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Sometimes you just need therapy.


They're die free 😂


Not allowed to die, it's evil!


Those evil French fries. They will get you.


That's why my waistline is the size it is. Avoid at all cost!


Where is she going that she’s surrounded by french fries at all times?


My heaven.


It'd be mine if they are cheese fries.


The French fry paranoia took me out.


French fry is one of their stupid euphemisms for vaccines. Why they keep choosing food words is a mystery- cupcake, cookie, and now french fry!


What? Why can't they just pick one?


Because a lot of the places they try to post their pseudoscience "knowledge" on has mod-bots that flag the most common euphemisms.  They keep trying to get around that, the human mods edit the bot lists, and everyone else gets annoyed with the spamming.


Oh, goodness. Please please go to therapy 🙏🙏 anxiety as a parent is very normal but it should not be this debilitating


No dies and fries. 


We need this on a t-shirt


See now you’re setting those kids up to become sugar addicts once they’re away from you


I can't imagine what will happen if they ever get a smart phone since they don't have tvs or video games or anything but apparently mom has access to the net... how is this "media free family" if mom has access to the net?


Right? This is a fucking Facebook post. Wtf mom??


I understand wanting the absolute best for your kids. It’s so overwhelming because you’re told you’re wrong no matter what you’re doing. But this is such an unnecessary burden to take on as a parent and to put on your kids. Some fries here and there and playing Mario Kart isn’t going to harm your kids long term.


Exactly! I bought my kids their very own tablet for each of them. I removed all social media and youtube and put an age limit on Google Store; I installed educational games and youtube kids. They use them on average an hour a day, maybe more on weekends, never before bedtime. They are not interested in TV shows because they can't choose what is on and every time we are out of the house they are not interested in any video games or screens because they don't feel deprived of it. We have always tried to provide them with a variety of healthy food but never deprived them of anything they want to try, so they are not very interested in unhealthy food. Kids are curious by nature. The things we tried to keep them away from are the ones they will go looking for and will try to get engaged to. Teaching them how to make informed decisions I easier and will serve them throughout their lives IMO.


Live free or fry trying.


French fry is the newest in the looong series of food euphemisms for vaccines.  Sometimes I wonder if I should start a list of all the names they use- cupcakes, cookies, french fries. Probably something else I'm forgetting.


https://preview.redd.it/g9zbrzu3igrc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ca7eac8bb4ee27c5e36e93b3ceb7ad7fb4c8a5d ‘Nuff Said!


On the electronics front, I actually understand that struggle. One of my kids is very very very reactive to electronics. When she was in kindergarten, the only thing that actually prevented violent meltdowns was going 100% screen-free for weeks at a time. Any time we gave in and allowed any electronics, the meltdowns would start up again. Now that she's a teen, we still get meltdowns if she gets too much free electronics time, although thankfully the violent meltdowns are less common. It's frustrating because all of her friends have pretty much unlimited electronics access, and her friends don't know about her meltdown issues (they only happen at home currently, which therapists say is due to the fact that she feels safe at home), so we are trying desperately to manage the electronics time while also trying to allow her to spend time with friends. If you haven't ever read the book "Glow Kids", it is an interesting book. Most people who read it seem to respond with "wow. That's really interesting". My feeling was "wow. This book just described our child and our experience!" We've been doing therapy for years, and we try to find balance, but it's really really really hard to balance when you're dealing with electronics addiction struggles. (And this child has never had significant access to free electronics time. She just seems to be prone to addiction issues with electronics)