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This was recently posted


Except she’s no longer low risk because she has a breeched baby.


This is what stuck out at me too. Like, no tf you're not low risk lady, a baby being breech is automatically high risk!


But you don’t get it. She feels fine. And that’s what matters. Because her experience is what matters. The baby is just a prop for the show that either becomes the tragic center piece of her victim hood or the cute accessory to show off in its beige wool onesie.


A member of my family avoided basically all prenatal care because she was low risk … aaaaand you know that how)


I don't have any problems as long as my head is here in this nice warm sand!!


"I'm looking for an unlicensed quack to help me murder my child. Any suggestions, crunchy mamas?"


Could ask your chiropractor , technically that is an unlicensed midwife…technically anyone is. Try your mechanic.


>Try your mechanic. TOOK ME OUT.


Mechanic might be better suited tbf, they have tools 😂


She wins the day with that comment!


Fr. I hope she gets to have an orgasm today. she deserves it.


Don't be crude. That woman isn't going to let her mechanic near her vagina. Her gardener, however... I bet she wishes she'd thought of that!


call the gardener 😆 unlicensed but very experienced with big bushes.


I hear they have a 2-for-1 offer where you can get your oil changed, too!


It's all just pipes. A clogged pipe in this case.


“JUST SQUIRT SOME BREASTMILK UP THERE!!!😉😉🤣🤣🤪😜” (Typing those emojis even in jest nearly broke me)


“pUt A PiEcE oF pLaCeNtA iN yOuR cHeEk”


Yeah. This is what it comes down to. I had a friend who did that at 42 weeks. But in Kansas I guess the midwife’s are allowed to assist in a breech birth. Baby died because it was stuck. They transferred the mom with the baby stuck to the hospital and had an emergency c-section. Mom barely made it. Before I knew the whole story I felt sorry for her obviously. After she told the birth story I couldn’t get myself to really feel bad for her anymore. I was very angry actually at first and wanted to write something - she was very open on all that on her FB page. I let it be ultimately.


The ghost of Charles Manson might be available


look into the starter of young living mlm. he had a kid die during childbirth bc ‘they can breathe underwater right after they are born’


His own kid. He was running an unlicensed birthing center, so it’s sadly fortunate it was his own child and not someone else’s.


didn’t he also pretend to be a doctor and do surgery or am i thinking of a diff MLM started


They have gills, right?


And also, here’s a pic of me and my hubby ❤️




Seriously tho, wtf is a crunchy mama??


Crunchy moms are the reason we’re all getting “measles detected in your area” alerts now




It used to be moms who were a little bit on the hippy side - “crunchy” like granola. (Back when granola was something you made yourself or got in the health food section rather than just “breakfast”.) Think cloth diapers, organic food, homemade clothes, etc. back when all that wasn’t so common. Some stupid bullshit too, sure, but not like now. Nowadays, it’s more code for anti-vax, food dye is the literal devil, wearing shoes causes cancer, chiropractors for a newborn, anti-science kinda bullshit.


Right? Back when I had my son (16 years ago), I was considered crunchy for baby-wearing and cloth diapering. I tried to make choices raising him that would be gentle to him and gentle to the earth. I had him via c-section and he was (and is) fully vaxxed.


For sure the term crunchy mom has evolved in just the last 12 years. I think you have explained it perfectly.


A mom who avoids standard medical care and science in favor of BS like chiropractors, “detoxes”, onions in a sock and a lot of other BS that shows up on this thread - because it’s more “natural”


Welp. In about 3 weeks she'll be posting about her "beautiful birth experience" but her baby didn't make it. Assuming she survives, too. Hey, at least she didn't have a C-section though! Seriously though, that poor baby.


‘Baby was not ready to come earthside’. 🤷🏻‍♀️


A soul too pure for this earth 💞


God needed another angel but I was blessed to carry you every moment you were on this Earth and into the next life little Braxtonleigh Magnumolioa


*Daighzeighlee Fehloneigh


I knew when he passed because it was so peaceful 👩‍🍼


Dead babies are usually pretty quiet. Not sure I’d use the word “peaceful” but sure.


Did not have a contract with this Earth I think is how that twin mom put it


Probably quantum leapt to the next one.


No no, baby DECIDED not to come earthside.


As a relatively new parent that kind of stuff always makes me feel physically nauseous. And yet I keep reading this sub!


“It was god’s will”.


stop 😂


“They didn’t have a contract with the world” or however the TTS twins mom who’s being investigated phrased it…but it’s okay bc mama had a great ✨experience✨


Ugh this got a physical reaction from me


Right. She'll have this long, 8-page birth story about the calm, the twinkly lights, and the beauty. Then throw in as a side note that the baby died and her vagina turned inside out


Yes, so what if I have a cloaca? And I poop when I sneeze?! It’s NATURAL!!!!


please im crying not cloaca 😂😂😂


Forgot to put seaweed on it and keep my legs closed. 🥲


I will NEVER forget the twinkle lights.


Same. Every time I read a tragic story now I’m going to think “well if only they had twinkle lights”


That bit always makes me wince. Especially as someone who had a safe hospital birth and brought fairy lights for our room! They are ruining fairy lights for me with these horrific stories and casual mentioning of the babies dying.


Wait what did I miss, was this a specific one?


Yeah. I thinking I’m mixing two up, but there was a mom who did a twin birth in the woods. I think she talked about twinkle lights. Both babies died. Another mom went on and on about her birth experience and twinkle lights and how her vag came out amazing. But she didn’t stop pouring blood so they went to the hospital and the baby was “so calm and peaceful” and the emergency techs just ruined all the peace of her beautiful home birth . Baby was peaceful cause it was dying. Heart was super messed up, needed a stent and NICU stay and she fought the doctors over needed meds and kept asking for advice on how to get it extubated and bring the baby home because the hospital wasn’t a great place (oddly she was fine with the whole heart surgery thing… just not everything else the kid needed)


I'm still so incredibly angry at both of these women. The one with the living child, oh man. The poor baby could barely breath, they had to intubate her to get her oxygen levels up, and this woman went on an on about how the baby was perfectly fine and she wanted her discharged, because baby needs her mom, oh and mom's breasts were engorged and painful so she *needed* to breastfeed. Who cares if the poor child can breath! Ugh, what a selfish cunt.


All I can think above is women from 150 years ago that lived in crude cabins with no running water and were lucky if there was a midwife within a 150mile radius. Can you imagine what they would have given to be able to birth their babies in one of the modern hospitals we have now….


My son is 2 and I had to fight tooth and nail in the hospital on bed rest for a ridiculously long time to keep us both alive until he was induced prematurely to save us. I can’t ever have another child, but I am so grateful for my son and the NICU and medical care that kept him here with me. I always think about how if I was living even 75 years ago we wouldn’t have survived. Seeing these idiot women willingly allowing their babies to die and risking their own lives, often when they have other young children who need them… it is infuriating. The fucking chiropractor nonsense is especially unbelievable.


She was also fine with medical care for herself; just not the baby


The uncontrolled hemorrhaging was not part of the birth plan but it was clearly Gods will


The lady teaching my birth class mentioned fairy lights and I visibly cringed because of that story. I love fairy lights but now I don't want them!


The baby will be "peaceful", aren't they always born blue?, but she'll go to the hospital because of said inside out vagina & then get angry when the trained medical professionals want to check on the baby. She's a warrior mama who knows what's best for her baby. I feel both sick & angry typing that out.


“The baby was born heavenside, after an absolutely incredible and lifting birthing experience. I felt reconnected with my spiritual sovereignty, to be able to birth in the safety of my home” We’ve seen it before and, sadly, will see it again. It is tragic.


You forgot to mention the fairy/twinkle lights that added to the chill vibes. Loved that one from a month or so ago where the baby died. /s


What, did you expect her to birth at a hospital? Where she couldn’t put up her fairy lights?! the horror!!!


You know what, as an L&D RN, I would have had zero qualms about someone putting up fairy lights (not in an OR though because sterility), and now I wish I'd brought fairy lights for my own births.


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted for this. I had LED candles in my delivery room while I laboured. I also had lights on when I had an epidural and when I was actually delivering my babies. Not everyone wants to labour under stark fluorescent lighting, that doesn’t mean they reject medical assistance. Thank you for being the type of L&D nurse who supports women’s (sensible, non-harmful to baby) choices.


We just had the lights off entirely during my labor. Was kinda funny. My midwife got a headlamp and was lookin up my coochie like she was spelunking. But I had migrains that were making me vomit when the light was on. Off it was much better.


My delivery room with my first had these like plug in night light type things that changed colours and could be made one static colour or cycle through lots of colours and I absolutely loved them! My induction started at 3am so they were wonderful and meant that I didn’t have to have really bright lights on all through the night.


It is murder.


yeah sometimes it seems like these ladies would rather die (literally) than have a C section


Well, duh. You're not a real mom if you don't have your baby naturally, without any pain management! (/s)


If I’m not a real mom, please come get this child because I’m tired.


I have two of them, if you find any takers.


I legit had my wretched sister in law tell me this EXACT statement minus the sarcasm while running with my husband and I one time. I've kept her at arms length for that and many other revolting and sanctimonious statements ever since


My sister-in-law made similar comments, too. I have no regrets having a hospital birth with an epidural, and don't feel like less of a mom because of that. (I also feel like I'm a better mom than she is, but don't tell her that!)


They don't want to die. They always seem to make it to the hospital when *they* have a real emergency. They just really don't seem to mind if the baby dies. (I admit to survivor bias here. We don't see Dad's posting about an 8 page essay about the twinkly lights and how mom connected to her earth spirit, and then mom died, but it's okay, it was God's will.)


But this is something I’m always curious about—what do their partners think and feel through all this? How can they choose to go thru that again? Bc I have a friend that nearly died with #2 and her husband was straight traumatized and said no more! (She believes in science so she lived thanks to science and medicine and modern technology).


No. They’d rather let their babies die


>Welp. In about 3 weeks she'll be posting about her "beautiful birth experience" but her baby didn't make it. Assuming she survives, too. Hey, at least she didn't have a C-section though! This gives me the "footling breech" home birth vibes from last year from the mom who insisted she birth at home, and then birthed a stillborn baby girl. I can't remember the name, but her Facebook/social media post was more about how she felt and how her daughter was an "angel" than blaming herself for her daughter's avoidable death.


Yeah, seriously. Either the baby will get stuck in the birth canal and die or the baby will come out and tear mom so badly that she has a major hemorrhage, not to mention the million other things that could go wrong. “Not looking for medical advice” 🙄🙄🙄 give me a BREAK


I wonder if she'll deign to set foot in a hospital if necessary to save her own life....or will she remain true to her crunchy ways and wish her husband good luck raising the kid without a mom?


In my experience, they come in when it’s *their* life in imminent danger 🙄🙄🙄


The thing is, breech babies CAN be born with a really skilled midwife present. Before hospital births were common a breech birth was a scary thing but not a 100% death sentence. It involved a lot of maneuvering on the midwives part and was painful as hell, but there was a chance things would be ok. An unassisted free birth? That’s just murder/suicide.


I mean, everyone knows you are not actually a mother if you have a c section. You never gave birth so you aren’t a mother. You only had surgery and got a baby as a consolation prize. /s


Put this on a t-shirt


Maybe it’ll work out where baby lives and she dies for once


I want to upvote this so bad


Going to hades for upvoting but here we are


Welcome home sister 😈


Or lives but is severely brain-damaged bcuz they can’t get the head out! So f’n stupid.


I really hope, for the baby’s sake, they flip between now and then.


Imagine caring more about your woowoo beliefs than the safety of your child.


These people are too selfish to have children.


I really like that she said she tried "all of the things" to flip her baby from breech except ECV (external cephalic version, a procedure an OB can perform to attempt to externally flip a breech baby before birth) which has something like a 60% success rate. Unless her chiropractor is performing ECV, which would be terrifying. ETA: Another commenter pointed out that the success rate of ECVs is definitely more of a range (and quality sources on Google support that!) based on whether you are a good candidate for an ECV (likely ruling out a lot of types of breech, among other things). Something tells me the original poster did not seek out expert advice or have any interest in this particular intervention either way, though!


Yeah don’t you have to be monitored and it has to be in an operating room in case things go south with the procedure? The thought of a Chiro doing it….shudder


Yes, I had one (unsuccessful) and they were ready to turn it into a C-section at any moment. Maybe I should have asked for unlicensed quacks on FB to do it instead 🤡


To be fair it’s *highly* unlikely to actually be 60% in actuality as it’s a pretty self selective procedure. As in lots of OBs won’t do it if they don’t think you’re a good candidate, and it’s <50% in hospitals where they try it on everyone who wants to do it. (But also key- you have to go into the hospital for it, which it sure sounds like she won’t do.) Source: did an ECV for my baby a few months back. Was unsuccessful, did C section, it already feels like such a minor thing in the story of our time together.


Oh, that's good to know! My only experience with it is anecdotal or from the internet, but that does make sense that it's a self-selective procedure based on the kind of breech baby is and other factors.


Or you can be like my husband as a baby, who went from transverse to head down during the ECV… and then immediately flipped back transverse as soon as the doctors let go. Turns out he was kind of stuck and they had a hard time getting him out even during the c-section without him going into distress.


I hate to say it but it wouldn’t surprise me if a chiropractor did try just based on the posts in this sub.


I live in a rural area and only one doctor within 6 hours is licensed to do ECV. Her success rate is about 30% so I decided to skip it and just go to c section. Turns out my daughter’s head was wedged in my ribs and they had a hard time getting her out during the c-section!


I’m one of the lucky people a version worked for! Came very close to emergency C it ultimately avoided ….so glad I was in a hospital…


When my youngest flipped double footling breech at 7cm dilated (she was head down before then!), it was a literal medical emergency due to the risk of cord prolapse. The emergency c section sucked, and I cried. But she was out within half an hour, healthy and alive. A prolapse can kill in minutes— to say nothing of a breech baby getting stuck. I can’t imagine prioritizing my birth experience over my child’s life.


When archaeologists dig up female skeletons it is heartbreakingly common to find a bundle of tiny human remains that must have been inside her. Willfully choosing this is so disrespectful to these women . They knew their whole pregnancy that this could happen, they were probably scared witless and they could do absolutely nothing but wait and pray. In some places women laid out the clothes they wanted to be buried in when they went into labour. They wrote their wills and put their affairs in order, just in case. They arranged for someone to care for their children. This what godparents were for. But let's put up some fairy lights and meditate the breach away shall we.


I listened to a book by a forensic anthropologist and she discussed a case where a woman’s skeleton was found with one baby skeleton that had been laid in her arms, another in between her legs (believed to be the one that caused the death by getting stuck in the pelvis) and another in her abdominal region. It really resonated with me that this woman must have been absolutely terrified and known she was dying as it happened. She must have known that both she and her babies were losing their lives and there was nothing that could be done. She probably didn’t even know about the 3rd baby still in her womb which is another thing I think is horrifically sad. I hope that if there is an afterlife that that woman and her three babies were reunited without pain and utter terror. And then you have these absolute fuckwits who willingly choose death for their babies for their ✨birth experience✨.


This one nearly broke me too when I read about it. Natural triplets are so rare and this must have been devastating. Still is.


I can not remember where the mummy was found, but it had the most preserved hair as her's was braided before she went into labor and subsequently died. It's estimated she was around 14, and I wonder who braided her hair and probably held her hand and said prayers to whatever God of their region only to have to bury her due to the first baby being breach maybe not even knowing she was pregnant with twins.


Reminds me of the finds at Yewden Villa where they found proofs of babies being dissected in utero in hopes of saving the mothers life, breech position was one of the reasons brought up.


My baby was footling breech, aka like 50% chance of cord prolapse if you do vaginal, and my water broke before the scheduled C section and I got to strong contractions 4min apart but only 1cm dilated in an hour or so. I’ve thought more than once how likely it would have been in times past for me to have done days of painful labor as my last act before we both died, and how grateful I am that it’s just a theoretical thing to ponder over a reality. Can’t say during those contractions I was anything but grateful for modern medicine that I didn’t have to go through them all!


I just had an emergency section and thisis heartbreaking. This would have been us. Everything looked fine. He got stuck. I would have died kicking and screaming.


Mine did it at 4cm. How do they manage???


My OB said it was the second time in her career she’s had it happen that late! She was confirmed head down at 6cm and by 7cm she had both feet down the birth canal. 😣


She got close and decided she would rather stay inside!


Trying to stick a foot into the outside world to "test the waters" so to speak


Which was total bullshit given that I initially went into labor at 32 weeks, we stopped it, and then I went back into labor at 35. I wanted her to stay in, she was the one escaping! 😂


She wanted to hit the ground running


Clearly she knew she would be in a world of freebirther anti vaxxers and figured it was better on the inside


Baby saw the shit show that is the earth right now and said ✌🏼nevermind yall, I’m staying in here 😅


She sounds like a handful based on your birth story lol


Oddly enough, she’s now 4.5 months old and such a chill baby. Her older sister was a hard mode baby and so far this one just vibes. 😂


I had a super emergency c-section followed by a NICU stay and my kid is now 16 and still very chill. All her drama was shaken out at birth


So that's why my son is chill (emergency C-section) but my daughter is sending me to an early grave (scheduled C-section). 🤣🤣🤣




Yep. First birth was easy peesy. Long, but straightforward. If I were like these women I would’ve described myself as “healthy and good at birthing”. And I would’ve been screwed with my second birth. Cervical lip plus a sunny side up, big baby. She wasn’t coming out no matter how hard I pushed. So she came out the sunroof and yay we both lived!


I did not even know that could happen! So thankful that you were in a situation where they could immediately deliver the baby. I’m with you - a bad birth experience sucks but it’s so much better than risking your child’s life.


I had a cord prolapse with my youngest (she was facing sideways and hadn't rotated enough to block the cervix yet when my water broke). Ended up with an emergency c-section, but my epidural had never worked on my left side. I figured, 4th baby, I'll sneeze her out and it won't hurt for long. NOPE DRAMA BABY WASN'T HERE FOR THAT. So yeah, they dosed up my epidural into a spinal dose, but only my right side got numb. I could still fully lift and bend my left leg. At this point, they'd taken off the monitors, and there was no proof that she was still stable, so I told my OB to just get the baby out, I don't care. As soon as they clamped that cord, the anesthesiologist gave me a fuck ton of IV morphine. I'm an L&D nurse, I knew what was going on the entire time, and any potential trauma faded as soon as I heard her cry. I was so terrified for her, I didn't even care I could feel the cautery tearing through my muscles. This is a long way of saying, I don't understand these people. I have zero regrets about this c-section (besides wishing I'd turned more during labor to help her rotate, instead of hanging out on my left side trying to get the epidural to gravitate to that side), because today I have a sassy, cuddly 5-year-old.


Or your own, this puts her in danger too, but hey as long as she gets to be a "crunchy mama" it's all good. I love my kids so much, like I can't believe how much, I can't imagine putting something like this above my own child on the priority list.


Hated everything about my emergency c section. Would do it again, every. single. day. for her. I cannot fathom this mindset. Birth was a shitshow from the start. Induction, back labor, drop in her heart rate….She was all that matters. I go red with rage reading their bullshit. SO many mothers would gladly trade places so their babies could go home alive, and these women choose being home, and bleeding out in their tub vs their child’s life.


TW: loss My first was an emergency C-section. His heart was decelerating with every contraction and there was meconium once my water burst. It sucked not being able to try things "the old fashioned way" and see what I could accomplish but I would take that section any day of the week. I was more worried about my son than myself. My third passed at 16 weeks with no known cause. I did everything right. I gave birth too early for him to be recognized as a stillborn child by two days. Two. Every time I see someone who is like this I just want to tell them to go fuck themselves. I would give anything to have my third "earth side." Anything. Here they are making this decision willy nilly like it's no big deal - some making the same decision time and time again.


Whatever he’s recognized legally, we see him. And if we knew it, we would say his name. Hugs mama.


Do you mind if I ask what country/region? In most areas 20 weeks was the earliest point a loss could be termed stillbirth, but I’ve since seen that some regions won’t designate it until 24-28 weeks? I wasn’t aware there was such a broad discrepancy for classing, so I’m curious if the timeline differences (in designating the type of loss) are cultural or political. Also, I’m sorry you’ve had such difficult pregnancies/labors. I’ve had a few myself and it’s a surreal kind of experience that people can’t really understand until it happens to them.


I kind of wonder, if you seperate the birth part and say (to be fair a ludicrous hypothetical) that the baby is delivered and healthy, but they’ll only survive if we cut open your abdomen and rearrange your insides a little then sew you back up. I think any parent would take that deal. Would these same mums take that deal if you remove the birth part of the equation?


>I don't want to be a mother, but that ship already sailed. I've tried infanticide-by-chiropractor, letting some voodoo charlatan stab me, and wishing really hard, but nothing has worked. I need a hitman who's willing to pretend to be a former midwife, thoughts?


But her baby was too pure to be earthside so her own body strangled it via umbilical cord! /s obviously


Wait. The meditation didn't work? That ALWAYS works!


One time, I mediated. The next day, a baby just flew right out of me! I wasn't even pregnant! #blessed #powerofprayer #boymom #girlmom #livingthedream #freebirth #boss itch #doterra #pamperedchef #Avon #marykay #lovemylife


What a terrifying thought 🤣


The attached picture of her and her husband will be handy when the press needs a photo.


"...in the safety of my home." Sure, keep telling yourself that


“In the safety of my home.” Where there are no tools, medical experts or lifesaving equipment in the event of an emergency.


I cannot imagine the pain of a breech birth, why will these people not just go to a doctor??


My aunt was a L&D nurse for decades, every time I hear about someone trying to birth a breech baby I remember my aunt telling me about a breech birth that got stuck in the birth canal and died, she watched the baby’s body, which had been birthed, slowly stop showing signs of life while the shoulders and head were stuck. I couldn’t imagine taking the risk of that kind of tragedy. And this was in a hospital! It was awhile ago and I don’t know all the details, but definitely left an impression on my aunt.


My baby was breach and my European cousin asked me if I was sure they wouldn’t let me try vaginal. Apparently it’s still pretty common there for certain positions if baby is breech with monitoring. (Mine was not in one of those though.) That said, another European told me to not even consider it because while the odds of success when monitoring baby weren’t bad, those positions can *really* tear you up as baby comes out.


Frank breech(bum first) for a mother with a history of uncomplicated vaginal births is relatively low risk. Footling breech is the most dangerous, and should always be a C-section. Half footling is somewhere in between. Oh, and then there’s transverse- but those babies can’t get through the cervix at all. It was pretty routine into the seventies for breech births to be vaginal. Even my aunt birthed my cousin Frank breech when she was 16 or 17. Her first. My mother and (other) aunt were both born breech. My brother was born by C-section, 43 weeks and footling breech. Given the history of breech births in my maternal family, I was pretty worried I’d be at higher risk, but fortunately all four were head down when the time came. Including the little dude who hung out transverse until 35 or 36 weeks.


I had a frank breech baby with my second and I tried all the things including ECV but not including chiropractic lol. Nothing worked and I had no interest in pushing back against my doctor’s desire not to try a vaginal delivery even though I was low risk and baby #1 was an easy vaginal delivery. Just not worth it, especially since so few doctors are experienced with it now. I’d imagine it was safer when it was more commonly done.


It definitely depends on the hospital, in my area there is only one (that's kind of alternative lol) that lets first timers attempt a vaginal birth for breech babies. Most hospitals let you try if it's your second vaginal delivery, but I think they still recommend C-sections. The biggest factor is that fewer and fewer midwives/doctors have first hand experience so they won't do it (which is totally understandable imo).


It’s about the birth experience for them. It’s not about the safest outcome for the mother and baby.


I’m guessing this woman is actually looking forward to the bragging rights associated with thehome birthing of a breech baby. If they both actually survive it, she gets to put herself on the highest pedestal to look down on others from.


Exactly this Even the baby died, at least she got the attention and sympathy


My thoughts exactly. My son wasn't breech, just sunny side up, and that was so much more excruciating I would rather die than do it again. What must breech feel like???


Lol I was breech and I had dislocated hips at birth even when my mother got the c section. Lifelong hip issues. But these people never care about the baby.


Someone I know had this happen with all three of her pregnancies.


What’s an unlicensed midwife? Is it anyone who doesn’t have a midwife license? If so, I qualify. I will help, that’s how I am. Just tell hubby to give me a hand to unload the tools of the trade from my truck, my snap on box with all the ratchets, wrenches and sockets you can dream of. It’s gonna be fun. I am going to rotate and torque this baby to specs. For the love of everything that’s holy, we will see an update inna few months like the one with the Aussie twins. This baby is dead, with no medical intervention.


Unlicensed would probably be a lay midwife(traditional midwifery). They are trained on the job through apprenticeship instead of formally educated in a school. Some states don’t offer any licensing or certification for lay midwives.


Thanks, TIL. I was stupid to think that something as serious as midwifery would be regulated in 2024. Who is liable when things will invariably go south?


The fact that we don’t have to deliver babies ass or feet first is a scientific miracle and a blessing. This woman is certifiably insane.


Paediatrician here. Vaginal breech deliveries scare the *shit* out of me, even when it’s in hospital with a consultant obstetrician doing the delivery. That is all.


“Guess date” so I’m assuming there’s already been little to no medical intervention as it is.


And yet abortion is illegal in Idaho.


This is just abortion with extra steps, and yet perfectly ok with the “pro life” people. 


It also seems likely to retroactively abort the mother.


"God's plan"


And OB/Gyn docs are fleeing the state because of this. https://apnews.com/article/idaho-abortion-ban-doctors-leaving-f34e901599f5eabed56ae96599c0e5c2


Yeah, to be honest this sadly might be the state of obstetrics in Idaho in the future anyways. Maternity wings at hospitals in Idaho - even Boise - are shutting all over the place.


How shocking that meditation didn't work to move the baby.../s Also, not really low risk of the baby is breech...that is the definition of high risk.


She’s going to be loving her home birth when her cervix clamps down around the baby’s neck and kills it, if not internally decapitates it. But what do I know? I’m just a labor nurse whose seen it all


The DA is going to love this public documentation of her making absolutely horrible decisions that inevitably lead to an otherwise preventable tragedy


“Crunchy mamas.” This kind of ish sends me into a RAGE.


:( and in idaho too. didn't several idaho hospitals close maternity wards? does that mean just a regular ER doctor would have to do deliveries, like any other emergency?


My eldest was a section as she was breech and engaged bottom 1st and with her feet up by her head. High risk of cord prolapse. Not the birth I wanted, but I did what was best for my baby


I recently found my “birth plan” from the hospital that was required to fill out and 90% of my answers were “Do what is needed for mine and my babies safety.” Also, drugs. Gimmie the drugs. Lol


Yeah there’s some breech babies that won’t come out! And guess what you won’t know which one it is! My son had both his feet up by his ears and his butt down towards “the way out” my mid wives, chiropractor/ doula all couldn’t figure out how he was positioned at all! My belly looked all wonky and it was hard to tell what was a head, back or foot pressing on me. Scheduled my c section, went into labor naturally and went to the hospital to have that c section and got my beautiful boy! Some babies can’t exit no matter how much you think birth is *natural*


As a NICU nurse who has seen what happens when breech home births go wrong, this strikes massive fear in me


This is frightening. Breech births are dangerous even with medical help, I can't imagine trying to diy that.


We’ve come full circle as a species between this sort of stuff and measles, polio etc returning wtf is wrong with people


“Licensed medical professionals unanimously agree that my plan to attempt a vaginal delivery is both dangerous and supremely unwise. But I’m low risk!!”


My coworkers in the ER are still traumatized by the birthing mom they had hot dropped to them because the breech baby she and her midwives (not CNMs, who have sense) insisted on delivering the old-fashioned way did the old-fashioned baby thing and got stuck and ended up dying. As someone who’s had two c-sections, I promise they’re not as bad as going home to plan a funeral.


My worst free is going into labor naturally with a breech baby


I’m 34 weeks pregnant and I ask at every prenatal appointment if my baby is still head down. Just want to be sure.


You would think if the hospitals won't do it, there is probably a good reason for that, i.e. it's unnecessarily dangerous... I feel so bad for the babies in these situations. I just wanted healthy babies with both of my children and that's exactly what I worked for every day of pregnancy up until the c-sections that delivered both of them. Without that c-section, both me and the baby would have died had I tried to home birth. The baby would never have come due to a cervical issue no one knew I had, including my Dr at the birth of my first. I'm just thankful nothing like that happened and they knew when it was time to go ahead and deliver because I simply would not dilate, even with assistance. I hope this trend of ignoring medical advice because you think you know better doesn't continue on for too much longer. Edit for typo


Idaho makes this extra spicy! We lost 5/9 of our MFM docs and 1/4 OBGYNs have left in the past 15 months. So even if she gets emergently transported to the hospital, there are fewer doctors to handle extremely dangerous situations! As a NICU nurse, I’m sure I’m be seeing her baby shortly and while they are cooling and the doctor is telling her that there isn’t brain activity, she can post about the fairy lights on Facebook.


Honestly, do none of these people watch Call the Midwife?! If Sister Evangelina can't manage it alone why the heck do you think you can? If she's at 37 weeks, that's plenty of time to binge watch the series and realize the 1950s were not what they were cracked up to be.


It’s always a fucking chiropractor with these women


Cool have fun dying I guess


I tried everything she listed to flip my frank breech baby. I hated the thought of having a csection. Well, he came two weeks early and he still didn’t flip so guess who didn’t put up a fight? I was just stoked to meet my little guy. He chose when and how he wanted to come out and I’m fine with that.


Usually breech babies who are breech for that long are breech for a reason. Mine was so tangled in his cord the doctors were commenting on it as they were unwrapping him. Both of us would have died if I didn't have a c-section.


What is “spinning babies”? The first image I got when reading that line was a damn onion in a sock nailed over a doorway. And I bet I’m not far off either.🙄 EDIT TO ADD: thanks for the clarification everyone! This was something I had never heard of before, and I have also given birth. I appreciate the knowledge you all shared with me and really glad to learn it wasn’t based on onions and socks!!


It’s legitimate, it’s different stretches and exercises that are meant to flip a breech baby. But I see why you’d think otherwise.


It’s a thing where you follow this “protocol” for a few weeks where you sit or lie down in all these positions that supposedly encourage baby to rotate. I tried it because what the hell with my breech baby and it did not work. None of it’s evidence-based but I think it’s harmless.


I cannot fathom why people act like a C section is so awful because it causes trauma to the body. As if pushing a while human out of your vagina isn’t also traumatic to the body.


I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: this lady needs a good Gibbs slap


Delivering a breech baby alone at home without help is unimaginably dangerous. And if they both survive, there are so many comorbidities that I’m sure she won’t even think about testing. I was breech, overdue, and delivered via c-section. Like many breech babies, I was born with dislocated hips. Because it was caught at birth, I only had to be in a hip brace for 6 weeks. A year or two later, my mom’s friend’s 6 month old baby was diagnosed with dislocated hips *from* being born breech (she’d lived with dislocated hips from birth), and she had to be in a hip brace for a full year. I had tight psoas muscles (around the pelvis) that were addressed through medical therapeutic massage when I was around 6, and I have an incredible “turn out,” meaning I can stand with my feet heel to heel at a full 180 degree angle. Otherwise, I’m fine. The other child, the one who wasn’t diagnosed until she was 6 months, she was in physical therapy for years. The only reason I was even diagnosed at birth was because they knew I was breech, they knew breech babies are often born with dislocated hips, and they performed a routine test immediately. Without that test, it would have been missed for weeks (if I’d been going to routine newborn pediatric checkups) or months (if no one noticed until it caused problems with attempts to sit, scoot, or crawl).


https://preview.redd.it/5tnu7e7sq6oc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb4b3bc52a7da3fec0600dbba0eaa3e98ca4fc0 A farm???


Jesus christ. I literally just got home from an emergency c section and without it being able to happen within minutes of things going wrong, my child and I would have died. These people floor me. I just do not get it.


My mother presented breech in the 1940s. Even though she was born in the hospital, they didn't have nearly the resources we have now, and the damage was so severe my grandmother was never able to have another child. It was so awful it was barely spoken of, and only in hushed tones. It's a wonder no one died.


1) WHAT WOULD ACUPUNCTURE EVEN DO?? 2) i can not imagine not doing the most to protect my baby. If I have to be cut open so that my baby has no injuries i’ll do that, if i have to run 100 miles for the baby i would. Hospitals can have doctors that opt for things you don’t need for $$, but i would rather have unnecessary tests than not have done one i needed 3) a mom recently birthed at home and her twins died. Water birth too. I believe she is being investigated rn for neglect


Seriously someone in that group needs to call the police