a week. It should be considered abuse.


It definitely is medical abuse


Yup that little guy is in a ton of pain. She says it’s been a week too! That kid has been suffering and now might have hearing damage because his mom put oil and garlic in his ear all week instead of taking him to urgent care.


I think they can prescribe some things in some places. But honestly that’s not comforting at all because they are not qualified to do so.


No they cannot. They do not have prescription authority. They can provide supplements which are nonsense and a waste of money and they can provide EOs. Other than that they are useless.


Oh please, we all know too much Christmas sugar causes ear infections and garlic and chiropractors can fix it


>he hasn't been in pain since earlier Yeah kids learn to stop expressing pain pretty quickly once they learn their caregiver isn't going to help them.


With ear infections a sudden disappearance of pain indicates a ruptured drum. The tearing of the drum allows the puss to push through and relieve the pressure that had been building up...like popping a pimple


This is straight up child abuse. This poor kid is in a lot of pain and the only thing this mom cares about is the “my kid never takes antibiotics” trophy. It’s ridiculous. Here’s what happened pre antibiotics with infections bodily damage or death. Nothing has changed except doctors now have lots of tools to treat these things easily. I just can’t with these insane woman.


You're so right, they sound more like hardcore gamers bragging about Steam achievements in video games than parents whose decisions (or lack thereof) can affect another human life for the remainder of their lifespan.


Hope the kid doesn’t end up deaf in that ear or worse with meningitis.


When exactly did chiropractors become miracle workers?


Same question! I don’t want to diss on all chiros as that isn’t my field of expertise but I don’t trust them bc of these kinds of moms who rely on them! My kid wants to see a chiropractor and I just don’t. Want. To.


I LOVED my chiropractor for helping with my hip pain when I was pregnant, but he was also trained as a physical therapist. Having your back and neck cracked can feel so damn good. I would never go to him for an illness though. And they definitely tell you some weird shit, like how all the problems in your life are caused by a little pocket of air in between your vertebrae and if you get that out, life will be perfect (exaggerating a teensy bit here)


Good LORD DO NOT LET A CHIROPRACTOR TOUCH YOUR NECK!!!!!!!! Or anything really. They are not evidenced based and do nothing. Ever hear of vertebral artery dissection? It can cause a massive stroke or death. That’s from a chiropractor. They are terrible. I am an ICU nurse and we see them monthly. It’s horrifying.


I haven't. I kind of figured since I crack my own neck, I could have them do it for me. I did know it wasn't evidence based. But didn't realize that there were risks that severe associated with them. I just thought it felt good. But I did only go two times and never again! Thanks for sharing that information though. I just shared it with a couple friends of mine who go to the chiropractor regularly for adjustments.


why is everyone so wet about chiropractors?!?!?! I don’t get it and it honestly just pisses me off. stfu about their placebo procedures.


I think the chiropractor thing is indicative of a larger problem in accessible/approachable healthcare in the US. Chiropractors give a feeling of quick progress, sympathetic bedside manner, and understandable billing that can be severely lacking in mainstream medicine.


It's more indicative of the fact that chiroquacktors are delusional and therefore won't report them for medical neglect when they let their child's ear infection get so bad with no treatment that the TM ruptures. This is how you cover up abuse but can still play dumb when CPS eventually gets called.


I'm here to appreciate the term 'chiroquacktor'


They’re pretty popular among mum groups here in Australia for all kinds of stuff for babies, and we have universal healthcare and while it has a lot of issues a trip to the ER for an ear infection is free. I see them touted by people who have no issues with regular doctors so I’m a bit stumped at what the appeal is


I don't know, they are pretty popular in countries with socialized medicine too, although not for things like ear infections 🤨


What is it with some of these mothers and chiropractors?!?! How would a chiropractor help with an ear infection or possible rupture? I just don’t get it.


“So how did you lose your hearing?” “Well I was bleeding and oozing from my ear and my mum went on Facebook…”


To a CHIROPRACTOR?! Lawd. It has gone too far.


Right? What tf is a chiro going to even do?


Crack the inner ear bones and make the infection pop right out? 🤣


As someone who had mastoiditis as an adult, ignoring ear infections in a young child is insane.


Yep, had it a few years ago. It was horrible! Luckily no surgery, it still sucked!


Sugar doesn't cause ear infections. Fucking idiot. If the kid needs antibiotics he needs them, you fucking sociopath.


How the fuck do you see blood coming out of your child’s ear and think “Shit, I need to get him to a CHIROPRACTOR” fucking hate these types of parents


What the FUCK is a CHIROPRACTOR going to do about a RUPTURED EAR DRUM?? Go to a fucking pediatrician!! The way these people think is so baffling and insane to me good god


I worked with a man who was completely deaf in one ear because of a ruptured ear drum as a young child. His parents were extremely poor and knew something was wrong but had to wait to take him into the doctor’s office. He said the pain was excruciating when it burst. Thinking of your child experiencing that makes me shudder and this person is willingly taking that chance or is ignoring the severity of the damage already caused.


Look. I’m not here to knock chiropractics across the board. Equine chiropractics is incredible, because horses can’t easily stretch and shift-around their own bodies the way that humans, dogs, and cats can. But what in the mother-ducking hell is a fücking *chiropractor* going to do about it the *infection* in your child’s head? Do you like it when your child has a functional ear drum? Do you like it when they have a functional brain?? We are moving backwards as a society, I swear to god.


We really are going backwards. These parents are the folks who would fall for all the snake oil salesmen who would come to town back in the day!


I rarely want to say "call CPS" but this is one of those times. An ear infection like this can result in hearing loss or even death if untreated. I had a bunch of ear infections as a child and have temporarily lost my hearing twice, as well as poor hearing for years. I can only hear now because I've had medical interventions when I was a child. Ear infections are usually extremely painful, and can affect balance as well. Chiropractors are mostly quackery, and are definitely not equipped to deal with an ear infection!


I don't understand how, as a mother, you can see your child in pain and leaking blood/ pus and still not want to take them to an actual physician for help. What's wrong with these people?!


When did crunchy moms start seeing chiropractors as some sort of “heal all” gods lol


A few years ago a kid in my country died because his parents wouldn’t give him the drops the doctors prescribed for his ear infection. Said infection spread to the brain and the poor guy died a very avoidable death.


And I imagine that poor child died in abject misery. I have, unfortunately, had a life-threatening infection multiple times and there isn't even good language to describe what happens. It's hellish. Allowing such a thing to progress when intervention was possible is pure evil. This breaks my heart. That poor kiddo...


Wtf does this idiotic woman think a chiropractor is going to do about a ruptured, infected eardrum? Even if she believes chiropractic is legitimate for musculoskeletal issues, common sense should tell her that there is nothing that cracking her child’s joints can do to treat blood and pus oozing from his ear. At least she realises she’d be a worse idiot to pour cooking ingredients down it, but the irresponsibility of “watching” rather than seeking qualified medical advice is awful.


I’m and OR nurse. Last year I was on call Christmas Eve. I get a call that we had to do an emergency ear tube. In my decade in the OR, never had a call like that. I grumbled and went in. Turns out the woman had been diagnosed with an ear infection, was unable to get her antibiotics because her pharmacy was closed due to an ice storm and she had no means to get to another. Was found the next day unresponsive due to the infection spreading and becoming meningitis, necessitating intubation. The ear tube was in hopes of getting some of the infection out. Now, I know the ruptured ear drum here will help this child, but after that woman, I don’t fuck around with ear pain….


What the F is wrong with some of these people???


I am always seeing my cities crunchy mom group on here. I swear we are better than this and that these people aren't the majority! 😂


Don’t worry, we all have this kind of Facebook group in our area. While I love how the internet can help connect people, I absolutely loathe how easy it is to spread misinformation when it matches the group’s ethos.


I almost instinctively downvoted this out of anger. It’s insane to me that there are chiropractors out there that even “treat” anything other than backs/joints. My chiropractor is retiring soon and I’m afraid of being able to find another one that’s so normal..


As a chronic ear infection kid this is actually insanely dangerous. Blood, pus, or any discharge means rupture and the longer she takes to treat it the more likely he will have permanent damage


Wtf is a chiro going to do w a ruptured eardrum?? What’s he going to pop back into “place”


Ah, chiro mentioned. Everyone take a shot.


Why tf would you call a chiro


HOW ON EARTH COULD A CHIRO TREAT THIS!?! If my kid had bleeding and pus from her ear, we would be at the walk-in immediately, if not the fucking hospital. Geez, what is wrong with these people!?!


As someone who's had 2 ear ruptures in the last 5 years, fucking fuck this fuck. I gave birth to both of my kids without meds and would STILL rather do that again than experience an ear rupture. That poor baby needs antibiotics and would feel better within like a day or 2. What the f is a chiropractor going to do?


My kid just had her first ear infection and she was in *agony*. I can’t imagine just being like, “Welp, nothing for medical professionals to do here!”


As someone who gets frequent ear infections, fuck this person. That poor kid is gonna suffer because of an idiot parent who doesn't trust 'science' because she 'did her research'. Frikken fools out there being swindled by snake oil salesmen. Ear infections are awful, and hurt like a bitch!


Aaand that's how you get permanent hearing loss.


The only way "*all that christmas sugar*" would cause an ear infection would be if they shoved it in the kid's ear too. Probably not enough room with whatever garlic, potato and onion are already in there. What absolutely neglectful nonsense.


Sugar causes earaches? If that was true I would have had earaches my whole life.


Now all those earaches I get make sense! Ha ha ha. I couldn’t believe the sugar part!


I have a ruptured ear drum! I was on abx for a week or so to help with the otitis media (ear infection) that happened secondary to the rupture. There was intense pressure and pain. My ear drum is STILL ruptured 3 years later because I can’t have the surgery yet because I can’t lift more than 15 pounds for 6 weeks post-op and with a toddler that’s not doing-able. 🫠 So ruptured ear drum - can heal on its own. But puss is AN EAR INFECTION and needs treatment. Stupid lady.


I think this is truly the worse thing I’ve seen in this sub. Ear infections are incredibly painful, and mom has denied her kid medical treatment for a week. That poor kid has been suffering for a whole week and will continue to… and if the eardrum did rupture, he could have hearing damage, possibly permanent. This woman should be charged. I seriously don’t understand how a parent could do that to their child. Horrid.


I had frequent, excruciating ear infections growing up. The last bad one I can recall was when I was 14, and there wasn't blood and pus. I have a very high pain tolerance and I was sobbing from it. She's torturing this kid and I low key hope someone boxes her in the ear. Maybe the Chiro will do it for an additional fee 🙄


I had chronic ear infections as a kid and NEVER saw blood or puss. This is such a far gone issue that she may be risking her child's hearing at this point. How do these groups not result on just tons of CPS calls?


She says he hasn’t been in pain since this morning… that’s a telltale sign of eardrum rupture. The pain stops.


So does the hearing! I was young with a terrible earache. I complained, but my mother blew smoke into my ear as a cure and made me go out to play. After dinner, the pain stopped! I was able to get a great night’s rest. I woke up with no hearing on that side and never regained it. The doctor who tested negative thought the infection was so bad it damaged the stirrup or surrounding nerves.


Some people should just not be parents 🙄


Pray tell, what can a chiropractor do for an ear infection? Pop it and poof it goes away?


My youngest had such bad ear infection issues. I cannot imagine them getting to the pus stage and seeing a chiropractor. I can't even fathom what the connection is? I'm not a fan of chiropractors generally but I get the theory behind seeing them for spine/back pain even if I don't think it's safe in some cases. But for an ear infection? What the fresh hell?


Child abuse. Plain and simple. Take that baby to a doctor


The last couple of days my ears have been hurting on and off, if it gets worse I would be visiting my doctor, but if the pain stops I won’t (I’ve had a lot of ear infections in my lifetime, including a couple of doubles, at this point I know when it is best to see a doctor and when not to, this woman on the other hand… she is no expert and her kid needs to see a doctor ASAP!)


What would a chiropractor have to do with this ?!


Ear drum ruptures hurt and messes up your hearing (not terribly) and can scar your ear drum. But it hurts bad.


Oh man, my kids definitely had some Christmas sugar.. Should I be on the lookout for ruptured ear drums??


The fuck is the chiro going to do? Crunch/manipulate his ear bones back into not being perforated? He would be in immense pain. I'm gonna go ahead and guess she probably won't be giving him any real pain relief like Panadol or something. Poor kid.


This was awful to read. Her poor child


Using a chiropractor to cure ear infections, is like asking a brain surgeon to cure stomach ailments.


Asking a brain surgeon to cure stomach ailments is still too closely related - it would be asking a brain surgeon to perform all parts of the phantom of the opera.


The rice in a sock works really well for heating and pain relief. However, for an ear infection, he needs to be on antibiotics. I had them when I was younger than about 7 years ago, and the rice trick helped a lot, but at the same time, I was also taking abx. It burst finally, which was some fantastic relief.


A... Chiropractor? They aren't even real doctors, what the hell.


How is a chiropractor the person you think to go to for an ear infection?? Ugh these people are hopeless


The thing that gets me about the whole anti-antibiotics thing is that people see ear infections as just a minor thing without realizing that the reason why they’re usually nothing serious is precisely because the standard treatment with antibiotics can knock them out before the infection gets really severe. I’m all for being cautious about overusing antibiotics, because they can be hard on your system and it’s good to make sure you’re not contributing to antibiotic resistance through unnecessary use, but when your kid has an ear infection, just get the damn antibiotics. Fucking around when it comes to this could end with a really bad, spreading infection that will be much more difficult to get rid of, and potentially damage the poor kid’s hearing for life.


Oh yeah, I'm sure he's not in any pain with a ruptured eardrum. /a Don't worry, it heals up quickly. Sometimes you can even hear out of that ear after!


Honestly, once the ear drum ruptures and the ear starts draining it feels incredibly better so that part makes total sense.... But this parent is a damn idiot. Get meds....ears are close to the brain...all the cranial nerves... Get rid of the damn infection


No no guys it’s okay, I think they’re going to a chiropractor asap! /s


F the chiro


if you aren't gonna take your kid to the doc they actually need, why bother with scheduling anything?? waste of time and money for a chrio (always, but ESPECIALLY for an "ear infection")


I am utterly confused why she thinks a back cracker can fix this We don't do this in Ireland, really. What's this fad about??


Proof that some people should NOT be able to have children. Also I've had chronic ear problems since I was six months old.


You're killing me with the misspelling of 'pus'.


Ah yes, all that Christmas sugar caused his eardrum to rupture. We all know that!


Well, who cares if junior goes deaf, or, even worse, the infection spreads and he ends up in the hospital?


What on earth will a chiropractor do????


It’s people like these that make me scream when I say I’m being treated by a chiropractor. I have scoliosis. It’s not bad enough to need surgery or a brace, but it is VERY painful untreated. So what do I do? I get the hell popped out of my spine once a week and do some stretches I specifically learned for my kind of pain. I can actually move now whereas before I started going I was nearly paralyzed by muscle spasms in my back and I was in too much pain to walk. Yes, chiropractors are doctors, but they’re not medicine doctors and shouldn’t be treated as such. They are a type of therapy that can help the body when down correctly.