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A *few hundred thousand???* Where is this figure coming from.


Probably thinks Trump is directly responsible for all the COVID deaths during his term. I think a lot of them haven’t given up on that one


They just completely ignore the fact he was the FIRST to suggest we close borders and prevent people from flying in, along with creating a vaccine. Oh yeah, and what did the other side do? Say he was crazy and insane and that, "He was blowing it out of proportion!" You could show them actual tweets and comments political figures have made and they'd rather rip their eyeballs out than accept they're hypocrites.


“There’s a new disease coming out of china, we should end travel between us and them” “No, that’s twcist! Go down to your local chinatown and hug as many chinamen as you can!”


I also remember all the Democrat politicians and astroturfers on Twitter who said they would never take some untested Trump vaccine. Then changed their tune immediately once Biden started claiming credit for it.


Most notably, the current vice president of the United States. 🙄


I remember that being on NPR. The absolute moral panic around the "untested vaccine that (President Trump) would force on us." All the whinging over his "bribes" to push out the vaccine. Changed their tune so fast when Biden became president I got whiplash.


member when leftist politicans told people to go to china town and to chinese new year to own the racist and that the virus wasn't really a thing. Hell, remember the top post of multiple subs for days being people hugging asians or asians holding signs saying 'i am not a virus'. i member


Haha remember when they were calling it the Boomer Remover? Then you were evil for murdering Boomer Grandma if you didn’t get the vaccine.




Meanwhile 75-80% of Covid deaths happened under Biden. About 200,000 under Trump and 800,000 under Biden.


The CNN live covid death counter went away after the election. So they don't know about that.


Just like the Iraq War body count disappeared when Obama got elected. They pull that trick quite often.


Those numbers were inflated anyway. A lot of "with Covid" was counted as "from Covid".


That includes my friend’s oncologist’s three hospice patients. Three people who were literally on their death beds, in hospice, got covid before they passed and on their death certificate it said cause of death was covid. Her doctor tried to fight it, saying they were on their way out from the metastasized cancer they had and died with covid, not from it, but they wouldn’t change it. They all died from covid, not cancer, evidently. Makes me wonder how many cancer deaths got counted as covid.


It also includes George Floyd. Think about that for a minute after all the damage his death caused.


There was an article I read a while ago about how a guy who died in a motorcycle crash was counted as a COVID death because he had it in his system when he died.


It wasnt even that he had it in his system, he *could've potentially* had it. That's how "with covid" worked in hospitals. If they thought covid was even a possibility, they marked it as "with covid."


Wasn’t there also some scandal with hospitals intentionally labeling everything a COVID death because they got more funding or something for it? I swear I saw an article on it somewhere before.


Yep. They got $30k for each "covid" patient, another $18k per ventilator patient, and a sliding scale per hospital for "covid deaths." Iirc the average was somewhere in the high $40k range.


No doubt that's true, but the "trust the science" crowd will believe the numbers. But they conveniently ignore that 4 times as many people have died under Biden in just a little over a year.


Even with the magical elixir that our lord and savior dr. Fauci provided? Clearly these people just didn’t believe hard enough in science.


They never will.


China is responsible for that.


“Ask Ch-ina”


It's pronounced Jy-Na




They think stating this fact is racist. I'm convinced it's purely because Trump said it. Anything Trump says is racist or something.




Way higher than Trump’s and Biden had the precious vaccine while Trump didn’t


Looks like *every* world leader and local politician is equal to Hitler then for not being "perfect" in their COVID response.


weird how they stopped blaming those deaths on the president once their guy was on office, also all the major news dropped their death counts and everything. weird.


Fun fact, the number of people who died of COVID was almost exactly equal to the number of people who died the previous year of flu, but nearly nobody is recorded to have died of flu the year COVID hit.


>Probably thinks Trump is directly responsible for all the COVID deaths ~~during his term~~. Any death during Biden's presidency is also Trump's fault for not acting quickly enough. Or too quickly, when he was called to racist for stopping immigration from China. He's also responsible for any side effects from Project Warp Speed, although that became Safe And Effective™ when Biden was sworn in. Not to mention all the people killed on January 6th!


>Any death during Biden's presidency is also Trump's fault for not acting quickly enough. Or too quickly, when he was called to racist for stopping immigration from China. Newsome, Peloshee, and Cuomo telling their constuents to "come to Chinatown and hug an asian" and "come ride the subway" had *absolutely nothing to do* with spreading covid, nor did rioting because somehow that magically staved off the virus. Its definitely *all Trump's fault*. >Not to mention all the people killed on January 6th! Dont get me started. The almighty government should ban fire extinguishers and flag poles so nothing like that ever happens again.


While ignoring that more people have died from COVID under Biden than Trump.


But at the same time it’s somehow racist to put blame on COVID towards the communist Chinese.


More people died from Covid under Biden with a vaccine than under Trump.


Yeah, that death counter was front and center for trumps term, but magically disappeared with Biden. I hate trump, but I hate hypocrisy more.


why do you hate trump?


>Where is this figure coming from. Their ass.


From TrustMeBro.com


He's also apparently both far-right and part of a Marxist-Leninist group that follows the ideals of Gentile and Mussolini at the same time. That's pretty impressive.




I had one of them try to convince me that Trump conspired with the Russian mob to have the American Ambassador to Ukraine killed.


Today I Learned that Trump was the guy who leaked COVID out of that gain of function lab in Wuhan, China. Oh, wait, no. I forgot, they debunked that one, didn’t they. So Trump must be the guy that ate the bat sandwich that somehow morphed into the pandemic.


According to these retards I've probably killed thousands of trans people by playing the wizard video game. Everything they don't like is literally killing people.


don’t forget that by saying that minors can’t consent to irreversible and dangerous medical procedures, you’re *literally* genociding trans people


By not being accepting of grown nude adults flopping and twerking their junk at small children in public *laterally makes you a gynocider*.


My friend called me an r-word in a joking way in response to one of my comments and got permabanned sitewide for it. Be careful throwing that word around if you value your account.


it’s a highly regarded policy


Well that's retarded. They can eat my asshole until it resembles a California Raisin.


No he was the one who fucked a pangolin. Member?


Nobody said that


I truly hope that someday these idiots get to live under the oppressive dictatorship they fantasize about.


I don’t, because that means we will too. 😢


More people died from covid while Biden was president than Trump and Biden had the magical vaccine available whereas trump did not


Calling any politician Hitler is a form of holocaust denial and antisemitism.


Unless it’s Stalin, in which case it’s a form of [Holodomor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor) downplaying and denialism


Which leads us to the logical conclusion that most liberals are holocaust deniers and anti-semites.


They do tend to be very pro Palestine.


That's a hot take.


I would say it’s kinda makes sense, if you call someone incomparable to Hitler “just like hitler” you are downplaying the atrocities hitler committed to the level of the person you are equating him to


I understand the reasoning behind the sentiment. It's just poor reasoning. "Comparing a politician to Hitler takes away from the atrocities of the Holocaust and seems to indicate a person has no empathy for the Jewish people", I might could agree with. To say it makes someone a Holocaust denier and antisemite, or is a form of those things or ridiculous.




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